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AP Statistics Unit 1

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30842222variableholds information about the same characteristic for many subjects
30842223categorical variablewhere the data collected places the individuals in various categories or groups
30842224quantitative variablewhere the data collected is numerical and it makes sense to use it for numerical operations
30842225frequency tablelists the categories for a categorical variable and displays the counts for each category
30842226relative frequency tablelists the categories for a categorical variable and displays the percenatges for each category
30842227distributiondescribes how a quantitative variable behaves. Generally include shape, center, spread, & unusual features.
30842228bar charta display for categorical data that uses bar height to represent counts or percentages for each category
30842229Simpson's ParadoxWhen averages are taken across different groups, they can appear to contradict the overall averages
30842230histograma display for quantitative data that uses adjacent bars to represent counts or percentages of values falling in each interval
30842231stem & leaf or stemplota display for quantitative data that uses place values to reprensent the distributions
30842232dotplota display for either kind of data that uses a dot to represent each individual in the data set
30842233measures of centermean for distributions that are symmetric, median for all other distribution shapes
30842234measures of spreadstandard deviation for distributions that are symmetric, IQR for all other distribution shapes
30842235uniform distributiona distribution whose shape is evenly distributed throughout the values it takes
30842236symmetric distributiona distribution whose shape is unimodal and each side is roughly a mirror image of the other
30842237left skewed distributiona distribution that has a concentration of data on the upper end and the tail on the left
30842238right skewed distributiona distribution with a concentration of data on the lower end and the tail on the right
30842239outliersvalues that fall outside the overall pattern of the data
30842240meanthe average of the data values
30842241medianthe value in the center of an ordered data set
30842242rangethe maximum data value minus the minimum data value
30842243first quartilethe value where 25 % of the data fall below it in an ordered list
30842244third quartilethe value where 75% of the data falls below it in an ordered list
30842245Interquartile Range (IQR)the third quartile minus the first quartile
30842246percentilethe place in the data where a certain percentage of the data falls below that value
308422475 number summaryincludes the minimum, first quartile, median, third quartile, & the maximum
30842248modified boxplota display for quantitative data that graphs the five-number summary on an axis and shows outliers of they exist
30842249variancethe standard deviation squared, it is a measure of spread
30842396advantage of stemplotretains the actual data values from the data set
30842397advantage of histogrameasy to see shape of distribution & good for large data sets
30842398resistantvalues that are not strongly affected by extreme values, the median is more resistant that the mean. The standard deviation is most strongly affected by extreme values

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