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AP USH Term Set 1 (1600-1885) Flashcards

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30697446MercantillismEconomic philosophy in which England established the colonies to provide raw materials to the mother country; the colonies receive manufactured goods in return.0
30697447Iroquois confederationThe league of Indian tribes in the Northeast that fought with the English in the French-Indian War and supported the Loyalists in the America Revolution.1
30697448Deism18th century concept which held that God created the world according to rational laws and that he was like a clockmaker who would not interefere in the natural order of things.2
30697449Stamp Actprior to the American Revolution, the British instituted the __ __ which taxed all transactions involving paper without colonial consent. No other act outraged all 13 colonies than this one.3
30697450Navigation Actstrade laws administered by GB in the 1600's to enforce mercantilism on the Amer. Colonies4
30697451Great AwakeningMajor religious revival (1750-1770) prior to the American Revolution that furthered individualism, established authority, and American nationalism.5
30697452Albany Congressduring the French and Indian war, Ben Franklin attempted to unify the colonies behind G.B. in its war against France.6
30697453Boston Tea Partyorganized by the sons of liberty, the __ __ __ eventually forced the British to pass the Coercive Acts in 1775.7
30697454Fundamental Orders of ConnecticutFirst constitution in the colonies drafted that stated a government's authority rests upon the consent of the governed and expressed the will of the majority.8
30697455Proclamation of 1763A line drawn by the British gov't that forbade colonist from settling the western lands won after the French and Indian War.9
30697456John LockeEnlightenment philosopher whose ideas influenced T. Jefferson's Declaration of Independence and Madison's work on the Bill of rights; specifically his ideas on Life, Liberty, and Property.10
30697457Townshend Actsnamed after the British political leader who wrongly believed that this external "tax" or "duty" would be accepted by colonies.11
30697458Virginia House of BurgessesFirst of the many mini legislatures created by the Colonies that started the tradition of Salutary Neglect and home rule.12
30697459Calvinismprevalent Puritan religious belief centered in the New England Colonies that believed only the "elect" were predestined for salvation.13
30697460Boston MassacreA 1770 clash between townspeople and Irish soldiers ordered to guard British customs houses14
30697461Anne HutchinsonPuritan dissenter that was banished by Governor Winthrop for teaching antinomianism.15
30697462Halfway covenantUsed by Puritan Churches to bolster attendance but also keep political leadership under the control respectable families. Conversion needed but not "regeneration" to be a member of the congregation.16
30697463Committees of Correspondenceorganized by Massachusetts in 1772 __ __ __ purpose was to keep a close watch on the British and report any violations on individual rights.17
30697464Bacon's RebellionDisgruntled Virginia (Chesapeake) colonial farmers attempted to overthrow Gov. Berkeley in 1676 because of economic hardship and perceived failure with Indian raids and lack of women that could be married.18
30697465Midnight JudgesJohn Adam's appointment of Fedearlist party members to federal courts before Thomas Jefferson took office in 1800.19
30697466Great compromiseAlso known as the Connecticut compromise, the __ __ established a bicameral legislature with proportional representation in the lower house (House Rep) and equal representation in the upper house [2 senators each state]20
30697467Virginia & Kentucky Resolutionsissued by Jefferson and Madison in response to President Adam's passage of the Alien & Sedition Acts, the __ & __ __ advocated states rights to nullify laws the considered to be un-constitutional.21
30697468National BankAlexander Hamilton's ___ __ was established to improve the national economy, but it also created a constitutional crisis on interpretation of the US constitution.22
30697469Shay's Rebelliondebt ridden farmers mounted a protest to foreclosures led by revolutionary war veteran's that demonstrated the weaknesses of the Articles of confederation.23
