294409526 | amigable | friendly | |
294409527 | callado | quiet | |
294409528 | chauvanista | chauvanist | |
294409529 | confiable | trustworthy | |
294409530 | de buen temperamento | even-tempered | |
294409531 | despreocupado | carefree | |
294409532 | fanático | bigot | |
294409533 | gracioso | funny | |
294409534 | malgeniado | ill-tempered | |
294409535 | socarrón | sly | |
294409536 | tonto | silly | |
294409537 | variable | moody | |
294409538 | cojo | one-legged | |
294409539 | manco | one-armed | |
294409540 | soltero | bachelor | |
294409541 | viudo | widower | |
294409542 | aguantar | to tolerate | |
294409543 | cobarde | coward | |
294409544 | necio | fool | |
294409545 | soportar | to tolerate, to stand | |
294409546 | comportarse | to behave | |
294409547 | soler | to be accustomed to | |
294409548 | agotado | worn out | |
294409549 | ajeno | foreign, distant | |
294409550 | amargo | bitter | |
294409551 | angustiado | anxious | |
294409552 | aplicado | hard working | |
294409553 | avariento | miserly | |
294409554 | bondadoso | gracious, generous | |
294409555 | codiciado | envious | |
294409556 | confiado | confident, trusty | |
294409557 | descuidado | sloppy | |
294409558 | dichoso | happy | |
294409559 | dotado | talented | |
294409560 | ensimismado | self-absorbed | |
294409561 | fiel | faithful | |
294409562 | incansable | tireless | |
294409563 | furtivo | sneaky | |
294409564 | indeleble | permanent | |
294409565 | indiscreto | unwise | |
294409566 | inocuo | harmless | |
294409567 | inquieto | worried, anxious | |
294409568 | manso | gentle, kind | |
294409569 | mezquino | mean, stingy | |
294409570 | nocivo | harmful | |
294409571 | ostentoso | ostentatious | |
294409572 | redidio | worn out, done in | |
294409573 | sobresaliente | outstanding | |
294409574 | sospechoso | suspicious | |
294409575 | tacaño | stingy | |
294409576 | zurdo | left-handed | |
294409577 | huerta | large vegetable garden | |
294409578 | la incertidumbre | uncertainty | |
294409579 | radicado | located | |
294409580 | apenas | hardly | |
294409581 | una patrulla de frontera | border patrol | |
294409582 | la paradoja | paradox | |
294409583 | ante | in the face of | |
294409584 | tener en cuenta | to take into acount | |
294409585 | recurrir | to resort | |
294409586 | inmutarse | to hesitate | |
294409587 | un lujo | luxury | |
294409588 | estar a salvo | to be safe | |
294409632 | el acudiente | guardian | |
294409633 | el antepasado | ancestor | |
294409634 | padrastro | step father | |
294409635 | yerno | son in law | |
294409636 | bisabuelo | great grandpa | |
294409637 | cuñado | brother in law | |
294409638 | esposo | spouse | |
294409639 | gemelo | twin | |
294409640 | hermanastro | step brother | |
294409641 | mellizo | twin | |
294409642 | nieto | grandson | |
294409643 | primo hermano | first cousin | |
294409644 | sobrino | nephew | |
294409645 | madrastra | step mother | |
294409646 | nuera | daughter in law | |
294409647 | parientes | relatives | |
294409648 | patria | birth place | |
294409649 | suegro | father in law | |
294409650 | estar de acuerdo | to agree | |
294409651 | abrazar | to hug | |
294409652 | agradecerle a alguien | to thank someone | |
294409653 | amar a | to love | |
294409654 | apoyar | to support | |
294409655 | besar | to kiss | |
294409656 | casarse con | to marry | |
294409657 | ceder | to hand over/give up | |
294409658 | criar a | to raise | |
294409659 | el acuerdo prenupcial | prenupital agreement | |
294409660 | ingreso | salary | |
294409661 | matrimonio | marriage | |
294409662 | amante | lover | |
294409663 | compañero de cuarto | roommate | |
294409664 | novio/pololo | boyfriend | |
