9777502457 | El medio ambiente | the environment | 0 | |
9777502458 | Los alrededores | the surroundings | 1 | |
9777502459 | Los entornos | the surroundings | 2 | |
9777502460 | El dióxido de carbono | the carbon dioxide | 3 | |
9777502461 | La energía hidroeléctrica | the water/hydroelectric energy | 4 | |
9777502462 | La energía renovable | the renewable energy | 5 | |
9777502463 | La energía solar | the sun/solar energy | 6 | |
9777502464 | La energía del viento/eólica | the wind energy | 7 | |
9777502465 | El metano | the methane | 8 | |
9777502466 | La industria ganadera | the livestock industry (most wasteful industry) | 9 | |
9777502467 | Un contaminante | a pollutant | 10 | |
9777502468 | La contaminación del agua | the water pollution | 11 | |
9777502469 | La contaminación del aire | the air pollution | 12 | |
9777502470 | El agua potable | the drinkable water | 13 | |
9777502471 | El agua dulce | the drinkable water | 14 | |
9777502472 | El agua subterránea | the ground water | 15 | |
9777502473 | El consumo desmedido | the overconsumption | 16 | |
9777502474 | Desmedida | unmeasurable | 17 | |
9777502475 | El ADN | the DNA | 18 | |
9777502476 | Los genes | the genes | 19 | |
9777502477 | Ubicar | to locate | 20 | |
9777502478 | Ubicuo | found everywhere | 21 | |
9777502479 | La ubicación | the location | 22 | |
9777502480 | La deforestación | the mass cut down of trees | 23 | |
9777502481 | La biodiversidad | the plants and animals (wildlife) | 24 | |
9777502482 | La flora y la fauna | the plants and animals (wildlife) | 25 | |
9777502483 | Los combustibles fósiles | the fossil fuels | 26 | |
9777502484 | El petróleo | the petroleum | 27 | |
9777502485 | El carbón | the carbon | 28 | |
9777502486 | Un problema ambiental/del ambiente | an environmental problem | 29 | |
9777502487 | Una cuestión/Un asunto sumamente importante | an extremely important issue | 30 | |
9777502488 | Los OMGs | the GMOs | 31 | |
9777502489 | Los alimentos transgénicos | the genetically modified food ( = GMOs) | 32 | |
9777502490 | Los microbios | the microbes/bacteria | 33 | |
9777502491 | Las células | the cells | 34 | |
9777502492 | Una reacción cellular | a cellular reaction | 35 | |
9777502493 | Agotar | to exhaust | 36 | |
9777502494 | El agotamiento | the exhaustion | 37 | |
9777502495 | Las enzimas | the enzymes (break down protein) | 38 | |
9777502496 | La proteína | the protein | 39 | |
9777502497 | Los carbohidratos | the carbohydrates (complex and simple) | 40 | |
9777502498 | El valor nutritivo | the nutrition value | 41 | |
9777502499 | Comestible | edible | 42 | |
9777502500 | La aroma | the smell | 43 | |
9777502501 | El sabor | the flavor | 44 | |
9777502502 | El estómago | the stomach | 45 | |
9777502503 | El arroz | the rice | 46 | |
9777502504 | Las semillas | seeds | 47 | |
9777502505 | Cultivar | to cultivate | 48 | |
9777502506 | Los cultivos | the crops | 49 | |
9777502507 | La cosecha | the harvest | 50 | |
9777502508 | Cosechar | to harvest | 51 | |
9777502509 | El campesino | the farmer | 52 | |
9777502510 | La cualidad/La característica | a characteristic | 53 | |
9777502511 | La calidad | the quality (well made) | 54 | |
9777502512 | Disponible | available | 55 | |
9777502513 | Sustentabilidad/sostenibilidad | sustainability | 56 | |
9777502514 | Mantener | to maintain/sustain | 57 | |
9777502515 | Inyectar | to inject | 58 | |
9777502516 | La intoxicación | the intoxication | 59 | |
9777502517 | El veneno | the poison | 60 | |
