10506233614 | Walter Raleigh | Founder of England's first American colony. (Roanoke, it failed) | ![]() | 0 |
10506233615 | Elizabeth I | English Queen during golden age. Reestablished Protestantism as the state religion of England and she led the defeat of the Spanish Armada. | ![]() | 1 |
10506233616 | Treaty of Tordesillas | A 1494 agreement between Portugal and Spain, declaring that newly discovered lands to the west of an imaginary line in the Atlantic Ocean would belong to Spain and newly discovered lands to the east of the line would belong to Portugal. | ![]() | 2 |
10506233617 | Pocahontas | a Powhatan woman (the daughter of Powhatan) who befriended the English at Jamestown. Marriage to John Rolfe = first interracial union in america= Peace settlement ending the Anglo-Powhatan War | ![]() | 3 |
10506233618 | John Rolfe | He was one of the English settlers at Jamestown (and he married Pocahontas). He discovered how to successfully grow tobacco in Virginia and cure it for export, which made Virginia an economically successful colony. | ![]() | 4 |
10506233619 | Defeat of the Spanish Armada | 1588 by Elizabeth 1 of England, English naval supremacy. | ![]() | 5 |
10506233620 | John Smith | Helped found and govern Jamestown. His leadership and strict discipline helped the Virginia colony get through the difficult first winter. | ![]() | 6 |
10506233622 | Thomas Dale | Made governor of Jamestown after John Smith, stern, didn't believe in laziness, created daily schedule | ![]() | 7 |
10506233623 | John Calvin | INSTITUTES OF THE CHRISTIAN RELIGION: emphasized predestination and he rejected the medieval Church. he believed that the church and state should be united under the Calvinist faith | ![]() | 8 |
10506233625 | Peter Stuyvesant | The governor of the Dutch colony of New Amsterdam (Netherlands), hated by the colonists. They surrendered the colony to the English on Sept. 8, 1664. | ![]() | 9 |
10506233629 | Dominion of New England | 1686-The British government combined the colonies of Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, and Connecticut into a single province headed by a royal governor (Andros). Charters and self-rule were revoked, and the king enforced mercantile laws. The new setup also made for more efficient administration of English Navigation Laws, as well as a better defense system. | ![]() | 10 |
10506233630 | New England Confederation | New England colonists (Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Haven, and Plymouth) formed this in 1643 as a defense against local Native American tribes and encroaching Dutch. The colonists formed the alliance without the English crown's authorization. | ![]() | 11 |
10506233631 | Patroonships | Vast estates along the Hudson River established by the Dutch. They had difficulty attracting peasant labor, and most were not successful. Offered land to those who brought in a certain amount of people to the colony. | ![]() | 12 |
10506233632 | William Penn | Englishman Quaker who founded the colony of Pennsylvania (1644-1718) | ![]() | 13 |
10506233633 | Jeremiads | Puritan preachers Taking their cue from the doom-saying Old Testament prophet Jeremiah; preachers scolded parishioners for their waning piety. Scared people off, contributing to decline of puritanism | ![]() | 14 |
10506233635 | Great Puritan Migration | Many Puritans migrated from England to North America during the 1620s to the 1640s due to belief that the Church of England was beyond reform. In 1630 group of puritans led by John Winthrop found MA Bay Colony. | ![]() | 15 |
10506233636 | Treaty of Utrecht | 1713, ended Queen Ann's War, transferred large areas of French territory in North America to English including Nova Scotia and Newfoundland | ![]() | 16 |
10506233637 | Bacon's Rebellion | Indentured servants in Virginia revolt against gov and landowners (origionally over lack of protection from indians on frontier). burn Jamestown. look to african slaves as less troublesome source of labor | ![]() | 17 |
10506233638 | Middle passage | the middle portion of the triangular trade that brought African slaves to the Americas | ![]() | 18 |
10506233639 | Salem witch trials | Several accusations of witchcraft led to sensational trials in Salem, Massachusetts at which Cotton Mather presided as the chief judge. 18 people were hanged as witches. Terrible mistake, shows social tensions, decline of puritanism. | ![]() | 19 |
