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AP US History, Chapter 25 Flashcards

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8515403695New ImmigrantsImmigrants from southern and eastern Europe who formed a recognizable wave of immigration from the 1880s until 1924, in contrast to the immigrants from western Europe who had come before them. These new immigrants congregated in ethnic urban neighborhoods, where they worried many native-born Americans, some of whom responded with nativist anti-immigrant campaigns and others of whom introduced urban reforms to help the immigrants assimilate0
8515403696settlement housesMostly run by middle-class native-born women, settlement houses in immigrant neighborhoods provided housing, food, education, child care, cultural activities, and social connections for new arrivals to the United States. Many women, both native-born and immigrant, developed life-long passions for social activism in the settlement houses. Jane Addams's Hull House in Chicago and Lillian Wald's Henry Street Settlement in New York City were two of the most prominent.1
8515403697liberal ProtestantsMembers of a branch of Protestantism that flourished from 1875 to 1925 and encouraged followers to use the Bible as a moral compass rather than to believe that the Bible represented scientific or historical truth. Many Liberal Protestants became active in the "social gospel" and other reform movements of the era.2
8515403698Tuskegee InstituteA normal and industrial school led by Booker T. Washington in Tuskegee, Alabama. It focused on training young black students in agriculture and the trades to help them achieve economic independence. Washington justified segregated, vocational training as a necessary first step on the road to racial equality, although critics accused him of being too "accomodationist."3
8515403699land-grant collegesColleges and universities created from allocations of public land through the Morrell Act of 1862 and the Hatch Act of 1887. These grants helped fuel the boom in higher education in the late nineteenth century, and many of the today's public universities derive from these grants.4
8515403700pragmatismA distinctive American philosophy that emerged in the late nineteenth century around the theory that the true value of an idea lay in its ability to solve problems. The pragmatists thus embraced the provisional, uncertain nature of experimental knowledge. Among the most well-known purveyors of pragmatism were John Dewey, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., and William James.5
8515403701yellow journalismA scandal-mongering practice of journalism that emerged in New York during the Gilded Age out of the circulation battles between Joseph Pulitzer's New York World and William Randolph Hearst's New York Journal. The expression has remained a pejorative term referring to sensationalist journalism practiced with unethical, unprofessional standards.6
8515403702National American Woman Suffrage Association (NAWSA)An organization founded in 1890 to demand the vote for women. NAWSA argued that women should be allowed to vote because their responsibilities in the home and family made them indispensable in the public decision-making process. During World War I, NAWSA supported the war effort and lauded women's role in the Allied victory, which helped to finally achieve nationwide woman suffrage in the Nineteenth Amendment (1920).7
8515403703Woman's Christian Temperance Union (WCTU)Founded in Ohio in the 1870s to combat the evils of excessive alcohol consumption, the WCTU went on to embrace a broad reform agenda, including campaigns to abolish prostitution and gain the right to vote for women.8
8515403704realismMid-nineteenth-century movement in European and American literature and the arts that sought to depict contemporary life and society as it actually was, in all its unvarnished detail. Adherents eschewed the idealism and nostalgia of the earlier romantic sensibility.9
8515403705naturalismAn offshoot of mainstream realism, this late-nineteenth-century literary movement purported to apply detached scientific objectivity to the study of human characters shaped by degenerate heredity and extreme or sordid social environments.10
8515403706regionalismA recurring artistic movement that, in the context of the late nineteenth century, aspired to capture the peculiarities, or "local color," of America's various regions in the face of modernization and national standardization.11
8515403707City Beautiful movementA turn-of-the-century movement among progressive architects and city planners, who aimed to promote order, harmony, and virtue while beautifying the nation's new urban spaces with grand boulevards, welcoming parks, and monumental public buildings.12
8515403708World's Columbian Exposition(1893) Held in Chicago, Americans saw this World's Fair as their opportunity to claim a place among the world's most "civilized" societies, by which they meant the countries of western Europe. The Fair honored art, architecture, and science, and its promoters built a mini-city in which to host the fair that reflected all the ideals of city planning popular at the time. For many, this was the high point of the "City Beautiful" movement.13