9777502518 | Envenenar | to poison | 61 | |
9777502519 | Venenoso | poisonous | 62 | |
9777502520 | Las sustancias químicas | the chemical substances | 63 | |
9777502521 | Los químicos | the chemicals | 64 | |
9777502522 | Los métodos de preservación | the preservation methods | 65 | |
9777502523 | El enlatado | the canning process | 66 | |
9777502524 | El embotellado | the bottling process | 67 | |
9777502525 | La irradiación | the irradiating | 68 | |
9777502526 | La pasteurización | the pasteurization | 69 | |
9777502527 | Los rayos (gama y equis) | the rays (gamma and x-rays) | 70 | |
9777502528 | Los electrones de alto voltaje | the high voltage electrons | 71 | |
9777502529 | La Tierra | Earth | 72 | |
9777502530 | La tierra | the soil | 73 | |
9777502531 | Las pesticidas | the pesticides | 74 | |
9777502532 | Avaricia | greed | 75 | |
9777502533 | La justicia social | the social justice | 76 | |
9777502534 | Las alergias | the allergies | 77 | |
9777502535 | Un trastorno | a disorder | 78 | |
9777502536 | Las úlceras | a disease that cause holes in the stomach | 79 | |
9777502537 | El calentamiento global | the global warming | 80 | |
9777502538 | El efecto invernadero | the Greenhouse Effect | 81 | |
9777502539 | Un huracán | a hurricane | 82 | |
9777502540 | Una supercélula | a category 5 hurricane | 83 | |
9777502541 | Un terremoto | an earthquake | 84 | |
9777502542 | Un temblor | an earthquake | 85 | |
9777502543 | Un sismo | an earthquake | 86 | |
9777502544 | Los aludes | the landslides | 87 | |
9777502545 | Los incendios | the fires | 88 | |
9777502546 | Inevitable | inevitable/bound to happen | 89 | |
9777502547 | Imprevisible | unforeseeable | 90 | |
9777502548 | El daño | the damage | 91 | |
9777502549 | Dañar | to damage | 92 | |
9777502550 | Las radares | the radars | 93 | |
9777502551 | Denominado | named/called | 94 | |
9777502552 | Una epidemia | a rampant disease/problem | 95 | |
9777502553 | El Cinturón de Fuego | the Ring of Fire | 96 | |
9777502554 | Colapsar | to collapse | 97 | |
9777502555 | Derrumbar | to collapse | 98 | |
9777502556 | El derrumbe | the collapse | 99 | |
9777502557 | El enterrado | the buried | 100 | |
9777502558 | Desarrollar | to develop | 101 | |
9777502559 | Posteriormente | later | 102 | |
9777502560 | Asolado | devastated | 103 | |
9777502561 | Devastador | to devastate | 104 | |
9777502562 | De cada día | daily | 105 | |
9777502563 | Cotidiano | daily | 106 | |
9777502564 | Diario | daily | 107 | |
9777502565 | La campaña de concientización | an awareness campaign | 108 | |
9777502566 | Primordial | very important | 109 | |
9777502567 | Sumamente importante | very important | 110 | |
9777502568 | De suma importancia | very important | 111 | |
9777502569 | Quijotesco | highly idealistic | 112 | |
9777502570 | Una meta | goal | 113 | |
9777502571 | Un desafío | a challenge | 114 | |
9777502572 | Un reto | a challenge | 115 | |
9777502573 | Además | besides | 116 | |
9777502574 | O sea | in other words | 117 | |
9777502575 | En otras palabras | in other words | 118 | |
9777502576 | Sin embargo | however | 119 | |
9777502577 | La fuente auditiva | the audio | 120 | |
9777502578 | La grabación | the audio | 121 | |
9777502579 | El locutor | the speaker | 122 | |
9777502580 | Empeorar | to worsen/make worse | 123 | |
9777502581 | Un buscador | a search engine | 124 | |
9777502582 | Publicar | to post | 125 | |
9777502583 | Una publicación | a post | 126 | |
9777502584 | Un internauta | an internet user | 127 | |
