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AP US History Chapter 13 Flashcards

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15407319699Manifest DestinyA term coined by John L. O'Sullivan in 1845 to express the idea that Euro-Americans were fated by God to settle the North American continent from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean.0
15407319700CaliforniosThe elite Mexican ranchers in the province of California.1
15407319701"Fifty-four forty or fight"Democratic candidate James K. Polk's slogan in the election of 1844 calling for the opening up of lands for American settlement in Texas and sovereignty over the entire Oregon Country. James K. Polk ( young hickory) Pro slave You long hickory cuz he was a student of Andrew Jackson Wanted to open up land for America Campaigned for the " re- occupation or Oregon and the reannexation of TX" The .............. became his jingoistic2
15407319702conscience WhigsWhig politicians who opposed the Mexican War (1846-1848) on moral grounds, maintaining the the purpose of the war was to expand and perpetuate slavery. They feared that the addition of more slave states would ensure the South's control of the national government.3
15407319703Wilmot Proviso1846 proposal that outlawed slavery in any territory gained from the War with Mexico Proposed by David Wilmot in 18464
15407319704free-soil movementA political movement that opposed the expansion of slavery. In 1848 the free-soilers organized the Free-Soil Party, which depicted slavery as a threat to republicanism and to the Jeffersonian ideal of a freeholder society, arguments that won broad support among aspiring white farmers. Liked by aspiring white farmers Lots Great Lakes people joined These organization were formed by the American and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society Frederick Douglas also joined in 1848 But... William Lloyd Garrison and other radical abolishinist condemned it as racist "whitemanism"5
15407319705squatter sovereigntyA plan promoted by Democratic candidate Senator Lewis Cass under which Congress would allow settlers in each territory to determine its status as free or slave.6
15407319706forty-ninersThe more than 80,000 settlers who arrived in California in 1849 as part of that territory's gold rush.7
15407319707"slavery follows the flag"The assertion by John C. Calhoun that planters could by right take their slave property into new territories.8
15407319708Compromise of 1850Laws passed in 1850 that were meant to resolve the dispute over the status of slavery in the territories. Key elements include the admission of California as a free state and the Fugitive Slave Act. Whigs: Clay & Webster & Democrat: Douglas won the passage of 5 laws known as the -------------------- For the South; it contain Fugitive Slave Act Federal support for slave catcher For the North; • admitted Cali as free state •resolve border issue w/ TX & New mex in favor of New Mex Used popular soverighnty for the rest of the conquered Mexican land The plan preserve the Union bust still the South feared complete Emancipation so they threaten to succeed9
15407319709personal-liberty lawsLaws enacted in many northern states that guaranteed to all residents, including alleged fugitives, the right to a jury trial.10
15407319710Gadsden PurchaseA small slice of land (now part of Arizona and New Mexico) purchased by President Franklin Pierce in 1853 for the purpose of building a transcontinental rail line from New Orleans to Los Angeles.11
15407319711Kansas-Nebraska Act1854 - Created Nebraska and Kansas as states and gave the people in those territories the right to chose to be a free or slave state through popular sovereignty.12
15407319712American, or Know-Nothing PartyA political party formed in 1851 that drew on the anti-immigrant and anti-Catholic movements of the 1840s. In 1854, the party gained control of the state governments of Massachusetts and Pennsylvania.13
15407319713"Bleeding Kansas"Term for the bloody struggle between proslavery and antislavery factions in Kansas following its organization as a territory in the fall of 1854.14
15407319714Dred Scott v. SandfordThe 1857 Supreme Court Decision that ruled the Missouri Compromise unconstitutional. The Court ruled against salve Dred Scott who claimed that travels with his master into free states and territories made him and his family free. The decision also denied the federal government the right to exclude slavery from the territories and declared that African Americans were not citizens.15
15407319715Freeport DoctrineDoctrine developed by Stephen Douglas that said the exclusion of slavery in a territory could be determined by the refusal of the voters to enact any laws that would protect slave property.16
