Vocabulary from Unidad I continued: Basta to en seguida.
78738911 | ¡Basta! | enough! | |
78738912 | a ciegas | blindly, randomly | |
78738913 | a fin de cuentas | in the end, after all (is said and done), in the final analysis | |
78738914 | a fondo | throughly, in detail | |
78738915 | a la fuerza | against one's will, by force, forcibly | |
78738916 | a la vez | at the same time | |
78738917 | a más tardar | at the very latest | |
78738918 | a mi parecer | in my opinion, the way I see it | |
78738919 | a su vez | in turn, in its part | |
78738920 | a ver | let's see | |
78738921 | al amanecer | at dawn, at daybreak | |
78738922 | al anochecer | at dusk, at nightfall | |
78738923 | al fin y al cabo | in the end, after all (is said and done), finally | |
78738924 | al menos | at least | |
78738925 | al parecer | apparently, seemingly | |
78738926 | al por mayor | in large quantity, wholesale | |
78738927 | al principio | at first, at the beginning | |
78738928 | al revés | upside down, inside out, in reverse | |
78738929 | aprender de memoria | to memorize, to learn by heart | |
78738930 | así es que | that's why, therfore, as a result | |
78738931 | cada vez más | more and more, increasingly | |
78738932 | caerle bien/mal a alguien | to get along well/badly with someone, make a good/bad impression | |
78738933 | cambiar de idea | to change one's mind | |
78738934 | con mucho gusto | with much pleasure | |
78738935 | contar (ue) con | to count on, rely on | |
78738936 | costarle trabajo | to be difficult for someone, hard work | |
78738937 | Creo que sí. / Creo que no. | I think-believe so. / I don't think-believe so. | |
78738938 | dar a | to face, to look out upon, meet (challenge) | |
78738939 | dar a conocer | to make known, announce, inform | |
78738940 | dar las gracias | to thank, give thanks, show gratitude | |
78738941 | dar recuerdos | to give regards to | |
78738942 | dar un paseo / dar una vuelta | to take a walk, stroll | |
78738943 | darse la mano | to shake hands with each other | |
78738944 | darse prisa | to be in a hurry, hurry, rush | |
78738945 | de antemano | Beforehand, previously, in advance | |
78738946 | de aquí en adelante | from now on, henceforth | |
78738947 | de buena gana | willingly, gladly, with pleasure | |
78738948 | de mala gana | unwillingly, reluctantly | |
78738949 | de costumbre | usually, habitually, customarily | |
78738950 | de golpe / de repente | all at once, suddenly | |
78738951 | de hecho | in fact, as a matter of fact | |
78738952 | de hoy en adelante | from this day forward | |
78738953 | de memoria | by heart, by memory | |
78738954 | de nada | you are welcome, it's nothing | |
78738955 | de noche | at, by night | |
78738956 | de nuevo / otra vez | again | |
78738957 | de otra manera | on the other hand, in another way | |
78738958 | de par en par | completely, wide open | |
78738959 | de postre | for dessert | |
78738960 | de prisa | hurriedly, in a hurry, quickly | |
78738961 | de pronto | suddenly, all of a sudden | |
78738962 | de todos modos / de todas maneras | at any rate, anyhow, anyway | |
78738963 | de última moda | in the latest style, fashion | |
78738964 | de veras | really, truly, honestly | |
78738965 | de vez en cuando | from time to time, now and then | |
78738966 | deberse a (debido a) | to be due to; to be caused by; owing to | |
78738967 | dentro de poco | in a short while, in a little while, shortly | |
78738968 | desde luego | of course, at once, certainly | |
78738969 | dormir a pierna suelta | to sleep like a log (soundly) | |
78738970 | echar una carta, tarjeta, etc. | to mail a letter, card, etc. | |
78738971 | echar de menos a alguien / extrañar a alguien [Mex.] | to miss someone | |
78738972 | echar la culpa / culpar | to blame | |
78738973 | echarse a reír | to burst out laughing | |
78738974 | en alguna parte | anywhere, somewhere | |
78738975 | en balde | in vain, for nothing | |
78738976 | en broma | in fun, jokingly | |
78738977 | en cambio | on the other hand, instead | |
78738978 | en cuanto | as soon as | |
78738979 | en efecto | as a matter of fact, indeed, in effect | |
78738980 | en el acto | immediately; on the spot | |
78738981 | en el fondo | in the background, at the bottom of | |
78738982 | en primer lugar | in the first place, first of all | |
78738983 | en punto | on the dot, sharp | |
78738984 | en realidad | actually, in fact, in reality | |
78738985 | en resumidas cuentas | in short, after all, to summarize | |
78738986 | en seguida | right away; immediately |