6059931367 | New Frontier | advocated by JFK in 1960 election; promised to revitalize the stagnant economy & enact reform legislation in education, health care, and civil rights. | 0 | |
6059931368 | Peace Corps | an organization that recruited young American volunteers to give technical aid to developing countries | 1 | |
6059931369 | Alliance for Progress | organized to promote land reform and economic development in Latin America | 2 | |
6059931370 | Bay of Pigs | April 1961- CIA sponsored Cuban exiles try to over through Castro; Eisenhower started it but decided not to do it; JFK took full responsibility for the failure | 3 | |
6059931371 | Cuban Missile crisis | The US discovered that the Russians were building underground sites in Cuba for the launching of offensive missiles that could reach the US in minutes; Kennedy responded by announcing to the world that he was setting up a naval blockade of cuba until the weapons were removed ; krushchev agreed to remove missiles from cuba after kennedy pledgednot to invade the island nation | 4 | |
6059931372 | Flexible response | increase spending on conventional arms and mobile military forces; reduced risk of using nuclear weapons and also increased the temptatiopn to send elite specail forces into combat; moved away from idea of massive retalliation | 5 | |
6059931373 | Nuclear Test Ban Treaty | ended the testing of nuclear weapons in the atmosphere | 6 | |
6059931374 | Warren Commission | concluded that oswald was the lone assassin in Kennedy's Murder | 7 | |
6059931375 | Great Society | Johnson's war on poverty, was a set of New Dealish economic and welfare measure aimed at transforming US way of life | 8 | |
6059931376 | War on Poverty | Johnson responded to Harrington's "The other america" by declaring an unconditional ___ __ _______. (significantluy reduced the number of american families living in poverty before it was cut back to pay for the Vietnam War) | 9 | |
6059931377 | Barry Goldwater | senator of arizona who advocated ending the welfare state, including TVA and social security | 10 | |
6059931378 | Medicare | a healt insurance program for trhose those 65 and older | 11 | |
6059931379 | Ralph Nader; unsafe at any speed | congress passed programs to regulate the automobile in response to | 12 | |
6059931380 | Rachel Carson, Silent Spring | clean air and water laws were enacted in part as a response to this | 13 | |
6059931381 | Civil Rights Act of 1964 | made segregation illegal in all public facilities and gave the federal government additional powers to enforce school desegregation | 14 | |
6059931382 | Twenty-fourth Amendment | abolished the practice of collecting a poll tax; one of the measures that discouraged poor persons from voting | 15 | |
6059931383 | Voting Rights Act of 1965 | ended literacy tests and provided federal registars in areas in which blacks were kept from voting | 16 | |
6059931384 | James Meredith | young african american air foce veteran who attempted to enroll in the university of mississippi | 17 | |
6059931385 | Martin Luther King, Jr. | remained committed to nonviolent protests against segregation | 18 | |
6059931386 | Malcom X | acquired a reputation as the Black Muslim movement's most controversial voice; criticized MLK as "an uncle tom" and advocated self-defense | 19 | |
6059931387 | Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee | thinkiing influenced by the radicalism of Malcom X; formed by young blacks; advocating black power; scornful of integration and and interracial cooperation, broke with MLK Jr., to advocate greater militancy and acts of violence. | 20 | |
6059931388 | Congress of Racial Equality | famous for freedom rides which drew attention to Southern barbarity, leading to the passing of civil rights legislation. | 21 | |
6059931389 | Stokely Carmichael | chairman of SNCC repudiated nonviolence and advocated "black power" and racial separatism | 22 | |
6059931390 | Black Panthers | organized by Huey Newton, BObby seale and other militants as a revolutionary socialist movement advocating self rule for American blacks | 23 | |
6059931391 | Watts riots | in the summer of 1965, LA; resulted in the deaths of 34 people and the destruction of 700 buildings | 24 | |
6059931392 | Kerner Commission | federal investigation of many riots; conclude in late 1968 that racism and segregation were chiefly responsible and that the US was becoming "two societies, one black, one white--separate and unequal" | 25 | |
6059931393 | Warren Court | Supreme Court under Earl Warren; had an impact on the nation comparable to that of John Marshall | 26 | |
6059931394 | Brown v. BOard of Education of Topeka | desegregation case; the most important case of the 20the century involving race relations | 27 | |
6059931395 | Gideon v. Wainwright | required that state courts provide counsel for indigent defendants | 28 | |
6059931397 | Miranda v. Arizona | extended the ruling in Escobedo to include the right to a lawyer being present during questioning by the police | 29 | |
6059931400 | New Left | Activists and intellecctuals who supported Hayden's ideas | 30 | |
