208956370 | según, de acuerdo a | according to | |
208956371 | la sigla | acronym | |
208956372 | añadir, agregar | to add | |
208956373 | la llegada | arrival | |
208956374 | la salida | departure | |
208956375 | el siglo | century | |
208956376 | factor contribuyente | contributing factor | |
208956377 | desarollo (sostenible) | (sustainable) development | |
208956378 | gota | drop (of water) | |
208956379 | calentamiento global | global warming | |
208956380 | sequía | drought | |
208956381 | aumento | increase (noun) | |
208956382 | aumentar, subir, incrementar | to increase, to go up | |
208956383 | bajar, disminuir | to decrease, to go down | |
208956384 | nivel | level | |
208956385 | estar vinculado | to be linked | |
208956386 | el porcentaje | percentage | |
208956387 | fase | phase | |
208956388 | político | political | |
208956389 | pobreza | poverty | |
208956390 | el poder | power | |
208956391 | poderoso | powerful | |
208956392 | lluvia | rain (noun) | |
208956393 | llover | to rain | |
208956394 | riesgo | risk (noun) | |
208956395 | escasez | scarcity | |
208956396 | escaso | scarce | |
208956397 | científico, investigador | scientist | |
208956398 | tratar de, intentar | to try, to attempt | |
208956399 | enfriamiento global | global cooling | |
208956400 | la política | politics | |
208956401 | la riqueza | riches, wealth | |
208956402 | arriesgar | to risk | |
208956403 | probar | to taste, to try (food) | |
208956404 | arriesgado | risky | |
215003301 | está bien | it's okay | |
215003302 | empatar | to tie (a game) | |
215003303 | el empate | a tie (in a game) | |
215003304 | la calefacción | heating | |
215003305 | el aire acondicionado | air conditioner | |
215003306 | frazada, manta | blanket | |
215003307 | salir bien | to turn out well, to do well | |
215003308 | Europeo (Eh-oooh-rope-ee-oh) | European | |
215003309 | Eurozona | the economic zone in Europe that uses the Euro | |
215003310 | caluroso | hot (weather) | |
215003311 | caliente | hot (temperature, an object) | |
215003312 | alemania | Germany | |
215003313 | laboratorio | lab | |
215003314 | adivinar | to guess | |
215003315 | el tema | theme, subject, topic (of a conversation) | |
215003316 | desafiar, retar | to challenge | |
215003317 | el desafío, el reto | challenge (noun) | |
215003318 | sujeto | subject (of a sentence) | |
215003319 | feroz | fierce, ferocious | |
215003320 | sujeto + verbo + artículo + sustantivo + más + adjetivo + de | equation/template for a superlative | |
215003321 | gazpacho | Una sopa fría de Andalucía, España, y sus ingredientes principales, son pimientos, tomates, ajos, pepinos. Algunos tipos de gazpacho, como gazpacho blanco, necesitan almendras y uvas. | |
215003322 | aceite de oliva y ajo | two very spanish ingredientes | |
215003323 | el pimiento | bell pepper | |
215003324 | la pimienta | pepper (like with salt) | |
215003325 | ajo | garlic | |
215003326 | tomate | tomato | |
215003327 | el pepino | cucumber | |
215003328 | almendras | almonds | |
215003329 | uvas | grapes | |
215003330 | nunca | never | |
215003331 | nada | nothing | |
215003332 | nadie | no one | |
215003333 | ningún | none | |
215003334 | esperar | to wait for, to hope for, to expect | |
215003335 | a menos que + subjuntivo | unless | |
215003336 | para que + subjuntivo | so, so that | |
215003337 | haber | there to be | |
215003338 | tarde | late | |
215003339 | temprano | early | |
215003340 | pronto | soon | |
215003341 | nacer | to be born | |
215012701 | aceite de oliva | olive oil | |
215043954 | el indício | hint | |
215054096 | el político, la política | politician | |
215058764 | ENSO | El Niño - Southern Oscillation | |
215383739 | más | more | |
215383740 | menos | less | |
215383741 | mejor | better | |
215383742 | peor | worse | |
215383743 | menor | younger, smaller | |
215383744 | mayor | older, bigger | |
215383745 | tanto | equal | |
215383746 | tanto como | as much as |
AP Spanish Vocab
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