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AP Spanish-UNIDAD 1- Introducción Vocabulario Pt 1

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78136401ABASTECERto supply, supply with
78136402ABRAZARto embrace, hold, hug
78136403ACOSTUMBRARSEto get used to, accustomed to
78136404ADIVINARto guess, divine, predict
78136405ADVERTIRto advise, to give notice, to give warning, to take notice of, to warn
78136406AFIANZARSEto be consolidated, established
78136407AFLIGIRSEto grieve, to be distressed
78136408AGARRARto grasp, to get a hold of/obtain, to seize, to catch, to clutch, to come upon
78136409AGOTARSEto run out, used up, sold out
78136410AGUANTARto put up with, to tolerate, to bear, endure
78136411ALEJARSEto go away, move away, distance oneself
78136412ALQUILARto hire, to rent
78136413AMENAZARto threaten, intimidate
78136414APODERARSEto take power, to take possession, seize
78136415APROVECHARto make the most of, take advantage of
78136416ARREPENTIRSEto repent, to be sorry, change one's mind
78136417ARROJARto fling, to hurl, to throw, drop, spew
78136418ASEGURARto assure, to affirm, to assert, to insure, to guarantee
78136419ATROPELLARto knock down, run over, trample
78136420AUMENTARto increase, raise
78136421BROTARto sprout, to erupt, to appear, come up
78136422CALENTARto heat (up), to warm (up)
78136423CAPTURARto capture, catch, seize, confiscate
78136424CARECERto lack something
78136425CAZARto hunt
78136426CEDERto transfer, assign, cede, yield, hand over, give in, let up
78136427COMBATIRto combat, fight against
78136428COMPARTIRto share, divide (into parts)
78136429COMPROBARto prove, confirm, realize
78136430CONFIARto confide/trust
78136431CONVERTIRSEto turn into, to become
78136432CRIARto breed, to raise [children], to bring up (rear)
78136433CUMPLIRto fulfill, to keep (a promise), to reach one's birthday (use with años), carry out
78136434DEBILITARto weaken, to deteriorate
78136435DEMANDARto sue, require, demand
78136436DERROTARto defeat, to beat
78136437DERRUMBARSEto fall down, collapse, cave in
78136438DESARROLLARto develop, explain, carry out
78136439DESEMPEÑARto play (role), perform, hold, manage
78136440DESGASTARto wear out, deplete, erode
78136441DESILUSIONARto disappoint
78136442DESLIZARto slip, slide, glide
78136443DESPEJARSEto (become) clear, clear one's mind
78136444DESPLAZARSEto move, travel, swing
78136445DESPRENDERSEto detach oneself,release oneself, get rid of
78136446DESTACARSEto stand out, to excel
78136447DEVOLVERto give back, return (an item)
78136448DISPARARto shoot, fire
78136449ECHARto throw, to fling, to toss, to pitch, to cast
78136450EMOCIONARSEto get excited; to be touched or moved
78136451EMPACARto pack, pack up, bale
78136452EMPEORARto deteriorate; to get worse
78136453EMPUJARto push, shove
78136454ENAMORARSE DEto fall in love with
78136455ENCERRARSEto lock oneself in, shut oneself in
78136456ENFRENTARSEto face, to confront. meet [a challenge]
78136457ENTERARSEto find out about, be informed
78136458ENTRENARto train, coach
78136459ENTREVISTARto interview
78136460ESFORZARSEto make an effort, try hard, do one's best, strive
78136461ESPARCIRto scatter, to spread
78136462EVITARto avoid
78136463EXIGIRto demand, to urge, to require
78136464FLORECERto flourish,flower, prosper
78136465FOMENTARto encourage, promote, stir up
78136466FORTALECERto strengthen, fortify
78136467GOZARto enjoy
78136468HELARto freeze, ice
78136469IMPEDIRto hinder, impede, prevent
78136470IMPONERto impose, command
78136471INDAGARto investigate
78136472INSCRIBIRSEto enroll, to register, sign up
78136473INVERTIRto invest, devote, reverse
78136474JUBILARSEto retire (from work)
78136475LASTIMARSE / LESIONARto injur, hurt oneself
78136476MEJORARto improve (make better)
78136477PERMANECERto stay, to remain
78136478PERSEGUIRto pursue, persecute, chase
78136479PREVENIRto prevent, warn
78136480QUEJARSEto complain, grumble
78136481RECLAMARto claim (luggage), require, demand
78136482REMONTARSEto go back (in time), gain hight,soar
78136483RENDIR / RENDIRSEto pay tribute, yield, produce, surrender, give up
78136484REPOSARto rest, repose, lie, settle
78136485REPROBARto flunk, fail, condemn
78136486RESIGNARSEto resign oneself to, to accept something
78136487SOBRARto have more than enough, some left, extra
78136488SOBRESALIRto stand out, to excel, project, overhang
78136489SOBREVIVIRto survive
78136490SOLICITARto request, to apply for
78136491SOLUCIONARto solve, settle, resolve
78136492SONARto ring, sound
78136493SOPLARto blow, to blow out
78136494SOPORTARto tolerate, put up with, bear, endure
78136495SOSTENERto sustain, to support, to maintain, to uphold
78136496SUBASTARto auction (off)
78136497TALLARto carve, sculpt, cut
78136498TAMBALEARSEto wobble, stagger, shake
78136499TRASLADARSEto transfer, move, relocate
78136500TRIUNFARto be successful, triumph
78136501TROPEZARSEto bump, run into
78136502TURBARto shock, to embarrass, disturb
78136503VELARto stay awake, to guard, to watch over
78136504VISLUMBRARto discern, make out; begin to see

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