191117372 | el comedor | the dining room | 0 | |
191117373 | el dormitorio | the bedroom | 1 | |
191117374 | la oficina | the office | 2 | |
191117375 | el salón | the living room | 3 | |
191117376 | el zaguán | the entrance hall | 4 | |
191117377 | la blusa | the blouse | 5 | |
191117378 | las bombachas | loose fitting pants, gaucho pants | 6 | |
191117379 | las botas | the boots | 7 | |
191117380 | la camisa | the dress shirt, the collared shirt | 8 | |
191117381 | la camiseta | the T-shirt | 9 | |
191117382 | la chaqueta | the jacket | 10 | |
191117383 | la falda | the skirt | 11 | |
191117384 | el gorro | the hat | 12 | |
191117385 | los pantalones | the pants | 13 | |
191117386 | el traje | the suit | 14 | |
191117387 | el vestido | the dress | 15 | |
191117388 | los muebles | furniture | 16 | |
191117389 | el archivo | the file cabinet | 17 | |
191117390 | el armario | the closet | 18 | |
191117391 | el banco | the bench; the bank | 19 | |
191117392 | la cama | the bed | 20 | |
191117393 | el escritorio | the desk | 21 | |
191117394 | el estante | the bookcase; the bookshelves | 22 | |
191117395 | el ropero | the closet; the wardrobe | 23 | |
191117396 | la silla | the chair | 24 | |
191117397 | el sillón | the armchair | 25 | |
191117398 | el hogar | the home | 26 | |
191117399 | los quehaceres | the chores | 27 | |
191117400 | barrer el suelo | to sweep the floor | 28 | |
191117401 | cepillar las alfombras | to brush out the carpets | 29 | |
191117402 | cortar la leña | to cut firewood | 30 | |
191117403 | cuidar de los niños | to care for the children | 31 | |
191117404 | fregar las ollas | to scrub the pots | 32 | |
191117405 | limpiar los cristales | to clean the windows | 33 | |
191117406 | planchar los pañuelos | to iron the handkerchiefs | 34 | |
191117407 | recoger el correo | to collect the mail | 35 | |
191117408 | sacar la basura | to take out the trash | 36 | |
191117409 | sacudir las almohadas | to fluff the pillows | 37 | |
191117410 | secar los platos | to dry the dishes | 38 | |
191117411 | poner la mesa | to set the table | 39 | |
191117412 | quitar la mesa | to clear the table | 40 | |
191117413 | la taza | the cup; the mug | 41 | |
191117414 | la servilleta | the napkin | 42 | |
191117415 | el tenedor | the fork | 43 | |
191117416 | el plato | the plate | 44 | |
191117417 | la copa | the wine glass | 45 | |
191117418 | el cuchillo | the knife | 46 | |
191117419 | la cuchara | the spoon; tablespoon | 47 | |
191117420 | el contenido | the contents | 48 | |
191117421 | los carbohidratos | carbohydrates | 49 | |
191117422 | el colesterol | cholesterol | 50 | |
191117423 | la fibra | fiber | 51 | |
191117424 | la fécula | starch | 52 | |
191117425 | la grasa | fat | 53 | |
191117426 | las hierbas | the herbs | 54 | |
191117427 | la proteína | protein | 55 | |
191117428 | la sacarina | saccharin; artificial sugar; sweetener | 56 | |
191117429 | las vitaminas | the vitamins | 57 | |
191117430 | los cubiertos | silverware | 58 | |
191117431 | un piso amueblado | a furnished apartment | 59 | |
191117432 | una sala amplia | a spacious room | 60 | |
191117433 | una oficina climatizada | an air-conditioned office | 61 | |
191117434 | una cocina limpia | a clean kitchen | 62 | |
191117435 | la privacidad | privacy | 63 | |
191117436 | un baño sucio | a dirty bathroon | 64 | |
191117437 | un jardín urbano | an urban garden | 65 | |
191117438 | una vista al mar | a view of the sea | 66 | |
191117439 | una vivienda de lujo | a luxury home | 67 | |
191117440 | las herramientas | the tools | 68 | |
191117441 | el cepillo | the brush; the hairbrush; the toothbrush | 69 | |
191117442 | el destornillador | the screwdriver | 70 | |
191117443 | la escoba | the broom | 71 | |
191117444 | el martillo | the hammer | 72 | |
191117445 | las pinzas | the tweezers; the tongs | 73 | |
191117446 | la sierra | the saw | 74 | |
191117447 | los aparatos | the appliances | 75 | |
191117448 | los electrodomésticos | the electric appliances | 76 | |
191117449 | el enchufe | the socket, the outlet | 77 | |
191117450 | la estufa | the stove | 78 | |
191117451 | el horno | the oven | 79 | |
191117452 | el lavaplatos | the dishwasher | 80 | |
191117453 | la línea de teléfono | the telephone line | 81 | |
191117454 | el microondas | the microwave | 82 | |
191117455 | el ordenador | the computer | 83 | |
191117456 | la sacadora | the dryer | 84 | |
