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AP US History: American Pageant Chapter 12 Flashcards

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11108031577War of 1812(1812-1815): fought b/w US and Britain largely over issues of trade and impressment. Ended in relative draw, but showed the US willingness to fight for their beliefs and earned respect from the European nations. "2nd war for independence."0
11108031578Battle of New OrleansBattle won by the US and Andrew Jackson. Was a decisive win for the United States in the War of 1812.1
11108031579Congress of Vienna(1814-1815): Convention of major European powers to redraw the boundaries of continental Europe after the defeat of Napoleonic France.2
11108031580Treaty of Ghent(1815): Ended the War of 1812 in a virtual draw, restoring prewar borders but failing to address and of the grievances that first brought America into the war.3
11108031581Hartford Convention(1814-1815): convention of Federalists from 5 New England states who opposed the War of 1812 and resented the strength of Southern and Western interests in Congress and in the White House.4
11108031582Rush-Bagot Agreement(1817): Signed by Britain and the US, established strict limits on naval armaments in the Great Lakes, a first step in the full demilitarization of the US-Canadian border, finalized in the 1870s.5
11108031583Tariff of 1816First protective tariff in US History, created primarily to shield New England manufacturers from the inflow of British goods after the War of 1812.6
11108031584American System(1820s): Henry Clay's three pronged system to promote American industry. Clay advocated a strong banking system, a protective tariff, and a federally funded transportation network.7
11108031585The Era of Good Feelings(1816-1824): Popular name for the period of one-party, Republican, rule during James Madison's presidency. The term obscures bitter conflicts over internal improvements, slavery, and the national bank.8
11108031586The Panic of 1819severe financial crisis brought on primarily by the efforts of the Bank of the United States to curb over-speculation on western lands. It disproportionally affected the poorer classes, especially in the West, sowing the seeds of Jacksonian Democracy.9
11108031587Land act of 1820Fueled the settlement of the Northwest and Missouri territories by lowering the price of public land. Also prohibited the purchase of federal acreage on credit, thereby eliminating on of the causes of the Panic of 1819.10
11108031588Tallmadge Amendment(1819): Failed proposal to prohibit the importation of slaves into Missouri territory and pave the way for gradual emancipation. Southerners opposed this, which they perceived as a threat to the sectional balance between the North and the South.11
11108031589Peculiar institutionWidely used term for the institution of American Slavery in the South. Its use in the first half of the 19th century reflected a growing division in the North, where slavery was gradually abolished, and the South, where slavery became increasingly entrenched.12
11108031590The Missouri Compromise(1820): Allowed Missouri to enter as a slave state but preserved the balance between North and South by carving free-soil Maine out of the Massachusetts and prohibiting slavery from territories acquired in the Louisiana Purchase, north of the line 36.30.13
11108031591McCulloch v. Maryland(1819): Supreme Court case that strengthened federal authority and upheld the constitutionality of the Bank of the United States by establishing that the state bank of Maryland did not have power to tax the bank.14
11108031593Cohens v. VirginiaCase that reinforced federal supremacy by establishing the right of the Supreme court to review decisions of state supreme courts in questions involving the powers of the federal government.15
11108031594Gibbons v. Ogden(1824): suit over whether New York State could grant a monopoly to a ferry operating on interstate waters. The ruling reasserted that Congress had the sole power to regulate interstate commerce.16
11108031595Fletcher v. Peck(1810): Established firmer protection for private property and asserted the right of the Supreme Court to invalidate state laws in conflict with the Constitution.17
11108031596Dartmouth College v. Woodward(1819): Supreme Court case that sustained Dartmouth University's original charter against changes proposed by the New Hampshire state legislature, thereby protecting corporations from domination by state governments18
11108031597Anglo-American Convention(1818): Signed by Britain and the US, the pact allowed New England fishermen access to Newfoundland fisheries, established the Northern border of Louisiana territory and provided for the joint occupation of the Oregon Country for 10 years.19
11108031598Florida Purchase Territory (Adams-Onis Treaty)(1819): Under the agreement, Spain ceded Florida to the US, which, in exchange, abandoned its claims to Texas.20
11108031599Monroe DoctrineStatement delivered by President James Monroe, warning European powers to refrain from seeking any new territories in the Americas. The US largely lacked the power to back up the pronouncement, which was actually enforced by the British, who sought free access to Latin American markets.21
11108031600Russo-American Treaty(1824): fixed the line of 54.40' as the southernmost boundary of Russian holdings in North America22
11108031601Oliver Hazard PerryAmerican naval officer whose decisive victory over a British fleet on Lake Erie during the War of 1812 reinvigorated American morale and paved the way for General William Henry Harrison's victory at the Battle of the Thames in 1813.23
11108031602Francis Scott KeyAuthor and lawyer who composed the "Star Spangled Banner", our national anthem, while observing the bombardment of Fort McHenry from the deck of a British ship where he was detained.24
11108031603James MonroeRevolutionary war soldier, statesman, and 5th president. As president, he supported protective tariffs, and a national bank, but maintained a Jeffersonian opposition to federally funded improvements. Though he sought to transcend partisanship, even undertaking a goodwill tour of the states in 1817, his presidency was rocked by partisan and sectional conflicts.25
11108031604John MarshallSupreme Court Chief Justice who expanded the power of both the Supreme Court and the National Government26
11108031605Washington IrvingEarly American Writer. Wrote Rumplestilskin and Legend of Sleepy Hollow27
