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AP Spanish Language Vocabulary Flashcards

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9777502457El medio ambientethe environment0
9777502458Los alrededoresthe surroundings1
9777502459Los entornosthe surroundings2
9777502460El dióxido de carbonothe carbon dioxide3
9777502461La energía hidroeléctricathe water/hydroelectric energy4
9777502462La energía renovablethe renewable energy5
9777502463La energía solarthe sun/solar energy6
9777502464La energía del viento/eólicathe wind energy7
9777502465El metanothe methane8
9777502466La industria ganaderathe livestock industry (most wasteful industry)9
9777502467Un contaminantea pollutant10
9777502468La contaminación del aguathe water pollution11
9777502469La contaminación del airethe air pollution12
9777502470El agua potablethe drinkable water13
9777502471El agua dulcethe drinkable water14
9777502472El agua subterráneathe ground water15
9777502473El consumo desmedidothe overconsumption16
9777502475El ADNthe DNA18
9777502476Los genesthe genes19
9777502477Ubicarto locate20
9777502478Ubicuofound everywhere21
9777502479La ubicaciónthe location22
9777502480La deforestaciónthe mass cut down of trees23
9777502481La biodiversidadthe plants and animals (wildlife)24
9777502482La flora y la faunathe plants and animals (wildlife)25
9777502483Los combustibles fósilesthe fossil fuels26
9777502484El petróleothe petroleum27
9777502485El carbónthe carbon28
9777502486Un problema ambiental/del ambientean environmental problem29
9777502487Una cuestión/Un asunto sumamente importantean extremely important issue30
9777502488Los OMGsthe GMOs31
9777502489Los alimentos transgénicosthe genetically modified food ( = GMOs)32
9777502490Los microbiosthe microbes/bacteria33
9777502491Las célulasthe cells34
9777502492Una reacción cellulara cellular reaction35
9777502493Agotarto exhaust36
9777502494El agotamientothe exhaustion37
9777502495Las enzimasthe enzymes (break down protein)38
9777502496La proteínathe protein39
9777502497Los carbohidratosthe carbohydrates (complex and simple)40
9777502498El valor nutritivothe nutrition value41
9777502500La aromathe smell43
9777502501El saborthe flavor44
9777502502El estómagothe stomach45
9777502503El arrozthe rice46
9777502504Las semillasseeds47
9777502505Cultivarto cultivate48
9777502506Los cultivosthe crops49
9777502507La cosechathe harvest50
9777502508Cosecharto harvest51
9777502509El campesinothe farmer52
9777502510La cualidad/La característicaa characteristic53
9777502511La calidadthe quality (well made)54
9777502514Mantenerto maintain/sustain57
9777502515Inyectarto inject58
9777502516La intoxicaciónthe intoxication59
9777502517El venenothe poison60
9777502518Envenenarto poison61
9777502520Las sustancias químicasthe chemical substances63
9777502521Los químicosthe chemicals64
9777502522Los métodos de preservaciónthe preservation methods65
9777502523El enlatadothe canning process66
9777502524El embotelladothe bottling process67
9777502525La irradiaciónthe irradiating68
9777502526La pasteurizaciónthe pasteurization69
9777502527Los rayos (gama y equis)the rays (gamma and x-rays)70
9777502528Los electrones de alto voltajethe high voltage electrons71
9777502529La TierraEarth72
9777502530La tierrathe soil73
9777502531Las pesticidasthe pesticides74
9777502533La justicia socialthe social justice76
9777502534Las alergiasthe allergies77
9777502535Un trastornoa disorder78
9777502536Las úlcerasa disease that cause holes in the stomach79
9777502537El calentamiento globalthe global warming80
9777502538El efecto invernaderothe Greenhouse Effect81
9777502539Un huracána hurricane82
9777502540Una supercélulaa category 5 hurricane83
9777502541Un terremotoan earthquake84
9777502542Un tembloran earthquake85
9777502543Un sismoan earthquake86
9777502544Los aludesthe landslides87
9777502545Los incendiosthe fires88
9777502546Inevitableinevitable/bound to happen89
9777502548El dañothe damage91
9777502549Dañarto damage92
9777502550Las radaresthe radars93
9777502552Una epidemiaa rampant disease/problem95
9777502553El Cinturón de Fuegothe Ring of Fire96
9777502554Colapsarto collapse97
9777502555Derrumbarto collapse98
9777502556El derrumbethe collapse99
