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AP US History, Chapter 36 Flashcards

Ms. Hayes's History Class- Hellooo! Here's the plan. I am going to do my best to publish the rest of the quizlets so you guys can study for the exam. Unfortunately, I will be struggling with the English paper. On the other hand, doing these could give me something productive to do while procrastinating on the English essay. I think I'll do that. - Quote of the week: "My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country." -John F. Kennedy - DFTBA!

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13780628371The Feminine MystiqueBest-selling book by feminist thinker Betty Friedan that was published in 1963. This work challenged women to move beyond the drudgery of suburban housewifery and helped launch what would become second-wave feminism0
13780628372rock 'n' roll"Crossover" musical style that rose to dominance in the 1950s, merging black rhythm and blues with white bluegrass and country. Featuring a heavy beat and driving rhythm, rock 'n' roll music became a defining feature of the 1950s youth culture1
13780628373Checkers SpeechNationally televised address by vice-presidential candidate Richard Nixon during which he defended himself against allegations of corruption. Using the new mass medium of television shortly before the 1952 election, the vice-presidential candidate saved his place on the ticket by saying the only campaign gift he had received was a cocker spaniel named Checkers2
13780628374Montgomery bus boycottProtest by black Alabamians against segregated seating on city buses, sparked by Rosa Park's defiant refusal to move to the back of the bus. This lasted from December 1, 1955, until December 26, 1956, and became one of the foundational moments of the civil rights movement. It led to the rise of Martin Luther King Jr., and ultimately to a Supreme Court decision opposing segregated busing3
13780628375Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, KansasLandmark Supreme Court decision in 1954 that overturned Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) and abolished racial segregation in public schools. The Court reasoned that "separate" was inherently "unequal," rejecting the foundation of the Jim Crow system of racial segregation in the South. This decision was the first major step toward the legal end of racial discrimination and a major accomplishment for the civil rights movement4
13780628376Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC)Youth organization founded by southern black students in 1960 to promote civil rights. Drawing on its members' youthful energies, this in its early years coordinated demonstrations, sit-ins, and voter registration drives5
13780628377Operation WetbackA government program in 1954 to round up and deport as many as 1 million illegal Mexican migrant workers in the United States. The program was promoted in part by the Mexican government and reflected burgeoning concerns about non-European immigration to America6
13780628378Federal Highway Act of 1956Federal legislation signed by Dwight D. Eisenhower to construct thousands of miles of modern highways in the name of national defense. Officially called the National Interstate and Defense Highways Act, this bill dramatically increased the move to the suburbs, as white middle-class people could more easily commute to urban jobs7
13780628379policy of boldnessForeign-policy objective of Dwight Eisenhower's secretary of state John Foster Dulles in 1954, who believed in changing the containment strategy to one that more directly engaged the Soviet Union and attempted to roll back communist influence around the world. This policy led to a buildup of America's nuclear arsenal to threaten "massive retaliation" against communist enemies, launching the Cold War's arm race8
13780628380Hungarian uprisingSeries of demonstrations in Hungary in 1956 against the Soviet Union. Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev violently suppressed this pro-Western uprising, highlighting the limitations of America's power in Eastern Europe9
13780628381Battle of Dien Bien PhuMilitary engagement in French colonial Vietnam in 1954 in which French forces were defeated by Viet Minh nationalists loyal to Ho Chi Minh. With this loss, the French ended their colonial involvement in Indochina, paving the way for America's entry10
13780628382Suez crisisInternational crisis launched in 1956 when Egyptian president Gamal Abdel Nasser nationalized the Suez canal, which had been owned mostly by French and British stockholders. This led to a British and French attack on Egypt, which failed without aid from the United States. This marked an important turning point in the post-colonial Middle East and highlighted the rising of oil in world affairs11
13780628383Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)Cartel comprising Middle Eastern states and Venezuela first organized in 1960. This aimed to control access to and prices of oil, wresting power from Western oil companies and investors. In the process, it gradually strengthened the hand of non-Western powers on the world stage12
13780628384SputnikSoviet satellite first launched into earth orbit on October 4, 1957. This scientific achievement marked the first time human beings had put a man-made object into orbit and pushed the USSR noticeably ahead of the United States in the space race. A month later, the Soviet Union sent a larger satellite, Sputnik II, into space, prompting the United States to redouble its space exploration efforts and raising American fears of Soviet superiority13
