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AP US History: Gilded Age Flashcards

American Pageant Chapters 23-26

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8526617876"waving the bloody shirt"using Civil War memories to gain support for presidents0
8526617877Tweed RingBoss Tweed, NY, stole about $200 million from the people, eventually found out and jailed until he died1
8526617878Credit Mobilier scandalThis scandal occurred in the 1870s when a railroad construction company's stockholders used funds that were supposed to be used to build the Union Pacific Railroad for railroad construction for their own personal use. To avoid being convicted, stockholders even used stock to bribe congressional members and the vice president.2
8526617879Panic of 1873Four year economic depression caused by overspeculation on railroads and western lands, and too-easy credit. It was worsened by Grant's poor fiscal response (refusing to coin gold and silver)3
8526617880Gilded AgeA name for the late 1800s, coined by Mark Twain (sarcastically because of the corruption) to describe the tremendous increase in wealth caused by the industrial age and the ostentatious lifestyles it allowed the very rich. The great industrial success of the U.S. and the fabulous lifestyles of the wealthy hid the many social problems of the time, including a high poverty rate, a high crime rate, and corruption in the government.4
8526617881patronage(politics) granting favors or giving contracts or making appointments to office in return for political support5
8526617882Civil Rights Act of 1875The Act guaranteed that everyone, regardless of race, color, or previous condition of servitude, was entitled to the same treatment in "public accommodations" (i.e. inns, public conveyances on land or water, theaters, and other places of public amusement). If found guilty, the lawbreaker could face a penalty anywhere from $500 to $1,000 and/or 30 days to 1 year in prison.6
8526617883Plessy v. FergusonSeperate but Equal. Supreme court ruled that segregation public places facilities were legal as long as the facilites were equal7
8526617884Chinese Exclusion ActPased in 1882; banned Chinese immigration in US for a total of 40 years because the United States thought of them as a threat. Caused chinese population in America to decrease.8
8526617885Pendleton ActThe Pendleton Act was an American act for the reformation of the American national civil service, introduced into the Senate by George Hunt Pendleton, of Ohio in 1880, but which did not become a law until January the 6th, 1883. It awarded jobs based on merit not on loyalty. It set up a Civil Service Commission which provided for open competitive examinations for admission to the public service.9
8526617886Homestead Strike1892 steelworker strike near Pittsburgh against the Carnegie Steel Company. Ten workers were killed in a riot when "scab" labor was brought in to force an end to the strike.10
8526617887grandfather clauseA clause in registration laws allowing people who do not meet registration requirements to vote if they or their ancestors had voted before 1867.11
8526617888Jay GouldUnited States financier who gained control of the Erie Canal and who caused a financial panic in 1869 when he attempted to corner the gold market (1836-1892)12
8526617889James A. Garfield20th president, Republican, Anti-Stalwart, Assassinated by Charles J. Guiteau after a few months in office due to lack of patronage. His running mate was Chester Aurthur. Gave most of his positions to Halfbreeds13
8526617890Chester ArthurAppointed customs collector for the port of New York - corrupt and implemented a heavy spoils system. He implemented the Pendleton Act which called for reform on civil service.14
8526617891Grover ClevelandFirst Democratic President since Buchanan. He was a supporter of lasseiz faire capitalism, fought corruption. He vetoed hundreds of bills for military pensions, achieved the Interstate Commerce Commission and civil service reform, violent suppression of strikes15
8526617892William Jennings BryanUnited States lawyer and politician who advocated free silver and prosecuted John Scopes (1925) for teaching evolution in a Tennessee high school (1860-1925)16
8526617893J. P. MorganBanker who buys out Carnegie Steel and renames it to U.S. Steel. Was a philanthropist in a way; he gave all the money needed for WWI and was payed back. Was one of the "Robber barons"17
8526617894Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific Railroad Company v. Illinois1886 - Stated that individual states could control trade in their states, but could not regulate railroads coming through them. Congress had exclusive jurisdiction over interstate commerce.18
8526617895Interstate Commercecommerce between two or more states which can be regulated by the federal government. The Interstate Commerce Act created a commission to oversee the conduct of the railroad industry; it made shipping rates reasonable and just19
8526617896vertical integrationabsorption into a single firm of several firms involved in all aspects of a product's manufacture from raw materials to distribution20
8526617897horizontal integrationabsorption into a single firm of several firms involved in the same level of production and sharing resources at that level21