9777502557El enterradothe buried100
9777502558Desarrollarto develop101
9777502561Devastadorto devastate104
9777502562De cada díadaily105
9777502565La campaña de concientizaciónan awareness campaign108
9777502566Primordialvery important109
9777502567Sumamente importantevery important110
9777502568De suma importanciavery important111
9777502569Quijotescohighly idealistic112
9777502570Una metagoal113
9777502571Un desafíoa challenge114
9777502572Un retoa challenge115
9777502574O seain other words117
9777502575En otras palabrasin other words118
9777502576Sin embargohowever119
9777502577La fuente auditivathe audio120
9777502578La grabaciónthe audio121
9777502579El locutorthe speaker122
9777502580Empeorarto worsen/make worse123
9777502581Un buscadora search engine124
9777502582Publicarto post125
9777502583Una publicacióna post126
9777502584Un internautaan internet user127
9777502585Un usuarioa user128
9777502586Los dispositivosthe devices129
9777502587Una computadoraa computer130
9777502588Un ordenadora computer131
9777502589Los medios de comunicaciónthe media132
9777502590La Internetthe internet133
9777502591La redthe internet134
9777502592Las redes socialesthe social media135
9777502593Una cuestión/Un asunto actuala current issue136
9777502594Una polémicaa controversial topic137
9777502595Un polémicocontroversial138
9777502596Una maldada bad action139
9777502597Un mala malady (sickness)140
9777502598Un enfermedada malady (sickness)141
9777502599Un sitio médicoa medical website142
9777502600Una fuente actualan up to date source143
9777502601Un país en desarrolloa developing country144
9777502602Un país desarrolladoa developed country145
9777502603Los retos económicosthe financial challenges146
9777502604Las consecuencias precarias/peligrosasthe dangerous consequences147
9777502605Un tratamiento eficazan effective treatment148
9777502606Un doctor verdaderoan actual doctor149
9777502607Un médico virtualan online doctor150
9777502608Un médico generala general doctor151
9777502609La coerción/Intimidación cibernéticacyber bullying152
9777502610Una pandillaa street gang153
9777502611El colegiothe high school154
9777502612La preparatoriathe high school155
9777502613Un perfil actuala current profile156
9777502614La identidad socialthe social identity157
9777502615Los amigos mutualesthe online friends158
9777502616La sedethe headquarter159
9777502617La equidad del génerothe gender equality160
9777502618La igualdadthe equality161
9777502619La equidadthe equality162
9777502620Equilibrarto balance163
9777502621Igualarto balance164
9777502622Trinarto tweet165
9777502623Un trineoa tweet166
9777502624Un engañoa scam167
9777502625Engañarto scam168
9777502626La vigilanciathe surveillance169
9777502627La enajenaciónthe physical isolation170
9777502628El aislamiento geográficothe geographic isolation171
9777502629La auto imagenself image172
9777502630La autoestimaself esteem173
9777502631Los detractoresthe bullies174
9777502632Los teléfonos inteligentesthe smart phones175
9777502633Rastrearto track176
9777502634Un móvila phone177
9777502635Una fobiaa phobia178
9777502636Las imágenesthe images179
9777502637Los jóvenesthe teens180
9777502638Los adolescentesthe teens181
9777502639Aislarto isolate182
9777502640Un blancoa target183
9777502641Una dianaa target184
9777502645Hacer hincapié enemphasize188
9777502646Crédulalikely to believe/credible189
9777502647Poco fiablenot credible190
9777502648El diagnósticothe diagnostic191
9777502649Automedicarseself medicate192
9777502650Saber el problema médicoto know the medical problem193
9777502651Arribar al diagnósticoto know the medical problem194
9777502652El quiroprácticothe chiropractor195
9777502653Un tratamiento (como la medicina, terapia o la cirugía)the treatment (like the medicine, therapy, or surgery)196
9777502654Imperativovery necessary197
9777502655Absolutamente necesariovery necessary198
9777502656El hipnosis (la terapia alternativa)the hypnosis (the alternative therapy)199
9777503089El masaje (la terapia alternativa)the massage (the alternative therapy)200
9777503090La aromaterapia (la terapia alternativa)the aromatherapy (the alternative therapy)201
9777503091La concienciaciónthe awareness202
9777503092La sensibilizaciónthe awareness203
