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37669184AbstractNot related to the concrete properties of an object; pertaining to ideas, concepts, or qualities, as opposed to physical attributes.0
37669185AnachronismUse of historically inaccurate details in a text; for example, depicting a 19th century character using a computer.1
37669186AntiheroProtagonist of a literary work who does not embody the traditional qualities of a hero (e.g. honor, bravery, kindness).2
37669187Appeals to emotionRhetorical arguments in which the speaker attempts to affect the listener's personal feelings.3
37669188AudienceThe person(s) reached by a piece of writing.4
37669189ChiasmusFigure of speech by which the order of the terms in the first of parallel clauses is reversed in the second. (eg "Fair is foul, and foul is fair.")5
37669190ContradictionA direct opposition between things compared; inconsistency.6
37669191DevicesA particular word pattern or combination of words used in a literary work to evoke a desired effect or arouse a desired reaction in the reader.7
37669192DystopiaAn imaginary place where people live dehumanized, often fearful lives.8
37669193EpitaphA piece of writing in praise of deceased person.9
37669194ExpositionThe explanation or analysis of a subject; presenting the meaning or purpose of an issue.10
37669195ForeshadowTo hint at or present things to come in a story or play.11
37669196InferenceThe process of arriving at a conclusion from a hint, implication, or suggestion.12
37669197LiteralThe strict meaning of a word or words: not figurative or exaggerated.13
37669198NarrativeA form of writing that tells a story.14
37669199OverstatementExaggerated language.15
37669200PersonificationTreating an abstraction or nonhuman object as if it were a person by giving it human qualities.16
37669201RealismThe literary practice of attempting to describe life and nature without idealization and with attention to detail.17
37669202SarcasmA sharp caustic remark. A form of verbal irony in which apparent praise is actually bitterly or harshly critical. For example, a coach saying to a player who misses the ball, "Nice catch".18
37669203SymbolismA person, place, thing, event, or pattern in a literary work that designates itself and at the same time figuratively represents something else. The use of one object to suggest another hidden, object or idea.19
37669204TransitionWords and devices that bring unity and coherence to a piece of writing. Examples: however, in addition, and on the other hand.20
37669205ZeugmaGrammatically correct linkage of one subject with two or more verbs or a verb with two or more direct objects. the linking show a relationship between ideas more clearly. For example: Bob exceeded at sports; Jim at academics; Mark at eating. OR "You held your breath and the door for me."21
37669206AestheticPertaining to the value of art for its own sake or for form; pertaining to the critical reflection on art, nature, culture, or beauty.22
37669207AnadiplosisRepetition of the last word of one clause at the beginning of the next clause.23
37669209Appeals to logicRhetorical arguments in which the speaker attempts to persuade the listener through use of deductive reasoning.24
37669210Begging the questionTo sidestep or evade the real problem.25
37669211ClaimAn assertion of something as fact; to demand as a right or as due; a statement that you want your audience to believe.26
37669212ConventionAn accepted manner, model, or tradition; a common way of looking at or examining something.27
37669213DictionAn author's choice of words to convey a tone or effect.28
37669214ElegyPoem or prose lamenting the death of a particular person.29
37669215EthosIn dramatic literature, the moral element that determines a charcter's actions, rather than thought or emotion.30
37669216EulogyA speech or writing in praise of a person or thing; an oration in honor of a deceased person, typically given at a funeral or memorial.31
37669217GenreTerm used to describe literary forms, such as tragedy, comedy, novel or essay; a loose set of criteria that groups together types of writing/composition32
37669218InvectiveThe use of angry and insulting language in satirical writing.33
37669219LitoteForm of understatement in which the negative of the contrary is used to achieve. (eg Saying "You're not terrible" to express that you did a wonderful job)34
37669220Narrative deviceUse of techniques such as flashbacks and/or digression in the telling of a story.35
37669221OxymoronA figure of speech that combines two apparently contradictory elements, as in "jumbo shrimp" or "deafening silence".36
37669222PerspectiveA character's view of the situation or events in the story.37
37669223ReflectiveA piece of writing that gives considered thought to something.38
37669224SatireA literary style used to make fun of or ridicule an idea or human vice or weakness, often for the sake of changing society for the better.39
37669225SynecdocheA figure of speech in which a part signifies the whole, such as "head of cattle" or "hands on deck".40
37669226TropeThe use of a word in a figurative sense with a decided change or extension in its literal meaning; a shift in the typical meaning of a word (eg "I put down my weapon of choice at the end of my test--a dull #2 lead pencil")41
37669227AllegoryNarrative form in which characters and actions have meaning outside themselves; characters are usually personifications of abstract qualities.42
37669228AnalogyComparison of two things that are alike in some respects.43
