5736573348 | Roanoke | first English settlement, established by sir walter Raleigh in 1584, he named the region Virginia after the Virgin Queen | 0 | |
5736953129 | Jamestown | 100 men land, 40 die on the way, swarming with mosquitoes, a ship lost its leaders and supplies, cannablism | 1 | |
5736969409 | Maryland | Up the coast from Jamestown, tobacco is the main crop, in 1664 soldiers arrived from England | 2 | |
5745785898 | Toleration Act | any religion will be tolerated in Maryland, whites, christians | 3 | |
5736972031 | William Penn | established Pennsylvania, also was attracted to the Quaker faith | 4 | |
5736972032 | John Rolfe | saves Johnstown by growing tobacco, makes a ton of money | 5 | |
5736972033 | Pochahontas | saved John Smith from dying, marries John Rolfe | 6 | |
5736974903 | Mercantilism | the more colonies you have, the more richer/powerful you are | 7 | |
5736974904 | Dutch/New Amsterdam | The dutch settle in New York and New York becomes owned by the English/Britain | 8 | |
5736978178 | Stamp (Tax) Act | placed excise taxes on printed matter, 1765, Direct tax, catalyst to unite opposition, done to pay for 7 years war | 9 | |
5736978179 | Sons of Liberty | Group dressed as Indians threw tea into the harbor, led by Sam Adams | 10 | |
5736980293 | Boston Massacre | March 5, 1770, Troops filled, population infuriated, tax on tea, sons of liberty dumped tea into harbor, British opened fire | 11 | |
5736982624 | Declaration of Independence | wrote on July 4th, 1776 by Thomas Jefferson, created equal, life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness | 12 | |
5736982625 | Common Sense | Wrote to tell people to fight for their rights, 150,000 copies were sold, written by Thomas Pain | 13 | |
5736987181 | Yorktown | 1781, in Virginia, the last battle, joined my Lafayette and troops from de Grase's fleet, Washington surrounds it, British lose biggest army | 14 | |
5741719652 | Valley Forge | Military camp for Continental army, 1778 winter | 15 | |
5736987182 | Articles of Confederation | November 1777, submitted to states for ratification | 16 | |
5736989149 | Branches of Government | Legislature-house of rep, Judicial-supreme court, Executive-president | 17 | |
5737001821 | 3/5 Compromise | 3/5th of slaves were counted for purposes of taxation and representation | 18 | |
5737018725 | Bills of Rights 1, 2, 5, 8 | 1- freedom of speech, 2- right to bear arms, 5-plead the 5th, 8- no cruel or unusual punishment | 19 | |
5737024635 | Louisiana Purchase | buys Louisiana purchase for $15 million in 1803 from France, region between the Mississippi and Rocky Mountains | 20 | |
5737030647 | Lewis & Clark | Started the journey to the Pacific in May 1804, on the way they established friendly relationships with several Native American tribes | 21 | |
5737034056 | Sacajawea | Shoshone woman, helped Lewis and Clark as interpreter | 22 | |
5737043635 | Tecumseh | Shawnee chief that attempted to unite all tribes east of the Mississippi | 23 | |
5737043636 | Texas Independence | Texas becomes their own country from battling with mexico | 24 | |
5745879055 | Sam Houston | won and got Texas their independence | 25 | |
5737047306 | Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo | Mexico gave up Texas above Rio Grande River, US gave Mexico 15 million and pay claims of American citizens against Mexico | 26 | |
5737047307 | James K Polk | persuaded congress to lower tariff and restore independent treasury | 27 | |
5742517980 | Manifest Destiny | between 1840-1860 more than 250 thousand people made the trip westward, Oregon trail | 28 | |
5737051423 | Mexican American War | starts in Texas, we get New Mexico, Nevada, Arizona, and California from this war, American brought troops in Mexico and started from that | 29 | |
5737051424 | 1848 California Gold Rush | Over 200,000 people went to California in search for gold | 30 | |
5737053338 | Missouri Compromise | legislative deal, preserved the balance of slave and free states, admitted Missouri as a slave state and Maine as a free state, which banned slavery from the part of the Louisiana territory | 31 | |
5737053339 | Wilmot Proviso | wanted no slaves, but this law not being passed leads to the civil war | 32 | |
5737055800 | Henry David Thoreau | a hippie that refused to pay his state poll tax to protest the Mexican war, refused to participate in practical reform movements | 33 | |
5737055801 | Edgar Allen Poe | master short story writer and poet, obsessed with death, wrote the raven | 34 | |
5737060140 | Slave Rebellions | used tools, burned plantations | 35 | |
5737060141 | Nat Turner | killed 57 whites | 36 | |
5737060142 | Dred Scott Case | slave who sues because he lives in Illinois where slavery is banned but blacks are still not considered citizens | 37 | |
5737062605 | Whitney, Cotton Gin | cotton became more profitable so the demand for land and slave labor increased | 38 | |
5737066548 | Fugitive Slave Act 1850, Harriet Tubman | compelled citizens to assist in the return of runaway slaves | 39 | |
