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AP Terms Flashcards

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14633516187AbsoluteA word free from limitations or qualifications ("best," "all," "unique," "perfect")0
14633516188Abstractwords or phrases denoting ideas, qualities, and conditions that exist but cannot be seen. Love is an example of this term; so are happiness, beauty, and patriotism.1
14633516189AllegoryThe device of using character and/or story elements symbolically to represent an abstraction in addition to the literal meaning.2
14633516190AlliterationThe repetition of sounds, especially initial consonant sounds in two or more neighboring words (as in "she sells sea shells"). Although the term is not frequently in the multiple-choice section, you can look for alliteration in any essay passage. The repetition can reinforce meaning, unify ideas, supply musical sound, and/or echo the sense of the passage.3
14633516191AllusionA direct or indirect reference to something which is presumably commonly known, such as an event, book, myth, place, or work of art. Allusions can be historical, literary, religious, topical, or mythical. There are many more possibilities, and a work may simultaneously use multiple layers of allusion.4
14633516192Ambiguitythe multiple meanings, either intentional or unintentional, of a word, phrase, sentence, or passage.5
14633516193Analogya similarity or comparison between two different things or the relationship between them. This can explain something unfamiliar by associating it with or pointing out its similarity to something familiar. It can also make writing more vivid, imaginative, or intellectually engaging.6
14633516194Anaphorarepetition of the same word or group of words at the beginning of successive clauses (Example: "In books I find the dead as if they were alive; in books I foresee things to come; in books warlike affairs are set forth; from books come for the laws of peace.")7
14633516195AnecdoteA brief narrative that focuses on a particular incident or event. This will be related in some way to the topic presented and can provide laughter, truth, character features, or caution.8
14633516196AntecedentThe word, phrase, or clause referred to by a pronoun.9
14633516197Antithesisthe opposition or contrast of ideas; the direct opposite.10
14633516198AphorismA terse statement of known authorship which expresses a general truth or a moral principle. (If the authorship is unknown, the statement is generally considered to be a folk proverb.)11
14633516199ApostropheA figure of speech that directly addresses an absent or imaginary person or a personified abstraction, such as liberty or love. It is an address to someone or something that cannot answer. The effect may add familiarity or emotional intensity.12
14633516200Appositivea noun or noun phrase that renames another noun right beside it (Ex: The insect, a cockroach, is crawling across the table.)13
14633516201Assonancerepetition of vowel sounds to create internal rhyming within phrases or sentences. Ex: Men sell the wedding bells.14
14633516202Asyndetona construction in which elements are presented in a series without conjunctions ("They spent the day wondering, searching, thinking, understanding.")15
14633516203Atmospherethe emotions created by the entirety of a literary work, established partly by the author's choice of objects that are described. Even such elements as a description of the weather can contribute to this. Frequently it foreshadows events. Perhaps it can create a mood.16
14633516204CaricatureA verbal description, the purpose of which is to exaggerate or distort, for comic effect, a person's distinctive physical features or other characteristics.17
14633516205ChiasmasA statement consisting of two parallel parts in which the second part is structurally reversed ("Susan walked in, and out rushed Mary.")18
14633516206Clichéan expression that has been overused to the extent that its freshness has worn off ("the time of my life," "at the drop of a hat")19
14633516207Coherencethe principle of clarity and logical adherence to a topic that binds together all parts of a composition.20
14633516208ColloquialismThe use of slang or informalities in speech or writing. Not generally acceptable for formal writing. They give a work a conversational, familiar tone. These expressions in writing include local or regional dialects.21
14633516209Complex Sentencea sentence with one independent clause and one or more dependent clauses.22
14633516210ConceitA fanciful expression, usually in the form of an extended metaphor or surprising analogy between seemingly dissimilar objects. This displays intellectual cleverness as a result of the unusual comparison being made.23
14633516211Concreteset of words or terms denoting objects or conditions that are palpable, visible, or otherwise evident to the senses. This is the opposite of abstract.24
14633516212ConnotationThe non-literal, associative meaning of a word; the implied, suggested meaning. This may involve ideas, emotions, or attitudes.25
14633516213DenotationThe strict, literal, dictionary definition of a word, devoid of any emotion, attitude, or color. (Example: the denotation of a knife would be a utensil used to cut; the connotation of a knife might be fear, violence, anger, foreboding, etc.)26
14633516214DictionRelated to style, this term refers to the writer's word choices, especially with regard to their correctness, clearness, or effectiveness.27
14633516215DidacticFrom the Greek, this term literally means "teaching." These words have the primary aim of teaching or instructing, especially the teaching of moral or ethical principles.28
14633516216EuphemismFrom the Greek for "good speech," this is a more agreeable or less offensive substitute for a generally unpleasant word or concept and may be used to adhere to standards of social or political correctness or to add humor or ironic understatement. Saying "earthly remains" rather than "corpse" is an example of this term.29