9777502585 | Un usuario | a user | 128 | |
9777502586 | Los dispositivos | the devices | 129 | |
9777502587 | Una computadora | a computer | 130 | |
9777502588 | Un ordenador | a computer | 131 | |
9777502589 | Los medios de comunicación | the media | 132 | |
9777502590 | La Internet | the internet | 133 | |
9777502591 | La red | the internet | 134 | |
9777502592 | Las redes sociales | the social media | 135 | |
9777502593 | Una cuestión/Un asunto actual | a current issue | 136 | |
9777502594 | Una polémica | a controversial topic | 137 | |
9777502595 | Un polémico | controversial | 138 | |
9777502596 | Una maldad | a bad action | 139 | |
9777502597 | Un mal | a malady (sickness) | 140 | |
9777502598 | Un enfermedad | a malady (sickness) | 141 | |
9777502599 | Un sitio médico | a medical website | 142 | |
9777502600 | Una fuente actual | an up to date source | 143 | |
9777502601 | Un país en desarrollo | a developing country | 144 | |
9777502602 | Un país desarrollado | a developed country | 145 | |
9777502603 | Los retos económicos | the financial challenges | 146 | |
9777502604 | Las consecuencias precarias/peligrosas | the dangerous consequences | 147 | |
9777502605 | Un tratamiento eficaz | an effective treatment | 148 | |
9777502606 | Un doctor verdadero | an actual doctor | 149 | |
9777502607 | Un médico virtual | an online doctor | 150 | |
9777502608 | Un médico general | a general doctor | 151 | |
9777502609 | La coerción/Intimidación cibernética | cyber bullying | 152 | |
9777502610 | Una pandilla | a street gang | 153 | |
9777502611 | El colegio | the high school | 154 | |
9777502612 | La preparatoria | the high school | 155 | |
9777502613 | Un perfil actual | a current profile | 156 | |
9777502614 | La identidad social | the social identity | 157 | |
9777502615 | Los amigos mutuales | the online friends | 158 | |
9777502616 | La sede | the headquarter | 159 | |
9777502617 | La equidad del género | the gender equality | 160 | |
9777502618 | La igualdad | the equality | 161 | |
9777502619 | La equidad | the equality | 162 | |
9777502620 | Equilibrar | to balance | 163 | |
9777502621 | Igualar | to balance | 164 | |
9777502622 | Trinar | to tweet | 165 | |
9777502623 | Un trineo | a tweet | 166 | |
9777502624 | Un engaño | a scam | 167 | |
9777502625 | Engañar | to scam | 168 | |
9777502626 | La vigilancia | the surveillance | 169 | |
9777502627 | La enajenación | the physical isolation | 170 | |
9777502628 | El aislamiento geográfico | the geographic isolation | 171 | |
9777502629 | La auto imagen | self image | 172 | |
9777502630 | La autoestima | self esteem | 173 | |
9777502631 | Los detractores | the bullies | 174 | |
9777502632 | Los teléfonos inteligentes | the smart phones | 175 | |
9777502633 | Rastrear | to track | 176 | |
9777502634 | Un móvil | a phone | 177 | |
9777502635 | Una fobia | a phobia | 178 | |
9777502636 | Las imágenes | the images | 179 | |
9777502637 | Los jóvenes | the teens | 180 | |
9777502638 | Los adolescentes | the teens | 181 | |
9777502639 | Aislar | to isolate | 182 | |
9777502640 | Un blanco | a target | 183 | |
9777502641 | Una diana | a target | 184 | |
9777502642 | Recalcar | emphasize | 185 | |
9777502643 | Destacar | emphasize | 186 | |
9777502644 | Enfatizar | emphasize | 187 | |
9777502645 | Hacer hincapié en | emphasize | 188 | |
9777502646 | Crédula | likely to believe/credible | 189 | |
9777502647 | Poco fiable | not credible | 190 | |
9777502648 | El diagnóstico | the diagnostic | 191 | |
