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AP US History Reconstruction Test Flashcards

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689788097Horace Greeleyeditor of the New York Tribune who ran against Grant in the 1872 presidential election and lost; had the support of the liberal republicans and democrats0
689788098Thomas Nastcartoonist for The New York Times who exposed William Tweed and brought about his arrest and imprisonment in 18711
6897880992/3what percentage of the vote is needed by the senate to impeach a president?2
689788100William Tweedboss of the local Democratic party in New York City who stole about $200 million from New York taxpayers through dozens of schemes3
689788101pardons all southerners but they need the oath of allegiancepart 1 of Lincoln's Plan4
68978810210%what percentage of all whites who had voted in the 1860 election had to take an oath of allegiance to the union as part of Lincoln's Plan?5
689788103Lincoln's PlanPardons all southerners but they need the oath of allegiance; restore seceded state after 10% of all whites who had voted in the 1860 election took an oath of allegiance and formed a state government guaranteeing the abolition of slavery6
6897881041865-1877what were the years of reconstruction?7
689788105Andrew Johnson17th president of the US8
689788106Andrew Johnsonpresident that took over after Lincoln's assassination9
689788107democratAndrew Johnson's political party10
689788108trueT/F: Johnson adopted Lincoln's Plan11
689788109falseT/F: Johnson created his own plan for reconstruction12
689788110Thaddeus Stevensrepresentative from Pennsylvania13
689788111Charles Sumnersenator from Massachusetts14
689788112Massachusettswhere is Charles Sumner from?15
689788113Pennsylvaniawhere is Thaddeus Stevens from?16
689788114abolished slaverywhat did the 13th amendment do?17
689788115defined all native born, naturalized persons and blacks as citizenswhat did the 14th amendment do?18
689788116gave the right to vote to all male citizenswhat did the 15th amendment do?19
689788117Black Codeslaws that regulated former slaves in the south20
689788118Black Codeslaws in the south that gave blacks the right to own property, make contracts, sue in court, marry legally, but did not allow them to partake in jury service, testify against whites, have licenses for anything other than farming21
689788119Freedmen's Bureaufederal agency that was set up in 1865 that cared for former slaves and helped them find jobs, food, clothes, shelter, supervise education and protect civil rights22
689788120Tennesseewhich confederate state was the first to be readmitted into the Union?23
689788121Edwin StantonJohnson's secretary of war who was a radical republican whom he dismissed24
689788122Whiskey Ringscheme during which federal revenue agents conspired with the liquor industry to defraud the government of million in taxes25
689788123Tenure of Office Actact that stated that the President needed approval of US senate for the discharge of any federal official whose appointment had been made with the advice and consent of the senate26
689788124Credit Mobilieraffair during which insiders gave stock to influential members of Congress to avoid investigation of the profits they were making from government subsidies for building the transcontinental railroad27
689788125Grant18th president of the US28
6897881262how many terms did Grant serve?29
689788127Jay Gould & James FIskWall Street financiers that made a huge profit by running a scheme to corner the gold market with the help of President Grant's brother-in-law30
689788128Roscoe Conklin & James Blainepolitical manipulators and senator who practiced the spoils system31
689788129New Yorkwhere was Roscoe Conklin from?32
689788130Mainewhere was James Blaine from?33
689788131carpetbaggerswhite migrants form the North34
689788132scalawagssouthern whites who cooperated with carpetbaggers and blacks35
689788133Compromise of 1877the Democrats and Tilden allowed Hayes (Republican) to win the presidency, so long as they promised to withdraw the federal troops in the south36
689788134Hayeslost the popular vote in the Presidential election in 1876 but won the presidency after the Compromise of 187737
689788135Hayes19th president of the US38
689788136TildenDemocrat from New York who won the popular vote in the Presidential election in 1876, but was 1 electoral vote short, and gave up the presidency to Hayes in the Compromise of 187739
689788137Eisenhowerwho was the first republican president in the 20 century to take the South in a presidential election?40
689788138Jim Crow Lawssystem of laws that segregated African-Americans and forced them to use separate facilities, housing, transportation, and schools41
689788139Plessy v. Ferguson1896 Supreme Court case that upheld that separate but equal was constitutional42
689788140separate but equalwhat did Plessy v. Ferguson establish?43

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