14633516217Extended Metaphora metaphor developed at great length, occurring frequently in or throughout a work.30
14633516218Figurative Languagewriting or speech that is not intended to carry literal meaning and is usually meant to be imaginative and vivid.31
14633516219HomilyThis term means "sermon," but more informally, it can include any serious talk, speech, or lecture involving moral or spiritual advice.32
14633516220HyperboleA figure of speech using deliberate exaggeration or overstatement. (The literal Greek meaning is "overshoot.")33
14633516221Idioman expression in a given language that cannot be understood from the literal meaning of the words in the expression; or, a regional speech or dialect ("fly on the wall," "cut to the chase")34
14633516222ImageryThe sensory details or figurative language used to describe, arouse emotion, or represent abstractions. On a physical level, this uses terms related to the five senses: visual, auditory, tactile, gustatory, and olfactory. On a broader and deeper level, however, one image can represent more than one thing.35
14633516223Inference/Inferto draw a reasonable conclusion from the information presented.36
14633516224Invectivean emotionally violent, verbal denunciation or attack using strong, abusive language37
14633516225Inverted Syntaxa sentence constructed so that the predicate comes before the subject (ex: in the woods I am walking)38
14633516226Ironythe contrast between what is stated explicitly and what is really meant, or the difference between what appears to be and what is actually true.39
14633516227Verbal Ironywhen the words literally state the opposite of the writer's (or speaker's) meaning.40
14633516228Situational Ironywhen events turn out the opposite of what was expected; when what the characters and readers think ought to happen is not what does happen.41
14633516229Dramatic Ironywhen facts or events are unknown to a character in a play or piece of fiction but known to the reader, audience, or other characters in the work.42
14633516230Juxtapositionplacing two elements side by side to present a comparison or contrast.43
14633516231Litotesa form of understatement that involves making an affirmative point by denying its opposite. Examples: "not a bad idea," "not many," "it isn't very serious," "I have this tiny little tumor on the brain (Catcher in the Rye)"44
14633516232Loose Sentence (Non-Periodic Sentence)A type of sentence in which the main idea (independent clause) comes first, followed by dependent grammatical units such as phrases and clauses. Example: I arrived at the San Diego airport after a long, bumpy ride and multiple delays. The sentence could stop at: I arrived at the San Diego airport.45
14633516233Malapropismthe mistaken substitution of one word for another word that sounds similar ("The doctor wrote a subscription.")46
14633516234Metaphora figure of speech using implied comparison of seemingly unlike things or the substitution of one for the other, suggesting some similarity.47
14633516235Metonymya term from the Greek meaning "changed label" or "substitute name," this term is a figure of speech in which the name of one object is substituted for that of another closely associated with it. For example, a news release that claims "the White House declared" rather than "the President declared" is using this figure of speech. The substituted term generally carries a more potent emotional impact.48
14633516236MoodThe prevailing atmosphere or emotional aura of a work.49
14633516237Narrativethe telling of a story or an account of an event of series of events.50
14633516238Onomatopoeiaa figure of speech in which natural sounds are imitated in the sounds of words. Simple examples include words as buzz, hiss, hum, crack, whinny, and murmur. If you note examples of onomatopoeia in an essay passage, not the effect.51
14633516239OxymoronFrom the Greek for "pointedly foolish," an this is a figure of speech wherein the author groups apparently contradictory terms to suggest a paradox. Simple examples include "jumbo shrimp" and "cruel kindness."52
14633516240ParadoxA statement that appears to be self-contradictory or opposed to common sense but upon closer inspection contains some degree of truth or validity.53
14633516241Parentheticala comment that interrupts the immediate subject, often to qualify or explain. Example: Strawberry jam, for instance, doesn't make a good spaghetti sauce.54
14633516242Polysyndetonthe use, for rhetorical effect, of more conjunctions that is necessary or natural.55
14633516243ParallelismAlso referred to as parallel construction or parallel structure, this term comes from Greek roots meaning "beside one another." It refers to the grammatical or rhetorical framing of words, phrases, sentences, or paragraphs to give structural similarity.56
14633516244ParodyA work that closely imitates the style or content of another with the specific aim of comic effect and/or ridicule. It exploits peculiarities of an author's expression (propensity to use too many parentheses, certain favorite words, etc.)57
14633516245Pedantican adjective that describes words, phrases, or general tone that is overly scholarly, academic, or bookish (language that might be described as "show-offy;" using big words for the sake of using big words)58
14633516246Periodic SentenceThe opposite of loose sentence, a sentence that presents its central meaning in a main clause at the end. This independent clause is preceded by a phrase or clause that cannot stand alone. The effect of a periodic sentence is to add emphasis and structural variety. It is also a much stronger sentence that the loose sentence. (Example: After a long, bumpy flight and multiple delays, I arrived at the San Diego airport.)59
