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AP US History Touart- American Pageant The Gilded Age (Chapter 23)

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What is the concept that war bonds be redeemed in depreciated greenbacks?
What is the term for reminding voters to vote for the Republican Party due to the gory memories of the Civil War?
Who were the two swindlers who attempted to corner the gold market in 1869?
Two-part Who was responsible for the most infamous municipal machine called Tammany Hall in New York City and who was the brilliant cartoonist for Harper's Weekly whose work brought down him down?
What was the name of the deceptive railroad company that fleeced millions from taxpayers for the construction of the transcontinental railroad?
Two- part What new party was formed as a faction of the Republican party in 1872 and who was their nominee?
What did critics of President Grant call the decision to demonetize silver?
What is a monetary standard in which the value of the monetary unit is defined as equivalent both to a certain quantity of gold and to a certain quantity of silver; such a system establishes a fixed rate of exchange between the two metals?
What was passed in 1875 that stated bonds would only be repaid in gold?
Two-part What was the term for the era following the Civil War during which corruption and political instability flourished and who came up with that name?
Two-part What were the two leading Republican factions in the 1870s and 1880s?
Two part Who won the so called "stolen election of 1876" and what is the phrase to describe his ultimate victory?
What was passed in 1875 that was the last feeble gasp of the Republicans to protect the liberties of the freedmen?
What was the term to describe the system of segregation that emerged in the South following Reconstruction that prohibited blacks from voting through a variety of measures as well as denied them access to public facilities?
What Supreme Court decision established the precedent of the constitutionality of "separate but equal"?
What was the hate crime directed towards blacks that ultimately included brutal torture and murder?
What was the term for the notorious component of segregation that exempted whites from having to meet strict voting eligibility requirements?
Who was the Irish-American in California who spearheaded a crusade to deny the Chinese from immigrating to the United States?
What was Congress' reaction to anti Chinese sentiment in 1882?
Who assassinated President Garfield?
What legislation was passed by Congress in the wake of Garfield's assassination?
What president surprisingly supported civil service reform and signed the Pendleton Act into law?
Who was the Republican candidate for president in 1884 who was tarnished by scandal and poor judgment?
What were the three Rs the Democrats were accused of being guilty of in 1884 by a minister for the Republican Party?
What was the name of the military veteran organization that campaigned for pensions during the 1880s?
What real issue divided the two parties in the election of 1888?
Who was elected president in 1888 after a flood of business contributions and presided over a period of Republican fiscal irresponsibility?
Who was the Speaker of the House who presided over the Billion Dollar Congress?
What was the name of the steel plant struck in 1892 against Andrew Carnegie that ended in violence?
What third party emerged in 1878 that championed the single issue of soft money or inflation?
What third party emerged in 1892 advocating for a variety of reforms including inflation, income tax and the direct election of senators?
Who was the Georgia Populist leader who intitially promoted interracial cooperation but ultimately adopted a racist political attitude?
What was an 1878 act of Congress, passed over President Hayes' veto, requiring the U.S. Treasury to buy a certain amount of silver and put it into circulation as silver dollars?
What was the 1890 law that increased the amount of silver the government was required to purchase every month in response to the growing complaints of farmers and mining interests, later repealed in 1893 as a result of an economic panic?
Who was the Democrat from Nebraska who championed free silver during the 1893 debate over repeal of the Sherman Silver Purchase Act?
Who was the Republican from Ohio who sponsored the highest tariff at that time in American history in 1890?
What was the name of the Democratic tariff passed in 1894 that barely reduced existing rates and created an income tax that was later ruled unconstitutional?
Who did President Cleveland turn to for a $65 million loan to bail out the government in 1895?

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