A list of vocabulary which is often found or can be useful on the AP Spanish Language and Culture Exam
6516937721 | a pesar de | in spite of | 0 | |
6516937722 | a través de los años | throughout the years | 1 | |
6516937723 | actualmente | currently | 2 | |
6516937724 | afirmar que | to state that | 3 | |
6516937725 | las afirmaciones | statements | 4 | |
6516937726 | agradable | pleasing | 5 | |
6516937727 | agradecer | to express thanks | 6 | |
6516937728 | al otro lado | on the other hand | 7 | |
6516937729 | alcanzar una meta | to reach a goal | 8 | |
6516937730 | alejado de | far away from | 9 | |
6516937731 | el apoyo (apoyar) | (to) support | 10 | |
6516937732 | aprovechar | to take advantage | 11 | |
6516937733 | asegurar | to claim, to assure | 12 | |
6516937734 | Atentamente, | Sincerely, | 13 | |
6516937735 | aumentar | to increase, to raise | 14 | |
6516937736 | aunque | although | 15 | |
6516937737 | las becas | scholarships | 16 | |
6516937738 | la cifra | figure, number | 17 | |
6516937739 | conseguir | to obtain | 18 | |
6516937740 | contar con | to count on, to rely on, to posess | 19 | |
6516937741 | crecer | to grow | 20 | |
6516937742 | cumplir con los objetivos | to meet the objectives | 21 | |
6516937743 | dar un discurso | to give a speech | 22 | |
6516937744 | los datos | data, facts, information | 23 | |
6516937745 | debe ser | should be | 24 | |
6516937746 | dejar de funcionar | to stop working/functioning | 25 | |
6516937747 | el desarrollo (desarrollar) | development (to develop) | 26 | |
6516937748 | despídete | say good-bye | 27 | |
6516937749 | destacar | to stand out, to point-out | 28 | |
6516937750 | la desventaja | disadvantage | 29 | |
6516937751 | disfrutar | to enjoy | 30 | |
6516937752 | disminuir | to decrease, to diminish | 31 | |
6516937753 | disponer de | to have at one's disposal | 32 | |
6516937754 | durar | to last | 33 | |
6516937755 | eficaz | effective | 34 | |
6516937756 | el índice de | the index of | 35 | |
6516937757 | el ingreso | income, revenue | 36 | |
6516937758 | el presupuesto | budget | 37 | |
6516937759 | el valor de | the value of | 38 | |
6516937760 | elegir | to elect, to choose | 39 | |
6516937761 | empeñarse en hacer | to endeavor to do something | 40 | |
6516937762 | en realidad | actually | 41 | |
6516937763 | enterarse de | to find out, to become aware of | 42 | |
6516937764 | equivocado | mistaken, wrong | 43 | |
6516937765 | la escasez de recursos | scarcity of resources | 44 | |
6516937766 | Espero que se encuentre bien. | I hope you (formal) are doing well. | 45 | |
6516937767 | las estadísticas | statistics | 46 | |
6516937768 | Este artículo trata de | This article is about | 47 | |
6516937769 | Estimado/a ___, | Esteemed/Dear___, | 48 | |
6516937770 | evitar | to avoid | 49 | |
6516937771 | exigir | to demand | 50 | |
6516937772 | exponer | to exhibit, to display | 51 | |
6516937773 | fijarse en | to focus on, to pay attention to | 52 | |
6516937774 | firmar | to sign | 53 | |
6516937775 | el gráfico | chart | 54 | |
6516937776 | hacer una propuesta | to make a proposal | 55 | |
6516937777 | el hallazgo | finding, discovery | 56 | |
6516937778 | hay que | one has to, you must | 57 | |
6516937779 | hemos acordado | we have agreed | 58 | |
6516937780 | la hipótesis | hypothesis | 59 | |
6516937781 | ilustrar | to illustrate | 60 | |
6516937782 | incentivar | to encourage | 61 | |
6516937783 | incrementar | to increase | 62 | |
6516937784 | invertir | to invest | 63 | |
6516937785 | la actualidad | the present | 64 | |
6516937786 | la ausencia | absence | 65 | |
6516937787 | la falta de | the lack of | 66 | |
6516937788 | la inversión | investment | 67 | |
6516937789 | la medida presentada por la senadora | the bill presented by the senator | 68 | |
6516937790 | la tabla | the table (of data) | 69 | |
6516937791 | la tasa de | the rate of | 70 | |
6516937792 | llevar a cabo | to carry out | 71 | |
6516937793 | lograr el éxito | to achieve success | 72 | |
6516937794 | para asegurarse de | to make sure of | 73 | |
6516937795 | parecido | similar, like | 74 | |
6516937796 | perdurar | to last | 75 | |
6516937797 | permanecer estable | to remain stable | 76 | |
6516937798 | pertenecer a | to pertain to | 77 | |
6516937799 | prolongar hasta muy tarde | to prolong until very late | 78 | |
6516937800 | el promedio | average | 79 | |
6516937801 | promover | to promote | 80 | |
6516937802 | proporcionar | to provide | 81 | |
6516937803 | el propósito | purpose | 82 | |
6516937804 | la propuesta | proposal | 83 | |
6516937805 | Quisiera plantear una pregunta: | I would like to pose a question: | 84 | |
6516937806 | realizar | to fulfill, to carry out, to realize (accomplish) | 85 | |
6516937807 | recalcar | to emphasize, to stress | 86 | |
6516937808 | recaudar fondos | to raise funds | 87 | |
6516937809 | rechazar | to reject | 88 | |
6516937810 | reemplazar | to replace, substitute | 89 | |
6516937811 | refutar | to refute | 90 | |
6516937812 | repartir | to hand out, to distribute | 91 | |
6516937813 | resaltar | to highlight | 92 | |
6516937814 | el resumen | summary | 93 | |
6516937815 | resumir | to summarize | 94 | |
6516937816 | salúdala | greet her | 95 | |
6516937817 | según | according to | 96 | |
6516937818 | sin embargo | however, nevertheless | 97 | |
6516937819 | solicitar | to request | 98 | |
6516937820 | subrayar | to underline | 99 | |
6516937821 | suceder | to happen | 100 | |
6516937822 | superar las expectativas | to exceed expectations | 101 | |
6516937823 | tiene lugar | takes place | 102 | |
6516937824 | la fuente | source | 103 | |
6516937825 | la ventaja | advantage | 104 |