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AP Voc. El medioambiente II Flashcards

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6647096202la abejabee0
6647096203acamparto camp1
6647096204el aguawater2
6647096205el aireair3
6647096206el álamopoplar tree4
6647096207alimentarto feed5
6647096208alimentofood item6
6647096210alrededor dearound8
6647096212el ambienteenviroment10
6647096213el anfibioamphibian11
6647096214el animalanimal12
6647096215anochecerto get dark13
6647096217la arañaspider15
6647096218el árboltree16
6647096219la ardillasquirrel17
6647096220la arenasand18
6647096221el armadilloarmadillo19
6647096222el arrecifereef20
6647096223el avebird21
6647096224el avestruzostrich22
6647096225la azaleaazalea23
6647096226la bahíabay24
6647096227la ballenawhale25
6647096228el bambúbamboo26
6647096229la bandadaherd27
6647096230la basuratrash28
6647096231la begoniabegonia29
6647096232la bellezabeauty30
6647096234el bichobug/critter32
6647096238el bosqueforest36
6647096239la brújulacompass37
6647096240bucearto scuba dive38
6647096241el burroburro (donkey)39
6647096242el caballohorse40
6647096243la cabragoat41
6647096244el cachorrocub42
6647096245el caimánaligator43
6647096246el camellocamel44
6647096247la caminataa walk45
6647096248el caminoroad46
6647096249el campamentocampground, camp47
6647096250el campofield48
6647096251el canariocanary49
6647096252el cangurokangaroo50
6647096253la cascada / cataratawaterfall51
6647096254el castañochesnut tree52
6647096255la cazahunting or hunt53
6647096256la cebrazebra54
6647096257la cercafence55
6647096258el cerdopig56
6647096259el cerezocherry tree57
6647096260el cerrohill58
6647096261el ciclóncyclone, tornado59
6647096262el ciervodeer60
6647096263el clavelcarnation61
6647096264el cocodrilocrocadile62
6647096265el colchónmattress63
6647096266la colinahill64
6647096267la colmenabee hive65
6647096268el conejorabbit66
6647096269la conservaciónconservation67
6647096270conservarto conserve68
6647096271el contaminantepollutant69
6647096272el corderolamb70
6647096273la cordilleramountain range71
6647096274la cortezabark or crust72
6647096275la cosechaharvest73
6647096276la costa, orillacoast74
6647096277el crisantemochrysanthemum75
6647096278la cuerdarope76
6647096279la culebrasnake77
6647096280el chivogoat78
6647096281el chubascothunderstorm79
6647096282el desarrollodevelopment80
6647096283descolgarto unhang81
6647096284descomponerto decompose82
6647096285despejadoclear (skies)83
6647096286el desiertodesert84
6647096287el detergentedetergent85
6647096288el ecólogoecologist86
6647096290el ecosistemaecosystem88
6647096291el elefanteelephant89
6647096292la energíaenergy90
6647096293la enredaderavine91
6647096294ensuciarto get dirty92
6647096295el escombrorubbish, trash93
6647096296la espinathorn, spine94
6647096297la estaciónseason95
6647096298la estrellastar96
6647096299la faunafauna97
6647096300la florflower98
6647096301la focaseal99
6647096302el fósforomatch100
6647096304la fuentefountain102
6647096305la gallinahen103
6647096306el gallorooster104
6647096307la gardeniagardenia105
6647096308el gatocat106
6647096309el geraniogeranium107
6647096310el girasolsunflower108
6647096311el gladiologladiolus109
6647096312el gobiernogovernment110
6647096313el golfogulf111
6647096314la gorilagorilla112
6647096315el guardabosqueforest ranger113
6647096316el gusanoworm114
6647096317el hámsterhamster115
6647096318la higuerafig tree116
6647096319el hipopótamohippo117
6647096320la huellatrack, footprint118
6647096321el huertoorchard119
6647096322el huracánhurricane120
6647096323la inundaciónflood121
6647096324el inviernowinter122
6647096325la islaisland123
6647096326el jacintohyacinth124
6647096327el jardíngarden125
6647096328la jaulacage126
6647096329el jazmínjasmen127
6647096330la jirafagiraffe128
6647096331la jungla, selvajungle129
6647096332la lagartijalizzard130
6647096333el lagolake131
6647096334la langostalobster132
6647096335el lazotrap133
6647096336la leñafirewood134

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