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AP Spanish Language & Culture/Las familias y las comunidades Flashcards

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11826559896los hijosoffspring0
11826559897los niñoschildren1
11826559898los jóvenesyoung people2
11826559899los adolescentesadolescents3
11826559900los adultosadults4
11826559901los mayoresolder folks5
11826559902los ancianosreally old people6
11826559903los antepasadosancestors7
11826559904la herenciainheritance / heritage8
11826559905los parientesrelatives9
11826559906experimentarto experience10
11826559907el guardiánguardian11
11826559908firmarto sign12
11826559909el apellidolast name13
11826559910la direcciónaddress14
11826559911el domiciliohome15
11826559912la fecha de nacimientobirth date16
11826559913el país de origencountry of origin17
11826559914la etniaethnicity18
11826559915el destinodestination19
11826559916el milagromiracle20
11826559917los gemelostwins21
11826559918el divorciodivorce22
11826559919el matrimoniomarriage23
11826559920el estado civilmarital status24
11826559922jurarto swear26
11826559923rehusarto refuse27
11826559924la amistadfriendship28
11826559925el aprendizajelearning29
11826559926la enseñanzateaching30
11826559927el comportamientobehavior31
11826559928la confianzaconfidence32
11826559929tener confianzato be confident33
11826559930convivirto cohabitate / coexist34
11826559931la ciudadanía (mundial)(global) citizenship35
11826559934el rasgotrait / feature38
11826559935la edadage39
11826559936elogiarto praise40
11826559937la empatíaempathy41
11826559938la fortalezastrength42
11826559939la debilidadweakness43
11826559940la gratitudgratitude44
11826559941agradecerto thank45
11826559942la humildadhumility46
11826559943el idiomalanguage47
11826559944el retochallenge48
11826559945el riesgorisk49
11826559946la solidaridadsolidarity50
11826559947alentarto encourage51
11826559948delegarto delegate52
11826559949instruirto instruct53
11826559950imponerto impose54
11826559951inculcarto instill55
11826559952los valoresvalues56
11826559953la moralejathe moral (of a story)57
11826559954las costumbrescustoms58
11826559955prometerto promise59
11826559956rechazarto reject60
11826559957estar dispuesto ato be willing to61
11826559961el vínculolink65
11826559962el enlacelink66
11826559963estar seguroto be sure67
11826559964ser seguroto be safe68
11826559967bizcocross eyed71
11826559968boca arriba / abajoface up / down72
11826559969al azarat random73
11826559970irse / andarse por las ramasto be all over the place (with thoughts)74
11826559971ser el mero mero / la mera merathe cream of the crop / haughty75
11826559972no hay mal que por bien no vengasomething good will come out of this76
11826559973A mal tiempo, buena carasmile through it77
11826559974no manchesquit kidding around (vulgar)78
11826559975ojos que no ven, corazón que no sienteout of sight, out of mind79
11826559976A palabras necias, oídos sordosfoolish words fall on deaf ears80
11826559977Hablando del rey de Roma (y ése se asoma)Speak of the devil (look who just showed up)81
11826559978mensoslow (mentally - Mx.)82
11826559982a cada cerdo le llega su San MartínHe'll get his86
11826559983inocenteinnocent (naive)87
11826559985bobo / tontodumb89
11826559986graciososilly / funny90
11826559988chido / chévere / padre / chulocool92
11826559989¡Qué ___!How __!93
11826559990significarto mean94
11826559992de acuerdo conin agreement with96
11826559993para queso that + subjunctive97
11826559994como sias if + past subjunctive98
11826559996solerto be in the habit of (suele)100
11826559997tener razónto be right (have reason)101

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