8526617898trustterm generally used to describe any large scale business operation inspired by horizontal integration22
8526617899interlocking directoratesthe consolidation of rival enterprises, to ensure harmony officers of a banking syndicate were placed on boards of these rivals23
8526617900Standard Oil CompanyFounded by John D. Rockefeller. Largest unit in the American oil industry in 1881. Known as A.D. Trust, it was outlawed by the Supreme Court of Ohio in 1899. Replaced by the Standard Oil Company of New Jersey.24
8526617901Social DarwinistsTheorists who applied Darwin's theory of natural selection to human society, arguing that poorer and weaker segments of society desrved their fate; survival of the fittest25
8526617902Sherman Anti-Trust Actrequires the United States federal government to investigate and pursue trusts, companies, and organizations suspected of violating the Act. It was the first Federal statute to limit cartels and monopolies, and today still forms the basis for most antitrust litigation by the United States federal government. However, for the most part, politicians were unwilling to refer to the law until Theodore Roosevelt's presidency (1901-1909).26
8526617903National Labor Union1866 - established by William Sylvis - wanted 8hr work days, banking reform, and an end to conviction labor - attempt to unite all laborers27
8526617904Knights of Labor1st effort to create National union. Open to everyone but lawyers and bankers. Vague program, no clear goals, weak leadership and organization. Failed; demanded an end to child and convict labor, equal pay for women, a progressive income tax, and the cooperative employer-employee ownership of mines and factories28
8526617905Haymarket SquareLabor disorders had broken out and on May 4 1886, the Chicago police advanced on a protest; alleged brutalities by the authorities. Suddenly a dynamite bomb was thrown that killed or injured dozens, including police. It is still unknown today who set off the bomb, but following the hysteria, eight anarchists (possibly innocent) were rounded up. Because they preached "incendiary doctrines," they could be charged with conspiracy. Five were sentenced to death, one of which committed suicide; the other three were given stiff prison terms. Six years later, a newly elected Illinois governor recognized this gross injustice and pardoned the three survivors. Nevertheless, the Knights of Labor were toast: they became (incorrectly )associated with anarchy and all following strike efforts failed.29
8526617906American Federation of LaborFederation of craft labor unions lead by Samuel Gompers that arose out of dissatisfaction with the Knights of Labor30
8526617907closed shopa company that hires only union members31
8526617908Cornelius Venderbiltan American entrepreneur who built his wealth in shipping and railroads and was the patriarch of the Vanderbilt family.32
8526617909Alexander Graham BellUnited States inventor (born in Scotland) of the telephone (1847-1922); invented the telephone in 187633
8526617910Thomas Alva EdisonThis scientist received more than 1,300 patents for a range of items including the automatic telegraph machine, the phonograph, improvements to the light bulb, a modernized telephone and motion picture equipment.34
8526617911Andrew CarnegieCreates Carnegie Steel. Gets bought out by banker JP Morgan and renamed U.S. Steel. Andrew Carnegie used vertical integration by buying all the steps needed for production. Was a philanthropist. Was one of the "Robber barons"35
8526617912John D. RockefellerWas an American industrialist and philanthropist. Revolutionized the petroleum industry and defined the structure of modern philanthropy.36
8526617913Samuel GompersUnited States labor leader (born in England) who was president of the American Federation of Labor from 1886 to 1924 (1850-1924)37
8526617914New ImmigrantsRefers to the immigrants from southern and eastern Europe who came primarily during the age of Industrialization in the late 1800's and early 1900's.38
8526617915settlement housesa welfare agency for needy families, combated juvenile delinquency, and assisted recent immigrants in learning the English language and in becoming citizens. Jane Addams of the Hull House Settlement in Chicago39
8526617916Tuskegee InstituteBooker T. Washington built this school to educate black students on learning how to support themselves and prosper40
8526617917land-grant collegesAre institutions of higher education in the United States that have been designated by each state to receive the benefits of the Morrill Acts of 1862 and 189041
8526617918World's Columbian Exposition1893; World's Fair held in Chicago in 1893 to celebrate the 400th anniversary of Christopher Columbus's arrival in the New World42
8526617919Charles DarwinEnglish naturalist. He studied the plants and animals of South America and the Pacific islands, and in his book On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection (1859) set forth his theory of evolution. (p. 715)43
8526617920Booker T. WashingtonAfrican American progressive who supported segregation and demanded that African American better themselves individually to achieve equality.44
8526617921W. E. B. Du Boisfought for African American rights. Helped to found Niagra Movement in 1905 to fight for and establish equal rights. This movement later led to the establishment of the NAACP45
