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AP Unit 4 Terms

Terms from Chapter 13, 14, 15, 16, & 17

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313954339Chief of Stateterm for the president as the ceremonial head of the united states, the symbol of all the people of the nation
313954340Chief Executiveterm for the president as vested with the executive power of the United States
313954341Chief AdministratorPresident as head of the administration of the Federal Government
313954342Chief Legislatorterm for the president as architect of public policy and the one who sets the agenda for congress
313954343Chief of Partyterm for the President as the leader of his or her political party
313954344Chief Citizenterm for the president as the representative of the people, working for the public interest
313954345Presidential SuccessionThe order in which the office of president is to be filled if it becomes vacant
313954346Presidential Succession Act of 1947Set the order of succession following the Vice President
313954347Balancing the TicketOccurs when a presidential nominee chooses a vice presidential running mate who has different qualities in order to attract more votes for the ticket.
313954348Presidential Electorsa person elected by the voters to represent them in making a formal selection of the Vice President and President.
313954349Electoral Votesvotes cast by electors in the electoral college
313954350Electoral Collegegroup of persons chosen in each state and the district of columbia every four years who make a formal selection of the president and vice president
313954351Presidential Primaryan election in which a party's voters (1) choose state party organization's delegates to their party's national convention, and/or (2) express a preference for their party's presidential nomination
313954352Winner-takes-allan almost obsolete system whereby the presidential aspirant who won the preference vote in a primary automatically won the support of all delegates chosen
313954353proportional representationRule applied in Democratic primaries whereby any candidate who wins at least 15 percent of the votes gets the number of State Democratic convention delegates based on his or her share of that primary vote
313954354national conventionthe meeting of party delegates every four years to choose a presidential ticket and write the party's platform.
313954355Platforma series of statements expressing the party's principles, beliefs, and positions on election issues
313954356keynote addressSpeech given at a party convention to set the tone for the convention and the campaign to come.
313954357direct planDo away with Electoral College and let the people vote directly for the president
313954358district planproposal for choosing presidential electors by which two electors would be selected in each State according to the Statewide popular vote and the other electors would be selected separately in each of the State's congressional districts.
313954359proportional planproposal by which each presidential candidate would receive the same share of a State's electoral vote as he or she received in the State's popular vote
313954360electorateall of the people entitled to vote in a given election
313954361executive articleArticle II of the Constitution. Establishes the presidency and gives the executive power of the Federal Government to the President
313954362Mass MediaThose means of communication that reach large audiences, especially television, radio, printed publications, and the Internet
313954363Imperial PresidencyTerm used to describe a president as an "emperor" who acts without consulting Congress or acts in secrecy to evade or deceive congress
313954364Oath of OfficeOath taken by the president on the day he takes office, pledging to "faithfully execute" the office and "preserve, protect, and defend" the constitution
313954365executive orderdirective, rule, or regulation issued by a chief executive or subordinates, based upon constitutional or statutory authority and having the force of law
313954366ordinance powerpower of the president to issue executive orders; originates from the constitution and acts of congress
313954367treatya formal agreement between two or more sovereign states
313954368executive agreementA pact made by the president directly with the head of a foreign state; A binding international agreement with the force of law but which (unlike a treaty) does not require senate consent
313954369recognitionthe exclusive power of a president to recognize (establish formal diplomatic relations with) foreign states
313954370persona non grataan unwelcome person; used to describe recalled diplomatic officials
313954371line-item vetoPresidential power to strike, or remove, specific items from a spending bill without vetoing the entire package; declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court
313954372reprieveAn official postponement of the execution of a sentence
313954373pardonrelease from the punishment or legal consequences of a crime, by the President (in a federal case) or a governor (in a state case)
313954374clemencymercy or leniency granted to an offender by a chief executive
313954375commutationthe power to reduce (commute) the length of a sentence or fine for a crime
313954376amnestya blanket pardon offered to a group of law violators
313954377Progressive Taxa tax for which the percentage of income paid in taxes increases as income increases
313954378Tax ReturnA declaration of taxable income and of the exemptions and deductions claimed.
313954379Payroll Taxa tax imposed on nearly all employers and their employees and on self-employed persons--the amounts owed by employees withheld from their paychecks
313954380Regressive Taxtaxes levied at a flat rate
313954381Excise Taxgeneral revenue tax levied on the manufacture or sale of selected items
313954382Estate Taxa levy imposed on the assets of one who dies
313954383Gift Taxa tax on a gift by a living person
313954384Customs Dutya tax laid on goods brought into the United States from abroad, also known as tariffs, import duties, or imposts
313954385Interesta fee that borrowers pay for the use of someone else's money
313954386Deficitthe yearly shortfall between revenue and spending
313954387Surplusmore income than spending
313954388Public Debtall of the money borrowed by the government and not yet repaid, plus the accrued interest on that money; also called the national debt or federal debt
313954389Entitlementa benefit that every eligible person has a legal right to receive and that cannot be taken away without a change in legislation or due process in court
313954390Controllable Spendingan amount decided upon by congress and the president to determine how much will be spent each year on many individual government expenditures, including environment protection programs, aid to education, and so on.
313954391Uncontrollable Spendingspending that congress and the president have no power to change directly
313954392Continuing Resolutiona measure which allows agencies to continue working based on the previous year's appropriations
313954393Domestic AffairsAll matters not directly connected to the realm of foreign affairs
313954394Foreign AffairsA nation's relationships with other countries
313954395Isolationisma purposeful refusal to become generally involved in the affairs of the rest of the world
313954396Internationalisma political movement that advocates a greater economic and political cooperation among nations
313954397Foreign Policya group of policies made up of all the stands and actions that a nation takes in every aspect of its relationships with other countries; everything a nation's government says and does in world affairs
313954398Right of LegationThe right to send and receive diplomatic representatives
313954399Ambassadoran official representative of the United States appointed by the president to represent the nation in matters of diplomacy
313954400Diplomatic immunitywhen an ambassador is not subject to the laws of the state to which they are accredited
313954402Terrorismthe use of violence by groups against civilians to achieve a political goal
313954403DraftConscription, or compulsory military service
313954404Collective Securitythe keeping of international peace and order
313954405Deterrencethe policy of making the military power of the US and its allies so strong that no enemy would attack for fear of retaliation
313954406Cold Wara period of more than 40 years during which relations between the two superpowers were atleast tense, and often hostile. A time of threats and military build up
313954407Containmenta policy based in the belief that if communism could be kept within its existing boundaries, it would collapse under the weight of its internal weaknesses
313954408Detenterelaxation of tensions
313954409Foreign AidEconomic and military aid to other countries
313954410Regional Security Alliancetreaties in which the U.S. and other countries involved have agreed to take collective action to meet aggression in a particular part of the world
313954411UN Security CouncilA 15-member panel which bears the UN's major responsibility for keeping international peace.

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