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AP US History Period 9 Flashcards

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6745943802Proposition 13·It was result of a tax cut revolt in 1979 which slashed the property taxes resulting in large reductions in government services ·This was closely aligned with the conservative politics ·Wrk exc tech ·California ·Conservative politics0
6745943803Arthur Laffer·An economic philosophy that believes in the action of sharply cutting taxes which will then increase the incentive people have to work, save, and invest. · He then believed that greater investments will lead to more jobs, a more productive economy, and more tax revenues for the government. ·Peo ·Economics ·Tax Cuts1
6745943804Religious Fundamentalism· A Religious movement where the followers are to return to the foundations of the faith and to influence state policy where every word of the bible is interpreted literally. ·This was a new uprising in the way of worship and lead to new takings on religious aspects ·Ideas belifs and cul ·William J Bryan2
6745943805Televangelists·Baptist Billy Graham, and Oral Roberts, and Roman Catholic Fulton J. Sheen took to the television airwaves to spread Christianity. ·Was a new surge in the popularity in choosing to spread the gospel through forms of media ·Ideas belfs cul ·Billy Graham Oral Roberts3
6745943806Moral Majority·A religious en devour that moved to have a faith based political agenda in lobbying. ·Was comprised of mostly conservatives who believed in the idea of mortal law and wished to implement it into politics ·They went against the idea of abortion and the legalization of same sex marriage ·Pol Pow ·Conservative agenda4
6745943807Roe v. Wade·A supreme court case in which it was to be the ruling on the legality of abortion ·The court case made try ed to overturn the ruling on the states banning the right to ban abortion ·This was a pro abortion court case ·Pol and Pow ·Abortions Conservatism5
6745943808Reverse Discrimination·Reverse discrimination is the discrimination of whites due to their skin color also their social status ·this played a large role in the idea of affirmative action and the legality of it ·ideas belf cul ·Conservative beliefs ·Affirmative Action6
6745943809Regents of the University of California v. Bakke·Was a supreme court case which covered the topic of affirmative action and the acceptance of people into colleges due to racial quotas. ·a 1978 Supreme Court ruling that narrowly upheld affirmative action, declaring that race may be one factor, but not the sole criterion in school admissions ·pol and pow ·Supreme court ruling ·Affirmative Action7
6745943810Supply side economics·The idea that the American Economy was weak because of the too many rules and taxes on U.S Businesses. ·The solution would be to lower taxes and rules so that these businesses got more profitable and made more jobs. ·This was a way to fix the many problems of the economy of the united states ·wrk exc tech ·Lowering taxes8
6745943811Economy Recovery Tax Act (1981)·Passed by Congress, it included a 25 percent decrease in personal income taxes over three years. There were also cuts in corporate income tax, capital gains tax, and gift and inheritance taxes ·Wrk exc Tech ·FDR First hundred days, Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs)9
6745943812Business Deregulation·Reagan's belief that the American government should allow businesses to operate in a free-market system, with minimal governmental oversight ·Was a philosophy that many politicians lived by ·Wrk Exc Tech ·Reaganomics10
6745943813Sandra Day O'Connor·First woman supreme court justice appointed by Pres Ronald reagan ·Was an important step for equality between the sexes ·Peo ·Supreme Court11
6745943814Expand Military· A movement which sought to expand the power of the united states military to protect the nation. ·Pol Pow ·Sphere of influance12
6745943815Star Wars·A program to protect the United States against attack by enemy missiles, proposed in 1983 by President Ronald Reagan, but never implemented- formally known as the Strategic Defense Initiative. ·Wrk Exc Tech ·Ronald Reagan13
6745943816Nicaragua; Sandinistas·Members of a leftist coalition that overthrew the Nicaraguan dictatorship of Anastasia Somoza in 1979 and attempted to install a socialist economy ·The United States financed armed opposition by the Contras. They lost national elections in 1990 ·pol pow ·election 199014
6745943817Iran- Contra·This involved high officials in the Reagan administration secretly selling arms to Iran (in return for the release of Western hostages in the Middle East) and illegally using the proceeds to finance the Contra rebels in Nicaragua. ·Pol Pow ·Boland Amendment15