294409665 | prometido | fiance | |
294409666 | independizarse | to grant independence | |
294409667 | mascota | pet | |
294409668 | unión libre | cohabitation | |
294409669 | lamentar | to regret | |
294409670 | parecerse a | to resemble | |
294409671 | llevarse bien | to behave well | |
294409672 | mantener a (economicamente) | to support (economically) | |
294409673 | mimar a | spoil | |
294409674 | mudarse de un lugar | move from a place | |
294409675 | respetar los lazos familiares | honor family ties | |
294409676 | salir juntos | to date | |
294409677 | superar | to overcome | |
294409678 | trasladar | to move | |
294409679 | fregar los platos | wash the plates | |
294409680 | mudarse | move (houses) | |
294409681 | planchar la ropa | iron the clothes | |
294409682 | enojarse | to get angry | |
294409683 | gritar | to yell | |
294409684 | la falta de honradez | lack of honor | |
294409685 | las enfermedades | STDs | |
294409686 | odiar | to hate | |
294409687 | quejarse | to complain | |
294409688 | regañarle | to scold | |
294409689 | compremetido | commited | |
294409690 | divorciado | divorced | |
294409691 | bien educado | well mannered | |
294409692 | exigente | demanding | |
294409693 | honrado | honest | |
294409694 | insoportable | unbearable | |
294409695 | mal educado | rude | |
294409696 | mandón | bossy | |
294409697 | rebelde | rebellious | |
294409698 | sumiso | submissive | |
294409699 | unido | united | |
294409700 | la juventud | youth | |
294409701 | la madurez | maturity | |
294409702 | la muerte | death | |
294409703 | la vejez | old age | |
294409704 | el apodo | nickname | |
294409705 | la ascendencia | ancestry | |
294409706 | la autoestima | self esteem | |
294409707 | la comprensión | understanding | |
294409708 | el género | gender | |
294409709 | el prejuicio | prejudice | |
294409710 | la raiz | orgin(root) | |
294409711 | heredar | inherit | |
294409712 | la jerga | slang | |
294409713 | el cura | priest | |
294409714 | recibirle a alguien | to greet someone | |
294409715 | un huevón | jerk | |
294409716 | infante | little kid | |
294409717 | burlarse de | to mock | |
294409718 | el matón | bully | |
294409719 | demorar | to delay | |
294409720 | hacer una diligencia | to do an errand | |
294409721 | colmarle de besos a alguien | to cover in kisses | |
294409722 | gordito | honey | |
294409723 | chancha | filthy | |
294409724 | ponerse de guatón | to be a fatty | |
294409725 | buenmozo | handsome | |
294409726 | los de la polera negra | communists | |
294409727 | la orina | urine | |
294409728 | tirarse | jump into | |
294409729 | ahogarse | choke | |
294409730 | llanero soltero | lone ranger | |
294409731 | picarle un bicho | to be stung by a bug (whats up with you) | |
294409732 | acosarle a alguien | to harass someone | |
294409733 | agarrar | to grab | |
294409734 | terrón | clod of dirt | |
294409735 | cara de frutilla | strawberry face | |
294409736 | cajetilla | ||
294409737 | aprovechar | take advantage of | |
294409738 | plata | silver/money | |
294409739 | estar atrasado | to be slow | |
294409740 | dar igual | to be the same | |
294409741 | baúl | trunk | |
294409742 | banderitas | little flags | |
294409743 | camión | truck | |
294409744 | rebaja | discount | |
294409745 | crear | to create | |
294409746 | el poder | the power | |
294409747 | momio | right extreme | |
294409748 | sacarle la chucha | to fight | |
294409749 | roto | derogatory: poor person | |
294409750 | patudo | daring, cool, cheeky | |
294409751 | cabro | kid | |
294409752 | pituco | rich person, selfish | |
294409753 | de pillo | clever | |
294409754 | la upe | la unidad popular | |
294409755 | hacer trampa | to cheat | |