30697470Pinckney's Treaty1795 Treaty with Spain fearful of Jay Treaty with GB might threaten Spanish holdings in the West. Spain permitted US navigation rights on the Mississippi and conceded its right to lands east of the Mississippi.24
30697471Republican MotherhoodAfter the election of 1800 Jeffersonian promoted this as the ideal for women to raise their children with idealism of the American nation.25
30697472Olive Branch Petitionthe 2nd continental congress sent this to King George III in hopes of reconciliation.26
30697473SaratogaImportant battle of the Revolutionary War. The American victory encouraged Frane to aid colonial independence from Britain.27
30697474XYZ Affairdiplomatic incident involving the US and France in 1797-98. French officials of the Directory dubbed by _ _ _ demand tribute money in exchange for not raiding American shipping.28
30697475Articles of ConfederationFirst US government which was ineffectual in dealing with the nation's financial and political problems because in lacked coercive power.29
30697476Jay Treatythe unpopular treaty with GB 1794-95 that was supposed to stop British impressments but did not. Brits did withdraw soldiers from the Northwest Territory.30
30697477Whiskey RebellionWestern Pennsylvania Farmers failed uprising against the Washington administration. They took up arms as a result of Hamilton's excise tax on whiskey in 1794.31
30697478Lewis and ClarkIn 1804 Corps of Discovery surveyed and made scientific observation of the newly acquired Louisiana territory.32
30697479Alexander HamiltonSecretary of Treasury under Washington and perhaps the greatest administrive genius in US history. He was the father of the 1st national Bank, pro industry, nationalist, and founder of the Federalist Party.33
30697480The Federalist PapersJay, Madison, and Hamilton published a series of letters under the pseudonym "Publius" to help grow support for the ratification of the Constitution.34
30697481Citizen GenetFrench ambassador sent covertly to gain American support for Revolutionary France in its war against Britain. His actions angered Washington who had him expelled.35
30697482Hartford ConventionMeeting of New England Federalist who were opposed to the War of 1812 and wanted to seek a separate peace with Britain even if it meant seceding from the Union.36
30697483War hawksHenry Clay and John C Calhoun were called __ __ for their support of the war of 1812 (Now a common term used for pro-war sentiment)37
30697484Old National Road (Cumberland Road)First of the internal improvements provided by congress in 1806 to help the colonization of the west. A toll bill linked to the road was vetoed by Monroe.38
30697485Second great AwakeningReligious revivals between 1800-1840 that lead to rise of major reform movements and utopian/religious sects like the Shakers, Mormons, Millerites,39
30697486Corrupt Bargainthe alleged deal between John Quincy Adams and Henry Clay in the Election of 1824 that stole the election from Andrew Jackson40
30697487American system 1819This was HENRY CLAY'S three part plan to improve the national economy through a 2nd National Bank, Internal Improvements, and Protective Tariffs.41
30697488Missouri compromiseHENRY CLAY proposed this bill in 1820 to solve the devisive issue of the expansion of slavery which threatened to upset the political balance in the Senate. This bill set the tone for the congressional actions prior to the civil War.42
30697489HENRY CLAYsenator from Kentucky called the Great Compromiser because he was the author of the Missouri compromise and other major compromises between 1820-1850.43
30697490Era of Good FeelingsBring period of nationalism and patriotism that followed the American over the British in the War of 1812. It was marked by a spirit of cooperation of economic matters, internal improvements, and westward expansion.44
30697491TippecanoeHarrison's victory over Tecumseh (Shawnee) in Indiana in 1811 became the slogan of his presidential bid in 1840.45
30697492Alexis de TocquevilleFrench liberal politician who observed the evolution of American political thought, customs, and social interaction in the 1830's. his book Democracy in America is still considered one the most accurate primary sources on American culture.46
30697493Monroe DoctrineAnnouncement made during the Era of Good Feelings because the US feared that the Concert of Europe might intervene in Latin American revolutions-Us stood opposed to any further colonization in western hemisphere and would not intervene in European affairs.47