6745943818PLO·Palestinian Liberation Organization; formed in 1964 with the purpose of creating a homeland for Palestinians in Israel ·Wrk Exc Tech ·Reagen Revloution16
6745943819"Evil Empire"·Ronald Reagan's description of Soviet Union because of his fierce anti-communist views and the USSR's history of violation of human rights and aggression. ·Ideas belifs and Culture ·Soviet Union17
6745943820Mikhail Gorbachev·Head of the Soviet Union from 1985 to 1991. His liberalization effort improved relations with the West, but he lost power after his reforms led to the collapse of Communist governments in eastern Europe. ·Peo ·Soviet Union18
6745943821"tear down this wall"·Ronald Reagan said this referring to the Berlin wall while his speech, wanting for Mikhail Gorbachev to hear it. ·Wanting the stop of communism ·Idea belif cult ·Berlin Wall19
6745943822INF Agreement·Reagan and Gorbachev agreed to destroy all intermediate range missiles, eventually Soviets began to pull troops from Afghanistan ·Agreement that stopped all tensions ·Wrk Exc Tech ·Soviet Union united States20
6745943823Soviet Satellites·Eastern European States (East Germany, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania, and Bulgaria) · The effected countries around the soviet union ·Pol Pow ·Soviet union ·Communism21
6745943824Fall of Berlin Wall·This event in 1989 marked the symbolic end of the Cold War and was the beginning of the collapse of communism in eastern Europe. ·Ideas belifs culture ·Fall of Communism22
6745943825Soviet Union Breakup·Boris Yeltsin turns Russia into a Republic and the country is out of turmoil. Many republics declared independence; the Soviet government was clearly powerless to stop the fragmentation. ·The Communist Party and Soviet government became powerless and ceased to exist. ·Pol Pow ·Soviet Union ·Fall of Communistic23
6745943826Boris Yeltsin·President of the Russian Republic in 1991. Helped end the USSR and force Gorbachev to resign. ·Pol Pow ·Russian Republic24
6745943827START 1 and 2·Strategic Arms Reduction Talks, 1993-94 between USA and Russia to reduce the active deployment of ICBMs ·Nuclear Warfare25
6745943828Panama invasion·Bush ordered this to remove the autocratic General Manuel Noriega; the alleged purpose of this was to stop Noriega from using his country as a drug pipeline to the US ·War on Drugs26
6745943829Saddam Hussein·President of Iraq from 1979 to 2003. Waged war on Iran in 1980-1988. In 1990 he ordered an invasion of Kuwait but was defeated by United States and its allies in the Gulf War (1991). Defeated by US led invasion in 2003. ·Peo ·Terrorism27
6745943830Persian golf war·Conflict between Iraq and a coalition of countries led by the United States to remove Iraqi forces from Kuwait which they had invaded in hopes of controlling their oil supply. ·A very one sided war with the United States' coalition emerging victorious. ·Pol Pow ·Saddam Hussein28
6745943831Operation Desert storm·Military operations that started on January 16, 1991, with a bombing campaign, followed by a ground invasion of February 23 and 24, 1991. The ground war lasted 100 hours and resulted in a spectacularly one-sided military victory for the Coalition. ·Pol Pow ·Persian golf war29
6745943832Clarence Thomas·African American nominated by George H. W. Bush to be on the Supreme Court; against Affirmative Action; was accused of sexual harassment by Anita Hill; became the second African American to hold a seat in the Supreme Court30
6745943833"No New Taxes"·Bush's 1988 campaign pledge that needed to be abandoned because of the sharp recession ·George H.W Bush31
6745943834Americans with Disabilities Act·1990 A wide-ranging civil rights law that prohibits discrimination based on disability; covers employment, transportation, building accessibility, transportation, etc. ·Equality32
6745943835" Dont ask Dont tell"·the policy in the US military for homosexuals who served. No one would ask your sexuality but if you were outwardly homosexual and engaging in homosexual activities you would be discharged ·Ideas belifs culture ·Homosexuality33
6745943836NAFTA·A trade agreement between Canada, the United States and Mexico that encourages free trade between these North American countries. ·Wrk exc Tech ·Free trade34
6745943837NRA·National Recovery Administration: established and administered a system of industrial codes to control production, prices, labor relations, and trade practices ·Economic activites35
6745943838Newt Gingrich·Gingrich was the Republican speaker in the House. He pushed for more conservative legislation during Clinton's presidency. ·Conservative Agenda36