15407319716James K PolkGovernor of Tennessee, slave owner, President, "Young Hickory", supported "re-occupation of Oregon and re-annexation of Texas" Pro slave You long hickory cuz he was a student of Andrew Jackson Wanted to open up land for America Campaigned for the " re- occupation or Oregon and the reannexation of TX" The fifty four forty or fight became his slogan wanted Mexican land between Texas and Pacific Ocean - Willing to go to war wanted mexico's northern province Hoped to foment a revolution in California like what happened in TX order navy commander to seize San Francisco Bay & Cali's coastal towns He also said to discpatch captain John C Frémont and an exploring team into mex Territory ordered General Zachary Taylor to occupy disputed lands between the Nueces River & Rio Grande order army to capture Santa Fe in New Mex & march to S Cali Secured control of Cali in 1847 War not over yet... Feb 1847 - in Battle of Buena Vista, Santa Anna almost beat Taylor in NE mex HE let General Winfield capture port Veracruz and marched 260 miles to Mexico City American army seized mex capital Sept 1847 Costed Santa Anna his presidency17
15407319717Frederick DouglassOne of the most prominent African American figures in the abolitionist movement; escaped from slavery; advocated freedom from slavery & full citizenship rights for all blacks.18
15407319718Zachary Taylor"Old Rough and Ready", (1849-1850), Whig president who was a Southern slave holder, and war hero (Mexican-American War). Won the 1848 election. Surprisingly did not address the issue of slavery at all on his platform. He died during his term and his Vice President was Millard Fillmore.19
15407319719Lewis CassDemocratic senator who proposed popular sovereignty to settle the slavery question in the territories; he lost the presidential election in 1848 against Zachary Taylor but continued to advocate his solution to the slavery issue throughout the 1850s. Democrats nominated senator ...................... of Michigan Super Expantionist Wanted Cuba, Yucatán peninsula, all of Oregon He promoted squatter sovereignty To Maintain unity on slavery issue Thsi plan allowed settlers in each territory to decide if they're free or slaves state Didn't persuade N democrats They joined Free soil party20
15407319720Stephen DouglasA moderate, who introduced the Kansas-Nebraska Act in 1854 and popularized the idea of popular sovereignty. Also After several debates w/ Lincoln, He declare his support for white supremacy Lincoln attack his racism by saying black should same economic opportunity but. It Political rights Lincoln asked him how he accept the Dred Scott case ( protected slave slave property in territory) but still supported popular sovereignty He answers with the Freeport Doctrine : that a territory's residents could exclude slavery by not adopting laws to protect it21
15407319721Harriet Beecher Stowe(1811-1896) American author and daughter of Lyman Beecher, she was an abolitionist and author of the famous antislavery novel, Uncle Tom's Cabin.22
15407319722John BrownWell-known abolitionist who led the Pottawatamie Massacre (Bleeding Kansas) and the raid on the arsenal at Harper's Ferry where he was captured, tried and hanged.23
15407319723Abraham Lincoln16th president of the United States; helped preserve the United States by leading the defeat of the secessionist Confederacy; an outspoken opponent of the expansion of slavery. His hardscrabble family moved a lot Born Kentucky 1809 To Indiana and to Illinois 1831 refuse to be farmer like dad > became store clerk in New Salem, Illinois Won entry to middle class by mattering it's culture Join New Salem Debating Society Admitted to the bar(law) in 1837> moved to Springfield Met Mary Todd (daughter of Kentucky Banker) > married in 1842 admired Henry Clay, so he joined the Whig Party and won the election on 4 terms in Illinois legislature > promoted internal transportation 1846 he won the election to a Congress that was divided over the Wilmot Proviso He believed human bondage was unjust but doubt the fed gov had the ability to tamper w it Mexican War- he voted for military actions but also for the Wilmot Proviso' ban on slavery Also introduced legislation that would require gradual Emancipation in District of Columbia Favored the colonization of free blacks in Africa or S America He was always in the middles road and people didn't like that so he didn't get reelected He withdrew from política and became a lawyer24
15407319724Ostend ManifestoAn 1854 manifesto that urged President Franklin Pierce to seize the slave-owning province of Cuba from Spain. Northern Democrats denounced this aggressive initiative, and the plan was scuttled.25

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