30697494John MarshallMost important Chief Justice of the Supreme Court who kept the Federalist ideals alive long after the party faded into history48
30697495Marbury vs. Madison(Marshall's) Landmark supreme court case that established the principle of judicial review49
30697496McCulloch vs. MarylandEstablished the principle of implied powers and upheld the constitutionality of the bank. "the power to tax is the power to destroy."50
30697497Logrolling (Pork Barrel Politics)Mutual assistance in the passage of legislation so that one member of Congress votes for a colleague's bill in return for his/her support on their bill.51
30697498Horace Mannduring the age of reform 1825-1859 he was an outspoken reformer who focused on education52
30697499Doctrine of Separate Spheres19th century belief that men were superior in worldly pursuits and women were superior in their moral influences.53
30697500McGuffy Readers1836-1870 these were used by schools to expose children to a common curriculum that preached honesty, industry (hard work), and patriotism.54
30697501Cotton Whigs and Conscience WhigsSouthern Whigs who support slavery and Northern Whigs who opposed slavery.55
30697502Onieda Communitysocio religious group of "perfectionists". Began in 1848 its members shared property, complex marriage, and raising of the children in communal form to reach a utopian society.56
30697503Free Soil party 1847-1848political movement that opposed the expansion of slavery into the western territories57
30697504Nat TurnerSlave who led a bloody revolt in 1831 and who believed he was divinely inspired to kill his master and other slave owners. 60 men, women, and children were killed by his hand. Southern states wrote more restrictive slave laws limiting the movement of slaves58
30697505Peculiar institutionthe historical term used to identify slavery prior to the Civil War.59
30697506Manifest DestinyAn almost religious belief prior to the Mexican American War that the US should possess the N. American continent from east to west.60
30697507Fugitive Slave Lawthe most controversial portion of the compromise of 1850. It allowed southern slave holders to retrieve escaped slaves in the north61
30697508Wilmot Provisothis bill was presented during the Mexican-American War. It stipulated that none of the territory acquired should be opened to slavery62
30697509Know nothing PartySecret Nativist political party that opposed Immigration during the 1840's and early 1850's. Officially called the American Party63
30697510Pet BanksAndrew Jackon (Old Hickory) opposition to National Bank (Henry Clay) prompted him to remove Federal deposits and place them in State Banks or __ __.64
30697511Seneca Falls1st national meeting for women's suffrage held in 1848. Elizabeth Cady Stanton issued the "Declaration of Sentiments" calling for the equality of the sexes.65
30697512Whig Partythe political party formed as the anti-Jackson party by Henry Clay and supporters of the American System, and southern "states rights" advocates.66
30697513Robert FultonCreator of the American steamboat who started the era of commercial steam navigation.67
30697514Nullification Crisis1832-33 was over the tariff policy of the Fed. Gov't during Jackson's presidency which prompted South Carolina to threaten the use of NULLIFICATION, possible secession and Andrew Jackson's determination to end with military force.68
30697515Henry David ThoreauA transcendentalist who wrote the essay "civil disobedience" which outlined his protest to the Mexican American war. This essay later influenced non-violent protests by Gandhi and M.L. King Jr.69
30697516Underground RailroadA network of safe houses used by abolitionist to aid the escape of Southern Slaves into the North.70
30697517Frederick Douglasescaped slave who became a leading figure in the anti-slavery movement.71
30697518Compromise of 1850controversial bill which allowed CA to enter the union as a free state while agreeing to some southern demands on slavery issues.72
30697519Abolitionistsanti slavery activists who demanded the immediate end of slavery.73
30697520Mexican/American WarA war fought on the principle of "manifest destiny" and supported by southern planters desiring to expand the cotton culture. Was opposed by the northeast who thought war was "unrighteous and gave the south more political power.74
30697521"54 40 or Fight"Slogan used by pro-war westerners wanting a war with Great Britain for all of the Oregon territory in the 1840's.75
