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AP US History Period 6 (1865-1898) Flashcards

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13195435435People's (Populist) PartyAn agrarian-populist political party in the United States For a few years, 1892-96, it played a major role as a left-wing force in American politic Drew support from angry farmers in the West and South and operated on the left-wing of American politic Highly critical of capitalism, especially banks and railroads Allied itself with the labor movement.0
13195435436assimilationthe process by which a person or a group's language and/or culture come to resemble those of another group1
13195435437The Gilded AgeMeans something is gold covered The late 19th century, from the 1870s to about 1900. Term derived from writer Mark Twain's 1873 The Gilded Age: A Tale of Today, which satirized an era of serious social problems masked by a thin gold gilding of economic progress.2
13195435438Social DarwinismTerm coined in the late 19th century to describe the idea that humans, like animals and plants, compete in a struggle for existence in which natural selection results in "survival of the fittest." Provided a justification for the enormous wealth and power wielded by industrialists in the latter half of the 19th century.3
13195435439Gospel of WealthAn essay written by Andrew Carnegie in June of 1889 that describes the responsibility of philanthropy by the new upper class of self-made rich. Promoted the idea of philanthropy4
13195435440Plessy v. Ferguson1896 - Legalized segregation in publicly owned facilities on the basis of "separate but equal."5
13195435441free enterprisean economic system that permits unrestricted entrepreneurial business activity associated with laissez-faire capitalism6
13195435442trustA set of companies managed by a small group known as trustees, who can prevent companies in the trust from competing with each other.7
13195435443socialistone who believes in the ownership and control of the major means of production by the whole community rather than by individuals or corporations8
13195435444radicalone who believes in fundamental change in a political, economic, or social system9
13195435445lockoutthe refusal by an employer to allow employees to work unless they agree to his or her terms10
13195435446cooperativean organization for producing, marketing, or consuming goods in which the members share the benefits11
13195435447anarchistone who believes that formal, coercive government is wrong in principle12
13195435448tenementa multi-dwelling building, often poor or overcrowded13
13195435449sweatshopa factory where employees are forced to work long hours under difficult conditions for meager wages14
13195435450reservein finance, the portion of money held back from circulation by a bank or treasury, which provides backing for its notes or loans15
13195435451bimetallismthe legalized concurrent use of two precious metals as currency at a fixed ratio of value in US History associated with the Free Silver movement16
13195435452Wabash v. Illinois (1886)Declared state-passed Granger laws that regulated interstate commerce unconstitutional.17
13195435453Frontier Thesisstereotypical thesis that west represented individualism, democracy, economic freedom, and starting over Turner's idea18
13195435454Land Grantsland given by government to universities and railroad companies19
13195435455Dawes Act1887 land given to individual Indians to discourage tribal mindset encouraged Indians to farm for a living instead of communally owning land20
13195435456Bureau of Indian Affairsdesigned to assimilate Native Americans (children particularly) into American culture21
13195435457Open Rangethe idea that cattle can be grazed on large tracts of public and/or private property invention of barbed wire ended this idea and drove many small cattle ranches out of business and off their small plots of land22
13195435458Vertical IntegrationStrategy to maximize profits by attempting to own every step of the manufacturing process (ex. Carnegie Steel)23
13195435459Horizontal IntegrationStrategy to maximize profits by attempting to purchase competing companies in the same industry; monopoly-building (ex. Rockefeller's Standard Oil)24
13195435460Knights of LaborAmerican labor organization in the 1880s led by Terence V. Powderly. Organized a wide range of workers, including skilled and unskilled, and had broad reform goals.25
13195435461Haymarket Riot1886 Labor dispute in Chicago that ended with a bomb being thrown at police resulting in many deaths. Led to an unfavorable public opinion of organized labor especially the Knights of Labor26
13195435462American Federation of Labor (AFL)An organization of various trade unions that fought for specific reforms Wanted better wages, fewer hours, better working conditions Founded by Samuel Gompers27
13195435463Homestead Steel StrikesViolent labor conflict in Carnegie's mills Henry Frick (manager) announced pay cut Strike had to be put down by state militia28
13195435464Urbanizationmovement of people from rural communities and settlements to big cities29
13195435465"New Immigrants"immigrants from southern and eastern Europe such as Poland, Italy, etc. that arrived in the US during & after the 1880s30
13195435466Chinese Exclusion ActFirst law limiting immigration based on race; effectively stopped immigration from China through the end of WWII.31
13195435467Political MachineUnofficial political organization that works to win elections in order to exercise power Sometimes referred to as a shadow government Rose to power in the late 1800s because of ill-equipped local governments that failed to meet the needs of growing urban populations32
13195435468Tammany HallPolitical machine of New York City that was well-known for its corruption Lead by William Boss Tweed33