9777502649 | Automedicarse | self medicate | 192 | |
9777502650 | Saber el problema médico | to know the medical problem | 193 | |
9777502651 | Arribar al diagnóstico | to know the medical problem | 194 | |
9777502652 | El quiropráctico | the chiropractor | 195 | |
9777502653 | Un tratamiento (como la medicina, terapia o la cirugía) | the treatment (like the medicine, therapy, or surgery) | 196 | |
9777502654 | Imperativo | very necessary | 197 | |
9777502655 | Absolutamente necesario | very necessary | 198 | |
9777502656 | El hipnosis (la terapia alternativa) | the hypnosis (the alternative therapy) | 199 | |
9777503089 | El masaje (la terapia alternativa) | the massage (the alternative therapy) | 200 | |
9777503090 | La aromaterapia (la terapia alternativa) | the aromatherapy (the alternative therapy) | 201 | |
9777503091 | La concienciación | the awareness | 202 | |
9777503092 | La sensibilización | the awareness | 203 | |
9777503093 | Seco | dry | 204 | |
9777503094 | Una programa | a program | 205 | |
9777503095 | Una campaña | a campaign | 206 | |
9777503096 | El vinculo | the link/connection | 207 | |
9777503097 | Un enlace | a link | 208 | |
9777503098 | Enlacer | to link | 209 | |
9777503099 | Navegar la red | to surf the web | 210 | |
9777503100 | Los pobres | the poor | 211 | |
9777503101 | La pobreza | the poverty | 212 | |
9777503102 | La habilidad | the ability | 213 | |
9777503103 | La capacidad | the capability | 214 | |
9777503104 | Capaz | able | 215 | |
9777503105 | Eficaz/Efectivo | efficient | 216 | |
9777503106 | Un consultorio | a medical/physical exam | 217 | |
9777503107 | El gabinete | a medical/physical exam | 218 | |
9777503108 | Un instrumento | a tool | 219 | |
9777503109 | Una herramienta | a tool | 220 | |
9777503110 | La rapidez | the speed | 221 | |
9777503111 | La velocidad | the speed | 222 | |
9777503112 | Ocurrir | to happen | 223 | |
9777503113 | Suceder | to happen | 224 | |
9777503114 | Carecer | to lack | 225 | |
9777503115 | La falta | the lack | 226 | |
9777503116 | Ingénuo | gullible | 227 | |
9777503117 | La intimidación | the intimidation/bullying | 228 | |
9777503118 | Apoyar | support | 229 | |
9777503119 | La belleza | the beauty | 230 | |
9777503120 | Los talleres | the workshops | 231 | |
9777503121 | Un profesor universitario | a professor | 232 | |
9777503122 | Un docente | a professor | 233 | |
9777503123 | Consultar | to consult | 234 | |
9777503124 | Asesorar | to assess | 235 | |
9777503125 | La pila | the battery | 236 | |
9777503126 | La esperanza | the hope | 237 | |
9777503127 | La máquina de coser | the sewing machine | 238 | |
9777503128 | Solo | alone | 239 | |
9777503129 | Sólo | only | 240 | |
9777503130 | El motif | the recurring image/symbol | 241 | |
9777503131 | La sobrevivencia | the survival | 242 | |
9777503132 | Madurar | to mature | 243 | |
9777503133 | La inmigración indocumentada | the undocumented immigration | 244 | |
9777503134 | Un inmigrante | an immigrant | 245 | |
9777503135 | Didáctico | didactic/teaches | 246 | |
9777503136 | Regatear | to bargain | 247 | |
9777503137 | Una ganga | a bargain | 248 | |
9777503138 | El examen para la universidad | the SAT (college exam) | 249 | |
9777503139 | La harina | the flour | 250 | |
9777503140 | La masa | the dough | 251 | |
9777503141 | Un recibo | a receipt | 252 | |
9777503142 | Una receta | a recipe/prescription | 253 | |
9777503143 | El desarraigo | the uproot | 254 | |
9777503144 | El raíz | the root | 255 | |
