13790540545 | Antifederalists | people who opposed the Constitution | 0 | |
13790545852 | Articles of Confederation | A weak constitution that governed America during the Revolutionary War. weak national government, most power laid in the states | 1 | |
13790576273 | block grants | Federal grants given more or less automatically to states or communities to support broad programs in areas such as community development and social services | 2 | |
13790581045 | Bureacracies | Large administrative agencies reflecting a hierarchical authority, job specialization, and rules and regulations that drive them | 3 | |
13790591164 | Bully Pulpit | the ability to use the office of the presidency to promote a particular program and/or to influence Congress to accept legislative proposals | 4 | |
13790612399 | categorical grants | Federal grants that can be used only for specific purposes of state and local spending. | 5 | |
13790625579 | Checks and Balances | A system that allows each branch of government to limit the powers of the other branches in order to prevent abuse of power | 6 | |
13790629385 | Commerce Clause | Clause stating that Congress can regulate interstate and international commerce. they can also create a national currency and make all laws necessary and proper to carry out standard powers of congress | 7 | |
13790657213 | concurrent powers | powers shared by the national and state governments | 8 | |
13790661498 | elite democracy | a small number of people, usually those who are wealthy and well educated, influencing political decision making | 9 | |
13790685746 | enumerated powers | The powers explicitly given to Congress in the Constitution. | 10 | |
13790690430 | federalism | A system in which power is divided between the national and state governments | 11 | |
13790693460 | Federalists | supporters of the Constitution | 12 | |
13790696503 | Great Compromise | bicameral congress-one house represented by population, one house that is equal | 13 | |
13790712201 | Impeachment | A formal document charging a public official with misconduct in office, which entails removal from office | 14 | |
13790723596 | implied powers | Powers not specifically mentioned in the constitution | 15 | |
13790732684 | importation of slaves compromise | allowed to import more slaves after the constitution has been ratified for 20 years | 16 | |
13790742693 | Mandates | programs and services required by law | 17 | |
13790756562 | Necessary and Proper Clause | aka elastic clause, allows congress to make all laws necessary and proper | 18 | |
13790775890 | participatory democracy | a system of democracy in which all members of a group or community participate collectively in making major decisions | 19 | |
13790785015 | Pluarlist Democracy | no one group dominates politics, organized groups compete with each other to influence policy | 20 | |
13790798401 | Ratification | official approval of the Constitution | 21 | |
13790810485 | seperation of powers | dividing the powers of government among the executive, legislative, and judicial branches, so that power is shared | 22 | |
13790818326 | Shay's Rebellion | Rebellion led by Daniel Shays of farmers in western Massachusetts in 1786-1787, protesting mortgage foreclosures. It highlighted the need for a strong national government just as the call for the Constitutional Convention went out. | 23 | |
13790826144 | 3/5 Compromise | each slave would count for 3/5 of a person for taxation and representation purposes | 24 | |
13790837524 | Precedent (stare decisis) | a previous decision or ruling that, serve as models in similar cases | 25 | |
13790849609 | stare decisis | A Latin phrase meaning "let the decision stand." | 26 | |
13790863077 | rider amendment | amendments to bills, often in the form of appropriations, sometimes have nothing to do with bills intent and have been considered pork barrel legislation | 27 | |
13790892542 | Rules Committee | create specific rules for every bill to be debated by the full house | 28 | |
13790910199 | Signing Statement | a presidential document that reveals what the president thinks of a new law and how it ought to be enforced | 29 | |
13790921937 | trustee model of representaion | voters elect their own trustees giving them autonomy to act for the good of the constituents enabling congress people to act out of conscience even if majority voters might disagree | 30 | |
13790961351 | unanimous consent | requires the agreement of the entire senate to move on | 31 | |
13790971442 | veto | president's power to reject a bill passed by a legislature, takes a 2/3 majority vote of each house to override | 32 | |
13790986374 | Whips | Party leaders who work with the majority leader or minority leader to count votes beforehand and lean on waverers whose votes are crucial to a bill favored by the party. | 33 | |
13790996774 | White House Staff | Personnel who run the White House and advise the President. Includes the Chief of Staff and Press Secretary(more than 600 people) | 34 | |
13791009909 | Cloture | a procedure for ending filibuster | 35 | |
13791027350 | Committee of the Whole | all representatives serve, meet in House Chamber and discuss measures from union calendar | 36 | |
13791053204 | congressional oversight | oversight over executive branch, includes review monitoring and supervision of federal agencies, programs, activities and policy implementation | 37 | |
13791080215 | delegate | A person appointed or elected to represent others | 38 | |
13791084418 | discharge petition | bringing a bill out of committee and to the floor for consideration | 39 | |
13791095920 | Directory spending | appropriation items in the budget that are not mandatory | 40 | |
13791108008 | divided government | one party controls the White House and another party controls one or both houses of Congress | 41 | |
