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AP US History Unit 2

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34375164CrevecoeurWrote Letters from an American Farmer describing a "new race" (Americans)
34375165"Anglo-Saxon"Of English heritage
34375166The Grand BanksSubmarine plateaus off the coast of Newfoundland that are good for fishing
34375167Corduroy RoadsRoads made of logs in swampy areas
34375168CooperingMaking or repairing barrels
34375170Jacob RiveraDiscovered that whale-oil burns
34375171Rack-rentingMerciless rent increases
34375172King William's WarWar of the league of Augsburg (1st) 1688-1697
34375173Queen Anne's WarWar of the Spanish Succession (2nd) 1701-1713
34375174King George's WarWar of the Austrian Succession (3rd) 1740-1748
34375175French and Indian WarSeven Year's War (4th) 1756-1763
34375176Huron vs. IroquoisChamplain starts Quebec (1608) and befriends Huron (gaining some Iroquois haters)
34375177Pierre RadissonFrench fur-trapper that married into a tribe; worked on "Rendezvous", working relationship w/Indians
34375178Marquet and JulietFound Mississippi in 1673, just before La Salle
34375179"Evangeline"by Longfellow to describe what the British did to Arcadians (Cajuns)
34375180"Battle of the Bloody Marsh"On St. Simon's Island off the coast of GA, the Spanish attacked Oglethorpe, but the English defended well (1742)
34657347James Fenimore CooperUS Novelist who wrote books about Indians and frontier life including Last of the Mohicans (Natti Bumpo!)
34657726The Ohio CompanyA land speculation company organized for the colonization of the ohio area; led to French-Indian war
34657727The Grand CouncilA parliament that meets in Albany, NY to try to achieve colonial unity; Ben Frank's snake; fails.
34657728Jeffrey Amherstagreed to infect Indians and Montreal with blankets
34657729John ForbesCaptures fort Duquesne (after ____ failed); named Pittsburgh after Pitt
34657730Treaty of ParisEnded the Seven Year's War; French out of Americas, Spanish FL to Britain, French Louisiana to Spain (1763)
34658075Pontiac's RebellionPontiac leads Ottowa Indians against Amherst over settling in the Great Lakes/Ohio area.
34658076Proclamation of 1763British created a boundary between colonists and Indians to prevent conflict
34658789The EnlightenmentA philosophical movement in the 18th century characterized by belief in rational, scientific, logical reason.
34658790John LockeEnglish philosopher who advocated the idea of a "social contract" in which government powers are derived from the consent of the governed and in which the government serves the people; also said people have natural rights to life, liberty and property.
34658791Isaac NewtonLaws of motion; Scientific
34658792Adam SmithScottish economist who advocated private enterprise and free trade in "Wealth of Nations"
34658793DeismThe religious attitude of the Awakening: God built the universe and let it run. Clockmaker theory.
34658794BicameralUpper house: the "revising" chamber with limits. Lower house: the more powerful house.
34658795The Great Awakening"More hysterical than holiness?"; series of evangelical revivals stressing good deeds and free will.
34660144Jonathan EdwardsMass; evangelist during Great Awakening who wrote "Sinners in the hands of an angry God".
34660145George WhitefieldA powerful evangelist/orator who fired up the Great Awakening.
34660146Gilbert TennentA Presbyterian Scots-Irish leader during the Great Awakening; "The Danger of an Unconverted Ministry" undermined minister's authority -> created uncertainty
34660147James DavenportBurned his pants
34660148ItinerantsTraveling preachers such as Tennent and Davenport
34660149"Throat-slitting"Edward's uncle slit his throat during his message
34660150Results of AwakeningKilled "dead dogs"; more denominations; more missionary work; more colleges; 1st mass movement to "unify"
34660151William Cosbyroyal gov. of NY that gets bad press from Zenger and then throws him into jail
34660152"Richard Saunders"Ben Frank's pen name; Poor Richard's Almanac
34660153"Mrs. Silence Dogod"Ben Frank's pen name; Mass; sarcastic towards puritans
34660154Gilbert StuartA famous colonial painter who painted George Washington on the dollar bill; from RI
34660155Anne BradstreetA poet who wrote about women in puritan America; first published female colonial author
34660956American Revenue ActBriatin's name for the Sugar Act
34661282Customs Duty (Tariff)A tax on imported products (Sugar Act)
34661283Excise TaxA sales tax (Stamp Act)
34661284"Caesar had his Brutis...""...Charles I had his Cromwell, George III should have his notice": Patrick Henry
34661285Andrew OliverSupposed to issue stamps but was scared by the Sons of Liberty
34661569Chancellor of the ExchequerSecretary of the Treasury (chancellor)
34661570Writs of AssistanceA permanent search warrant held by Customs officials (implemented by Grenville)
34662038Admiralty CourtsCourts with no juries where the defendant was presumed guilty until proven innocent. Americans felt their basic rights as Englishmen were being violated
34662039James OtisA colonial Lawyer from Boston that argued for privacy
34662041"Letters from a farmer in Pennsylvania"James Dickenson's 12 essays subtly protesting Townshend taxes
34663382Gaspee AffairA British ship sent to catch smugglers but the Sons of Liberty in RI set fire to it.