5737072411 | Compromise of 18501 | California would be brought into the union as a free state, retain the right to bring slaves to southern territories, slave trade abolished | 40 | |
5737072412 | Anaconda Plan | General Winfield Scott's strategy for defeating the confederacy; its central elements included a naval blockade in seizure of the Mississippi river valley | 41 | |
5737075275 | Kansas, John Brown, Border Ruffians | Border war with Missouri, murdered 5 men in the middle of the night | 42 | |
5737078958 | Uncle Tom's Cabin, Harriet Beecher Stowe | story of life of a slave, inspired by the fugitive slave act | 43 | |
5737086235 | Antietam, Emancipation Proclamation | lees advance northward halted, Lincoln issues emancipation proclamation freeing slaves in rebel areas, first union victory | 44 | |
5737086236 | Copperheads | Northern Democrats who resisted republican war measures and advocated negotiation with the confederacy | 45 | |
5737086237 | Black Codes | special laws passed by southern states and municipal governments after the civil war that denied free blacks many rights of citizenship | 46 | |
5737088851 | Carpetbaggers | white southern republicans, mainly small landowning farmers and well off merchants and planters, who cooperated with the congressionally imposed reconstruction governments set up in the south following the civil war | 47 | |
5737088852 | Klu Klux Klan | founded by confederate soldiers in Tennessee, used violence and intimidation to drive African Americans out of politics | 48 | |
5737092648 | Loyalty Oath | readmit states that had seceded once 10% of their prewar voters swore allegiance to the union and state constitutions outlawing slavery | 49 | |
5737095494 | Andrew Johnson, Reconstruction | from the south so very easy on them, never owned any slaves because he was too poor, when Lincoln was shot there was no punishment to the south and freed slaves were still discriminated against | 50 | |
5737097233 | Grant Presidency | one of the worst in history, weak; cost government millions, failed to press for civil service reform | 51 | |
5737097234 | Homestead Act | Gave 160 acres to any settler who would farm the land for five years | 52 | |
5737101682 | Jim Crow Act, Plessy Vs Ferguson | separate but equal, Plessy refused to sit in Jim Crow car | 53 | |
5737104902 | W.E.B. Dubois, Booker T Washington | african american that gave a speech that blacks should be patient and trust the process | 54 | |
5737104903 | Sitting Bull | Chief after Red Cloud, medicine man, had a vision before battle | 55 | |
5737104904 | Red Cloud | kept all in line for a while until he got old, defeated custer | 56 | |
5737107073 | Custer, Little Big Horn | Custer was arrogant, Custer rode in with his men at Little Big Horn and Indians surrounded him and won the battle but lost the war | 57 | |
5737110540 | Sand Creek Massacre, Chivington | Chivington didn't know they were good indians and attacked and killed women and children | 58 | |
5737110541 | Dawes Act | tried to break up tribes, gave 160 acres of farmland to them, which didn't work | 59 | |
5737113764 | Chinese Exclusion Act, Nativism | law in 1882 that prevents chinese immigrants from entering the U.S. and overtaking the jobs, we wanted America for ourselves | 60 | |
5737113765 | Union Pacific | Omaha-Sacramento | 61 | |
5742924590 | Central Pacific | Chinese labor, went through mountains | 62 | |
5737116224 | Knights of Labor | wanted 8 hour work days, safety, no child labor | 63 | |
5737116225 | American Federation of Labor | a union formed in 1886 that organized skilled workers along with craft lines. it focued on worokplace issues rather than political and social reform. | 64 | |
5737119711 | Strikes, scabs, Pinkertons | secret agency into Unions and stop unionists from going on strike | 65 | |
5745886352 | Thomas Edison | light bulb | 66 | |
5745886353 | Alexander Graham Bell | Telephone | 67 | |
5745895709 | Pullman | comfortable, nice train cars | 68 | |
5745904446 | George Westinghouse | Air brake and AC | 69 | |
5737122070 | Interstate Commerce Act | federal law establishing interstate commerce commission of 1887, the nations first regulatory agency.said railaroad couldnt charge whatever they wanted | 70 | |
5737124351 | Sherman Anti Trust Act | a federal law, passed in 1890 that outlawed monopolistic organizations that functioned to restrain trade | 71 | |
5737124352 | John D Rockefeller, Standard Oil | owned standard oil, | 72 | |
5737126032 | JP Morgan | controlled many railroads, largest steel, and dominated everything else by banking. | 73 | |
5737126033 | Laissez Faire | "hands off" used in economic contexts to signify the absence of governmental interference or regulation of economic matters | 74 | |
5737128683 | Populists, William Jennings Bryan | political from Nebraska, school in Omaha named after him, lost in the 1896 election | 75 | |
5737131133 | Mark Twain | write who published humurous pieces during the gilded age, wrote hucklebery finn | 76 |
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