6059931401 | counterculture | expressed in young people in rebellious styles of dress, music, drug use, and for some, communal living | 31 | |
6059931402 | Betty Friedan, The Feminine Mystique | gave the women's movement a new direction by encouraging middle-class women to seek fulfillment in professional careers rather than confinig themselves to the roles of wife, mother, and homemaker. | 32 | |
6059931403 | National Organization for Women | adopted activist tactics of other civil rights movements to secure equal treatment of women | 33 | |
6059931404 | Equal Pay Act (1963) | one of the antidiscrimitory laws enacted by congress by the time the NOW formed | 34 | |
6059931405 | Equal Rights Amendment | constitutional amendment that stated "equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the US or by any state on account of sex" - NOT PASSED | 35 | |
6059931406 | Vietnam War | 2.7 million Americans served in the conflict and 58000 died in an increasingly costly and hopeless effort to prevent South Vietnam from falling to Communism | 36 | |
6059931407 | Tonkin Gulf Resolution | gave the president, as commander in chief a blank check to take "all necessary measures" to protect US interests in Vietnam | 37 | |
6059931408 | Tet Offensive | the vietncong launcehd an all out surprise attack on almost evey provincial capital and american base in south vietnam; US military conterattacked and recovered the lost territory | 38 | |
6059931409 | Robert Kennedy | senator in NY; decided to enter the presidetnail race after McCarthy's strong showing in NH; was shot after his major victory in CAs primary by a young Arab nationalist who opposed his support for Israel | 39 | |
6059931410 | George Wallace | conservative who ran in the election of 1968 | 40 | |
6059931411 | Hubert Humphrey | Vice President who was the liberal running in the election of 1968 | 41 | |
6059931412 | Medicaid | government paid health care for the poor and the disabled | 42 | |
6059931413 | Richard Nixon | promised to bring Americans together after the turmoil of the 1960s. Suspicious and secretive by nature, however, Nixon soon began to isolate himself in the White House. Nixon's first interest was international relations, not domestic policy | 43 | |
6059931414 | Henry Kissinger | Nixon's national security adviser, (later to become secretary of state during Nixon's second term); helped Nixon to fashion a realistic foreign policy that generally succeeded in reducing the tensions of the Cold War | 44 | |
6059931415 | Vietnamization | Nixon announced that he would gradually withdraw U.S. troops from Vietnam and give the South Vietnamese the money, the weapons, and the training that they needed to take over the full conduct of the war. Under this policy, U.S. troops in South Vietnam went from over 540,000 in 1969 to under 30,000 in 1972 | 45 | |
6059931416 | Nixon Doctrine | Nixon extended the idea of disengagement to other parts of Asia; declaring that in the future Asian allies would receive U.S. support but without the extensive use of U.S. ground forces | 46 | |
6059931417 | Kent State | In April 1970, Nixon expanded the war by using U.S. forces to invade Cambodia in an effort to destroy Vietnamese Communist bases in that country. A nationwide protest against this action on U.S. college campuses resulted in the killing of four youths by National Guard troops at Kent State in Ohio and two black students at Jackson State in Mississippi. In reaction to the escalation of the war, the U.S. Senate (but not the House) voted to repeal the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution | 47 | |
6059931418 | My Lai | The American public was shocked to learn about a 1968 massacre of women and children by U.S. troops in the Vietnamese village of My Lai | 48 | |
6059931419 | Pentagon Papers | Further fueling the antiwar sentiment was the publication by The New York Times of the Pentagon Papers, a secret government history documenting the mistakes and deceptions of government policy-makers in dealing with Vietnam | 49 | |
6059931420 | Paris Accords of 1973 | Nixon had Kissinger conduct secret meetings with North Vietnam's foreign minister, Le Duc Tho. When they failed to compromise, Nixon ordered massive bombing of North Vietnam to force a settlement. After several weeks, the North Vietnamese agreed to an armistice, in which the United States would withdraw the last of its troops and get back the prisoners of war (POWs). The Paris Accords also promised a cease-fire and free elections. However, the armistice did not end the war. But it finally allowed the United States to extricate itself from this war. | 50 | |
6059931421 | De´tente | Nixon and Kissinger strengthened the U.S. position in the world by taking advantage of the rivalry between the two Communist giants, China and the Soviet Union. Their diplomacy was praised for bringing about de´tente—a deliberate reduction of Cold War tensions | 51 | |