9777503094Una programaa program205
9777503095Una campañaa campaign206
9777503096El vinculothe link/connection207
9777503097Un enlacea link208
9777503098Enlacerto link209
9777503099Navegar la redto surf the web210
9777503100Los pobresthe poor211
9777503101La pobrezathe poverty212
9777503102La habilidadthe ability213
9777503103La capacidadthe capability214
9777503106Un consultorioa medical/physical exam217
9777503107El gabinetea medical/physical exam218
9777503108Un instrumentoa tool219
9777503109Una herramientaa tool220
9777503110La rapidezthe speed221
9777503111La velocidadthe speed222
9777503112Ocurrirto happen223
9777503113Sucederto happen224
9777503114Carecerto lack225
9777503115La faltathe lack226
9777503117La intimidaciónthe intimidation/bullying228
9777503119La bellezathe beauty230
9777503120Los talleresthe workshops231
9777503121Un profesor universitarioa professor232
9777503122Un docentea professor233
9777503123Consultarto consult234
9777503124Asesorarto assess235
9777503125La pilathe battery236
9777503126La esperanzathe hope237
9777503127La máquina de coserthe sewing machine238
9777503130El motifthe recurring image/symbol241
9777503131La sobrevivenciathe survival242
9777503132Madurarto mature243
9777503133La inmigración indocumentadathe undocumented immigration244
9777503134Un inmigrantean immigrant245
9777503136Regatearto bargain247
9777503137Una gangaa bargain248
9777503138El examen para la universidadthe SAT (college exam)249
9777503139La harinathe flour250
9777503140La masathe dough251
9777503141Un reciboa receipt252
9777503142Una recetaa recipe/prescription253
9777503143El desarraigothe uproot254
9777503144El raízthe root255
9777503145El aprendizajethe learning256
9777503146La enseñanzathe teaching257
9777503147Una becaa scholarship258
9777503148Un becarioa scholarship receiver259
9777503149El galardónthe award260
9777503150Los galardonesthe award receivers261
9777503151Solicitarto request262
9777503152El anuncioany advertisement263
9777503153Llevar a caboto realize264
9777503154Lograrto accomplish265
9777503155Realizarto accomplish266
9777503156La Noche viejaNew Years Eve267
9777503158Las guarderíasDaycare269
9777503159Los bisabuelosGreat Grandparents270
9777503160El augethe rise271
9777503161Los parientesthe relatives272
9777503162Un cartela poster273
9777503163La panacea de la hambrunathe panacea for world hungers = la quinoa274
9777503164La planta/los pisosthe level275
9777503165Los transgenicosgenetically modified276
9777503166La servilletapaper towel277
9777503167Un programa de intercambioan exchange program278
9777503168El idiomaa language (spoken)279
9777503169El lenguajea language (studied)280
9777503170Una lenguaa language (spoken)281
9777503171La fuente en líneathe online source282
9777503172La fronterathe border283
9777503173El transportethe transportation284
9777503174El trafícothe traffic285
9777503175Las materiales de construcción sosteniblessustainable construction material286
9777503176Las letrasthe lyrics287
9777503177Las personas indígenasthe indigenous people288
9777503179LatinoaméricaLatin America290
9777503180SudaméricaSouth America291
9777503181El Caribethe Caribbean292
9777503184CentroaméricaCentral America295
9777503185El mayathe Mayan language296
9777503186El nahuatlthe Aztec language297
9777503187El quechuathe Inca language298
9777503188El guaraníParaguay (has 2 official languages)299
9777503189Los tatarabuelosthe great great grandparents300
9777503190Los abuelos cangurosthe caregiver grandparents301
9777503191El aumentothe increase302
9777503192Un cuentoa tale303
9777503193Una colaa tail304
9777503194La riquezathe wealth305
9777503195El pueblothe population (people)306
9777503196La poblaciónthe population (numbers)307
9777503197Un hogara dwelling308
9777503198Una viviendaa dwelling309
9777503199El alquilerthe rent310
9777503200El vecindarioa neighborhood311
9777503201El barrioa neighborhood312
9777503202Una facturaa bill313
9777503203Una cuentaa bill314
9777503204Una vacunaa vaccine315
9777503205Autodidactaself taught316
9777503206Un muralistaa muralist317
9777503207Los temas políticosthe political themes318
9777503212Un obstáculo lingüísticoa linguistic obstacle323
9777503213Un desafío culturala cultural challenge324