14633516247Personificationa figure of speech in which the author presents or describes concepts, animals, or inanimate objects by endowing them with human attributes or emotions. Personification is used to make these abstractions, animals, or objects appear more vivid to the reader.60
14633516248Point of Viewin literature, the perspective from which a story is told.61
14633516249First Person Narratortells the story with the first person pronoun, "I," and is a character in the story. This narrator can be the protagonist, a secondary character, or an observing character.62
14633516250Third Person Narratorrelates the events with the third person pronouns, "he," "she," and "it."63
14633516251Third Person Omniscentin which the narrator, with godlike knowledge, presents the thoughts and actions of any or all characters.64
14633516252Third Person Limited Omniscentin which the narrator presents the feelings and thoughts of only one character, presenting only the actions of all the remaining characters.65
14633516253Repetitionthe duplication, either exact of approximate, of any element of language, such as sound, word, phrase, clause, sentence, or grammatical pattern.66
14633516254Rhetoricfrom the Greek for "orator," this term describes the principles governing the art of writing effectively, eloquently, and persuasively.67
14633516255Rhetorical Modesthis flexible term describes the variety, the conventions, and the purposes of the major kinds of writing68
14633516256Expositionthe purpose is to explain and analyze information by presenting an idea, relevant evidence, and appropriate discussion.69
14633516257Argumentationthe purpose is to prove the validity of an idea, or point of view, by presenting sound reasoning, discussion, and argument that thoroughly convince the reader.70
14633516258Persuasivea type of argumentation having an additional aim of urging some form of action.71
14633516259Descriptionthe purpose is to recreate, invent, or visually present a person, place, event or action so that the reader can picture that being described. Sometimes an author engages all five senses in description; good descriptive writing can be sensuous and picturesque. Descriptive writing may be straightforward and objective or highly emotional and subjective.72
14633516260Narrationthe purpose is to tell a story or narrate an event or series of events.73
14633516261Rhetorical Questiona question posed with no expectation of receiving an answer.74
14633516262Sarcasmfrom the Greek meaning "to tear flesh," it involves bitter, caustic language that is meant to hurt or ridicule someone or something. When well done, it can be witty and insightful; when poorly done it is simply cruel.75
14633516263Satirea work that targets human vices and follies or social institutions and conventions for reform or ridicule. Regardless of whether or not the work aims to reform human behavior, satire is best seen as a style of writing rather than a purpose for writing. It can be recognized by the many devices used effectively by the satirist: irony, wit, parody, caricature, hyperbole, understatement, and sarcasm. The effects of satire are varied, depending on the writer's goal, but good satire, often humorous, is thought provoking and insightful about the human condition.76
14633516264Semanticsthe branch of linguistics that studies the meaning of words, their historical and psychological development, their connotations, and their relation to one another.77
14633516265StyleAn evaluation of the sum of the choices an author makes in blending diction, syntax, figurative language, and other literary devices.78
14633516266Syllepsisa construction in which one word is used in two different senses ("After he threw the ball, he threw a fit.")79
14633516267Syllogismfrom the Greek for "reckoning together," this term is a deductive system of formal logic that presents two premises (the first one called "major" and the second called "minor") that inevitably lead to a sound conclusion. o Major premise: All men are mortal. o Minor premise: Socrates is a man. o Conclusion: Therefore, Socrates is a mortal. This term's conclusion is valid only if each of the two premises is valid.80
14633516268Symbol/SymbolismGenerally, anything that represents itself and stands for something else.81
14633516269Synecdochea figure of speech in which a part of something is used to represent the whole or, occasionally, the whole is used to represent a part. Examples: to refer to a boat as a "sail"; to refer to a car as "wheels"; to refer to the violins, violas, etc. in an orchestra as "the strings." **Different than metonymy, in which one thing is represented by another thing that is commonly physically associated with it (but is not necessarily a part of it), i.e., referring to a monarch as "the crown" or the President as "The White House."82
14633516270Synesthesiawhen one kind of sensory stimulus evokes the subjective experience of another. Ex: the sight of red ants makes you itchy. In literature, this refers to the practice of associating two or more different senses in the same image. Example: Red Hot Chili Peppers' song title, "Taste the Pain."83
14633516271Syntaxthe way an author chooses to join words into phrases, clauses, and sentences.84
14633516272Themethe central idea or message of a work, the insight it offers into life.85
14633516273ThesisIn expository writing, this is the sentence or group of sentences that directly expresses the author's opinion, purpose, meaning, or position.86
14633516274ToneSimilar to mood, this term describes the author's attitude toward his material, the audience, or both.87
14633516275Transitiona word or phrase that links different ideas.88
14633516276Understatementthe ironic minimalizing of fact, this term presents something as less significant than it is. The effect can frequently be humorous and emphatic.89
14633516277Witin modern usage, intellectually amusing language that surprises and delights.90

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