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AP United States Constitution (Ch. 2)

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46534745amendmenta written change to the Constitution
46534746Annapolis ConventionA convention held in September 1786 to consider problems of trade and navigation, attended by five states and important because it issued the call to Congress and the states for what became the Constitutional Convention
47052029antifederalistspeople who opposed the constitution
47052030Articles of Confederationa written agreement ratified in 1781 by the thirteen original states, weak central gov. strong state gov.
47052031charter colonycolony established by a group of settlers who had been given a formal document allowing them to settle
47052032checks and balancesA system that allows each branch of government to limit the powers of the other branches in order to prevent abuse of power
47052033commerce and slave trade compromiseprotected slave holders, congress forbidden to tax export goods from any state, and forbidden to act on slave trade for 20 years
47052034Connecticut CompromiseConstitutional Convention proposal that created a House proportionate to population and a Senate in which all states were represented equally
47052035Constitutionthe body of fundamental laws setting out the principles, structures, and processes of a government
47052037Constitutional Convention of 1787Delegates met to revise the Articles of Confederation, but ultimately decided to write the Constitution as a replacement
47052038Continental Congressthe legislative assembly composed of delegates from the rebel colonies who met during and after the American Revolution
47052039Decleration of Independencea 1776 document stating that the 13 English colonies were a free and independent nation
47052040distribution of powersan underlying principle of the American constitution system designed to prevent tyranny by assigning powers to different governments and agencies and by checking the exercise of power
47053238economic interpretation of the constitutiontheory that the framers of the Constitution represented the well-to-do classes and was designed to protect their interests
47053239Federalist Papersa series of 85 essays written by Hamilton, Madison, and Jay published in NY newspapers and used to convice readers to adopt the new constitution
47053241Mayflower Compact1620 - The first agreement for self-government in America. It was signed by the 41 men on the Mayflower and set up a government for the Plymouth colony
47053242New Jersey PlanNew Jersey delegate William Paterson's plan of government, in which states got an equal number of representatives in Congress
47053243Preamblea preliminary introduction to a statute or constitution
47053244proprietary colonya colony given to a proprietor to govern
47053846royal colonyA colony under the direct control of a monarch
47053847separation of powersa principle of govt. whereby constitutional authority is shared by 3 separate branches of govt.
47053848Shay's RebellionEarly 1787, rebellion by farmers in debt, which was quickly stopped stopped by President George Washington
47053849state sovereigntyThe state has the political power to govern itself rather than the federal government
47053850Three-fifths CompromiseAn agreement reached at the Constitutional Convention of 1787 to count 3/5 of slave population in state representatives
47053852Virginia PlanInitial proposal at the Constitutional Convention made by the Virginia delegation for a strong central government with a bicameral legislature dominated by the big states
47053854Northwest OrdinanceThe 1787 Northwest Ordinance defined the process by which new states could be admitted into the Union from the Northwest Territory
47728569consent of the governedthe idea that government derives its authority by the sanction of the people
47728570factionsInterest groups arising from the unequal distribution of property or wealth that James Madison attacked in Federalist Paper No. 10.
47730236US ConstitutionThe government of the United States. A set of principles (guidelines) that describe the duties and powers of the government
47730237natural rightsthe idea that all humans are born with rights, which include the right to life, liberty, and property
48128692Federalistssupporters of the stronger central govt. who advocated the ratification of the new constitution
48128693Marbury v Madisonestablished concept of judicial review, first time supreme court declared something 'unconstitutional'
48128694Social Contractan implicit agreement among people that results in the organization of society
48128695enumerated powersthe expressed powers of Congress that are itemized and numbered 1-18 in Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution
48128696Elastic ClauseClause in the Constitution that allows Congress to pass laws necessary to carry out its enumerated powers
48128697limited governmentbasic principle of American government which states that government is restricted in what it may do, and each individual has rights that government cannot take away
48128698Writ of Habeas Corpusa writ ordering a prisoner to be brought before a judge
48128699Bill of RightsThe first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution
48128700judicial reviewthe power of the Supreme Court to declare laws and actions of local, state, or national governments unconstitutional
48128701Confederation governmentLoose unit of independent states. In this type of government each state has it's own government. Each state retains its independency.
48128702Supremacy Clauseconstitutional declaration (Article VI) that the Constitution and laws made under its provisions are the greatest law of the land
48128703amendment processthe way in which changes are added to the Constitution, 2/3 vote in congress, 3/4 of states
282090142bicameral legislatureA law making body made of two houses (bi means 2). Example: Congress (our legislature) is made of two house - The House of Representatives and The Senate.
282090143electoral collegea group of people named by each state legislature to select the president and vice president
282090144executive agreementan agreement between the President and the leader of another country
282090145Great CompromiseCompromise made by Constitutional Convention in which states would have equal representation in one house of the legislature and representation based on population in the other house
282090146Madisonian ModelA structure of government proposed by James Madison in which the powers of the government are separated into three branches: executive, legislative, and judicial.
282090147ratificationformal approval, final consent to the effectiveness of a constitution, constitutional amendment, or treaty

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