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AP US History: English Settlement of the New World Flashcards

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217802433Sir Walter Raleigh(Late 1500s) He funded the Roanoke Island Colony (1585-88). He was put in debtor's prison after it failed and eventually executed. It started English colonization of North America. It also made people afraid to invest.0
217802434Roanoke Island Colony(1585-88) Also called the "Lost Colony." It was funded by Sir Walter Raleigh. It disappeared when the ships came back after the Spanish Armada. The only evidence left was the word "cro" carved into a tree.1
217802435Joint Stock Company(Early 1600s) English investors banded together to invest in colonizing America. It decreased the risk because you did not have to risk all of your money.2
217802436Virginia Company(1606-1624) London Investors created a joint-stock company to get a charter and colonize Virginia. It would fail in making a profit and would have it's charter taken away after the Indian uprisings in 1622.3
217802437Charter ColonyA colony that was given to an individual or a business by the Crown. The owners then became rulers or these colonies.4
217802438PrimogenitureThe system by which the first son gets all of the inheritance. The system was meant to pool all of the money in one person so that the wealth accumulated. It was the system used in Britain, so many of the latter sons went to the colonies to make money.5
217802439Jamestown(1607) Original settlement by the Virginia Company of London. It struggled until 1611, when Lord De La Warr came to the colony.6
217802440Starving Time(Winter 1609) After John Smith went back to England, the colony had no leadership and so food ran short.7
217802441John SmithMost of the people who came to Jamestown were not farmers and did not want to work. He took control in 1608 and enforced work with harsh punishments. He received powder burns in 1609 and was forced to return to England.8
217802442Sir Thomas DaleHe arrived in Jamestown in 1611. He was the Marshall of Virginia and used harsh corporal punishment to enforce the laws. He also founded Henricus.9
217802443English Civil War(1640s) The Cavaliers supported King Charles I, and they fought the Roundheads, supporters of Parliament, for the control of England.10
217802444PuritansEnglishmen (generally from SE England), who believed that the church should be purified. They thought that it was too extravagant and corrupt. They supported Parliament in the English Civil War.11
217802445Plymouth Plantation:(1620) A group of separatist puritans left for America. They were supposed to go to Virginia, but they landed in Massachusetts to be outside the realm of the King.12
217802446SeparatistsPuritans who wanted to split from the church of England.13
217802447Non-SeparatistsPuritans who wanted to reform the church from within instead of splitting from the Anglican Church.14
217802448CalvinismFirst developed by John Calvin of Switzerland. The doctrine believed in pre-destination and the elect, as well as the covenant of grace. Those who were not elect were still supposed to uphold god's law due to their moral obligation.15
217802449Covenant of GraceDiffering from the Catholic Doctrine, it stated that faith alone could save you.16
217802450ElectAlso called the "Visible Saints," they were those who had been accepted as full members of the church. It was part of Calvinism. They had to show that they were predestined for heaven.17
217802451PredestinationThey were chosen by god to go to heaven at birth, and this was shown through a conversion experience, as well as wealth and old age.18
217802452Mayflower Compact(1620) The original governing document of the Plymouth colony, it was made to provide a structure of government and keep order once they disembarked.19
217802453John Winthrop(1629) He was the first governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony. He led the group to form a colony in the new world, and set up the theocracy that would remain the government of Massachusetts for over a century. He said that the colony should be a "City on a Hill" to be an example to Europe.20
217802454"City on a Hill"A phrase developed by John Winthrop to talk about the Massachusetts Bay Colony. It meant that the colony should become an example to Europe and specifically England.21

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