641788758 | 1920 | 19th Amendment Women's Suffrage Women Vote 1st Time KDKA 1st National Radio Sinclair Lewis writes Main Street FIrst Commercial Radio Broadcast | |
641788759 | 1921 | Margartet Sanger founds the American Birth Control Leqgue Revenue Act (decreases taxes) Washington Disarmament Conference (limit naval arms) Post War Depression Immigration Act | |
641788760 | 1922 | Sinclair Lewis writes Babbit FOrdney McCumber Tariff (high increase in duties) | |
641788761 | 1923 | Teapot Dome Scandal Harding Dies | |
641788762 | 1924 | McNary-Haugen Bill (vetoed-help farmers by buying surplus) Dawes Plan-helped Germany with reparation Peak of KKK | |
641788763 | 1925 | The Scopes Monkey Trial Great Gatsby by Fitzgerald The New Negro by Locke | |
641788764 | 1926 | Weary Blues by Hughes | |
641788765 | 1927 | Charles Lindbergh Immigration Law Sacoo and Vanzitte Executed "The Jazz Singer" first talkie | |
641788766 | 1929 | Kellog-Briand Pact: Peace Alliance The Great Stock Market crash Agricultural Market Act Federal Farm Board Tax Cut Young Plan (reduced reparation, no longer involved in German economy) | |
641788767 | 1930 | THe Smoot-Hawley Tariff (high protective) London Naval Treaty (decrease # of ships) |