3678898027 | Walter Rauschebusch | A Protestant clergy man who sought to apply the lessons of Christianity to the slums and factories; pastor of a German Baptist Church in New York | 0 | |
3678898028 | Salvation Army | One of 150 religious denominations; came over from England to America; established a base on American street corners; appealed to down-and-outers; did much practical good; soup kitchens | 1 | |
3678898846 | George Washington Carver | A student of Booker T. Washington; discovered hundreds of new uses for peanuts, sweet potatoes, and soybeans | 2 | |
3678899787 | Geronimo | Fierce warrior; resented white migration; raided settlements; evaded capture for decades; turns himself in when he gets older cause more whites keep coming and he gives up; respected by many people | 3 | |
3678899788 | Sitting Bull; Crazy Horse; George Custer | Two Sioux Indians (fierce warriors with arrows, horses, and guns); decided to gather Indians and leave reservation; A racist general who hates Native Americans is sent to find them; they meet at Little Big Horn and every man in the white regiment dies | 4 | |
3679409152 | Sand Creek | Silver discovered --> white people move there, causing Indians to raid settlements; the army warms the Indians that they are going to kill the raiders and tells them to move all of their innocent women, elders, and children to this fort; a drunk officer orders the massacre and kills all | 5 | |
3678901009 | Jane Addams | Founded Hull House in 1889 to teach children and adults the skills and knowledge that they would need to survive and succeed in America; eventually won the Nobel Peace Prize; looked down upon by the Daughters of the American Revolution | 6 | |
3678901010 | Settlement Houses | Community centers in poor neighborhoods that provided schooling, childcare, and cultural activities for the people | 7 | |
3678902132 | W.E.B. Du Bois | The first black to get a Ph.D. from Harvard University; demanded complete equality for blacks and immediate action; founded the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People in 1910 | 8 | |
3678902133 | Booker T. Washington | An ex-slave who stated by heading a black normal and industrial school in Tuskegee, Alabama, and taught the students useful skills and trades; avoided the issue of social equality; believed in blacks helping themselves first before gaining more rights | 9 | |
3678902134 | Ida B. Wells | 10 | ||
3678903662 | Scott Joplin | 11 | ||
3678903663 | Ragtime | 12 | ||
3678903664 | Buffalo Bill Cody and Annie Oakley | "Wild West" shows that were a very popular form of entertainment during this era | 13 | |
3678904427 | Chief Joseph | 14 | ||
3678904428 | Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph Hearst | Two new journalistic tycoons that promoted "yellow journalism" in which newspapers reported on wild and fantastic stories that often were false and quite exaggerated: sex, scandal, and other human-interest stories | 15 | |
3678905321 | James A. Bailey | 16 | ||
3678905322 | William McKinley | The leading Republican candidate in 1896; a respectable and friendly former Civil War major who had served many years in Congress; a conservative in business and preferred to leave things alone | 17 | |
3678906601 | Marcus Alonzo Hanna | A supporter of William McKinley who financially and politically supported the candidate through his political years | 18 | |
3678908440 | P.T. Barnu | 19 | ||
3678908441 | Cornelius Vanderbilt | 20 | ||
3678911507 | William Jennings Bryan | A Democratic nominee for president in 1896 who advocated "free silver"; "Cross of Gold" Speech; called for unlimited coinage of silver with the ratio of 16 ounces worth as much as one ounce of gold | 21 | |
3678911508 | J.P. Morgan | A banking tycoon who made a fortune in the banking industry and in Wall Street who bought Carnegie's entire business and converted it into the United States Steel Corporation - the world's first billion-dollar corporation | 22 | |
3678911509 | Interlocking Directorates | When a business giants places his own men on the boards of directors of other rival competitors to gain influence there and reduce competition | 23 | |
3678912909 | John Rockefeller | A ruthless business tycoon who organized the Standard Oil Company in Ohio; controlled 95% of all oil refineries in the country; crushed weaker competitors by producing superior oil at a cheaper price | 24 | |
3678912911 | Horizontal Integration | When a business giant allied with or bought out competitors to monopolize a given market | 25 | |
3678914147 | Vertical Integration | When a business giant bought out and controlled all aspects of an industry to avoid paying other companies for transportation and supplies than necessary to increase profits | 26 | |
3678914148 | Social Darwinism | A theory that took natural selection and applied it to humans; physical characteristics but mental characteristics; excludes situations, birthright, finances, opportunity, etc.; people are rich because they earned it and are better, not because they are greedy, malicious, or born into wealth; poor people are poor because they are stupid and lazy; leads to racism and discrimination | 27 | |
3678914149 | Herbert Spencer | 28 | ||
3678914880 | Horatio Alger | 29 | ||