13780628385kitchen debateTelevised exchange in 1959 between Soviet premier Nikita Khrushchev and American vice president Richard Nixon. Meeting at the American National Exhibition in Moscow, the two leaders sparred over the relative merits of capitalist consumer culture versus Soviet state planning. Nixon won applause for his staunch defense of American capitalism, helping lead him to the Republican nomination for president in 196014
13780628386military-industrial complexTerm popularized by President Dwight Eisenhower in his 1961 Farewell Address, referring to the political and economic ties between arms manufacturers, elected officials, and the U.S. armed forces that created self-sustaining pressure for high military spending during the Cold War. Eisenhower also warned that this powerful combination left unchecked could "endanger our liberties or democratic process," favoring defense concerns over more peaceful goals that balanced security and liberty15
13780628387abstract expressionismAn experimental style of mid-twentieth-century modern art exemplified by Jackson Pollock's spontaneous "action paintings," created by flinging paint on canvases stretched across the studio floor16
13780628388International StyleArchetypal, post-World War II modernist architectural style, best known for its "curtain-wall" designs of steel-and-glass corporate high-rises17
13780628389Beat GenerationA small coterie of mid-twentieth-century bohemian writers and personalities, including Jack Kerouac, Allen Ginsberg, and William S. Burroughs, who bemoaned bourgeois conformity and advocated free-form experimentation in life and literature18
13780628390Southern RenaissanceA literary outpouring among mid-twentieth-century southern writers, begun by William Faulkner and marked by a new critical appreciation of the region's burdens of history, racism, and conservatism19
13780628391New FrontierPresident Kennedy's nickname for his domestic policy agenda. Buoyed by youthful optimism, the program included proposals for the Peace Corps and efforts to improve education and health care. It ran from 1961 to 196320
13780628392Peace CorpsA federal agency created by President Kennedy in 1961 to promote voluntary service by Americans in foreign countries. This provides labor power to help developing countries improve their infrastructure, health care, educational systems, and other aspects of their societies. Part of Kennedy's New Frontier vision, the organization represented an effort by postwar liberals to promote American values and influence through productive exchanges across the world21
13780628393ApolloProgram of manned space flights run by America's National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) from 1961 to 1975. The project's highest achievement was the landing of Apollo 11 on the moon on July 20, 196922
13780628394Berlin WallFortified and guarded barrier between East and West Berlin erected on orders from Soviet premier Nikita Khrushchev in 1961 to stop the flow of people to the West. Until its destruction in 1989, the wall was a vivid symbol of the divide between the communist and capitalist worlds23
13780628395European Economic Community (EEC)Free-trade zone in Western Europe created by Treaty of Rome in 1957. Often referred to as the "Common Market," this collection of countries originally included France, West Germany, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg. The body eventually expanded to become the European Union, which by 2005 included twenty-seven member states24
13780628396Bay of Pigs invasionCIA plot in 1961 to overthrow Fidel Castro by training Cuban exiles to invade and supporting them with American airpower. The mission failed and became a public relations disaster early in John F. Kennedy's presidency25
13780628397Cuban missile crisisStandoff between John F. Kennedy and Soviet premier Nikita Khrushchev in October 1962 over Soviet plans to install nuclear weapons in Cuba. Although the crisis was ultimately settled in America's favor and represented a foreign-policy triumph for Kennedy, it brought the world's superpowers perilously close to the brink of nuclear confrontation26
13780628398Freedom RidersOrganized mixed-race groups who rode interstate buses deep into the South to draw attention to and protest racial segregation, beginning in 1961. This effort to challenge racism, which involved the participation of many northern young people as well as southern activists, proved a political and public relations success for the civil rights movement27
13780628399Voter Education ProjectEffort by SNCC and other civil rights groups to register the South's historically disenfranchised black population. The project, which lasted from 1962 to 1968, typified a common strategy of the civil rights movement, which sought to counter racial discrimination by empowering people at grassroots levels to exercise their civic rights through voting28
13780628400March on WashingtonMassive civil rights demonstration in August 1963 in support for Kennedy-backed legislation to secure legal protections for American blacks. One of the most visually impressive manifestations of the civil rights movement, this was the occasion of Martin Luther King's famous "I Have a Dream" speech29
13780628401Richard NixonWhen he was elected there was high inflation and economic recession from high spending in the war. His greatest success was easing cold war tensions and with foreign countries. He was impeached because of the Watergate Scandal but resigned before he was removed from office.30
13780628402Betty FriedanFeminist author of "The Feminine Mystique" in 1960. Her book sparked a new consciousness among suburban women and helped launch the second-wave feminist movement31