8515403709Jane Addams(1860-1935): Addams founded Hull House, America's first settlement house, to help immigrants assimilate through edu- cation, counseling, and municipal reform efforts. She also advo- cated pacifism throughout her life, including during World War I, and won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1931.14
8515403710Charles Darwin(1809-1882): A British naturalist whose 1859 book On the Origin of Species outlined a theory of evolution based on natural selection, whereby the strongest individuals of a particular species survived and reproduced while weaker individuals died out. This theory had an enormous impact not just on science but on religion and society too, as people wrestled with the challenge evo-lutionary theory posed to Biblical notions of divine creation and applied the ideas of natural selection to human society.15
8515403711Booker T. Washington(1856-1915): As head of the Tuskegee Institute in Alabama, Washington advocated for vocational educa- tion for African-Americans so that they could gain economic secu- rity. Believing that southern whites were not yet ready for social equality, he instead concentrated on gaining economic power for blacks without directly challenging the southern racial order.16
8515403712W. E. B. Du Bois(1868-1963): A Harvard-educated leader in the fight for racial equality, Du Bois believed that liberal arts education would provide the "talented tenth" of African Americans with the ability to lift their race into full participation in society. From New York, where he was a founder of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), he relentlessly brought attention to racism in America and demanded legal and cultural change. During his long life he published many important books of history, sociol- ogy, and poetry and provided intellectual leadership to those advo- cating civil rights. One of his deepest convictions was the necessity of American blacks connecting their freedom struggle with African independence and he died as a resident of the new nation of Ghana17
8515403713Joseph Pulitzer(1847-1911): A publisher whose newspapers, including the New York World, became a symbol of the sensational- ist journalism of the late nineteenth century.18
8515403714William Randolph Hearst(1863-1951): A newspaper magnate who started by inheriting his father's San Francisco Examiner and ulti- mately owned newspapers and magazines published in cities across the United States. He was largely responsible for the spread of sen- sationalist journalism. The Hearst Corporation still owns dozens of newspapers, magazines, and other media outlets in the United States and around the world.19
8515403715John Dewey(1859-1952): A leader of the pragmatist movement of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, Dewey applied the philosophy to education and social reform, advocating "learn- ing by doing" as well as the application of knowledge to solving real life problems. He became an outspoken promoter of social and political reforms that broadened American democracy.20
8515403716Carrie Chapman Catt(1859-1947): A leader of the revived women's suffrage movement, Catt served as president of the National American Women's Suffrage Association (NAWSA) from 1900-1904 and again from 1915-1920. She was also active internationally, helping women in other countries gain suffrage and advocating for international peace.21
8515403717Horacio Alger(1832-1899): The writer of dozens of novels for chil- dren, Alger popularized the notion of "rags to riches," that by hard work and a bit of a luck, even a poor boy could pull himself up into the middle class.22
8515403718Mark Twain(1835-1910): A satirist and writer, Twain is best known for his books The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (1876) and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1884). His work critiqued American politics and society, especially the racial and economic injustice that he saw in the South and West. Twain traveled abroad exten- sively and his work was read and loved around the world.23
8515403719Henry Jamesgrandson of John Quincy Adams and great grandson of John Adams; wrote History of the United States During the Administrations of Jefferson and Madison; defended his heritage; also wrote Monti-Stain-Michel and Chartres and a autobiography of his education and the account of his failures; for his novels, he made women his central characters; called a master of "psychological" ;The Bostonians was the first book about the rising feminist movement24
8515403720Winslow Homerpainter who was resistant against foreign influences and brought rugged realism and boldness of conception; known for paintings of the sea25
8515403721Augustus Saint-Gaudensborn to an Irish mother and French father; adopted American; most gifted American sculptor one of his most moving works is the Robert Gould Shaw memorial26
8515403722Frederick Law OlmstedA United States landscape architect, famous for designing many well-known urban parks, including Central Park and Prospect Park in New York City, the country's oldest coordinated system of public parks and parkways in Buffalo, New York, the Niagara Reservation in Niagara Falls, and the landscape surrounding the United States Capitol building.27

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