6745943839Contract with America-President can delete specific items passed by the Congress, proposed constitutional amendment to limit the term of office was ignore, imposed federal mandates on states without providing the money ·Newt Gingrich37
6745943840Welfare Reform·Clinton takes a moderate approach. He wants to scale back on welfare by cutting funding for programs like food stamps and put limits on how long you can rely on it without getting a job. ·This fulfilled his campaign promise to "end welfare as we know it.38
6745943841Balanced Budgets·state and local governments can not deficit spend unlike the federal government, they can only spend the money that they take in39
6745943842Clinton impeachment·Impeached on two charges, one of perjury and one of obstruction of justice, on December 19, 1998. Two other impeachment articles, a second perjury charge and a charge of abuse of power, failed in the House. The charges arose from the Lewinsky scandal and the Paula Jones lawsuit. ·Bill Clinton ·Lewinsky Scandal40
6745943843Northern Ireland accords·A peace agreement that was estiblished by the us between north and south ireland ·america in the world ·a world police man41
6745943844Yugoslavia break up·Was a break up of the nation of Yugoslavia because they had different religions and cultures- ethnic tensions ·America in the world ·USSR42
6745943845Balkan Wars·A series of wars fought between Austria Hungry and Russia over the Balkan territories during the decline of the Turkish empire, caused tension between the great Power of Europe ·America in the world43
6745943846West Bank, Gaza Strip·The land of Jerusalem located the the middle east ·Jerusalem44
6745943847Globalization·A set of processes that are increasing interactions, deepening relationships, and heightening interdependence without regard to country borders.45
6745943848World Trade Organization·An international agency which encourages trade between member nations, administers global trade agreements and resolves disputes when they arise. ·America in the world ·European union46
6745943849World Bank·A specialized agency of the United Nations that makes loans to countries for economic development, trade promotion, and debt consolidation. ·America in the world ·United nations47
6745943850Immigration act of 1986·Also known as the Johnson-Reed Act. Federal law limiting the number of immigrants that could be admitted from any country to 2% of the amount of people from that country who were already living in the U.S. as of the census of 1890.48
6745943851Bush v. Gore·this case ruled in favor of Bush by saying that recounting the votes in certain counties of Florida was unconstitutional because of equal protection of the law; Gore's wish to make the process as simple and painless as possible backfired49
6745943852No Child left Behind·Holds states, schools, and school districts more accountable for their standardized tests scores. The wanted outcome was better tests scores all around and overall a smarter and better population of young people that would positively contribute to a growing America. ·Geroge w. Bush50
6745943853Housing Bubble·Unstable increase in housing prices, to the extent of which, a sudden drop or "bursting" of the bubble could result in a widespread loss of equity.51
6745943854Al-Qaeda·A radical Sunni Muslim organization dedicated to the elimination of a Western presence in Arab countries and militantly opposed to Western foreign policy: founded by Osama bin Laden in 1988. ·America in the world ·Osama bin laden52
6745943855Osama Bin Laden·Arab terrorist who established al-Qaeda (born in 1957). Planned attack of 9-11. ·peo ·Al-Qaeda53
6745943856Bombing of U.S Embassies·The bombing of the us embassies is a series of terrorist attacks against the nation of the united states.54
6745943857World Trade Center·Once an icon for the global economy in New York, became a target for terrorism in 1993 and 2001; al Queda was solely responsible for the 9-11 attacks ·america in the world ·9/1155
67459438589/11/2001·The terrorist attack on the world trade center in NYC ·america in the world ·World Trade Center56
6745943859Afghanistan, Taliban·War on Terror ·A terrorist group in Afghanistan who use terror as a tacit and wants complete control over the people ·America in the world ·War on Terror57
6745943860Hamid Karzai·President of Afghanistan, helped overthrow Taliban, sought international aid for Afghanistan. ·America in the world ·Afghanistan58
6745943861Homeland Security Department·newst executive department set up to combat issues of terrorism, border control, and intelligence: immigration services. FEMA, and the coast guard ·wrk exc tech ·FEMA59