13780628403Elvis PresleyWhite singer born in 1935 in Tupelo, Mississippi; chief revolutionary of popular music in the 1950s, fused black rhythm and blues with white bluegrass and country styles; created a new musical idiom known forever after as rock and roll. Was "The King".32
13780628404Rosa ParksUnited States civil rights leader who refused to give up her seat on a bus to a white man in Montgomery (Alabama) and so triggered the national civil rights movement (born in 1913)33
13780628405Martin Luther King, Jr.U.S. Baptist minister and civil rights leader. A noted orator, he opposed discrimination against blacks by organizing nonviolent resistance and peaceful mass demonstrations. He was assassinated in Memphis, Tennessee. Nobel Peace Prize (1964)34
13780628406Earl WarrenLiberal Californian politician appointed Chief Justice the Supreme Court by Eisenhower in 1953, he was principally known for moving the Court to the left in defense of civil and individual rights in such cases as Brown v. Board of Education (1954), Griswold v. Connecticut (1965), and Miranda v. Arizona (1966).35
13780628407John Foster DullesAs Secretary of State. he viewed the struggle against Communism as a classic conflict between good and evil. Believed in containment and the Eisenhower doctrine.36
13780628408Nikita KhrushchevPremier of the Soviet Union from 1958-1964, he was a communist party official who emerge from the power struggle after Stalin's death in 1953 to lead the USSR. He crushed a pro-Western uprising of Hungary in 1956, and, in 1958, issued an ultimatum for Western evacuation of Berlin. Defended Soviet-style economic planning in the Kitchen Debate with Richard Nixon in 1959 and attempted to send missiles to Cuba in 1962 but backed down when confronted by JFK.37
13780628409Ho Chi MinhVietnamese revolutionary nationalist leader, he organized Vietnamese opposition to foreign occupation, first against the Japanese and then the French; became leader of North Vietnam. He led the war to unify the country in the face of increased military opposition from the United States38
13780628410Gamal Abdel NasserPresident of Egypt, set out to modernize Egypt and end western domination, nationalized the Suez canal, led two wars against the Zionist state, remained a symbol of independence and pride, returned to socialism, nationalized banks and businesses, limited economic policies39
13780628411Fidel CastroCuban revolutionary who overthrew Batista dictatorship in 1958 and assumed control of the island country. His connections with the Soviet Union led to a cessation of diplomatic relations with the United States in such internationl affairs as the Bay of Pigs invasion and the Cuban Missile Crisis. Oversaw his country through the end of the Cold War and through nearly a half-century of trade embargo with the US40
13780628412John F. KennedyPresident of the United States who narrowly defeated the incumbent vice-president Nixon in 1960 to become the youngest person ever elected president. Launched New Frontier programs and urged legislation to improve civil rights; assumed the blame for the Bay of Pigs ivasion and was credited as well for the superb handling of the Cuban Missile Crisis. He was assasinated in Dallas, Texas, on November 22, 1963, by Lee Harvey Oswald41
13780628413Lyndon Baines JohnsonPresident of the United States who rose to tremendous power in the Senate during the New Deal. Tapped to be JFK's running mate in 1960 and was chosen largely to help solidfy support for the Democratic ticket in the anti-Catholic south, he assumed the presidency after Kennedy's assination in 1963. Was responsible for liberal programs such as the Great Society, War on Poverty, and civil rights legislation, as well as the escalation of the Vietnam war42
13780628414Jackson PollockAmerican artist famous for painting with a drip technique, he was also a leader of abstract expressionism in America43
13780628415Andy WarholAn American commercial illustrator and artist famous for his Campbell's soup painting. He was the founder of the pop-art movement, which like all other art movements in history reflected something back on the present society.44
13780628416Jack KerouacUnited States writer who was a leading figure of the beat generation (1922-1969)45
13780628417Allen Ginsberg"Howl"; viewed as spokesman of the Beat Generation, book seized by American government for obscenity charges; about America's false hopes and broken promises46
13780628418Arthur MillerThe author of the searching probe of American values found in the 1949 play Death of a Salesman47
13780628419Ralph EllisonAn African-American author who wrote Invisible Man arguing that a black man can't be seen as a real man.48
13780628420Robert F. KennedyYounger brother of JFK who entered public life as U.S. Attorney General during the Kennedy Administration. Later elected senator from New York, he became an anti-war, pro-civil rights presidential candidate in 1968, launching a popular challenge to incumbent President Johnson. Amid that campaign, he was assassinated in California on June 6, 1968.49
13780628421Robert S. McNamaraCabinet officer who promoted "flexible response" but came to doubt the wisdom of the Vietnam War he had presided over.50
13780628422Ngo Dinh DiemAmerican ally in South Vietnam from 1954 to 1963; his repressive regime caused the Communist Viet Cong to thrive in the South and required increasing American military aid to stop a Communist takeover. Killed in a coup in 1963.51
13780628423James MeredithFirst black student admitted to the University of Mississippi, shot during a civil rights march in 1966.52

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