34663383Thomas HutchinsonThe Boston Royalist governor that orders ships to stay before the Boston Tea Party of 1773
34663384Coersive ActsThe British name for the Intolerable Acts that punished Boston for the Boston Tea Party
34663385The Suffolk ResolvesBoston resolves to fight intolerable acts in 1774, leading to the CC
34663386The 1st Cont CongressWrites Articles of Association, creates Galloway plan to talk to Britain, and agrees to meet again
34663387Thomas GageHutchinson's replacement to inforce the intolerable acts; leader of Lexington and Concord battles
34663388Revere's RideRevere rides to ward C&L but gets stopped near Lexington; Dawes and Prescott actually made it
34663692Hesse-CassalThe region in Germany where George III hired most Hessians
34663693Pulaski and KosciuskoPolish Nationals invited by Franklin to help the US
34663694"Lafayette, we are here"Famous saying of soldiers at Lafayette's grave 1917
34663695Bancroft"Whig View" of American Revolution that it was destiny
34663696Gipson1980s "Imperialist" view of American Revolution that it was a collision of views
34663697Jameson1900-1910 "Progressive" view of American Revolution that it was social tensions
34663698Morgan"Consensus" view of American Revolution that it was self-gov impulse
346668122nd Cont CongressCreated after Bunker Hill, still wanted to be part of England
34666813Green Mountain BoysA militia organization led by Ethan Allen that was instrumental in resisting NY's attempts to control the area
34666814Nathan HaleHung as a spy after sneaking behing the British lines in the Battle of Long Island (1776)
34671252Morris (Penn) and Solomon (NY)Financeers of the American Revolution
34671253Whites of their eyesPrescott ordered for militia not to shoot until they saw the whites of the enemies eyes at Bunker Hill
34671254MilitiaMembers of a military group hastily put together
34671255Writers of Declaration of IndependenceTJ, BF, JA, RS, RL
34671256Franklin said this when signing Dec of I"We must all hang together or we will all hang separately"
34671257Colonal RallA Hessian at Princeton who wanted to meet Washington
34671258The American CrisisA set of pamphlets by Thomas Paine to push up spirits of soldiers
34678561"Plain Truth"A rebuttal to Paine's Common sense by Chalmer, a loyalist from MD
34678562Howe's dogsAfter the Battle of Germantown, (PA) Howe's dogs accidentally followed Washington's army, but were returned
34678563Benedict's bootBenedict Arnold slowed British down before Gates' victory at Saratoga
34678564Conway CabalAfter Saratoga, Conway's Cabal wanted to fire Washington and put Gates in command
34678565Mary HaleHelped out in Monmouth (NJ) after her husband fell in battle; AKA Molly Pitcher 1778
34739293BeaumarchaisFrench playwright that created French company to give supplies to the American Revolution; Barber of Seville and Marriage of Figarro
34739294CamdenBattle in SC where Cornwallis crushed Gates' forces in 1780 (worst losses ever)
34739295TarletonBritish cavalry officer that had a reputation for killing captives rather than taking them prisoner; Tarleton's quarter
34739296Major John AndreThe British spy that gets plans of West Point from Arnold, but is caught and hung
34739297Bonhomme Richard vs. SerapisJohn Paul Jones wins this 1779 famous naval battle against Britain; "I have not yet began to fight!"
34739298The SwordCornwallis didn't show up to surrender to Washington after his defeat at Yorktown
34739299Newburgh ConspiracyMorris and Hamilton led officers, angry about not being paid, in plans to take over
34739300John JayWriter of the Dec of I that negotiated with the British to give Americans independence, also 1st Chief Justice
34739301VergennesThe French foreign minister who watched the developing Anglo-American crisis with great anticipation and sent a special agent to Philadelphia to encourage the colonists and hint at French aid.

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