13791112828 | Entitlements | benefits guaranteed by law to individuals by the federal government | 42 | |
13791121058 | executive order | directive issued by the president that has the force of law | 43 | |
13791146724 | Filibuster | prolonged speech that puts off voting on specific bills | 44 | |
13791157716 | gerrymandering | manipulating boundaries to favor one party, group or class | 45 | |
13804132150 | holds | allows one of more senators to prevent a motion from reaching a vote on the senate floor | 46 | |
13804150892 | judicial activism | a philosophy of judicial review that results in decisions that overturn precedent | 47 | |
13804243393 | Judicial Review | gives the supreme court the power to interpret the Constitution and, specifically acts of congress, the president, and the states | 48 | |
13804258517 | judicial restraint | a court that maintains the status quo or mirrors what the other branches of government have established as current policy | 49 | |
13804273630 | lame duck | an office holder who is leaving office, but is still present until the successor is sworn in | 50 | |
13804292292 | logrolling | Mutual aid and vote trading among legislators, that will benefit both people | 51 | |
13804314371 | mandatory spending | Federal spending required by law, for things like social security, Medicare or Medicaid | 52 | |
13804349058 | one person, one vote | a concept holding that each person's vote should be counted equally | 53 | |
13804365206 | pocket veto | rejection of legislation that occurs if the president does not sign a bill within 10 days and congress also adjourns within the same time period | 54 | |
13804403794 | policy agenda | The issues that attract the serious attention of public officials and other people actively involved in politics at the time. | 55 | |
13804416522 | Politico Model | representatives are the most political in this model, utilizing both the trustee model and delegate model to make decisions | 56 | |
13804457195 | delegate model of representation | representatives are voters delegates, representing them for the primary purpose of acting as their voice in congress | 57 | |
13804519586 | pork-barrel legislation | the practice of legislators obtaining funds through legislation that favors their home districts | 58 | |
13804541949 | Affirmative Action | programs intended to make up for past discrimination by helping minority groups gain access to jobs and opportunities | 59 | |
13804551391 | Bill of Rights | The first ten amendments to the Constitution | 60 | |
13804560639 | Civil Liberties | rights of all people protected by the bill of rights | 61 | |
13804567920 | civil rights | the application of equal protection under the law to individuals | 62 | |
13804575330 | clear and present danger doctrine | gives the government the right to censor free speech if, during national emergencies such as war, it can be proven that the result of the speech will significantly hurt national security, established in Schenck v. US | 63 | |
13804612971 | de facto segregation | segregation of public facilities through circumstance with no laws supporting it | 64 | |
13804633293 | de jure segregation | segregation by law, made illegal by Brown v. Board of Education | 65 | |
13804649149 | Due Process Clause | 14th amendment clause guaranteeing a persons rights are protected through procedural processes | 66 | |
13804679653 | Equal Protection Clause | Constitutional guarantee that everyone be treated equally-14th amendment | 67 | |
13804688991 | Establishment Clause | defines right of citizens to practice religion without a government interference, government can't establish a national religion-1st amendment | 68 | |
13804717596 | exclusionary rule | improperly gathered evidence may not be introduced in a criminal trial | 69 | |
13804723612 | free exercise clause | illegal for government to pass laws that restrict the right to practice any religion | 70 | |
13804737267 | Miranda Rights | A list of rights that police in the United States must read to suspects in custody before questioning them, telling them their rights during their law procedure, established by Miranda v. Arizona. | 71 | |
13804769454 | Nationalization of the Bill of Rights | a judicial dontrine, selective incorporation, that applied the bill of rights to the states | 72 | |
13804787311 | selective incorporation | court cases that apply Bill of Rights to states | 73 | |
13809525811 | Conservative Ideology | a person who believes in less government, lower taxes, a strong national defense, and more personal responsibility | 74 | |
13809547177 | equality of opportunity | people believe that this should be a function of government, government should promote policies that give people level playing field in getting an education and a job | 75 | |
13809583640 | Federal Reserve System | federal body that regulates the national money supply, the central bank of the United States | 76 | |
13809595322 | fiscal policy | use of the federal budget, taxes, spending and borrowing, to influence the economy; along with the monetary supply | 77 | |
13818934781 | focus group | technique used by pollsters to determine how a cross section of voters feels about a particular topic | 78 | |
13818942976 | free enterprise | basis of american capitalism, the government allows open markets and competition in the market place with limited government interference | 79 | |
13818968953 | Globalization | the degree of linkage among a community of nations | 80 | |
13818983202 | Individualism | the moral stance, political philosophy, ideology, or social outlook that emphasizes the moral worth of the individual | 81 | |