11108031606James Fenimore CooperEarly American Writer. Wrote the Deerslayer, and Last of the Mohicans28
11108224907Thomas MacdonoughAn early-19th-century American naval officer noted for his roles in the first Barbary War and the War of 1812. He was the son of a revolutionary officer29
11108224908William Henry Harrison(1841), was an American military leader, politician, the ninth President of the United States, and the first President to die in office. His death created a brief Constitutional crisis, but ultimately resolved many questions about presidential succession left unanswered by the Constitution until passage of the 25th Amendment. Led US forces in the Battle of Tippecanoe.30
11108224909Andrew JacksonThe seventh President of the United States (1829-1837), who as a general in the War of 1812 defeated the British at New Orleans (1815). As president he opposed the Bank of America, objected to the right of individual states to nullify disagreeable federal laws, and increased the presidential powers.31
11108224910John C. Calhoun(1830s-40s) Leader of the Fugitive Slave Law, which forced the cooperation of Northern states in returning escaped slaves to the south. He also argued on the floor of the senate that slavery was needed in the south. He argued on the grounds that society is supposed to have an upper ruling class that enjoys the profit of a working lower class.32
11108224911John Quincy Adams(1767-1848) Son of President John Adams and the secretary of state to James Monroe, he largely formulated the Monroe Doctrine. He was the sixth president of the United States and later became a representative in Congress.33
11108224912Daniel WebsterFamous American politician and orator. he advocated renewal and opposed the financial policy of Jackson. Many of the principles of finance he spoke about were later incorporated in the Federal Reserve System. Would later push for a strong union.34
11108224913Henry ClayDistinguished senator from Kentucky, who ran for president five times until his death in 1852. He was a strong supporter of the American System, a war hawk for the War of 1812, Speaker of the House of Representatives, and known as "The Great Compromiser." Outlined the Compromise of 1850 with five main points. Died before it was passed however.35
11108224914NationalismA strong feeling of pride in and devotion to one's country36
11108224915Protective TariffA tax on imported goods that raises the price of imports so people will buy domestic goods37
11108224916SectionalismLoyalty to one's own region of the country, rather than to the nation as a whole38
11108224917Noncolonizationwas a principle of the Monroe Doctrine proclaimed by United States president James Monroe in 1823. It stated that the Americas should undergo no further colonization by European powers.39
11108224918internal improvementsThe program for building roads, canals, bridges, and railroads in and between the states. There was a dispute over whether the federal government should fund internal improvements, since it was not specifically given that power by the Constitution.40
11108224919noninterventionThis term, associated with the Monroe Doctrine, describes the United States decision regarding their involvement in European affairs.41
11108224920Isolationisma policy of remaining apart from the affairs or interests of other groups, especially the political affairs of other countries.42
11108224921Ohio FeverThe flow of people into the ohio valley due to immigration, economic distress of the war of 1812, and cheap land.43
11108224922Second Bank of the United Statesa national bank overseen by the federal government. Congress had established the bank in 1816, giving it a 20 year charter. The purpose of the bank was to regulate state banks, which had grown rapidly since the First Bank of the US went out of existence in 1811. Went out of existence during Jackson's presidency.44
11108224923Bonus Bill of 1817Securing funding for roads and canals was hard. This bill was passed by Congress to give states $1.5 million for internal improvements, but it was immediately vetoed by Pres. Madison. In his opinion, he believed states should pay for their own improvements.45
11108224924Battle of Horseshoe Bendfought during the War of 1812 in central Alabama. On March 27, 1814, United States forces and Indian allies under General Andrew Jackson defeated the Red Sticks, a part of the Creek Indian tribe inspired by the Shawnee leader Tecumseh, effectively ending the Creek War.46
11108224925Virginia Dynasty"dynasty" comprised of the four of the first five presidents (Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe), all of whom Virginian plantation owners47
11108224926Era of Good FeelingsA name for President Monroe's two terms, a period of strong nationalism, economic growth, and territorial expansion. Since the Federalist party dissolved after the War of 1812, there was only one political party and no partisan conflicts.48
11108224927Treaty of 1818Treaty between Britain and America, it allowed the Americans to share the Newfoundland fisheries with Canada, and gave both countries a joint occupation of the Oregon Territory for the next 10 years.49
11108224928TippecanoeBattle fought against the Shawnee by William Henry Harrison. British gun powder proved that they were assisting the Shawnee and gave congress reason to declare war50
11108224929Constitutiona body of fundamental principles or established precedents according to which a state or other organization is acknowledged to be governed.51
11108224930Battle of ThamesWilliam Henry Harrison pushed up the river Thames into Upper Canada and on October 4, 1813, won a victory notable for the death of Tecumseh, who was serving as a brigadier general in the British army. This battle resulted in no lasting occupation of Canada, but weakened and disheartened the Indians of the Northwest.52
11108224931Battle of Plattsburghbattle in which macdonough challenged and defeated the british near plattsburgh; close to defeat, macdonough reversed his ship, confronted the enemy with a fresh broadside and won; forced british to retreat, saved ny from conquest and the union from dissolution53
11108224932"Blue light" FederalistsTreacherous New Englanders who supposedly flashed lanterns on the shore so that blockading British cruisers would be alerted to the attempted escape of American ships.54

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