11867329030 | adecuado | adequate | 0 | |
11867329031 | agobiado | overworked/overwhelmed | 1 | |
11867329032 | agotado | worn out(person)/exhausted | 2 | |
11867329033 | analfabeto | illiterate | 3 | |
11867329034 | confundido | confusing | 4 | |
11867329035 | cotidiano | daily | 5 | |
11867329036 | desempleado | unemployed | 6 | |
11867329037 | dotado | gifted | 7 | |
11867329038 | encargado | in charge of | 8 | |
11867329039 | estudiantil | student | 9 | |
11867329040 | exigente | demanding | 10 | |
11867329041 | exitoso | successful | 11 | |
11867329042 | fiable | reliable | 12 | |
11867329043 | impar | odd | 13 | |
11867329044 | insuficiente | inadequate | 14 | |
11867329045 | ocioso | lazy | 15 | |
11867329046 | par | even | 16 | |
11867329047 | satisfecho | satisfied | 17 | |
11867329048 | torpe | awkward | 18 | |
11867329049 | tranquilo | calm | 19 | |
11867329050 | acertar(e-ie) | to get right | 20 | |
11867329051 | aconsejar | to advise | 21 | |
11867329052 | acostumbrarse | to get used to | 22 | |
11867329053 | apoyar | to support | 23 | |
11867329054 | aprender | to learn | 24 | |
11867329055 | aprobar(o-ue) | to pass | 25 | |
11867329056 | aprovecharse(de) | to take advantage (of) | 26 | |
11867329057 | arriesgar | to risk | 27 | |
11867329058 | asistir(a) | to attend | 28 | |
11867329059 | averiguar | to figure out | 29 | |
11867329060 | carecer de (carezco) | to lack | 30 | |
11867329061 | confundir | to confuse | 31 | |
11867329062 | contratar | to hire | 32 | |
11867329063 | darse cuenta | to realize | 33 | |
11867329064 | darse de baja | to withdrawal | 34 | |
11867329065 | dejar (algo) al lado | to ignore (something) | 35 | |
11867329066 | desarrollar | to develop | 36 | |
11867329067 | destacar | to stand out | 37 | |
11867329068 | discutir | to discuss | 38 | |
11867329069 | emplear | to employ | 39 | |
11867329070 | enseñar | to teach | 40 | |
11867329071 | equivocarse | to make a mistake | 41 | |
11867329072 | escoger | to choose | 42 | |
11867329073 | exigir | to demand | 43 | |
11867329074 | explicar | to explain | 44 | |
11867329075 | faltar | to miss/skip | 45 | |
11867329076 | fumar la clase | to cut class | 46 | |
11867329077 | ganarse la vida | to earn a living | 47 | |
11867329078 | hacer una pregunta | to ask a question | 48 | |
11867329079 | influir (y) | to influence | 49 | |
11867329080 | intentar | to try (to do something) | 50 | |
11867329081 | lograr/realizar | to achieve | 51 | |
11867329082 | llenar | to fill out | 52 | |
11867329083 | mandar | to demand | 53 | |
11867329084 | marcar | to score | 54 | |
11867329085 | matricularse/ingresar | to enroll/register | 55 | |
11867329086 | merecer (zco) | to deserve | 56 | |
11867329087 | quejarse | to complain | 57 | |
11867329088 | requerir | to require | 58 | |
11867329089 | resaltar | to highlight | 59 | |
11867329090 | satisfacer (like hacer) | to satisfy | 60 | |
11867329091 | solicitar | to apply (to school) | 61 | |
11867329092 | superar | to excel | 62 | |
11867329093 | suspender/reprobar(o-ue) | to fail | 63 | |
11867329094 | tener éxito | to be successful | 64 | |
11867329095 | tutear | to call someone tú | 65 | |
11867329096 | adjetivo | adjective | 66 | |
11867329097 | apoyo | support | 67 | |
11867329098 | asignatura | subject/course | 68 | |
11867329099 | aula (m) | classroom | 69 | |
11867329100 | bachillerato | high school diploma | 70 | |
11867329101 | beca | scholarship | 71 | |
11867329102 | beneficio | benefit | 72 | |
11867329103 | calificación (f)/ nota | grade | 73 | |
11867329104 | carrera | career | 74 | |
11867329105 | compañia | company | 75 | |