294409756 | quédese en su casa | make yourself at home | |
294409757 | pasarlo pésimo | to not have a good time | |
294409758 | lo que faltaba | (sarcastic) thats just what we need | |
294409759 | dale | go for it | |
294409760 | cochino | slob | |
294409761 | porfiado | stubborn | |
294409762 | tontear | fool around | |
294409763 | rucio | light hair | |
296326007 | sospecha | suspicion | |
296326008 | estar por... | about to... | |
296326009 | el vacío | emptiness | |
296326010 | fruncir | to pucker | |
296326011 | parlanchin | chatty | |
296326012 | abrumado | over-whelming | |
296326013 | acertar a inf. | to try to | |
296326014 | atreverse a | to dare to | |
296326015 | flaquear | to weaken | |
296326016 | fregar | to wash | |
296326017 | cenagoso | muddy | |
296326018 | acuclillarse | to squat | |
296326019 | los transeúntes | passer-bys | |
296326020 | el porvenir | the future | |
296326021 | un vistazo | quick look | |
296326022 | fugaz | fleeting | |
296326023 | choz | hut | |
296326024 | hojalata | tin | |
296326025 | partir | to split | |
296326026 | estrechar | to hold tightly | |
296326027 | un juego | a set | |
296326028 | quedar | to remain | |
296326029 | sellar | to seal, stamp | |
296326030 | burlar | to evade/outwit | |
296326031 | huir | to escape, flee | |
296326032 | abergar | to house temporarily | |
296326033 | emprender | to undertake | |
296326034 | panderilleros | gang members | |
296326035 | violaciones | rapes | |
296326036 | destrozar | to destroy | |
296326037 | trayectoria | way | |
296326038 | agacharse | to squat | |
296326039 | sorber | to drink | |
296326040 | charco | puddle | |
296326041 | acurrucarse | to curl up | |
296326042 | lecho | bed | |
296326043 | astucia | inteligence | |
296326044 | dato | information | |
296326045 | rostro | cara | |
296326046 | alquilar | to rent | |
296326047 | aumentar | to increase | |
296326048 | averiguar | to find out | |
296326049 | colocar | to put, place | |
296326050 | dejar | to leave | |
296326051 | durar | to last | |
296326052 | empujar | to push | |
296326053 | entregar | to turn in | |
296326054 | firmar | to sign | |
296326055 | gastar | to spend | |
296326056 | quitar | to take away | |
296326057 | trotar | to jog | |
296326058 | barrer | to sweep | |
296326059 | meter | to put in | |
296326060 | prender | to turn on | |
296326061 | toser | to cough | |
296326062 | quebrar | to break | |
296326063 | advertir | to warn | |
296326064 | caber | to fit | |
296326065 | conmover | to move (emotionally) | |
296326066 | envolver | to wrap | |
296326067 | helar | to freeze | |
296326068 | hervir | to boil | |
296326069 | mecer | to rock | |
296326070 | oler | to smell | |
296326071 | pertenecer | to belong | |
296326072 | recoger | to gather | |
296326073 | reñir | to quarrel | |
296326074 | vencer | to beat | |
296326075 | cocer | to cook | |
296326076 | fingir | to pretend | |
296326077 | perseguir | to persue | |
296326078 | conseguir | to get | |
296326079 | echar | to throw | |
296326080 | regresar | to come back | |
296326081 | tirar | to throw | |
296326082 | reponerse | to get well | |
296326083 | merecer | to deserve | |
296326084 | lucir | to shine | |
296326085 | acertar | to be on target | |
296326086 | apretar | to squeeze | |
296326087 | atravesar | to cross | |
296326088 | encender | to light | |
296326089 | encerrar | to contain | |
296326090 | volar | to fly | |
296326091 | gemir | to groan | |
296326092 | fiarse | to trust | |
296326093 | coger | to grab, catch | |
296326094 | elegir | to choose, elect | |
296326095 | encoger | to shrink |
AP Spanish IV midterms
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