9777503145 | El aprendizaje | the learning | 256 | |
9777503146 | La enseñanza | the teaching | 257 | |
9777503147 | Una beca | a scholarship | 258 | |
9777503148 | Un becario | a scholarship receiver | 259 | |
9777503149 | El galardón | the award | 260 | |
9777503150 | Los galardones | the award receivers | 261 | |
9777503151 | Solicitar | to request | 262 | |
9777503152 | El anuncio | any advertisement | 263 | |
9777503153 | Llevar a cabo | to realize | 264 | |
9777503154 | Lograr | to accomplish | 265 | |
9777503155 | Realizar | to accomplish | 266 | |
9777503156 | La Noche vieja | New Years Eve | 267 | |
9777503157 | Revolucionado | rowdy | 268 | |
9777503158 | Las guarderías | Daycare | 269 | |
9777503159 | Los bisabuelos | Great Grandparents | 270 | |
9777503160 | El auge | the rise | 271 | |
9777503161 | Los parientes | the relatives | 272 | |
9777503162 | Un cartel | a poster | 273 | |
9777503163 | La panacea de la hambruna | the panacea for world hungers = la quinoa | 274 | |
9777503164 | La planta/los pisos | the level | 275 | |
9777503165 | Los transgenicos | genetically modified | 276 | |
9777503166 | La servilleta | paper towel | 277 | |
9777503167 | Un programa de intercambio | an exchange program | 278 | |
9777503168 | El idioma | a language (spoken) | 279 | |
9777503169 | El lenguaje | a language (studied) | 280 | |
9777503170 | Una lengua | a language (spoken) | 281 | |
9777503171 | La fuente en línea | the online source | 282 | |
9777503172 | La frontera | the border | 283 | |
9777503173 | El transporte | the transportation | 284 | |
9777503174 | El trafíco | the traffic | 285 | |
9777503175 | Las materiales de construcción sostenibles | sustainable construction material | 286 | |
9777503176 | Las letras | the lyrics | 287 | |
9777503177 | Las personas indígenas | the indigenous people | 288 | |
9777503178 | Puertorriqueño | Puertorriquen | 289 | |
9777503179 | Latinoamérica | Latin America | 290 | |
9777503180 | Sudamérica | South America | 291 | |
9777503181 | El Caribe | the Caribbean | 292 | |
9777503182 | Europa | Europe | 293 | |
9777503183 | Europeo | European | 294 | |
9777503184 | Centroamérica | Central America | 295 | |
9777503185 | El maya | the Mayan language | 296 | |
9777503186 | El nahuatl | the Aztec language | 297 | |
9777503187 | El quechua | the Inca language | 298 | |
9777503188 | El guaraní | Paraguay (has 2 official languages) | 299 | |
9777503189 | Los tatarabuelos | the great great grandparents | 300 | |
9777503190 | Los abuelos canguros | the caregiver grandparents | 301 | |
9777503191 | El aumento | the increase | 302 | |
9777503192 | Un cuento | a tale | 303 | |
9777503193 | Una cola | a tail | 304 | |
9777503194 | La riqueza | the wealth | 305 | |
9777503195 | El pueblo | the population (people) | 306 | |
9777503196 | La población | the population (numbers) | 307 | |
9777503197 | Un hogar | a dwelling | 308 | |
9777503198 | Una vivienda | a dwelling | 309 | |
9777503199 | El alquiler | the rent | 310 | |
9777503200 | El vecindario | a neighborhood | 311 | |
9777503201 | El barrio | a neighborhood | 312 | |
9777503202 | Una factura | a bill | 313 | |
9777503203 | Una cuenta | a bill | 314 | |
9777503204 | Una vacuna | a vaccine | 315 | |
9777503205 | Autodidacta | self taught | 316 | |
9777503206 | Un muralista | a muralist | 317 | |
9777503207 | Los temas políticos | the political themes | 318 | |
9777503208 | Ambos | both | 319 | |
9777503209 | Sino | rather | 320 | |
9777503210 | Bilingüe | Bilingual | 321 | |
