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AP US Government and Politics Flashcards

1st Trimester Final

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5317277917In what way does the supreme court check congressthe court can declate legislation passed by congress unconstitutional0
5317277918Under the articles of confederation, sovereignty resided in thestates1
5317277921the constitution as ratified in 1788 most clearly reflects the framers commitment tothe principle of limited government2
5317277922the connecticut compromise addressed which of the following issues at the constitutional conventionrepresentation of the states in a bicameral legislature3
5317277923constitutional amendments can be ratified bythree fourths of state legislatures4
5317277924a major concern of the anti federalists involvedthe desire to see a bill of rights guaranteeing individual protections added to the constitution5
5317277926the declaration of independence reflects the philosophy of John Locke, who argued thatall people possess certain natural rights and it is the government's job to protect those rights6
5317277927The anti federalistsbelieved the constitution created an overly powerful central government that would be hostile to personal liberty7
5317277928which of the following is an example of checks and balances as established by the constitutionthe requirement that presidential appointments to the supreme court be approved by the senate8
5317277929which of the following most accurately describes the legislature created by the connecticut compromisea bicameral legislature with an upper house appointed by state legislatures and a lower house selected by popular vote9
5317277930the perspective that society is ruled by a small number of people who exercise power to further their self interest is known asthe elite theory10
5317277931the stated purpose of the delegates to the constitutional convention of 1787 was torevise the articles of confederation11
5317277932the federalist papers were written byMadison, Hamilton, Jay12
5317277934constitutional amendments can be proposed bya two thirds vote in both houses of congress13
5317277935the reason the federalist papers were written wasto support the newly framed constitution14
5317277936the declaration of independence was most clearly influenced by the political philosphy ofJohn Locke15
5317277937"But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object, wvinces a design to redusce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government..." this quote was written bythomas jefferson16
5317277938the declartation of independenceidentified the reasons the colonies saw separtation from britain as necessary17
5317277939the articles of confederation operated in a mannerthe prevented congress from having the power to demand revenue from the states or the ability to enforce its decisions throughought the land18
5317277940"that to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving the just powers from the consent of the governed..." this quote reflects most accurately which principle of govenmentsocial contract19
5317277941the swift adoption of the bill of rights in the years following the ratification of the constitution demonstrates thestates' fears of an overpowerful national government20
5317277942which of the following has been the most common method of amending the constitutionproposal by 2/3 vote in both houses of congress and ratification by 3/4 state legislatures21
5317277945the framers of the constitution all believed that one of the primary functions of government isprotecting individual property rights22
5317277946The practical effect of the necessary and proper clause has been toallow the national government to extend its powers beyond those enumerated in the constitution23
5317277947in contrast to revenue sharing, categorical grants in aid provide state and local gevernments withfinds to administer programs clearly specified by the federal government24
5317277948to which characteristic aof american governent does the term federalism referthe division and sharing of power between national and state governments25
5317277949the devolution revolution is a reference to a recent trend towardthe national government returing responsibilty for many funtions to the states26
5317277950the implied powers of congress emanate primarily fromthe necessary and proper clause of the constitution27
5317277951interpretations of the necessary and proper clause have been central to attempts to define the nature of which of the following aspects of the us political systemfedralism28
5317277952in the majority of cases, federal progams are implemented bystate and local governemnts by means of federal funding29
5317277953which of the following represents and controversial issue surrounding federal mandates in recent yearsstates have protested federal mandates that require states to action but are not accompanied by appropriate federal funding30
5317277954the congressional power that has been contested most frequently in the federal courts is the power toregulate interstate commerce31
5317277955in the fedral system of government political power is primarilydivided between the central government and regional governments32
5317277956which of the following characterists of american government best illustrates the principle of ferderalismthe ability of federal courts to review the rulings of state and local courts33
5317277957the necessary and proper clause has most often been used toexpand the powers of the federal government34
5317277958the reserved powers of the state governements can bes tbe describes as those powersnot specifically granted to the national government or denied to the states35
5317277959the 10th amendment most often comes into conflict with which section of the constitutionthe necessary and proper clause36
5317277960according to the federalist papers, republican federalism has which of the following effects of political factionsit limits the dangers of factionalism by diluting political power37
5317277961which basic principle of government did the supreme court's decision in McCulloch v maryland most directly supportnational supremacy38
5317277962an example of legislation strongly influenced by the devolution revolution iswelfare to work legislation of 199639
5317277963all of the following are basic priciples underlying the constitution exceptconfederalism40
5317277964which of the following is not an expressed powerissuance of mandates41
5317277965all of the following are consequences of the federal system in the us excepta strict division of power among levels of government42
5317277966which of the following programs are financed mainly by state and local fundselementary and secondary schools43
5317277967"to make all laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into execution the foregoing powers, and all other powers vested by the constitutionin the government of the united states..." this quote is found in theconstitution, article 144
5317277968diversity of public policy throughout the us primarily a consequence offederalism45
5317277969in McCulloch v Maryland the supreme court established which of the following principlesstates cannot interfere with or tax the legitimate activities of the federal government46
5317277970a federal system of government differs from a confederation in that a federal systemthe central government shares governing powers with constituent states47
5317277971of the following american federalism is most greatly influenced by the10th amendement to the constitution48
5317277972which of the following best illustrates a use of the elastic clausecongress passes legislation establishing a national speed limit49
5317277973devolution is a recent political trend of power shifting fromnational government to state government50

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