30697522Samuel SlaterInduced by American textile industries, he left England with the memorized knowledge on how to build a textile factory76
30697523Panics of 1819, 1837, 1857, 1873, 1883, 1893Economic Depression brought about by over speculation in land or rail roads on a cycle of 20 to 10 years.77
30697524American systemthis was Henry Clay's three part plan to improve the US economic condition through the 2nd National Bank, internal improvements and protective tariffs.78
30697525American Temperance societyFirst national organization to protest the abuse of alcohol. They demanded the "total" abstinence and pressured churches to expel members who condoned alcohol.79
30697526Dorethea DixUnitarian Sunday School teacher who during the age of reform worked for better treatment for the mentally insane.80
30697527LiberatorAnti-slavery (abolitionist) newspaper founded by New Englander William Lloyd Garrison/Liberator was outspoken and controversial because of their unwavering stand on slavery.81
30697528SectionalismTerm used to describe the regions (Northeast, South, & West) and differing economic, social, and cultural systems and interest prior the Civil War.82
30697529Antietambloodiest single day of fighting during the Civil War resulted in a draw and prompted Lincoln to issue the Emancipation Proclamation.83
30697530Emancipation ProclamationIssued by Lincoln, the __ ___ freed slaves only in the states under rebellion.84
30697531King Cottonterm used to describe the dominance of the South's cash crop (Cotton) on politics, agriculture, and society prior to the Civil War in the Ante-Bellum South.85
30697532Wade Davis BillRadical reconstruction plan with the far reaching punitive measures against the southern states and their eventual readmission into the union.86
30697533Copperheadsnorthern democrats who opposed the civil war and were also referred to as peace democrats.87
30697534Anaconda Planthe Union (Northern) plan devised by General Winfield Scott to blockade the south and restrict its trade to win the war.88
30697535Kansas-Nebraska ActStephen Douglas' attempt to allow popular sovereignty to decide the slavery issue in the territories in exchange for the Trans-Continental Rail Road linking California and Illinois.89
30697536Lincoln-Douglas DebatesSeven debates for the Illinois senate in 1858. This was the last peaceful debate over slavery prior to the Civil War.90
30697537Black Codespassed by southern "Johnson" governments to force Freedmen back on the plantations.91
30697538Stephen A Douglas(the little giant) Senator and presidential candidate form ILL. Who authored the Kansas-Nebraska Act to benefit his political career.92
30697539Bleeding KansasConflict over the expansion of slavery into the Kansas Territory during its transition to statehood. Free-Staters battled slavery supporters with violence.93
30697540John BrownFanatic anti-slavery leader who attempted to start a massive slave uprising by seizing the federal armory at Harpers Ferry in 1859.94
30697541Fall of AtlantaMajor turning point of the civil War when Sherman's Union Army victory insured the re-election of Abe Lincoln95
30697542Uncle tom's CabinWritten by Harriet Beecher Stowe in response to the Fugitive slave Law. __ __ __ is considered to have been one of the most effective Anti-slavery statements made prior to the Civil War.96
30697543Brooks/Sumner EpisodeA bloody altercation between a southern congressman and a northern senator in the senate chamber in 1856.97
30697544Dred Scott Case1857 Supreme court case that developed the fact that slaves were property not persons entitled to constitutional rights. It was the second Supreme Court decision to declare a law unconstitutional- Missouri Compromise98
30697545Andrew Johnsonvice president who succeeded Lincoln after the assassination and was the first president to be impeached99
30697546Forgettable Presidentsterm applied to the US presidents between Grant and Roosevelt. (Hayes, Cleveland, Garfield, Arthur, Harrison, McKinnley) Because business men dominated the National scene.100
30697547Compromise of 1877The __ __ __ resolved the disputed election of 1876 between Sam Tilden and Rutherford B Hayes.101
30697548Gospel of WealthBelief that those blessed with great wealth earned it through Darwinist competition but also were obligated to improve society and mankind through philanthropy.102

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