10506233640 | half way covenant | Response to decline of puritanism. The puritan practice where by parents who had been baptized but had not yet experienced conversion could bring their children before the church and have them baptized. Weakened distinction between "elect" and others- dramatized the difficulty of maintaining religious devotion. | ![]() | 20 |
10506233641 | Headright system | Parcels of land consisting of about 50 acres which were given to colonists who brought indentured servants into America. They were used by the Virginia Company to attract more colonists. | ![]() | 21 |
10506233642 | Leisler's rebellion | Uprising in late 17th century colonial New York, in which militia capitan seized control of lower New York from 1689 to 1691. The uprising, which occurred in the midst of Britain's "Glorious Revolution," reflected colonial resentment against the policies of King James II. Royal authority was restored in 1691 by British troops sent by James' successor, William III. | ![]() | 22 |
10506233643 | Triangular Trade | Illegal trade created to generate money to buy english goods.The backbone of New England's economy during the colonial period. Ships from New England sailed first to Africa, exchanging New England rum for slaves. The slaves were shipped from Africa to the Caribbean (this was known as the Middle Passage, when many slaves died on the ships). In the Caribbean, the slaves were traded for sugar and molasses. Then the ships returned to New England, where the molasses were used to make rum. | ![]() | 23 |
10506233644 | Mercantilism | Economic theory - colonies exist for benefit of mother country, collect gold and silver, buy more goods that you sell. | ![]() | 24 |
10506233645 | Puritans | A group of people who wanted to purify the Church of England from Catholic traditions; simple, community, hard working, established Salem, Massachusetts. Wanted to create a model city. Had the Salem Witch Trials | 25 | |
10506233646 | John Winthrop | 1st governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony (Puritans), came on the Arabella and gave speech about the "City upon a Hill" to be a model city | 26 | |
10506233647 | Predestination | God has predetermined who is going to be saved and not (no matter how good or bad you are) Puritans: were given the land from God they landed on | 27 | |
10506233648 | Separatist | A group of people who completely detached themselves from the Anglican church, aka the Pilgrims. Established Plymouth, Mass | 28 | |
10506233649 | Plymouth colony | 2nd permanent English Colony established by the Pilgrims in 1620 | 29 | |
10506233650 | Massachusetts Bay Colony | English settlement established by the Puritans who came on the Arabella in 1628; later became a Joint Stock company | 30 | |
10506233651 | Roger Williams | Clergymen in the Massachusetts bay Colony who was banished for saying there should be a separation of church and state and they should pay the Indians for their land. He then established Rhode Island based on those principles in 1635 | 31 | |
10506233652 | Anne Hutchinson | Colonist of the Massachusetts Bay Colony who believed that they do not need ministers to interpret the bible for them; banished and went to New Netherlands (New York) where she died during a native American attack | 32 | |
10506233653 | Metacom | Aka King Philip; Chief of the Wampanoag indians who did not like the restrictions of hunting and fishing on Sundays from the Colonists; led a rebellion and was killed | 33 | |
10506233654 | King Philip's War | The conflict between the New England Colonists and the Wampanoag Indians; Included hit and run attacks on the colonists but petered out after 1 year - Native Americans could not sustain the attacks. | 34 | |
10506233656 | Navigation Acts | Laws passed by parliament that controlled the trade between the Colonists and other countries. Established trade between England and their colonies; benefitted both | 35 | |
10506233658 | Sir Edmund Andros | The leader over the colony under the dominion of New England; very harsh and strict laws. Recalled by colonists in 1688 | 36 | |
