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Ap Terms 3

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A pair of terms reffering to the distinction between the meanings; Denotation = real meaning, Connotation = understood meaning
reasoning in which a conclusion is reached by stating a general principle and applying it to a specific case; the sun rises every morning therefore the sun will rise on Mondays
the word choices made by a writer
having the primary purpose of teaching or instructing
a situation that requires a person to decide between two equally attractive or equally unattractive alternatives
harsh, inharmonoiuos, or discordant sounds
a formal poem presenting a meditation on death or another solemn theme
a long, narrative poem written in elevated style which presnets the adventures of characters of high position and episodes that are important to the history of a race or nation
a brief, pithly, and often paradoxical saying; I can resist everything except temptation
a quotation used at the beginning of a text designed to illustrate its title of designate its theme; Do no play this piece fast - Allegero
a moment of sudden revalation or insight
an inscription on a tombstone or burial place
a term used to point out a characteristic of a person; swift-footed Achilles
a formal speech *praising* a person who has died
indirect, less offensive way of saying something considered unpleasent; passed away = die
an interjection to lend emphasis, sometimes profanity
a brief story that leads to a moral, often using animals as characters
the insertion of an earlier event into the normal chronological order
a story inside a story; Canterbury tales
sermon or moralistic lecture
ecessive pride or arrongance thatresults in the downfall of the protaganist of a tragedy; Creon in Antigone
highly conjectural, not well supported by available evidence
an expression in a given language that cannot be understood from the literal meaning of the words in the expression or a regional speech; Kick the bucket
a conclusion one draws based on premises or evidence; All men are moral. Socratis is a man. Therefore Socrates is moral
the specialized language or vocabulary of a particular group of profession; computer - download, megabtye, serial port

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