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AP Vocab #10

Terms : Hide Images
247841182acerbicsour or bitter in mood or tone
247841183arborealrelating to a tree or the inhabiting of a tree
247841184articulateto speak distinctly; expressing oneself clearly
247841186blunderbussa clumsy and careless person; an obsolete firearm with a bell muzzle
247841187chortleto chuckle or to laugh from extreme happiness
247841188coddleto pamper, to treat with extreme care
247841189crediblereliable and believable
247841190encumberto impede or to hinder; to hamper; to retard
247841191enthrallingcaptivating, spellbinding
247841192flaccidlacking vigor or force
247841193influxa flowing or coming in
247841194marshalto arrange in proper order; to usher or to lead
247841195perishablelikely to decay or to spoil
247841196précisan abstract or summary
247841197pyromaniauncontrollable impulse to ignite fires
247841198queryan inquiry
247841199requiteto make repayment or to return
247841200scythean instrument for cutting or mowing
247841201sphinxa mysterious person or thing given to enigmatic questions or answers
247841202synchronizeto make simultaneous; to operate at the same time
247841203travestyany grotesque or debased likeness or imitation
247841204treka journey (usually slow and difficult), to migrate
247841205verveenergy, enthusiasm
247841206winnowto separate or to distinguish (valuable from worthless parts)

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