191117457 | los postres | the desserts | 85 | |
191117458 | los bombones | the chocolates | 86 | |
191117459 | los conos | the ice cream cones | 87 | |
191117460 | las galletas | the cookies; the crackers | 88 | |
191117461 | el helado | the ice cream | 89 | |
191117462 | la nata | the whipped cream | 90 | |
191117463 | los pasteles | the pastries; the cakes | 91 | |
191117464 | la tarta | the tart; the pie | 92 | |
191117465 | la torta | the cake; the sandwich | 93 | |
191117466 | las hierbas | the herbs; the weeds | 94 | |
191117467 | la albahaca | the basil | 95 | |
191117468 | la cebolleta | the scallion; the chive | 96 | |
191117469 | el comino | the cumin | 97 | |
191117470 | la menta | the mint | 98 | |
191117471 | el perejil | the parsley | 99 | |
191117472 | el romero | the rosemary | 100 | |
191117473 | el tomillo | the thyme | 101 | |
191117474 | anfitrión/a | host/hostess | 102 | |
191117475 | cocinero/a | cook; chef | 103 | |
191117476 | criado/a | servant; maid | 104 | |
191117477 | empleado/a | employee | 105 | |
191117478 | la familia | the family | 106 | |
191117479 | los/las familiares | the relatives | 107 | |
191117480 | los/las huéspedes | the guests | 108 | |
191117481 | los asados | the roasts; the barbequed meats | 109 | |
191117482 | los bocadillos | the finger foods; the sandwiches | 110 | |
191117483 | la bullabesa | the bouillabaisse | 111 | |
191117484 | el caldo | the broth | 112 | |
191117485 | el guisado | the stew | 113 | |
191117486 | las pastas | pasta; cookies | 114 | |
191117487 | la salsa | the sauce | 115 | |
191117488 | el yogur | yogurt | 116 | |
191117489 | las medidas | the measurements | 117 | |
191117490 | la cucharada | tablespoonful | 118 | |
191117491 | el kilogramo | kilogram | 119 | |
191117492 | la ración de gambas | the serving of shrimp | 120 | |
191117493 | el trozo de torta | the slice of cake | 121 | |
191117494 | el tamaño | the size | 122 | |
191117495 | la talla | the size | 123 | |
191117496 | la hiedra | the ivy | 124 | |
191117497 | regar | to water, to irrigate, to sprinkle | 125 | |
191117498 | sembrar | to plant; to sew | 126 | |
191117499 | la semilla | the seed | 127 | |
191117500 | la habitación | the room; the bedroom | 128 | |
191117501 | el garaje | the garage | 129 | |
191117502 | la alcoba | the bedroom | 130 | |
191117503 | el retrete | the toilet | 131 | |
191117504 | las olivas | the olives | 132 | |
191117505 | los granos | the grains; the pimples | 133 | |
191117506 | las alcachofas | the artichokes | 134 | |
191117507 | el requesón | the cottage cheese | 135 | |
191117508 | las ollas | the pots | 136 | |
191117509 | el grifo | the faucet; the tap | 137 | |
191117510 | los aparatos | the appliances | 138 | |
191117511 | las recetas | the recipes | 139 | |
191117512 | agrio/a | bitter; sour; tart | 140 | |
191117513 | alimenticio/a | nutritious; pertaining to food | 141 | |
191117514 | apetecible | appetizing | 142 | |
191117515 | culinario/a | culinary | 143 | |
191117516 | delicioso/a | delicious | 144 | |
191117517 | dietético/a | dietetic | 145 | |
191117518 | dulce | sweet | 146 | |
191117519 | equilibrado/a | balanced | 147 | |
191117520 | esponjoso/a | spongy; fluffy | 148 | |
191117521 | estupendo/a | marvelous; wonderful | 149 | |
191117522 | exquisito/a | exquisite | 150 | |
191117523 | hidrogenado/a | hydrogenated | 151 | |
191117524 | higiénico/a | hygienic; clean | 152 | |
191117525 | jugoso/a | juicy | 153 | |
191117526 | cocido/a | cooked; boiled; baked | 154 | |
191117527 | crudo/a | raw; rare | 155 | |
191117528 | saludable | healthy | 156 | |
191117529 | variado/a | varied | 157 | |
191117530 | vegetariano/a | vegetarian | 158 | |
191117531 | las verduras | the vegetables | 159 | |
191117532 | el apio | the celery | 160 | |
191117533 | el bróculi | the brocolli | 161 | |
191117534 | los frijoles | the beans | 162 | |
191117535 | la lechuga | the lettuce | 163 | |
191117536 | los rábanos | the radishes | 164 | |
191117537 | la zanahoria | the carrot | 165 | |
191117538 | el aceite | the oil | 166 | |
191117539 | el ajo | the garlic; the clove of garlic | 167 | |
191117540 | la cebolla | the onion | 168 | |
191117541 | el escabeche | the pickle; the pickling brine; the marinade | 169 | |
191117542 | las hebras de azafrán | the threads of saffron | 170 | |
191117543 | el azafrán | the saffron | 171 | |
