What it says
9197626283 | Abastecer | to supply | 0 | |
9197626284 | Abrazar | to embrace | 1 | |
9197626285 | Acostumbrarse | to get used to | 2 | |
9197626286 | Acercarse a | to get close to | 3 | |
9197626287 | Adivinar | to guess | 4 | |
9197626288 | Advertir | to warn | 5 | |
9197626289 | Alejarse de | to go away from | 6 | |
9197626290 | Afligirse | to grieve | 7 | |
9197626291 | Agarrar | To grab | 8 | |
9197626292 | Agotarse | to run out | 9 | |
9197626293 | Aguantar | to tolerate | 10 | |
9197626294 | Alejarse | to move away | 11 | |
9197626295 | Alquilar | to rent | 12 | |
9197626296 | Amenazar | to threaten | 13 | |
9197626297 | Apoderarse | to seize | 14 | |
9197626298 | Aprovechar | to take advantage of | 15 | |
9197626299 | Arrepentirse | to repent | 16 | |
9197626300 | Arrojar | to throw | 17 | |
9197626301 | Asegurar | to ensure | 18 | |
9197626302 | Atropellar | to run over | 19 | |
9197626303 | Aumentar | to increase | 20 | |
9197626304 | Brotar | to sprout | 21 | |
9197626305 | Calentar | to heat | 22 | |
9197626306 | Capturar | to capture | 23 | |
9197626307 | Carecer | to lack | 24 | |
9197626308 | Cazar | to hunt | 25 | |
9197626309 | Ceder | to yield | 26 | |
9197626310 | Combatir | to combat | 27 | |
9197626311 | Compartir | to share | 28 | |
9197626312 | Comprobar | to prove | 29 | |
9197626313 | Confiar | to trust | 30 | |
9197626314 | Convertirse | to turn into | 31 | |
9197626315 | Criar | to raise | 32 | |
9197626316 | Cumplir | to comply | 33 | |
9197626317 | Debilitar | to weaken | 34 | |
9197626318 | Demandar | to sue | 35 | |
9197626319 | Derrotar | to defeat | 36 | |
9197626320 | Derrumbarse | to collapse | 37 | |
9197626321 | Desarrollar | to develop | 38 | |
9197626322 | Desempeñar | to play | 39 | |
9197626323 | Desgastar | to wear out | 40 | |
9197626324 | Desilusionar | to disappoint | 41 | |
9197626325 | Deslizar | to slide | 42 | |
9197626326 | Despejarse | to clear up | 43 | |
9197626327 | Desplazarse | to travel | 44 | |
9197626328 | Desprenderse | to take off | 45 | |
9197626329 | Destacarse | to stand out | 46 | |
9197626330 | Devolver | to return | 47 | |
9197626331 | Disparar | to shoot | 48 | |
9197626332 | Echar | to throw | 49 | |
9197626333 | Emocionarse | to get excited | 50 | |
9197626334 | Empacar | to pack | 51 | |
9197626335 | Empeorar | to worsen | 52 | |
9197626336 | Empujar | to push | 53 | |
9197626337 | Enamorarse de Encerrarse | to fall in love | 54 | |
9197626338 | Enfrentarse | to face | 55 | |
9197626339 | Enterarse | to find out | 56 | |
9197626340 | Entrenar | to train | 57 | |
9197626341 | Entrevistar | to interview | 58 | |
9197626342 | Esforzarse | to strive | 59 | |
9197626343 | Esparcir | to spread | 60 | |
9197626344 | Evitar | to avoid | 61 | |
9197626345 | Exigir | to require | 62 | |
9197626346 | Florecer | to flourish | 63 | |
9197626347 | Fomentar | to promote | 64 | |
9197626348 | Fortalecer | to strengthen | 65 | |
9197626349 | Gozar | to enjoy | 66 | |
9197626350 | Helar | to freeze | 67 | |
9197626351 | Impedir | to prevent | 68 | |
9197626352 | Imponer | to impose | 69 | |
9197626353 | Indagar | to inquire | 70 | |
9197626354 | Inscribirse | to register | 71 | |
9197626355 | Invertir | to invest | 72 | |
9197626356 | Jubilarse | to retire | 73 | |
9197626357 | Lastimarse/Lesionar | to be injured | 74 | |
9197626358 | Mejorar | to improve | 75 | |
9197626359 | Permanecer | to remain | 76 | |
9197626360 | Perseguir | to pursue | 77 | |
9197626361 | Prevenir | to prevent | 78 | |
9197626362 | Quejarse | to complain | 79 | |
9197626363 | Reclamar | to claim | 80 | |
9197626364 | Remontarse | to go back in time | 81 | |
9197626365 | Rendir/Rendirse | to surrender | 82 | |
9197626366 | Reposar | to rest | 83 | |
9197626367 | Reprobar | to fail | 84 | |
9197626368 | Reginarse | to resign | 85 | |
9197626369 | Sobrar | to be left over | 86 | |
9197626370 | Sobresalir | to excel | 87 | |
9197626371 | Sobrevivir | to survive | 88 | |
9197626372 | Solicitar | to request | 89 | |
9197626373 | Solucionar | to solve | 90 | |
9197626374 | Sonar | to dream | 91 | |
9197626375 | Soplar | to blow | 92 | |
9197626376 | Soportar | to tolerate | 93 | |
9197626377 | Sostener | to hold | 94 | |
9197626378 | Subastar | to auction | 95 | |
9197626379 | Tallar | to carve | 96 | |
9197626380 | Tambalearse | to stagger | 97 | |
9197626381 | Trasladarse | to move | 98 | |
9197626382 | Triunfar | to succeed | 99 | |
9197626383 | Tropezarse | to trip | 100 | |
9197626384 | Turbar | to disturb | 101 | |
9197626385 | Velar | to guard | 102 | |
9197626386 | Vislumbrar | to glimpse | 103 |