37669229AphorismA concise statement designed to make a point or illustrate a commonly held belief. "Early to bed and early to rise/Make a man health, wealthy, and wise."44
37669230AnecdoteA brief story or tale told by a character in a piece of literature.45
37669231BildungsromanA novel or story whose theme is the moral or psychological growth of the main character.46
37669232ClosureBringing to an end or conclusion.47
37669233DeductiveThe reasoning process by which a conclusion is drawn form set of premises and contains no more facts than these premises.48
37669234DidacticIntended for teaching or to teach a moral lesson.49
37669235EpigraphQuote set at the beginning of a literary work or at its divisions to set the tone or suggest a theme.50
37669236EuphemismSubstitution of a milder or less direct expression for one that is harsh or blunt. e.g. using "passed away" for "dead".51
37669237FlashbackRetrospection, where an earlier event is inserted into the normal chronolgy of a narrative.52
37669238HamartiaAristotle's term for the main character's tragic flaw or error in judgement.53
37669239In medias resRefers to opening a story in the middle of the action, requiring filling in past details by exposition or flashback.54
37669240MetaphorThe implicit comparison or identification of one thing with another unlike itself without the use of a verbal signal such as like or as. One thing is pictured as if it were something else, suggesting a likeness or analogy between them.55
37669241NarratorThe "character" who "tells" the story.56
37669242ParadoxA statement that seems contradictory, but is actually true.57
37669243Point of viewThe view the reader gets of the action and characters in a story.58
37669244RepetitionRepeating or repeated action.59
37669245SettingThe time and place of the action in a story, poem, or play.60
37669246SyntaxThe way words are put together to form phrases, clauses, and sentences. It is sentence structure and how it influences the way a reader perceives a piece of writing.61
37669247UnderstatementDeliberate expression of an idea or event as less important than it actually is or was.62
37669248AlliterationThe repetition of initial consonant sounds or any vowel sounds within a formal grouping, such as a poetic line or stanza, or in close proximity in prose.63
37669249Analytical writingA style of writing in which the subject is broken into its components and the components are subjected to detailed scrutiny.64
37669250ApologyA formal written defense of something you believe in strongly65
37669251AssonanceThe repetition of identical or similar vowel sounds, usually in successive or proximate words.66
37669252CanonThe works of an author that have been accepted as authentic.67
37669253ColloquialOrdinary language; the vernacular. For example, depending on where in the United States you live, a sandwich is called a sub, a grinder, or a hero.68
37669254Delayed sentenceA sentence that withholds its main idea until the end. For example: Just as he bent to tie his shoe, a car hit him.69
37669255DigressionMovement away from the main story or theme of a piece of writing.70
37669256EpiphanyA sudden or intuitive insight or perception into the realtiy or essential meaning of something usually brought on by a simple or common occurrence or experience.71
37669257EvidenceAn indication or a sign.72
37669258FoilA person or thing that makes another seem better by contrast.73
37669259HyperboleAn overstatement characterized by exaggerated language.74
37669260IronyA situation or statement characterized by significant difference between what is expected or understood and what actually happens or is meant.75
37669261MetonymyA figure of speech that uses the name of one thing to name or designate something, as in, "The White House announced today...".76
37669262NostalgiaDesire to return in thought or fact to a former time.77
37669263ParallelismRecurrent syntactical similarity where several parts of a sentence or several sentences equal in importance. e.g. "I have always searched for, but never found the perfect painting for that wall".78
37669264PropagandaInformation or rumor deliberately spread to help or harm a person, group, or institution.79
37669265RetrospectionLooking back on things past.80
37669266SimileA direct comparison of one thing to another, usually using the words like or as to draw the connection.81
37669267ThemeThe central or dominant idea or concern of a work; the main idea or meaning.82
37669268UtopiaAn imaginary place of ideal perfection.83
37669269AllusionA figure of speech which makes brief, even casual reference to a historical or literary figure, event, or object to create a resonance in the reader or to apply a symbolic meaning to the character or object of which the allusion consists.84
37669270AnaphoraThe regular repetition of the same word or phrase at the beginning of successive phrases or clauses. "We shall fight in the trenches. We shall fight in the trenches. We shall fight in the sky."85
37669271ApostropheA figure of speech in which a person, thing, or abstract policy is addressed as if present; for example, the invocation to the muses usually found in epic poetry. In dramatic works and poetry, it is often introduced by the word "O" (eg "Where, O death, thy sting? where, O death, thy victory?" or "O Romeo, Romeo! wherefore art thou Romeo?" or "Death, be not proud")86
37669272AsyndetonThe practice of omitting conjunctions between words, phrases, or clauses. In a list, it gives a more extemporaneous effect and suggests the list may be incomplete. "He was brave, fearless, afraid of nothing." or "...and that government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth."87