191117544 | los hongos | the mushrooms | 172 | |
191117545 | la pimienta | the black pepper | 173 | |
191117546 | la manteca | the butter; the fat; the lard | 174 | |
191117547 | la mantequilla | the butter | 175 | |
191117548 | el vinagre | the vinegar | 176 | |
191117549 | las aves | the poultry | 177 | |
191117550 | el muslo | the thigh | 178 | |
191117551 | el pavo | the turkey | 179 | |
191117552 | el pollo | the chicken | 180 | |
191117553 | el pato | the duck | 181 | |
191117554 | la pechuga | the breast (of a foul) | 182 | |
191117555 | los calamares | the squid | 183 | |
191117556 | los camarones | the shrimp | 184 | |
191117557 | las gambas | the shrimp; the prawns | 185 | |
191117558 | los mariscos | the shellfish; the seafood | 186 | |
191117559 | el pulpo | the octopus | 187 | |
191117560 | el salmón | the salmon | 188 | |
191117561 | la trucha | the trout | 189 | |
191117562 | las especias | the spices | 190 | |
191117563 | el azúcar | the sugar | 191 | |
191117564 | el chocolate | the chocolate | 192 | |
191117565 | el coco | the coconut | 193 | |
191117566 | las frutas | fruits | 194 | |
191117567 | las cerezas | the cherries | 195 | |
191117568 | los dátiles | the dates | 196 | |
191117569 | las fresas | the strawberries | 197 | |
191117570 | la naranja | the orange | 198 | |
191117571 | el melocotón | the peach | 199 | |
191117572 | las pasas | the raisins | 200 | |
191117573 | la sandía | the watermelon | 201 | |
191117574 | las carnes | the meats | 202 | |
191117575 | el cerdo | the pork | 203 | |
191117576 | la chuleta | the chop | 204 | |
191117577 | el cochinillo | the suckling pig | 205 | |
191117578 | el cordero | the lamb | 206 | |
191117579 | la res | the beef | 207 | |
191117580 | la salchicha | the sausage | 208 | |
191117581 | la ternera | the veal | 209 | |
191117582 | goza de | enjoys | 210 | |
191117583 | sin embargo | however; nevertheless | 211 | |
191117584 | me da asco | it disgusts me | 212 | |
191117585 | las sobras | the leftovers | 213 | |
191117586 | guardar cama | to stay in bed (due to sickness) | 214 | |
191117587 | probar | to test, to prove, to try, to try on | 215 | |
191117588 | sobrar | to have in excess | 216 | |
230780094 | teñir | to dye | 217 | |
230780095 | las hebras | the filaments | 218 | |
230780096 | triturar | to grind | 219 | |
230780097 | soltar | to let go | 220 | |
230780098 | las semillas | the seeds | 221 | |
230780099 | los tallos | the stems | 222 | |
230780100 | moler | to grind | 223 | |
230780101 | ancho/a | wide | 224 | |
230780102 | el polvo | the dust | 225 | |
230780103 | insólito/a | unusual | 226 | |
230780104 | las ventajas | the advantages | 227 | |
230780105 | pasado/a de moda | out of style | 228 | |
230780106 | el dobladillo | hem | 229 | |
230780107 | rebelde | rebellious | 230 | |
230780108 | lujoso/a | luxurious | 231 | |
230780109 | los deberes | the chores | 232 | |
230780110 | exigir | to demand | 233 | |
230780111 | el cuello | the neck | 234 | |
230780112 | la llamita | the flame | 235 | |
230780113 | la sartén | the frying pan | 236 | |
230780114 | rociar | to rub | 237 | |
230780115 | las etiquetas | the labels | 238 | |
230780116 | agregar | to add | 239 | |
230780117 | aprovechar | to take advantage of | 240 | |
230780118 | el fondo | the background | 241 | |
230780119 | los sobres | the envelopes | 242 | |
230780120 | los rincones | the corners (of a square) | 243 | |
230780121 | las esquinas | the corners (of a street) | 244 | |
230780122 | los agujeros | the holes | 245 | |
230780123 | las grietas | holes, or chinks, as in a wall | 246 | |
230780124 | los hoyos | holes, as on a golf course | 247 | |
230780125 | la etiqueta | the tag/the label | 248 | |
230780126 | la etiqueta | the tux | 249 | |
230780127 | los paredes | interior walls | 250 | |
230780128 | los muros | exterior walls | 251 | |
230780129 | una cerca | a fence | 252 | |
230780130 | las rebanadas | slices of bread | 253 | |
230780131 | las lonjas | the slices of ham | 254 | |
230780132 | las tajadas | the slices of meat | 255 | |
230780133 | las rodajas | slices, of cold meats | 256 | |
230780134 | los fiambres | cold meats | 257 | |
230780135 | las rajas | slices of cheese/fruits/fish | 258 | |
230780136 | el suelo | the floor | 259 | |
230780137 | el piso | the floor/level of a building | 260 |
AP Spanish: Triángulo I Flashcards
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