11867329106 | conferencia | lecture | 76 | |
11867329107 | conocimiento | knowledge | 77 | |
11867329108 | consejo | advice | 78 | |
11867329109 | curriculum (m) | resume | 79 | |
11867329110 | deberes | homework | 80 | |
11867329111 | demanda | demand | 81 | |
11867329112 | desarrollo | development | 82 | |
11867329113 | descanso | break | 83 | |
11867329114 | desempleo | unemployment | 84 | |
11867329115 | destreza | skill | 85 | |
11867329116 | desventaja | disadvantage | 86 | |
11867329117 | detalle (m) | detail | 87 | |
11867329118 | discurso | speech | 88 | |
11867329119 | dueño | owner | 89 | |
11867329120 | empresa | company/business | 90 | |
11867329121 | escuela primaria | elementary school | 91 | |
11867329122 | esquema | outline | 92 | |
11867329123 | éxito | success | 93 | |
11867329124 | fuente (f) | source | 94 | |
11867329125 | genio | genius | 95 | |
11867329126 | gobierno | government | 96 | |
11867329127 | hecho | fact | 97 | |
11867329128 | horario | schedule | 98 | |
11867329129 | huelga | strike | 99 | |
11867329130 | impresora | printer | 100 | |
11867329131 | internado | boarding school | 101 | |
11867329132 | lectura | reading | 102 | |
11867329133 | letra | handwriting | 103 | |
11867329134 | licenciatura | degree | 104 | |
11867329135 | máster (m) | master's degree | 105 | |
11867329136 | meta | goal | 106 | |
11867329137 | mitad (f) | half | 107 | |
11867329138 | nivel (m) | level | 108 | |
11867329139 | obstáculo | obstacle | 109 | |
11867329140 | oferta | offer | 110 | |
11867329141 | oración (f) | sentence | 111 | |
11867329142 | patio | playground | 112 | |
11867329143 | por cien(to) | percent | 113 | |
11867329144 | porcentaje (m) | percentage | 114 | |
11867329145 | presión (f) | pressure | 115 | |
11867329146 | procedimiento | procedure | 116 | |
11867329147 | redacción (f) | paper (that you write) | 117 | |
11867329148 | requisito | requirement | 118 | |
11867329149 | resaltador (m) | highlighter | 119 | |
11867329150 | reto | challenge | 120 | |
11867329151 | secundaria/liceo | high school | 121 | |
11867329152 | solicitud (f) | application (job/school) | 122 | |
11867329153 | sustantivo | noun | 123 | |
11867329154 | timbre (m) | bell | 124 | |
11867329155 | ventaja | advantage | 125 | |
11867329156 | verbo | verb | 126 | |
11867329157 | agresivo | aggressive | 127 | |
11867329158 | bien hecho | well done | 128 | |
11867329159 | congelado | frozen | 129 | |
11867329160 | crudo | raw | 130 | |
11867329161 | crujiente | crunchy | 131 | |
11867329162 | empatado | tied (same score) | 132 | |
11867329163 | fresco | fresh | 133 | |
11867329164 | ligero | light (meal) | 134 | |
11867329165 | medio hecho | medium | 135 | |
11867329166 | orgánico | organic | 136 | |
11867329167 | picante | spicy | 137 | |
11867329168 | poco hecho | rare | 138 | |
11867329169 | rico/delicioso | delicious | 139 | |
11867329170 | salado | salty | 140 | |
11867329171 | sazonado | seasoned | 141 | |
11867329172 | de temporada | seasonal | 142 | |
11867329173 | adobar | to marinate | 143 | |
11867329174 | alojarse | to stay (in a house/hotel) | 144 | |
11867329175 | animar | to encourage/cheer on | 145 | |
11867329176 | añadir | to add | 146 | |
11867329177 | aplaudir | to applaud | 147 | |
11867329178 | apostar (o-ue) | to bet | 148 | |
11867329179 | aterrizar | to land (plane) | 149 | |
11867329180 | calentar (e-ie) | to heat | 150 | |
11867329181 | cocer al vapor (cuezo) | to steam | 151 | |
11867329182 | coger | to catch | 152 | |
11867329183 | consumir | to consume | 153 | |
11867329184 | darse por vencido | to give up | 154 | |
11867329185 | derretir (e-i) | to melt | 155 | |