8526617922John DeweyHe was a philosopher who believed in "learning by doing" which formed the foundation of progressive education. He believed that the teachers' goal should be "education for life and that the workbench is just as important as the blackboard."46
8526617923Horatio AlgerPopular novelist during the Industrial Revolution who wrote "rags to riches" books praising the values of hard work47
8526617924Mark Twain(born Samuel Clemens) wrote several books that caught the spirit of the Gilded Age. His works combined real depth with a comic genius that exposed the pretentiousness and meanness of human beings.48
8526617925reservation systemintroduced in 1870, forced nations to live on barren land, it confined people so they could not support themselves in their accustomed way. It has left to the institutional of this enforced segregation.49
8526617926Battle of the Little Bighorna battle in Montana near the Little Bighorn River between United States cavalry under Custer and several groups of Native Americans (1876); Custer was pursuing Sioux led by Sitting Bull; it was a disastrous defeat50
8526617927Battle of Wounded KneeThe Wounded Knee Massacre, also known as The Battle at Wounded Knee Creek, was the last major armed conflict between the Lakota Sioux and the United States, subsequently described as a "massacre" by General Nelson A. Miles in a letter to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs.51
8526617928Dawes Severalty ActBill that promised Indians tracts of land to farm in order to assimilate them into white culture. The bill was resisted, uneffective, and disastrous to Indian tribes52
8526617929mining industryduring the late 1800s, mining became a big industry needed to get raw materials53
8526617930Homestead ActLand given out by the government. Throughout the 19th century homesteads were sold for a cheap price, as well as given away by the homestead act of 1862. Many of these homesteads were also purchased by businesses and railroads using families to claim the land.54
8526617931mechanization of agricultureThe development of engine-driven machines, like the combine, which helped to dramatically increase the productivity of land in the 1870s and 1880s. This process contributed to the consolidation of agricultural business that drove many family farms out of existence55
8526617932The Populist PartyPopulist were followers of the political doctrine that supports the rights and powers of the common people in their struggle with the privileged elite. They called for free coinage of silver, graduated income tax, government regulation of railroads, direct election of senators, shorter work day, and immigrant restrictions56
8526617933Pullman strikein Chicago, Pullman cut wages but refused to lower rents in the "company town", Eugene Debs had American Railway Union refuse to use Pullman cars, Debs thrown in jail after being sued, strike achieved nothing57
8526617934Gold Standard Actthe monetary system that prevailed between about 1870 and 1914, in which countries tied their currencies to gold at a legally fixed price58
8526617935Frederick Jackson TurnerAmerican historian who said that humanity would continue to progress as long as there was new land to move into. The frontier provided a place for homeless and solved social problems.59
8526617936Jacob S. Coxeya wealthy Ohio quarry owner turn populist who led a protest group to Washington D.C. to demand that the federal government provide the unemployed with meaningful work (during the depression of 1893). The group was arrested and disbanded peacefully in D.C. movements like this struck fear into American's hearts60
8526617937William McKinley25th president responsible for Spanish-American War, Philippine-American War, and the Annexation of Hawaii, imperialism. Is assassinated by an anarchist61
8526617938Marcus Alonzo HannaUsed the money he made in the iron business to support William McKinley's presidential campaign. He became a personification of big business in politics.62
8526617939Samuel J. TildenLead the prosecution of "Boss" Tweed and later became a Democratic nominee off of this fame.63
8526617940Redemption Day(1879) A day where hoarders of green backers redeemed their green backs with gold. The green back's value increased64
8526617941Resumption ActPledged the government to further withdraw greenbacks and made all further redemption of paper money in gold at face value, starting in 187965
8526617942Bland Allison Actinstructed the Treasury to buy and coin $2 million and $4 million worth of silver bullion each month66
8526617943Munn vs. IllinoisWent against the Grange Laws of the farmers and favored the regulation of the railroads by the state67
8526617944Wabash, St. Louis and Pacific RR CoReversed the Munn vs. Illinois establishment and declared that only the federal government was allowed to regulate the railroads and interest commerce68
8526617945The Big FourLocated in California, the Big Four controlled the Central Pacific Railroad. Leland Standford, Collis Huntington, Charles Crocker, and Mark Hopkins69
8526617946George Westinghouseinvented air brakes for railroads, and the Transformer70

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