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AP US History - US Presidents Flashcards

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9849443267George Washington1789-1797 Federalist -Whiskey Rebellion (different from Shay's) -Judiciary Act (established court; John Jay) -Bill of Rights -Proclamation of Neutrality (French Revolution) -Fugitive Slave Law -Pinckney Treaty (navigation of MI River and New Orleans) -Jay's Treaty (B soldiers leave US, US pays debt) -Farewell Address0
9849443268John Adams1797-1801 Federalist -XYZ Affair (tried to avoid war w/ France) -Alien and Sedition Acts -builds navy -Kentucky & Virginia Resolutions -Judiciary Act (midnight judges) -Gabriel's Rebellion1
9849443269Thomas Jefferson1801-1809 Democratic-Republican -Marbury v. Madison -Louisiana Purchase -Tripoli War (Barbary Pirates) -Chesapeake Affair -Slave trade illegal 1808 -Non-Importation Act 1806 (restrictions on B) -Embargo Act 1807 (restrictions on all) -Non-Intercourse Act 1809 (restrictions of B and F)2
9849443270James Madison1809-1817 Democratic-Republican -Fletcher vs. Peck -Macon's Bill No. 2 1810 -War of 1812 (Treaty of Ghent) -Hartford Convention (fall of Feds) -First Protective Tariff of 1816 -charter of Second Bank of US -American Colonization Society (end slavery and send back to Africa)3
9849443271James Monroe1817-1825 Democratic-Republican -Era of Good Feelings -Rush Bagot Treaty (limitations of navy in Great Lakes) -McColloch vs. Maryland -Financial Panic of 1819 (caused by 2nd bank) -Adams Onis Treaty (FL) -Missouri Compromise (Missouri and Maine admitted; slavery line) -Monroe Doctrine (non-colonization, non-intervention) -American system (bank, improvements, tariff)4
9849443272John Quincy Adams1825-1829 Democratic-Republican -Corrupt Bargain (Clay bribed into being Sec of State, Jackson won pop vote) -Tariff of Abominations(high tariffs, results in nullification crisis)5
9849443273Andrew Jackson1829-1837 Democrat -Indian Removal Act -2nd Seminole War (FL NA's resisted) -Nat Turner -Nullification Crisis -Force Bill (pres could use military to enforce law) -Vetoes bank recharter -Compromise Tariff (slowly reduce tariff over 9 yrs) -spoils system -The Liberator6
9849443274Martin Van Buren1837-1841 Democrat -Trail of Tears -Panic of 1837 (caused by destruction of bank) -Oberlin admits women -specie circular (payment of gov land in gold and silver) -Amistad7
9849443275William Henry Harrison1841 Whig -"Tippecanoe and Tyler too!" -First Whig President8
9849443276John Tyler1841-1845 Whig -"His Accidency" -Webster-Ashburton Treaty (border between Canada and Maine, w B) -Brook Farm -TX as slave state -Manifest Destiny coined9
9849443277James Polk1845-1849 Democrat -Slidell's Mission (border dispute between TX and Mexico; failure) -Mexican War (border problems) -Bear Flag Revolt -Oregon Treaty (54 40 or fight; agreed with B on border at 49th parallel) -Wilmot Proviso (land in MX Cession should be closed to slavery; led to debates) -Mormons to Utah -Seneca Falls -Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo -CA Gold Rush10
9849443278Zachary Taylor1849-1850 Whig -Harriet Tubman escapes slavery11
9849443279Millard Fillmore1850-1853 Whig -Compromise of 1850 (Cali is free state; popular sovereignty; no slavery in DC; slave laws) -Fugitive Slave law -Clayton-Bulwer Treaty (canals in Cent. America would be open and jointly controlled) -Uncle Tom's Cabin published -Treaty of Kanagawa (Matthew Perry opens Japanese ports for US)12