13195435469Pendelton Civil Service Act, 1883Standardized an exam for federal employees so that people were awarded jobs on merit rather than political affiliations Made it illegal to remove federal employees without just cause.34
13195435470Sherman Antitrust ActOutlawed monopolistic business practices not effective initially without a strong progressive federal government that would enforce it.35
13195435471Grange Movement and Farmers AllianceGrassroots movements that attempted to address the plight of farmers in the late 1800s; attempted to regulate railroads and enlarge opportunity for credit evolved into Populist movement.36
13195435472William Jennings BryanDemocratic presidential hopeful that was a member of the Populist Party free silver advocate "Do not crucify mankind on a cross of gold".37
13195435473Seward's Folly or Seward's Ice BoxSecretary of State William Seward's negotiation of the purchase of Alaska from Russia in 1867. At the time everyone thought this was a mistake to buy Alaska the "ice box" but it turned out to be the biggest bargain since the Louisiana purchase.38
13195435474Laissez-Faire EconomicsThis was an economic philosophy begun by Adam Smith in his book, Wealth of Nations, that stated that business and the economy would run best with no interference from the government. This economic thought dominated most of the time period of the Industrial Revolution.39
13195435475New SouthAfter the Civil War, southerners promoted a new vision for a self-sufficient southern economy built on modern capitalist values, industrial growth, and improved transportation. In reality, this growth was fairly slow.40
13195435476AmericanizationProcess of assimilating immigrants into American culture by teaching English, American history, and citizenship.41
13195435477Interstate Commerce Act1887 Created the Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) to regulate railroads to be fairer to farmers First legislation to regulate corporations Ineffective because government failed to enforce it.42
13195435478Andrew CarnegieA Scottish-born American industrialist and philanthropist who founded the Carnegie Steel Company in 1892. By 1901, his company dominated the American steel industry. Great philanthropist43
13195435479Transcontinental RailroadRailroad that would cross the continent and connect the East to the West Opened new markets and helped spur the Industrial Revolution Completed in 1869 at Promontory, UT44
13195435480Social GospelLate 19th-century movement Protestant movement preaching that all true Christians should be concerned with the plight of immigrants and other poor residents of American cities and should financially support efforts to improve lives of these poor urban dwellers. Settlement houses were often financed by funds raised by ministers of this movement.45
13195435481Standard OilJohn D. Rockefeller's company that gained a monopoly over the world petroleum market with the practice of trusts and swift elimination of competition. By 1890, owned 90% of the US oil market46
13195435482Carnegie SteelA steel producing company created by Andrew Carnegie to manage business at his steel mills in the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania area in the late 19th century Significance: had a monopoly in the steel industry. vertical integrations.47
13195435483John D. RockefellerWealthy owner of Standard Oil Company. Considered to be a robber baron who used ruthless tactics to eliminate other businesses. Built trusts and used money to influence government.48
13195435484Central Pacific RailroadStarted in CA & pushed eastward Eventually connected with the Union Pacific RR in Promontory Point, UT Hired Chinese laborers to complete the work49
13195435485Union Pacific RailroadRR that started in Omaha, NE Connected with Central Pacific RR in Promontory Point, UT Hired inexpensive Irish laborers50
13195435486Wyoming & women's suffrageWY was the 1st state to provide women the right to vote in 1870 Sometimes referred to as the "Land of Freedom"51
13195435487"old immigrants"Immigrants who had come to the US before the 1880s Mainly from England and Northern Europe52
13195435488Panic of 1873Financial panic in which banks closed and the stock market crashed53
13195435489US SteelLargest steel company of the US Created by JP Morgan by merging with Carnegie Steel Largest corporation in existence at the time54
13195435490Bessemer ProcessWay to manufacture steel quickly & cheaply55
13195435491Battle of Little Bighorn1876- Indian leaders Sitting Bull & Crazy Horse defeated Gen. Custer & his troops56
13195435492Nez Perce WarConflict between the Nez Perce & the US gov't Chief Joseph finally agrees to surrender & relocate to reservation57
13195435493Great Railway Strike of 1877RR workers initiated a strike in 1877 when they were told there would be a pay cut58
13195435494JP MorganBanker that controlled 2/3 of RRs and eventually merged with Carnegie's steel company Formed US Steel Considered a robber baron59
13195435495Captains of IndustryOwners & mangers of large industrial enterprises who wielded great political & economic power More positive term in contrast to "robber barons"60
13195435496Robber BaronsRefers to industrialists or big business owners who gained huge profits by paying employees low wages Drove competition out of business by selling goods much cheaper61
13195435497Jacob RiisDanish immigrant Report who pointed out terrible conditions of tenement houses Author of How the Other Half Lives (1890)62
13195435498Wounded Knee1890 Last Native American battle 300 Native killed by US military63
13195435499Ellis IslandImmigration processing center in NY Harbor64
13195435500Pullman StrikePullman RR car announced pay cut American Railway Union boycotts the use of the Pullman cars US mail failed to be delivered US gov't sent injunction to end boycott SCOTUS ruled injunction was constitutional65
13195435501Homestead ActGave settlers 160 acres of land if they lived on the land for 6 months and cultivated crops66

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