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AP US History Period 1 (1491-1607) Flashcards

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7013083503maize cultivationThe growing of Indian corn, a staple of many Indians diets, leading many nomadic tribes to settle and develop great civilizations such as the Aztecs incas and Mayans.0
7013083504hunter-gatherer economyA nomadic way of life with no agriculture focused on following food sources including animals and wild plants1
7013083505western hemisphereThe Americas2
7013083506west africaA area of Africa that was previously unreachable until the invention of the caravel by the Portuguese, leading to exploitation of the region for its gold and slaves3
7013083507plantation-based agricultureLarge scale agriculture worked by slaves4
7013083508capitalismEconomic system based on private investment and possessions5
7013083509Cultural autonomyFreedom of a group to express ones own culture without outside control i.g. The Christianization of the natives took away there Cultural autonomy6
7013083510great basinDesert area with no drainage to the ocean7
7013083511agricultural economyeconomy based on the production of crops8
7013083512spanish explorationColonization of the Americas by the conquistadors in search for gold, glory and god9
7013083513encomienda systemA government system where natives were given to colonists to work in return for converting them to Christianity.10
7013083514empire buildingThe Spanish increasing their empire through grafting their culture onto the natives and taking over the land11
7013083515white superiorityThe European idea they were superior to other cultures/ races and needed to enforce European culture/religion on them12
7013083516great plainsThe open plains of the Midwest where the natives adapted to roming the prairies on horseback13
7013083517permanent villagesThe settlements of Indians tribes based on the spread of agriculture14
7013083518Portuguese explorationDue to advancements in sailing technology the Portuguese were able to sail down the coast of Africa and open trade of gold and slaves, settle and make plantations and eventually find the way around Africa to the indies15
7013083519slave laborForced labor of people considered property by the people in charge16
7013083520feudalismA political, economic, and social system based on the relationship between lord and vassal in order to provide protection17
7013083521political autonomythe ability of a state to govern themselves without outside control18
7013083522Colombian exchangethe exchange between the new world and the old world consisting of the old world bringing wheat, cows, horses, sheep, pigs, sugar, rice, coffee, smallpox, malaria and yellow fever. while the new world sent gold, silver, corn, potatoes, tobacco, and syphills19

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