3678914881 | Andrew Carnegie | Started out as a poor boy in a bad job; by working hard, assuming responsibility, and charming influential people, he worked his way to wealth; perfected the Bessemer process for producing steel and allowed for its cheap mass production, supplying the materials necessary to build America's cities; donated millions to charities and the building of public libraries | 30 | |
3678915991 | Eugene V. Debs | Railroad company owns the whole town; railroad workers get a 20% wage cut that is not accompanied by a rent cut and go on strike; the national guard comes and breaks up strike; people get shot; the man who started this strike | 31 | |
3678917172 | "Old" Immigrants | Until the 1880's, most immigrants came from the British Isles and western Europe (Germany and Ireland) and were quite literate and accustomed to some type of representative government | 32 | |
3678917173 | "New" Immigrants | By the 1880's and 1890's, most immigrants were the Baltic and Slavic people of southeaster Europe, who were illiterate, poor, and not accustomed to representative govnernment | 33 | |
3678917174 | Urbanization | 34 | ||
3678918460 | Chinese Exclusion Act | (1882) An act which barred any Chinese from entering the US; the first law limiting immigration | 35 | |
3678918461 | Ellis Island | 36 | ||
3678918462 | Ethnic Neighborhoods | 37 | ||
3678918463 | Tenements | A type of apartment in the slums of cities which gave a bit of fresh air down their airshaft; the worst kind of apartment because they were dark, cramped, and had little sanitation or ventilation | 38 | |
3678919841 | Political Machine | The organizations of political bosses | 39 | |
3678919842 | Political Boss | A group of corrupt meant who offered jobs and shelter in return for political support at the polls | 40 | |
3678919844 | Trust | Instead of owning all of the businesses in the market area, you buy and own more than 50% of all the stock in the smaller businesses so you have the majority and can control the business | 41 | |
3678920699 | Social Gospel Movement | 42 | ||
3678920700 | Ghost Dance Movement and Wounded Knee | Wavoka began this movement; believed white people were evil and god would eventually punish them; this dance was a celebration of that; eventually movement turned violent and the reservation police met them at Wounded Knee; big fight and horrible death on the Indian side: last stand for the Native Americans | 43 | |
3678922636 | National American Woman Suffrage Association | (1890) A femanist organization led by Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony that called for national women suffrage | 44 | |
3678922637 | Woman's Christian Temperance Union Laws | An organization of Christian women who rallied against alcohol, calling for a national prohibition of the beverage | 45 | |
3678923815 | Antisaloon League | (1893) A pro-prohibition union that called for the banning of alcohol in the US and the end to all saloons, as they were thought to be the reason for a family's poorness | 46 | |
3678923816 | Plessy v. Ferguson | A case in which the Supreme Court ruled that "separate but equal" facilities were constitutional under the "equal protection" clause of the 14the amendment, legalizing "Jim Crow" segregation | 47 | |
3678923817 | Jim Crow Laws | Systematic state level codes of segregation that developed from the informal separation of whites from blacks; designed to enforce racial segregation to public places; backed up by lynchings and other forms of intimidation | 48 | |
3678925153 | Tuskegee Institute | A school created by Booker T. Washington that educated blacks in useful trades and skills so that they could secure themselves economically | 49 | |
3678925154 | Segregation Laws | 50 | ||
3678925155 | Grandfather Clause | A clause which exempted people whose forebear had voted in 1860 from literacy tests, pol taxes, and other such voting restrictions | 51 | |
3678925156 | Poll Tax and Literacy Tests | Ways in which the South tried to ensure full-scale disenfranchisement of freed blacks | 52 | |
3678926288 | Spectator Sports | 53 | ||
3678927452 | Pendleton Act | (1883) The so-called Magna Charta of civil-service reform; awarded government jobs based on ability, not just because a friend awarded the job; prohibited financial assessments on jobholders and established a merit system of making appointments to office on the basis of aptitude rather than "pull"; set up a Civil Service Commission; divided politics from patronage | 54 | |
3678997418 | Civil Service Commission | Created by the Pendleton Act; charged with administering open competitive service; offices not classified by the president remained the fought-over footballs of politics | 55 | |
3678929253 | Gilded Age | A term for this era coined by Mark Twain hinting that the times looked good, yet if one scratched a bit below the surface, there were problems; times were filled with corruption and presidential election squeakers | 56 | |
3678929254 | Coxey's Army | 57 | ||
3678929255 | Populist Party | Emerged in 1892; created by a large group of upset farmers; called for inflation from free coinage of silver; called for a graduated income tax, government regulation of railroads and telegraphs/telephones, direct elections of US senators, a one term limit, initiative, and referendum, a shorter workday, and immigration restriction | 58 | |
3678931096 | Crop-price Deflation | The price of farmers' crops was determined in a world market by the world output --> deflation | 59 | |