37669273Carpe diem"Seize the day"; the philosophy that one should enjoy life to the fullest.88
37669274ConnotationWhat is implied by a word. For example, the words sweet, gay, and awesome have feelings/associations that are quite different from their actual definitions.89
37669275DenotationThe dictionary definition of a word; the direct and specific meaning.90
37669276DiscourseA formal discussion of a subject.91
37669277EpistropheThe repetition of a word or words as the end of two or more successive verses, clauses, or sentences. (eg "When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child.")92
37669278ExpletiveA single word or short phrase intended to emphasize surrounding words. Commonly separated by commas; e.g in fact, of course, after all, certainly.93
37669279ImagerySensory details in a work; the use of figurative language to evoke a feeling, call to mind an idea, or describe an object. Involves the senses.94
37669280IsocolonParallel structure in which the parallel elements are similar not only in grammatical structure, but also in length. e.g. "An envious heart makes a treacherous ear" or "Many will enter. Few will win".95
37669281MoodThe feeling or ambience resulting from the tone of a piece as well as the writer/narrator's attitude and pint of view. The effect is created through descriptions of feelings or objects that establish a particular feeling such as gloom, fear, or hope.96
37669282OnomatopoeiaA word capturing or approximating the sound of what it describes, such as buzz or hiss.97
37669283ParodyA satirical imitation of a work of art for purpose of ridiculing its style or subject.98
37669284ProseThe ordinary of form of written language without metrical structure, as distinguished from poetry or verse.99
37669285RhetoricThe language of a work and its style; the art of using language effectively100
37669286AmbiguityUse of language in which multiple meanings are possible.101
37669287AntagonistCharacter or force in a literary work that opposes the main character.102
37669288Appeals to authorityRhetorical arguments in which the speaker claims to be an expert or relies on information provided by experts.103
37669289AntithesisThe juxtaposition of sharply contrasting ideas in balanced or parallel words of phrases.104
37669290CatharsisPurification or cleansing of the spirit through the emotions of pity and terror as a witness to a tragedy.105
37669291ConsonanceThe repetition of two or more consonants with a change in the intervening vowels, such as pitter-patter, splish-splash, and click-clack.106
37669292Deus ex machinaAs in Greek theater, uses of an artificial device or contrived solution to solve a difficult situation, usually introduced suddenly and unexpectedly.107
37669293DoppelgangerGhostly counterpart of a living person or an alter ego.108
37669294EpistolaryA piece of literature contained in or carried on by letters.109
37669295ExplicationThe interpretation or analysis of a text.110
37669296FormalLanguage that is lofty, dignified, or impersonal111
37669297InductiveConclusion or type of reasoning whereby observation or information about a part of a class is applied to the class as a whole.112
37669298JuxtapositionPlacing of two items side by side to create a certain effect, reveal an attitude, or accomplish some other purpose.113
37669299MotifRecurrent device, formula, or situation that often serves as a signal for the appearance of a character or event.114
37669300OpeningThe first part or beginning of a piece or writing.115
37669301PersonaThe voice or figure of the author who tells and structures the story and who may or may not share of the values of the actual author.116
37669302ProtagonistThe chief character in a work of literature.117
37669303Rhetoricaldevice Particular use of word patterns and styles used to clarify, make associations, and focus the writing in a piece of literature.118
37669304SyllogismA form of deduction. An extremely subtle, sophisticated, or deceptive argument.119
37669305ToneThe attitude a literary work takes towards its subject and theme. It reflects the narrator's attitude.120
37669306WitQuickness of intellect and talent for saying brilliant things that surprise and delight by their unexpectedness.121
37669307SpeakerThe person(not necessarily the author) who is the voice of the poem or story.122
37669308Thesisstatement Focus statement of an essay; premise statement upon which the point of view or discussion in the essay is based.123
37669309VoiceThe acknowledged or unacknowledged source of words of the story; the speaker, a "person" telling the story or poem.124
81101767Cumulative SentencesBegins with a standard sentence pattern and adds multiple details AFTER it. The details can take the form of subordinate clauses or different kinds or phrases125
81101768Periodic SentencesA sentence that BEGINS with multiple details and holds off a standard sentence pattern- or at least its predicate- until the end.126
81101769Inverted SyntaxThe typical English sentence pattern has the subject before the verb. In this type of sentence, the verb is placed before the subject.127
81343026cacophonyThe use of harsh or discordant sounds in literary composition, as for poetic effect128
81343027euphonyA smooth, pleasant-sounding choice and arrangement of sounds129
81343028puna play on words130
99884304informalLanguage, often including colloquialisms, that is similar to everyday speech131

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