6059931422 | China visit | Nixon knew that only an outspoken critic of communism like himself could take the bold step of improving relations with "Red" China (Mao Zedong's Communist regime) without being condemned as "soft" on communism. After a series of secret negotiations with Chinese leaders, Nixon astonished the world by traveling to Beijing to meet with Mao. His visit initiated diplomatic exchanges that ultimately led to U.S. recognition of the Communist government | 52 | |
6059931424 | New Federalism | In a program known as revenue sharing, or the New Federalism, Congress approved giving local governments $30 billion in block grants over five years to address local needs as they saw fit (instead of specific uses of federal money being controlled by Washington). Republicans hoped revenue sharing would check the growth of the federal government and return responsibility to the states, where it had rested before the New Deal | 53 | |
6059931425 | Stagflation | stagnation plus inflation The U.S. economy throughout the seventies faced the unusual combination of economic slowdown and high inflation. To slow inflation, Nixon at first tried to cut federal spending. When this policy contributed to a recession and unemployment, he adopted Keynesian economics and deficit spending. He surprised the nation by imposing a 90-day wage and price freeze. Next, he took the dollar off the gold standard, which helped to devalue it relative to foreign currencies. This action improved the U.S. balance of trade | 54 | |
6059931426 | Southern Strategy | Having received just 43 percent of the popular vote, Nixon was well aware of being a minority president. He devised a political strategy to form a Republican majority by appealing to the millions of "silent majority" (voters who had become disaffected by antiwar protests, black militants, and the excesses of the youth counterculture). To win over the South, the president asked the federal courts in that region to delay integration plans and busing orders. He also nominated two southern conservatives to the Supreme Court. The Senate refused to confirm them, and the courts rejected his requests for delayed integration. Nevertheless, his strategy played well with southern white voters | 55 | |
6059931427 | The Burger Court | Four resignations of older justices from the Supreme Court gave Nixon the opportunity to replace liberal, activist members of the Warren court with more conservative, strict constructionist justices. In 1969 he appointed Warren E. Burger of Minnesota as chief justice to succeed the retiring Earl Warren. After the two conservative nominees were rejected by Congress, the president then compromised by selecting a more moderate Harry Blackmun (who would write the proabortion ruling in Roe v. Wade, 1973). His next two appointments, Lewis Powell and William Rehnquist, were both approved. Ironically, in the last days of his Watergate agony, the Court that Nixon tried to shape would fail him by denying his claims to executive privilege and ordering him to turn over the Watergate tapes (United States v. Nixon, 1974) | 56 | |
6059931428 | Watergate | In June 1972, a group of men hired by Nixon's reelection committee were caught breaking into the offices of the Democratic national headquarters in the Watergate complex. This break-in and attempted bugging were only part of a series of illegal activities and "dirty tricks" conducted by the Nixon administration. The president's aides created a group, called the "plumbers," to stop leaks as well as to discredit opponents | 57 | |
6059931430 | War Powers Act (1973) | Further discrediting Nixon was the news that he had authorized 3,500 secret bombing raids in Cambodia, a neutral county. Congress used the public uproar over this information to attempt to limit the president's powers over the military. In November 1973, after a long struggle, Congress finally passed the War Powers Act over Nixon's veto. This law required Nixon and any future president to report to Congress within 48 hours after taking military action | 58 | |
6059931431 | Middle East War (1973) | On October 6, on the Jewish holy day of Yom Kippur, the Syrians and Egyptians launched a surprise attack on Israel in an attempt to recover the lands lost in the Six-Day War of 1967. President Nixon ordered the U.S. nuclear forces on alert and airlifted almost $2 billion in arms to Israel to stem their retreat. The tide of battle quickly shifted in favor of the Israelis, and the war was soon over | 59 | |
6059931432 | OPEC; oil embargo | The Arab members of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) placed an embargo on oil sold to Israel's supporters. The embargo caused a worldwide oil shortage and long lines at gas stations in the United States | 60 | |
6059931433 | Gerald Ford | Before Nixon chose him to replace Vice President Agnew in 1973, Gerald Ford had served in Congress for years as a representative from Michigan and as the Republican minority leader of the House. Ford was a likeable and unpretentious man, but his ability to be president was questioned by many in the media | 61 |
AP US History Kennedy to Carter Flashcards
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