9777503211 | Poliglota | multilingual | 322 | |
9777503212 | Un obstáculo lingüístico | a linguistic obstacle | 323 | |
9777503213 | Un desafío cultural | a cultural challenge | 324 | |
9777503214 | Las bellas artes | the fine arts | 325 | |
9777503215 | Un islote | an islet (man made island) | 326 | |
9777503216 | Fabricar | to manufacture | 327 | |
9777503217 | Un premio/un galardón | an award | 328 | |
9777503218 | premiar/ galardonar | to award | 329 | |
9777503219 | El Premio Nobel de la Paz | the Nobel Peace Prize = Rigoberta Menchú luchó por los derechos de los indígenas | 330 | |
9777503220 | La mayoria | the majority | 331 | |
9777503221 | La minoria | the minority | 332 | |
9777503222 | La opinión minoritaria | the minority opinion | 333 | |
9777503223 | Por ciento | percent | 334 | |
9777503224 | El porcentaje | the percentage | 335 | |
9777503225 | El promedio | the average | 336 | |
9777503226 | El promedio de las calificaciones | the GPA | 337 | |
9777503227 | El año escolar | the school year | 338 | |
9777503228 | El turismo sostenible | the sustainable tourism | 339 | |
9777503229 | Una tabla | a chart | 340 | |
9777503230 | Un gráfico | a graph | 341 | |
9777503231 | La primera fuente impresa | the first print source | 342 | |
9777503232 | De acuerdo con | according to | 343 | |
9777503233 | Según | according to | 344 | |
9777503234 | La ONU | the UN | 345 | |
9777503235 | Las Naciones Unidas | the United Nations | 346 | |
9777503236 | La emisora | the radio broadcast | 347 | |
9777503237 | La selva tropical | the rainforest | 348 | |
9777503238 | Nivelar | to level | 349 | |
9777503239 | Igual | equal | 350 | |
9777503240 | Un rector | the dean of the university | 351 | |
9777503241 | El director | the high school principal | 352 | |
9777503242 | El colegio/la escuela secundaria | high school | 353 | |
9777503243 | La escuela primaria | the elementary school | 354 | |
9777503244 | Una persona típica | an average person | 355 | |
9777503245 | Una persona común | an average person | 356 | |
9777503246 | Las noticias diarias | the daily news | 357 | |
9777503247 | El periódico | the newspaper | 358 | |
9777503248 | El diario | the newspaper | 359 | |
9777503249 | El jardín de infancia | the preschool | 360 | |
9777503250 | La infancia | the childhood | 361 | |
9777503251 | Grabar | to record | 362 | |
9777503252 | Los audífonos | the earphones | 363 | |
9777503253 | Navegar la web | to surf the web | 364 | |
9777503254 | Hacer clic en el enlace | to click on a link | 365 | |
9777503255 | La yema | the yolk | 366 | |
9777503256 | Moler | to grind | 367 | |
9777503257 | La ama | housekeeper | 368 | |
9777503258 | El amo | master | 369 | |
9777503259 | Una junta | the meeting | 370 | |
9777503260 | Una asesoria | an advisory | 371 | |
9777503261 | La arquitectura | architecture (noun) | 372 | |
9777503262 | Arquitectónico | architectural (adj.) | 373 | |
9777503263 | Una obra maestra | a masterpiece | 374 | |
9777503264 | Extranjero | abroad | 375 | |
9777503265 | Paisaje | landscape | 376 | |
9777503266 | Cómodo | comfortable | 377 | |
9777503267 | UNESCO | world heritage cities=Machu Picchu | 378 | |
9777503268 | Otorgar | to give | 379 | |
9777503269 | Banal | unimpressive | 380 | |
9777503270 | Anfitriona | a host | 381 | |
9777503271 | Llevará a cabo | to host | 382 | |
9777503272 | Las almendras | the almonds | 383 | |
9777503273 | La desconocida | unknown | 384 | |
9777503274 | El alfabetismo | literacy | 385 | |