11867329186 | desafiar | to challenge | 156 | |
11867329187 | descalificar | to disqualify | 157 | |
11867329188 | descongelar | to defrost | 158 | |
11867329189 | despegar | to take off (plane) | 159 | |
11867329190 | doblar | to turn | 160 | |
11867329191 | entregar/llevar | to deliver | 161 | |
11867329192 | envolver | to wrap | 162 | |
11867329193 | espolvorear | to sprinkle | 163 | |
11867329194 | felicitar | to congratulate | 164 | |
11867329195 | fortalecer(se) (zco) | to strengthen | 165 | |
11867329196 | gritar | to shout/yell | 166 | |
11867329197 | hacer trampa | to cheat | 167 | |
11867329198 | hornear | to bake | 168 | |
11867329199 | luchar/pelear | to fight | 169 | |
11867329200 | mascar/masticar | to chew | 170 | |
11867329201 | mejorar | to improve | 171 | |
11867329202 | meter (don't use poner en) | to put in | 172 | |
11867329203 | patear | to kick | 173 | |
11867329204 | perder | to miss | 174 | |
11867329205 | probar (o-ue) | to taste | 175 | |
11867329206 | revolver | to stir | 176 | |
11867329207 | saber | to taste (it tastes good) | 177 | |
11867329208 | salar | to salt | 178 | |
11867329209 | sazonar | to season | 179 | |
11867329210 | tragar | to swallow | 180 | |
11867329211 | vencer | to defeat | 181 | |
11867329212 | arco | bow (archery) | 182 | |
11867329213 | bandeja | tray | 183 | |
11867329214 | campeón(a) | champion | 184 | |
11867329215 | campeonato | championship | 185 | |
11867329216 | carné/licencia | license | 186 | |
11867329217 | carretera/autopista | highway | 187 | |
11867329218 | cocina | cooking | 188 | |
11867329219 | cóctel (m) | drink | 189 | |
11867329220 | comida rápida/basura | fast food | 190 | |
11867329221 | coraje (m) | courage | 191 | |
11867329222 | cuchara | spoon | 192 | |
11867329223 | cuchillo | knife | 193 | |
11867329224 | dados | dice | 194 | |
11867329225 | derrota | defeat | 195 | |
11867329226 | empate (m) | tie (same score) | 196 | |
11867329227 | esfuerzo | effort | 197 | |
11867329228 | especia | spice | 198 | |
11867329229 | fan/fanático | fan | 199 | |
11867329230 | flecha | arrow | 200 | |
11867329231 | folleto | pamphlet | 201 | |
11867329232 | fracaso | failure | 202 | |
11867329233 | hoyo/agujero | hole | 203 | |
11867329234 | huésped | guest (in a hotel) | 204 | |
11867329235 | lácteos | dairy | 205 | |
11867329236 | letrero | sign | 206 | |
11867329237 | liga | league | 207 | |
11867329238 | merienda | snack | 208 | |
11867329239 | palo | stick | 209 | |
11867329240 | plato principal | main dish/entree | 210 | |
11867329241 | postre (m) | dessert | 211 | |
11867329242 | propina | tip | 212 | |
11867329243 | receta | recipe | 213 | |
11867329244 | récord (m) | record | 214 | |
11867329245 | retraso | delay | 215 | |
11867329246 | servilleta | napkin | 216 | |
11867329247 | tapa | appetizer | 217 | |
11867329248 | tenedor (m) | fork | 218 | |
11867329249 | tramposo | cheater | 219 | |
11867329250 | trapo | rag | 220 | |
11867329251 | ¡Qué aproveche(s)(n)! | Enjoy your meal! | 221 | |
11867329252 | ¿Queda lejos? | Is it far? | 222 | |
11867329253 | al aire libre/afuera | outside | 223 | |
11867329254 | batir un récord | break a record | 224 | |
11867329255 | comida para llevar | takeout | 225 | |
11867329256 | establecer un récord | set a record | 226 | |
11867329257 | hacer sonar el silbato | blow the whistle | 227 | |
11867329258 | preparados, listos, ya | ready, set, go | 228 | |
11867329259 | sin aliento | out of breath | 229 | |
11867329260 | tomar algo | to have a drink | 230 |
AP Spanish: La Vida Contemporanea Flashcards
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