9849443280Franklin Pierce1853-1857 Democrat -Gadsden Purchase (railroad land) -Kansas-Nebraska Act (pop sovereignty; no more Missouri Compromise) -Ostend Manifesto (South's attempts to obtain Cuba to spread slavery) -Bleeding Kansas (fraudulent votes from pop sov.; Kansas became free state in '61) -Pottawatomie Massacre (Brown attacked pro-slavery ppl) -Brooks-Sumner (Brooks beat Sumner over Kansas debate) -Bessemer process13
9849443281James Buchanan1857-1861 Democrat -Dred Scott decision -Harpers Ferry raid -Freeport Doctrine (supported pop sov) -Harper's Ferry -SC Ordinance of Secession -Crittenden Compromise (tried to bring back Missouri Comp and prevent secession)14
9849443282Abraham Lincoln1861-1865 Republican -Trent Affair (US took B ships and almost had war ) -Morrill Act (land grants for colleges) -Homestead Act (farming and westward expansion) -Emancipation Proclamation 1863 -Enrollment Act (Union draft) -Wade-Davis Bill (Reconstruction; iron-clad oath) -Atlanta Campaign (Sherman), Wilderness Campaign (Grant), morale boosters for Union -Hampton Roads Conference 1865 (about to end Civil war) -Appomattox Courthouse surrender 1865 -Freedmen's Bureau -Legal Tender Act (greenbacks, inflation)15
9849443283Andrew Johnson1865-1869 Democrat -13th and 14th amendments (no slavery and citizenship) -black codes, KKK -Second Freedmen's Bureau (vetoed but passed) -First Reconstruction Act 1867 (divided South into strictly governed districts) -Grange -Alaska (Seward's Folly) -Tenure of Office Act (can't remove cabinet w/o Senate's approval) -Impeachment16
9849443284Ulysses Grant1869-1877 Republican -15th amendment -Knights of Labor founded -Boss Tweed Ring (Thomas Nast cartoons) -Credit Mobilier -Whiskey Ring -Gould and Fisk Black Friday Scandal -Force/KKK Act (protect black voters) -Amnesty Act (removed restrictions on most prev. Confed leaders) -Demonetization Act (gold is standard money) -Panic of 1873 (caused by over speculation) -Sioux War, Battle of Little Big Horn -Civil Rights Act of 1875 (repealed black codes) -Compromise of 1877 (Hayes is pres; removal of troops in South)17
9849443285Rutherford Hayes1877-1881 Republican -Compromise of 1877 -end of Reconstruction -Great Railroad Strike 1877 (sends troops in) -Bland-Allison Act (US Treasury circulates silver dollars but unstable currency)18
9849443286James Garfield1881, Republican -Brief resurgence of presidential authority; Increase in American naval power; Purge corruption in the Post Office -assassinated19
9849443287Chester Arthur1881-1885 Republican -Tuskegee Institute -American Red Cross -Chinese Exclusion Act 1882 -Standard Oil trust created (Rockefeller) -Pendleton Act -Century of Dishonor by Helen Hunt Jackson -Civil Rights Cases? Edison lights up New York City20
9849443288Grover Cleveland1885-1889 (1st term), 1893-1897 (2nd term) Democrat -Haymarket Square Riot -AF of L founded -Interstate Commerce Act (regulate railroad industries) -Dawes Severalty Act (no tribal legality, break up tribes) -Financial Panic of 1893 (over speculation of stocks) -Pullman Strike -Coxey's March on Washington (workers protesting bc of depression) -Plessy vs. Ferguson -In Re Debs (employers can break up unions)21
9849443289Benjamin Harrison1889-1893 Republican -Hull House -Sherman Anti-Trust Act -McKinley Tariff (raised import tariffs to 48%) -Battle of Wounded Knee -Populist party (opposition to gold standard) -Homestead Strike (most violence strike against wage cuts)22
9849443290William McKinley1897-1901 Republican -Spanish-American War 1898(US got Cuba, Puerto Rico, Guam, Philippines) -Teller Resolution 1898 (US wants to free Cuba under tyranny) -HI annexed -Open Door policy (sphere of influence in China); Boxer Rebellion -Standard Gold Act 1900 (gold is equivalent to paper money) -Foraker Act 1900 (limited gov in Puerto Rico)23
