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AP Spanish-UNIDAD 1- Introducción Vocabulario Pt 2

Vocabulary from Unidad I continued: Basta to en seguida.

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78738912a ciegasblindly, randomly
78738913a fin de cuentasin the end, after all (is said and done), in the final analysis
78738914a fondothroughly, in detail
78738915a la fuerzaagainst one's will, by force, forcibly
78738916a la vezat the same time
78738917a más tardarat the very latest
78738918a mi parecerin my opinion, the way I see it
78738919a su vezin turn, in its part
78738920a verlet's see
78738921al amanecerat dawn, at daybreak
78738922al anochecerat dusk, at nightfall
78738923al fin y al caboin the end, after all (is said and done), finally
78738924al menosat least
78738925al parecerapparently, seemingly
78738926al por mayorin large quantity, wholesale
78738927al principioat first, at the beginning
78738928al revésupside down, inside out, in reverse
78738929aprender de memoriato memorize, to learn by heart
78738930así es quethat's why, therfore, as a result
78738931cada vez másmore and more, increasingly
78738932caerle bien/mal a alguiento get along well/badly with someone, make a good/bad impression
78738933cambiar de ideato change one's mind
78738934con mucho gustowith much pleasure
78738935contar (ue) conto count on, rely on
78738936costarle trabajoto be difficult for someone, hard work
78738937Creo que sí. / Creo que no.I think-believe so. / I don't think-believe so.
78738938dar ato face, to look out upon, meet (challenge)
78738939dar a conocerto make known, announce, inform
78738940dar las graciasto thank, give thanks, show gratitude
78738941dar recuerdosto give regards to
78738942dar un paseo / dar una vueltato take a walk, stroll
78738943darse la manoto shake hands with each other
78738944darse prisato be in a hurry, hurry, rush
78738945de antemanoBeforehand, previously, in advance
78738946de aquí en adelantefrom now on, henceforth
78738947de buena ganawillingly, gladly, with pleasure
78738948de mala ganaunwillingly, reluctantly
78738949de costumbreusually, habitually, customarily
78738950de golpe / de repenteall at once, suddenly
78738951de hechoin fact, as a matter of fact
78738952de hoy en adelantefrom this day forward
78738953de memoriaby heart, by memory
78738954de nadayou are welcome, it's nothing
78738955de nocheat, by night
78738956de nuevo / otra vezagain
78738957de otra maneraon the other hand, in another way
78738958de par en parcompletely, wide open
78738959de postrefor dessert
78738960de prisahurriedly, in a hurry, quickly
78738961de prontosuddenly, all of a sudden
78738962de todos modos / de todas manerasat any rate, anyhow, anyway
78738963de última modain the latest style, fashion
78738964de verasreally, truly, honestly
78738965de vez en cuandofrom time to time, now and then
78738966deberse a (debido a)to be due to; to be caused by; owing to
78738967dentro de pocoin a short while, in a little while, shortly
78738968desde luegoof course, at once, certainly
78738969dormir a pierna sueltato sleep like a log (soundly)
78738970echar una carta, tarjeta, etc.to mail a letter, card, etc.
78738971echar de menos a alguien / extrañar a alguien [Mex.]to miss someone
78738972echar la culpa / culparto blame
78738973echarse a reírto burst out laughing
78738974en alguna parteanywhere, somewhere
78738975en baldein vain, for nothing
78738976en bromain fun, jokingly
78738977en cambioon the other hand, instead
78738978en cuantoas soon as
78738979en efectoas a matter of fact, indeed, in effect
78738980en el actoimmediately; on the spot
78738981en el fondoin the background, at the bottom of
78738982en primer lugarin the first place, first of all
78738983en puntoon the dot, sharp
78738984en realidadactually, in fact, in reality
78738985en resumidas cuentasin short, after all, to summarize
78738986en seguidaright away; immediately

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