13818994650 | Keynesian economics | john maynard keynes advocated government programs to increase employment and government spending so that consumers could spend more money through investments or purchases of goods and services | 82 | |
13819048072 | Liberal Ideology | believe in the protection of civil liberties, greater government intervention for social welfare, higher taxes on the rich and foreign policy promoting peace | 83 | |
13819072792 | Libertarian Ideology | one who believes that government shouldn't interfere in a person's life, advocates reduce government regulation, believes in 2nd amendments right to bear arms, and has an overall philosophy that looks at the primary function of government to increase civil liberties of individuals, that increase their rights | 84 | |
13819119263 | Limited Government | derived from the doctrine of natural rights, it was adopted by Jefferson and restricts the power of government especially in the area of protecting the rights of the people | 85 | |
13819129945 | monetary policy | policies developed by the Federal Reserve Board, such as raising or lowering interest rates, aimed at creating and maintaining a healthy economy | 86 | |
13819142651 | political culture | the fundamental values people have about their government and how these values translate into voting patterns | 87 | |
13819163196 | political socialization | the factors that determine voting behavior such as family, religion, and ethnic background | 88 | |
13819171390 | Rule of Law | procedures followed by government guaranteeing the due process rights to individuals | 89 | |
13819185773 | scientific polling sample | scientific polling uses a random sample of population | 90 | |
13819195421 | supply-side economics | a component of the free enterprise system favoring those who produce goods and services with minimum government regulation or interference | 91 | |
13819210442 | tracking polls | polls conducted by media outlets to gauge the potential outcome of a political election on a periodic basis | 92 | |
13822689794 | Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act | banned soft money donations by an individual to presidential candidates and set aggregate limits for individuals contributing to individual candidates | 93 | |
13822715283 | Caucus | party regulars meeting in small groups asking questions, discussing qualifications regarding the candidate, and voting on whether to endorse a particular candidate | 94 | |
13822733636 | closed primary | A primary in which only registered members of a particular political party can vote | 95 | |
13822740135 | coalitions | the alliance of special-interest groups with the purpose of achieving the same goal using both direct lobbying and grass root lobbying | 96 | |
13822764233 | critical elections | an election that results in realignment caused by the movement from one party to another | 97 | |
13822781770 | Demographics | characteristics of a population, including age, sex, and race, often used to determine changes in the make-up of a population. | 98 | |
13822791559 | Electoral College | number of electors based on the population, consists of presidential electors from each state, candidate with majority wins | 99 | |
13822808003 | free rider | a person who receives the benefit of a good but avoids paying for it | 100 | |
13822811371 | Incumbency | those sitting in office who are running for another term | 101 | |
13822818305 | Iron Triangle | A close relationship between an agency, a congressional committee, and an interest group in specific policy areas | 102 | |
13822852623 | issue network | an alliance of various interest groups and individuals who unite in order to promote a common cause or agenda in a way that influences government policy | 103 | |
13822884217 | linkage institutions | the political channels through which people's concerns become political issues on the policy agenda | 104 | |
13822890006 | midterm election | the congressional election that takes place 2 years into the presidents first or second term | 105 | |
13822903926 | open primary | registered voters can vote in either primary-do not have to register with any party. | 106 | |
13822912974 | party identification | how a person acts when belonging to a political party | 107 | |
13822925499 | party realignment | the movement of voters from one political party to another resulting in a major shift in the political spectrum | 108 | |
13822931468 | party line voting | casting votes for only candidates of one's party | 109 | |
13822935044 | political efficacy | The belief that one's political participation makes a difference. Those who identify the strongest with their political party | 110 | |
13822951279 | Political Platform | positions adopted by a party at its party convention | 111 | |
13822974458 | party convention | a meeting of a political party, typically to select party candidates | 112 | |
13822983547 | proportional voting | delegates are selected in a primary based on the percentage of the vote they received in the election | 113 | |
13823005933 | rational choice voting | refers to voting based on decisions made after considering all other possible choices | 114 | |
13823048235 | retrospective voting | voting for a candidate because you like his or her past actions in office | 115 | |
13823185942 | single-issue groups | special interest group, like the NRA, which has one main issue that attracts members | 116 | |
13823204233 | social movement | grass roots actions by individuals who want the government to enact laws supporting that group and its causes | 117 | |
13823226909 | winner take all voting | the candidate with the most votes wins all of the delegates | 118 | |
13853545576 | Pork barrel deal | Legislation that only favors a small number of representatives or senators | 119 |
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