9849443291Theodore Roosevelt1901-1909 Republican -US Steel -Platt Amendment 1901 (withdraw troops in Cuba, Gunatanamo Bay) -Coal Strike 1902 -Elkins Act 1903 (heavy fines on railroad bribers) -Newlands Reclamation Act 1902 (irrigation) -Panama Canal construction -Hepburn Act (iCC set freight rates and regulated tranportation companies) -Meat Inspection, Pure Food and Drug Act -Gentlemen's Agreement 1907 (Japan will stop limiting emigration to US) -Root Takahira Agreement 1908 (respect open door policy)24
9849443292William Howard Taft1909-1913 Republican -Dollar diplomacy -Payne-Aldrich Tariff (lower tariffs) -Ballinger-Pinchot -Mann-Elkins Act (supported labor reforms and ICC) -16th amendment (income tax) -dismantling of Standard Oil Company -Magdalena Bay Incident? (Lodge Corollary forbid foreign acquisition of territory in Western Hemisphere)25
9849443293Woodrow Wilson1913-1921 Democrat -New Freedom (vs New Nationalism) -17th amendment (direct Senate election) -Underwood Tariff 1913 (reduced tariffs and graduated income tax) -Federal Reserve Act -Federal Trade Commission -Clayton Anti-Trust Act 1914 (labor unions not trusts) -Adamson Act (40 hrs max working) -Proclamation of Neutrality 1914 -WWI 1917(Sussex Pledge, Zimmerman note) -14 Points -Espionage Act (can't refuse military duty) -Sedition Act -Versailles Treaty -18th Amendment (prohibition) -19th amendment (women's suffrage)26
9849443294Warren Harding1921-1923 Republican -Immigration Act 1921 (percent of nation pop in US) -Fordney-McCumber Tariff Act 1922 (raised tariffs) -Harlem Renaissance27
9849443295Calvin Coolidge1923-1929 Republican -Back to Africa mvt -Bonus Bill -National Origins Act 1924 (limited S and E Europeans) -Dawes Plan (Germany pays reparations) -Teapot Dome Scandal? -Scopes Trial -Sacco and Vanzetti28
9849443296Herbert Hoover1929-1933 Republican -Agricultural Marketing Act (helped farmers) -Young Plan (replaced Dawes to relieve Germany's struggle to pay) -Hawley-Smoot Tariff 1930 (highest tariff in history) -London Naval Conference 1930 (limit navy and submarines) -Great Depression -Bonus Army March -Reconstruction Finance Corp 1932 (loans to banks and businesses)29
9849443297Franklin Delano Roosevelt First Term1933-1945 Democrat -Good Neighbor Policy -Indian Reorganization Act -Tydings-McDuffie Law (independence of Philippines) -National Bank Holiday -Agricultural Adjustment Act -Tennessee Valley Authority -Civilian Conservation Corps -Works Progress Admin (jobs for bridges, roads) -Social Security Act -Securities and Exchange Act -Reciprocal Tariff Act (low tariffs to recover economy) -Wagner Act (workers can collectively bargain, National Labor Relations Board -Glass Steagall Banking Act (banks can repoen and pres can regulate banks)30
9849443298Franklin Delano Roosevelt Second Term-court packing -Second Agricultural Adjustment Act -Burke-Wadsworth (peacetime conscription) -Smith Act (fingerprinting of aliens, can not support overthrowing gov) -Fair Labor Standards Act -Cash and Carry Neutrality Act31
9849443299Franklin Delano Roosevelt Third Term-Lend Lease Act 1941 -Pearl Harbor 1941 -War Productin Board -Manhattan Project -Teheran Conference (B, R, and US want to divide German into zones of occupation after war) -D-Day 1944 -GI Bill 1944 -Korematsu vs. US (internment camps) -Yalta Conference 1945 (free elections in Poland, R helps fight Japan)32
9849443300Harry Truman1945-1953 Democrat -atomic bomb -Potsdam Conference (distribution of G) -Marshall Plan (economic aid to Europe) -Taft-Hartley Act (unions surpressed, noncommunist oath) -Truman Doctrine (military and economic aid against threat of communism) -Israel -Berlin Airlift 1948 -NATO -Communism in China 1949 -Korean War 1950 -National Securities Act -McCarthyism -McCarran Internal Security Act (tried to restrict communist orgs)33
