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AP Spanish Literature Literary Terms Flashcards

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4687683694diptongodiphthong, the combination of a strong vowel (a, o, e) with a weak vowel (i, u)1
4687683695sinéresistwo strong vowels in the same syllable2
4687683696sinalefablending two successive vowels into one syllable3
4687683697llanadescribes words in which the stressed syllable is the second to last4
4687683698agudadescribes words in which the stressed syllable is the last5
4687683699esdrújulasdescribes words in which the stressed syllable is the third to last6
4687683700tetrasílabofour syllables per line7
4687683701hexasílabosix syllables per line8
4687683702heptasílaboseven syllables per line9
4687683703octosílaboeight syllables per line10
4687683704eneasílabonine syllables per line11
4687683705decasílaboten syllables per line12
4687683706endecasílaboeleven syllables per line13
4687683707dodecasílabotwelve syllables per line14
4687683708alejandrinofourteen syllables per line15
4687683709hipérbolehyperbole, exaggeration16
4687683710prosopopeyapersonification, giving human characteristics to non-human objects17
4687683711aliteraciónalliteration, repetition of the same sound or group of sounds18
4687683712anáforaanaphora, repetition of the same word or phrase at the beginning of two or more verses or sentences19
4687683713antítesisantithesis, expression of contradictory ideas in similar phrases20
4687683714aparteaside, technical theater term to communicate to the audience certain things that the other characters should not know21
4687683715apóstrofeapostrophe, a passage addressing a person or thing as if it could respond22
4687683716arquetipoarchetype, a typical example or symbol of something, a model of behavior23
4687683717arte mayorverses with more than eight syllables24
4687683718arte menorverses with eight syllables or less25
4687683719asíndetonasyndeton, omission of a conjunction between parts of a sentence26
4687683720carpe diemlife is short and should be appreciated27
4687683721cesuracaesura, a pause in the middle of a line28
4687683722clímaxclimax, most intense point of action in the plot29
4687683723elipsisellipsis, omission of elements of a sentence30
4687683724encabalgamientoenjambment, continuation of a thought from one verse to the next31
4687683725epopeyaepic poetry, poetry in an elevated style describing a historic or legendary hero32
4687683726epítetoepithet, addition of adjectives that are not necessary, but emphasize a certain characteristic of a thing33
4687683727estribillorefrain, line or lines that are repeated throughout a poem34
4687683729estructurastructure, the framework of a literary work36
4687683730exposiciónexposition, the beginning of a work in which the characters and premise are introduced37
4687683731hamartiatragic flaw, weakness of a tragic hero that leads him to catastrophe38
4687683732hipérbatonhyperbaton, alteration to the typical order of words in a sentence39
4687683733imagenimage, literal or figurative representation of an object or sensory experience, mental image40
4687683734in media resbeginning in the middle of the action rather than before41
4687683735metáforametaphor, a comparison between objects in which one object is typically symbolic of another42
4687683736metonimiametonymy, substitution of a word for the idea meant43
4687683737onomatopeyaonomatopoeia, use of words to imitate a sound44
4687683738paradojaparadox, union of apparently irreconcilable ideas45
4687683739pareadocouplet, stanza of two lines46
4687683740parodiaparody, exaggerated imitation of something for comic effect47
4687683741prefiguraciónforeshadowing, indication of events to come48
4687683742realismo mágicomagical realism, magical elements in a realistic setting49
4687683743rima asonanteassonance, type of rhyme in which only the vowels rhyme50
4687683744rima consonanteconsonance, rhyme in which the last sounds rhyme51
4687683745simbolosymbol, use of a concrete object to represent an abstract idea52
4687683746símilsimile, comparison between two objects using like or as53
4687683747sinécdoquesynecdoche, substituting the name of an object for another related object, typically used to give an object a more general name54
4687683748sonetosonnet, poetic composition of fourteen lines55
4687683750tonotone, attitude of the author towards the material57
4687683751alegoríaallegory, story interpreted to reveal a deeper meaning58
4687683752coplacouplet, two lines of verse joined into one unit59
4687683753figuras retóricasrhetorical figure, language device used by a writer to prompt the reader to consider the meaning from a different perspective60