9777503214Las bellas artesthe fine arts325
9777503215Un islotean islet (man made island)326
9777503216Fabricarto manufacture327
9777503217Un premio/un galardónan award328
9777503218premiar/ galardonarto award329
9777503219El Premio Nobel de la Pazthe Nobel Peace Prize = Rigoberta Menchú luchó por los derechos de los indígenas330
9777503220La mayoriathe majority331
9777503221La minoriathe minority332
9777503222La opinión minoritariathe minority opinion333
9777503223Por cientopercent334
9777503224El porcentajethe percentage335
9777503225El promediothe average336
9777503226El promedio de las calificacionesthe GPA337
9777503227El año escolarthe school year338
9777503228El turismo sosteniblethe sustainable tourism339
9777503229Una tablaa chart340
9777503230Un gráficoa graph341
9777503231La primera fuente impresathe first print source342
9777503232De acuerdo conaccording to343
9777503233Segúnaccording to344
9777503234La ONUthe UN345
9777503235Las Naciones Unidasthe United Nations346
9777503236La emisorathe radio broadcast347
9777503237La selva tropicalthe rainforest348
9777503238Nivelarto level349
9777503240Un rectorthe dean of the university351
9777503241El directorthe high school principal352
9777503242El colegio/la escuela secundariahigh school353
9777503243La escuela primariathe elementary school354
9777503244Una persona típicaan average person355
9777503245Una persona comúnan average person356
9777503246Las noticias diariasthe daily news357
9777503247El periódicothe newspaper358
9777503248El diariothe newspaper359
9777503249El jardín de infanciathe preschool360
9777503250La infanciathe childhood361
9777503251Grabarto record362
9777503252Los audífonosthe earphones363
9777503253Navegar la webto surf the web364
9777503254Hacer clic en el enlaceto click on a link365
9777503255La yemathe yolk366
9777503256Molerto grind367
9777503257La amahousekeeper368
9777503258El amomaster369
9777503259Una juntathe meeting370
9777503260Una asesoriaan advisory371
9777503261La arquitecturaarchitecture (noun)372
9777503262Arquitectónicoarchitectural (adj.)373
9777503263Una obra maestraa masterpiece374
9777503267UNESCOworld heritage cities=Machu Picchu378
9777503268Otorgarto give379
9777503270Anfitrionaa host381
9777503271Llevará a caboto host382
9777503272Las almendrasthe almonds383
9777503273La desconocidaunknown384
9777503274El alfabetismoliteracy385
9777503275El analfabetismoilliteracy386
9777503276Peonlow level working class387
9777503278Una campaña de analfabetismoa literacy campaign389
9777503279El patrimonioheritage390
9777503281La sanidadhealth392
9777503285Desempeñar un papelto play a role396
9777503286Una huérfanoan orphan397
9777503376Un cortejoa court400
9777503383___ es una espada de doble filo___ is a double edged sword401
9777503378La policíathe police403
9777503379El policiothe police worker404
9777503380El trabajador de policíathe police worker405
9777503382El monóxido de carbonothe carbon monoxide407
9777622389El ocioleisure408
9777638445Los residuos sólidossolid waste409
9777648488Los recursos naturalesnatural resources410
9777659499La naturalezanature411
9777696257Costumbresthe customs412
9777706817La aduanacustoms413
9777735963La ciudadaníacitizenship414
9777759978Reciclarto recycle415
9777803481Una almácendepartment store417
9777864479Una batidoramixer419
9777867051batirto mix420
9777889190el caficultorcoffee grower/cultivator422
9777970906el casillerocubby425
9777986731la cifraquantity426
9778081397Poner énfasis enemphasize428
9778088982disparidades salarialessalary disparity429
9778128230una encuestasurvey430
9778132514enterrarto bury431
9778156947las golosinascandy433
9778163939el grifofaucet434
9778172053in medias resin middle of things435
9778201805personal calificadoqualified personnel437
9778221801el retornodramatic return438
9778450933eritmañoto isolate yourself439
9779072190DACADream Act440
9779327770Panaceaa cureall442
9779358960Un vicioa dangerous habit443
9779376914Los Impuestostaxes444
9779498212Castañuelasinstruments used in flamenco dance447
9779532353Abarcarcover figuratively449
9779564364huelgaa labor strike453
9779586216un mestizoespañol + indigena454
9779612102el torerobullfighter456

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