6745943862Kyota Accord·International treaty to limit the greenhouse gas emissions. 1997 to enact in 2005. Bush thought too costly.60
6745943863Bush Doctrine·Foreign Policy based on the idea that the US should take preemptive action against threats to its national security ·wrk exc tech ·War on Terror61
6745943864"Axis of Evil"·Iraq, Iran, and North Korea- named by President Bush in 2002 as significant threats to the security ·ideas belif cul ·Nations against the us62
6745943865WMDs·Generally nuclear weapons with tremendous capability to destroy a population and the planet. WMD warfare refers to the application of force between countries using biological, chemical, and nuclear weapons. ·wrk exc Tech ·Nuclear Warfare63
6745943866Operation Iraq Freedom·An Act to remove Saddam Hussein from power and to help the Iraq people build a stable and free government ·Wrk Exc Tech ·Iraq64
6745943867Sunni v. Shiite·Sunni and Shia Islam are the two major denominations of Islam. With most Shias belonging to the Twelver tradition and the rest divided between several other groups. ·An ongoing division between the two ·ideas belifs cul · Islamic war65
67459438682007 Troop Surge·In 2007 there was a surge in the amount of us troops being put into action overseas. ·This strengthened the Us military ·peo ·Iraq war66
6745943869Liquidity crisis·A cash flow emergency situation where a business does not have enough cash to pay its current liabilities (short-term debts). ·wrk exc tech ·Business debt67
6745943870Fannie May, Freddi Mac·reassured investors who were worried about homeowners defaulting on mortgages by selling bonds to investors and using the funds to purchase mortgages from banks.68
6745943871TARP·controversial, purchased failing assets that included mortgages + mortgage-related securities from financial institutions. Conservatives called TARP socialism, and liberals called it a bailout of the people who had caused the problems in the first place69
67459438722009 Stimulus·The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 added significant funding for IDEA activities. A priority for these funds has been children ages three to five having early access to a free appropriate public education. ·pol pow ·Goverment help70
6745943873Dodd-Frank·Law that calls for fundamental changes in executive compensation disclosure, compensation committee independence, shareholder voting rights, and clawback provisions in publicly traded companies.71
6745943874Auto bailout·The bailout of the auto industry in Detroit Michigan putting the companies Chrysler and Gm back on their feet ·Barrack Obama72
6745943875Affordable Care act·An expansion of medicaid, most of employers must provide health insurance, have insurance or face surtax, prevents rejection based on pre-existing condition. Also referred to as "Obamacare", signed into law in 2010.73
6745943876Bowles- Simpson·would have eliminated the deficit by 2035 through $2 of spending cuts for every $1 increase in revenues, compromise widely praised but rejected by Democrats for its cuts to social services and by Republicans for its tax increases74
6745943877Tea Party·A national social movement, primarily attracting fiscal and social conservatives, that seeks to limit government spending and cut taxes75
67459438782013 Goverment Shutdown·In 2013, the government shutdown because legislation appropriating funds for fiscal year 2014 wasn't enacted in time.76
6745943879Withdrawal from Iraq·After the assassination of Osama bin Laden there was a withdrawal of troops by Barack Obama77
6745943880Death of Osama bin Laden·Former head of the Islamist militant group al-Qaeda, killed in his compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan on May 2, 2011 by US Navy Seals. Ordered by President Obama ,78
6745943881Arab Spring·A revolutionary wave of protests and demonstrations overtaking dictators in the Middle East (2011). ·America in the world ·Middle east79
6745943882Repeal of "dont ask dont tell"The repealment of the dont ask dont tell overturns the legality of homosexuals in the us military and their openness about their preference. ·pol pow ·Dont ask dont tell80
6745943883Same-Sex marriage·controversial issue in contemporary Western culture focusing on whether homosexual couples should be legally allowed to marry ·pol pow ·Homosexuality81
6745943884Citizens United·a landmark decision by the United States Supreme Court holding that the First Amendment prohibits government from censoring political broadcasts in candidate elections when those broadcasts are funded by corporations or unions82

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