10506233659 | Glorious Revolution | The transfer of English monarchy from James II to William and Mary (they didn't want a Catholic family line/ Mary was protestant). The colonies were established as they were before the dominion minus the Puritan's religious strictness | 37 | |
10506233660 | Salutary Neglect | The relaxation of English policy on the Colonists; England was preoccupied by the French and left the Colonists to be self-governed as long as they continued providing goods | 38 | |
10506233661 | Puritan Values | Total Depravity (Original sin) Unconditional Election (God saves who he wishes) Limited Atonement (Jesus died for the chosen) Irresistible Grace(God's grace is given to those he chooses) Perseverance (They should live rightly and help others) Covenant (Unity/ free choice and order) Regeneration (Reformation of covenant) Worldly Matter (conflict between world and spirit) Surrounded by Satan Declension (worldly moral decline) | 39 | |
10506233662 | Roanoke | First attempted colony, tried 3 times, were unprepared and 3rd time everyone disappeared | 40 | |
10506233663 | Jamestown | (1608) Established settlement in Virginia captained by John Smith, marshy, became profitable through growing tobacco, in the Powhatan Tribal nation | 41 | |
10506233664 | North | Mostly attracted religious people. | 42 | |
10506233665 | South | Mostly attracted those who wanted to make money. | 43 | |
10506233666 | Virgina | Colony; where Jamestown was; formed under a joint stock, established for cash crops of Tobacco, conflicted with Powhatan confederacy (South) | 44 | |
10506233667 | Maryland | Colony; named after Queen Henrietta Maria, 1st proprietary owned by lord Baltimore; catholic, had 1st legislative assembly then divided into 2 bodies (North) | 45 | |
10506233668 | New England | Colony; Puritan, few slaves/ servants, predestination, to create a model christian community, wanted to purify the church (North) | 46 | |
10506233669 | Plymouth | Colony; Pilgrims (Separatists), Christian Commonwealth (socialists), established mayflower compact (self-government), worked with Wampanoags (North) | 47 | |
10506233670 | Massachusetts Bay | Colony; Puritan, holy commonwealth, led by John Winthrop, came on the Arabella, 2 house legislature (North) | 48 | |
10506233671 | Rhode Island | Colony; Religious freedom, established by Roger Williams, church and state were separate, payed Narragansett Indians for the land, banished from Massachusetts bay (North) | 49 | |
10506233672 | Connecticut | Colony; founded by Massachusetts bay Puritans seeking better land, 3 congregations heads west, established by Thomas Hooker, voting not limited to church members (North) | 50 | |
10506233673 | The Pequot war | 1637- The Pequot unite New England Natives against the English. Colonists from Massachusetts bay, Connecticut and Narragansett attacked Pequot Indians. Resulted in decrease of Indian resistance and almost complete destruction of Pequot Nation | 51 | |
10506233674 | Carolina | Colony; Proprietary owned by Lord Cooper, religious tolerance for jews and heathens, almost a feudal society under the the philosophy of John Locke (Life, Liberty and Property), Traded fur, slaves, cattle, and rice (South) | 52 | |
10506233675 | South Carolia | Colony; separated from Carolina in 1719 (South) | 53 | |
10506233676 | New Netherlands | Colony; Established by Dutch, welcomed religious exiles, the Duke of York conquered it and renamed it New York (North) | 54 | |
10506233677 | New Jersey | Colony; Duke of York gave land to Sir George Carteret and Lord John Berkley, included Puritans, Swedes, Finns, Dutch and Quakers (North) | 55 | |
10506233678 | Pennsylvania Delaware | Colonies; English Civil War gave rise to the Society of Friends (Quakers), Individualism and Equality, religious Freedom, gender Equality, William Penn bought land from Indians and was granted land from Duke of York (North) | 56 | |
10506233679 | Georgia | Colony; philanthropic (Promoting welfare of others), led by General James Oglethorpe, refuge for poor and persecuted, acquired government, rice, indigo, lumber, beef, pork trade with West Indies after becoming a Royal Colony (South) | 57 | |
10506233680 | Enlightenment | Rise of Science and reason | 58 |
AP US History Unit 1 - to 1692 Flashcards
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