9777503275 | El analfabetismo | illiteracy | 386 | |
9777503276 | Peon | low level working class | 387 | |
9777503277 | Preciosa | beautiful | 388 | |
9777503278 | Una campaña de analfabetismo | a literacy campaign | 389 | |
9777503279 | El patrimonio | heritage | 390 | |
9777503280 | Eslabón/vínculo | link | 391 | |
9777503281 | La sanidad | health | 392 | |
9777503282 | Pésimo | dreadful | 393 | |
9777503283 | hogar/vivienda | dwelling/home | 394 | |
9777503284 | Embajador | ambassador | 395 | |
9777503285 | Desempeñar un papel | to play a role | 396 | |
9777503286 | Una huérfano | an orphan | 397 | |
9777503287 | Orfanato | orphanage | 398 | |
9777503288 | Derrumbados | collapses | 399 | |
9777503376 | Un cortejo | a court | 400 | |
9777503383 | ___ es una espada de doble filo | ___ is a double edged sword | 401 | |
9777503377 | Realmente | actually | 402 | |
9777503378 | La policía | the police | 403 | |
9777503379 | El policio | the police worker | 404 | |
9777503380 | El trabajador de policía | the police worker | 405 | |
9777503381 | Hielo | Ice | 406 | |
9777503382 | El monóxido de carbono | the carbon monoxide | 407 | |
9777622389 | El ocio | leisure | 408 | |
9777638445 | Los residuos sólidos | solid waste | 409 | |
9777648488 | Los recursos naturales | natural resources | 410 | |
9777659499 | La naturaleza | nature | 411 | |
9777696257 | Costumbres | the customs | 412 | |
9777706817 | La aduana | customs | 413 | |
9777735963 | La ciudadanía | citizenship | 414 | |
9777759978 | Reciclar | to recycle | 415 | |
9777794775 | Afirmaciones | statements | 416 | |
9777803481 | Una almácen | department store | 417 | |
9777828727 | áspera | rough | 418 | |
9777864479 | Una batidora | mixer | 419 | |
9777867051 | batir | to mix | 420 | |
9777880702 | cabalgata | ride | 421 | |
9777889190 | el caficultor | coffee grower/cultivator | 422 | |
9777892679 | cara | face/side | 423 | |
9777908963 | cariñosamente | affectionately | 424 | |
9777970906 | el casillero | cubby | 425 | |
9777986731 | la cifra | quantity | 426 | |
9778065164 | desnutrición | malnutrition | 427 | |
9778081397 | Poner énfasis en | emphasize | 428 | |
9778088982 | disparidades salariales | salary disparity | 429 | |
9778128230 | una encuesta | survey | 430 | |
9778132514 | enterrar | to bury | 431 | |
9778143872 | escasos | scarce | 432 | |
9778156947 | las golosinas | candy | 433 | |
9778163939 | el grifo | faucet | 434 | |
9778172053 | in medias res | in middle of things | 435 | |
9778188671 | losas | tiles | 436 | |
9778201805 | personal calificado | qualified personnel | 437 | |
9778221801 | el retorno | dramatic return | 438 | |
9778450933 | eritmaño | to isolate yourself | 439 | |
9779072190 | DACA | Dream Act | 440 | |
9779320851 | Disability | Descapacidad | 441 | |
9779327770 | Panacea | a cureall | 442 | |
9779358960 | Un vicio | a dangerous habit | 443 | |
9779376914 | Los Impuestos | taxes | 444 | |
9779403314 | Erudición | Erudition | 445 | |
9779485684 | Guión | script | 446 | |
9779498212 | Castañuelas | instruments used in flamenco dance | 447 | |
9779522049 | Desarraigo | uprooting | 448 | |
9779532353 | Abarcar | cover figuratively | 449 | |
9779543135 | Sepulcro | grave | 450 | |
9779549180 | ávaro | cheap | 451 | |
9779560674 | maceta | pot | 452 | |
9779564364 | huelga | a labor strike | 453 | |
9779586216 | un mestizo | español + indigena | 454 | |
9779609074 | toreo | bullfighting | 455 | |
9779612102 | el torero | bullfighter | 456 |
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