3678931097 | Corporate Consolidation | When businesses such as railroad companies followed the path that led to greater economies of scale, which meant larger and larger businesses | 60 | |
3678931098 | Granger Laws | A group of laws that the National Grange of the Patrons of Husbandry (the Grange) managed to get Congress to pass to improve the lives of farmers | 61 | |
3678932498 | Interstate Commerce Act | (1887) An act which banned rebates and pools, required the railroads to publish their rates openly, forbade unfair discrimination against shippers, and banned charging more for a short haul than for a long one | 62 | |
3678933536 | Farmers' Alliances | (1870's) A coalition of farmers seeking to overthrow the chains from the banks and railroads that bound them; only aimed at those who owned their own land (ignored tenant farmers and blacks); agreed on the nationalization of railroads, the abolition of national banks, a graduated income tax, and a new federal sub-treasury for farmers | 63 | |
3678933537 | Ocala Platform | 64 | ||
3678933538 | Panic of 1893 | (1893) Most punishing economic downturn of the 19th Century; caused by the splurge or overbuilding and speculation, labor disorders, agricultural depression, and the free silver agitation | 65 | |
3678933539 | Free Silver | The cry to expand the money supply with unlimited coinage of silver so as to cause massive inflation | 66 | |
3678934890 | Antitrust Movement | 67 | ||
3678934891 | Stalwarts | People in the Republican Party who believed that all government jobs should go to loyal republicans | 68 | |
3678934892 | Halfbreeds | People in the Republican Party who believed that qualified democrats should be able to keep their jobs even after a republican was elected | 69 | |
3678935867 | Mugwumps | Republican reformers that were unable to stomach the nomination of James G. Blaine as their presidential candidate who switched to the Democratic Party | 70 | |
3678935868 | Watered Stock | A way for companies to atain cheap moneymaking; when railroad companies grossly over-inflated the worth of their stock and sold them at huge profits | 71 | |
3678935869 | Pools | The predecessor of trusts; when railroad giants gathered into defensive alliances to show profits; a group of supposed competitors who agree to work together to set prices | 72 | |
3678935870 | Rebates | 73 | ||
3678937410 | Sherman Silver Purchase Act | 74 | ||
3678937411 | Sherman Antitrust Act | (1890) An act that forbade combinations in restraint of trade (i.e. trusts, pools, interlocking directorates, holding companies) without any distinction between "good" or "bad" trusts; proved ineffective because it couldn't be enforced until 1914 | 75 | |
3678938430 | Laissez-Faire Capitalism | 76 | ||
3678938431 | Gospel of Wealth | Written by Andrew Carnegie; said that people who are wealthy have a responsibility to give back to the community; says that this is "gospel" or the truth | 77 | |
3678939186 | Railroad strike of 1877 | Railroad workers' wages cut 10%; railroads very important to the country, thus railroad workers think that the country can't function without them so they go on strike all over the country; railroad owners go to the president and tell him to do something because he control interstate commerce and this disrupts that; he sends the national guard to quell the strike; 100 people die | 78 | |
3678939187 | Sears | 79 | ||
3678940296 | Roebuck | 80 | ||
3678940297 | Montgomery Ward | 81 | ||
3678941100 | Haymarket Bombing | The Knights of Labor were striking in Haymarket square when a bomb set by a group of anarchists went of, killing or wounding dozens of people; the bombing was forever associated the Knights of Labor with anarchists and lowered their popularity and effectiveness | 82 | |
3678941101 | Homestead Strike | Steel business owned by Carnegie, however other people run different factories; workers go on strike outside the factory to prevent scabs from entering it; scabs get the national guard to escort them; strikers throw rocks at the guard and get shot | 83 | |
3678941102 | Pullman Strike | Railroad company owns the whole town; railroad workers get a 20% wage cut that is not accompanied by a rent cut and go on strike; the national guard comes and breaks up strike; people get shot | 84 | |
3678941103 | Scabs | People hired into companies to replace strikers to starve the strikers into submission | 85 | |
3682553233 | Lockout | A procedure in which employers would lock their doors against rebellious workers and then starve them into submission | 86 | |
3678941885 | Blacklist | A list of strikers that companies made so that they could deny those people privileges elsewhere | 87 | |
3678941886 | Yellow-dog Contract | Contracts which workers had to sign in order to work in a specific job which banned them from joining unions | 88 | |
3678941887 | Injunction | 89 | ||
3678946292 | Reservation System | This system established boundaries for the territory of each tribe and attempted to separate the Indians into two great "colonies" to the north and south of a corridor Of intended settlement | 90 | |
3679112808 | National Labor Union | (1866) A union which represented a massive number of workers; only lasting 6 years; excluded Chinese, Blacks, and women; worked for the arbitration of industrial disputes and an 8 hour workday - it won the latter one; eventually formed into the Knights of Labor that only appealed to skilled workers | 91 |
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