9849443301Dwight Eisenhower1953-1961 Republican -Korean War ends -SEATO -McCarthy hearings -Brown vs. Board of Edu -AFL-CIO -Montgomery Bus Boycotts -Suez Crisis (Egypt nationalized canal, Ike told B and F to back off) -Sputnik -Eisenhower Doctrine (aid to Middle East) -U2 Accident (Soviets shot down US U-2 that was supposed to photograph Russia) -sit-ins -Central High Little Rock, AK -NASA34
9849443302John Kennedy1961-1963 Democrat -New Frontier -Bay of Pigs (US failed to overthrow Castro in Cuba) -Berlin Wall -Vietnam War -Cuban Missile Crisis 1962 (nuclear warheads in Cuba, closest to nuclear war) -Nuclear Test Ban Treaty 1963 -Peace Corps -March on Washington 1963 -freedom riders35
9849443303Lyndon Johnson1963-1969 Democrat -War on Poverty -Great Society -Gulf of Tonkin Resolution (blank check for Vietnam) -Mississippi Freedom Summer -Black Panthers -Civil Rights March from Montgomery to Selma, AL -Civil Rights Act of 1964 (ended segregation) -Votings Rights Act of 1965 -Tet Offensive 1968 (North Vietnamese attacked South brutally) -My Lai Massacre -Medicare -Dept. of Housing and Urban Development -Democratic National Convention of 1968 -NOW36
9849443304Richard Nixon1969-1974 Republican -Woodstock Music Festival (60's hippies) -moon landing -Nixon begins to withdraw troops from Vietnam -Silent Majority speech -Nixon Doctrine (US will honor commitments but not be too involved) -detente -Kent State (Cambodia bombing) -Environmental Protection Agency -Pentagon Papers 1971 -Watergate scandals -New China 1971 (realpolitik) -visits China 1972; ping-pong diplomacy -SALT I 1972 -Roe v Wade -Arab oil embargo (Arab nationals embargoed against countries that supported Israel in 6 day war) -White House tapes -War Powers Act (pres must consult Congress 48 hrs before) -impeachment37
9849443305Gerald Ford1974-1977 Republican -Pardoning of Nixon -Whip Inflation Now? -OPEC crisis -lose Vietnam war -Helsinki Accords38
9849443306Jimmy Carter1977-1981 Democrat -stagflation / energy crisis -Iran hostage crisis -Camp David Accords (Israel would return land to Egypt; Egypt recognizes Israel) -Soviet Union invades Afghanistan -Carter Doctrine (fight anyone who tries to take control of Persian Gulf; reaction to Afghanistan invasion) -SALT II 1979 -Dept. of Edu -boycott Olympics39
9849443307Ronald Reagan1981-1989 Republican -Conservative revolution -Iran-Contra scandal; Teflon president -Star Wars/Strategic Defense Initiative -Grenada invasion -Reagan Doctrine? -bomb Libya -Tax Reform Act -Soviets boycott LA Olympics -glastnot and perestroika -"Tear down the wall"40
9849443308George H. W. Bush1989-1993 Republican -Berlin Wall comes down -Persian Gulf War -Iraq invades Kuwait; organizes coalition and declares war -Collapse of Soviet Union 1991 -LA Riots 1992 -Americans with Disabilities Act -Savings and Loan Scandal41
9849443309Bill Clinton1993-2001 Democrat -NAFTA -Whitewater Scandal -supports affirmative action -air strikes on Iraq -Lewinsky scandal (Starr Report) -impreachment (fails) -Serbia Air strikes -Waco Standoff -Oklahoma City Bombing42
9849443310George W. Bush2001-2008 Republican -War on terrorism -Afghanistan War -Bush Doctrine (US would hunt down 9/11 attackers) -Patriot Act -Tax cuts -"No Child Left Behind"43
9849443311Barack Obama2008-2017 Democrat -Affordable Care Act44
9849443312Donald Trump2017-? Republican "Make America Great Again"45

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