4687683754hemistiquiohemistich, half a line of verse preceded or followed by a caesura, sometimes used to indicate tension or suspense61
4687683755justicia poéticapoetic justice, device in which a character is punished or rewarded based on their actions, often by fate62
4687683756metrometer, rhythmic structure of verse63
4687683757retruécanopun, play on words involving words that sound similar or a word with multiple meanings64
4687683758octavaoctave, verse consisting of eight lines65
4687683759polifoníapolyphony, aspect of narrative involving multiple perspectives66
4687683760odaode, lyric poem addressing a particular subject, often elevated in style67
4687683761polisíndetonpolysyndeton, repetition of conjunctions68
4687683762pregunta retóricarhetorical question, question posed for effect and not intended to be answered69
4687683763ritmorhythm, pattern of language70
4687683764serventesiostanza of four verses of more than eight syllables with consonance, usually with a rhyme scheme ABAB71
4687683765apologíaeulogy, speech in defense or praise of a person or ideology72
4687683766caricaturacaricature, work that ridicules the example it is about73
4687683767cromatismothe use of a set or range of colors to represent ideas or emotions74
4687683768desdoblamientoformation of two or more things through the separation of components that tend to be together, such as the manifestation of two or more personalities75
4687683769leitmotivleading motif, repetition of a word, phrase, situation, or concept in a work76
4687683770metaficciónmetafiction, fiction in which the author breaks the illusion of reality in a work by referring to the artificiality of the work77
4687683771sátirasatire, a literary work whose purpose is to ridicule the subject78
4687683772narrativa epistolarepistolary novel, a work in the form of written letters from one or multiple characters79
4687683773narrador fidedignoreliable narrator, narrator whose understanding of the characters or the actions in the story accredit it to tell the facts80
4687683774narrador no fidedignounreliable narrator, narrator who misinterprets the motives or action of the characters or who does no perceive the connections between the facts of the story, creating a discrepancy between the author and the narrator because the narrator is offering inconsistent information81
4687683775narrador testigowitness, narrator who does not participate in the action of the story but relates the facts in first person and makes commentary82
4687683776narratariothe person at whom the narrator directs the text83
4687683777parábolaparable, a short educational story whose action is applicable to another situation84
4687683778diéresisdiaeresis, pronunciation of vowels in a diphthong in separate syllables85
4687683779hiatohiatus, separation of a sinalefa86
4687683780verso blancoblank verse, verse that does not have any kind of rhyme with any other verse, appears in poems with a regular metric rhyme scheme87
4687683781verso librefree verse, verso that does not have any rhyme or metric pattern88
4687683782polimetríapolymetric, use of distinct metric forms in a single poem89
4687683783silvasilva meter, combines verses of seven and eleven syllables90
4687683784anagnórisisanagnorisis, moment at which a character makes an important discovery or understands something about himself, human nature, or his situation91
4687683785catarsiscatharsis, feeling of purification or liberation prompted by some experience92
4687683786falla trágicatragic flaw, fatal error of the protagonist in a work that causes an irreparable harm93
4687683787pathosin a Greek tragedy, the affection that inclines the audience towards the tragic character94
4687683788tres unidadestheatrical rule that there is only one principal action, that the action does not last more than one day, and that all of the action takes place in the same place95
4687683789cacofoníacacophony, use of words that combine unpleasant sounds96
4687683790sinestesiasynthesthesia, description of a sensation or image by means of sensations perceived by the five senses97
4687683791conceptismoconceptism, literary movement associated with the Spanish baroque period that is characterized by the use of word play, paradoxes, acuteness of thoughts, and concision in expression98
4687683792culteranismoGongorism, Spanish literary style from the end of the 16th century and the 17th century, characterized by the excessive wealth of surprising metaphors, the exaggerated use of jargon, and syntactic complexity99

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