AP Notes, Outlines, Study Guides, Vocabulary, Practice Exams and more!

AP Vocab 1-50

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242993532Stylea writer's manner of expression
242993533Dictionchoice of words with regard to correctness, clearness or effectiveness
242993534Pedanticnarrow; stodgy; unimaginative
242993535Ostentatiousshowy; pretentious
242993536Archaicof an earlier primitive time
242993537Dialecticregional variety of language
242993538Colloquialused in familiar and informal conversation; conversational style
242993539Didacticdesigned or intended to teach; making moral observation
242993540Tropes"Artful Diction" use of language in a nonliteral way
242993541Apostropheact of addressing an abstraction or personification that is not physical
242993542Hyperboleextravagant exaggeration
242993543IronySaying one thing and meaning another
242993544Litotestype of meiosis where writer uses a statement in the negative to make a point
242993546Metaphorcomparison or analogy stated in such a way to imply that one object is the same thing as another
242993547Metonymyvaguely suggestive, physical object that embodies a more general idea
242993548Paradoxusing contradiction in a manner that oddly makes sense on a deeper level
242993549Personificationabstractions, animals, ideas or inanimate objects are given human character traits, abilities or reaction
242993550Synaesthesiashifts in imagery where in one type of sensory input is combined with another separate sense in an impossible way
242993551Synecdochea part of an object represents the whole
242993552Similecomparison or annalogy implied by using adverbs like or as
242993553Syntaxthe way words are put together to form phrases; the arrangement of words
242993554Schemes"Artful Syntax" pattern of words or sentence construction used for rhetorical effect
242993555Alliterationrepetition of a consonant in multiple words
242993556Anaphoraintentional repetition of beginning clauses in order to create an artistic effect
242993557Antimetabolerepetition in reverse order
242993558Antithesiscontrary ideas expressed in a balanced sentence
242993559Assonancerepetition of vowel sounds
242993560Asyndetonusing no conjunctions to create an effect of speed or simplicity
242993561Chiasmusparallelism turned inside out
242993562Cumulative Sentencesentence that completes the main idea at the beginning of the sentence and then builds and adds on
242993563Ellipsisomitting a word implied by the previous clause
242993564Juxtapositionplacement of two things closely together to emphasize comparisons or contrasts
242993565Inversioninverted order of words
252630007oxymoronparadoxical juxtaposition of words that seem to contradict each other but that make an odd sort of sense
252630008parallelismsimilar patterns of grammatical structure and length
252630009periodic sentencesentence whose main clause is withheld until the end
252630010polysyndetonusing many conjunctions to overwhelming effect
252630011zeugmause of two different words in a grammatically similar way but producing different, often incongruous, meanings
252630012Tonethe means of creating a relationship or conveying an underlying attitude or mood
252630013anecdoteshort narrative of an interesting, amusing, or biographical incident
252630014annotationcritical or explanatory notes or comments
252630015aphorismconcise statement of a principle, truth, or sentiment
252630016epigrama brief witty statement
252630017parodyliterary or musical work in which the style of an author or work is closely imitated for comic effect or in ridicule
252630018polemican argument against an idea, usually regarding philosophy, politics, or religion
252630019precisconcise summary of essential points, statements, or facts
252630020propagandaa negative term for writing designed to sway opinion rather than present information
252630021satirean ironic, sarcastic, or witty composition that claims to argue for something, but actually argues against it
252630022syllogisma form of deductive reasoning in which the conclusion is supported by a major and minor premise

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