AP Notes, Outlines, Study Guides, Vocabulary, Practice Exams and more!

AP Vocab Lesson 2

Terms : Hide Images
80140260antithesisa direct opposite, a contrast
80140261ascendto move upward, to rise from a lower station
80140262austerestrict, stern; unadorned, ascetic
80140263autonomousindependent, self-contained
80140264banalcommon, ordinary, lacking freshness, hackneyed
80140265benignnot causing harm, of gentle disposition, beneficial
80140266capriciouschanging suddenly, fickle
80140267dawdleto waste time, to spend time idly, to move in a lackadaisical manner
80140268defamationact of harming or ruining another's reputation
80140269esotericunderstood only by a small group or a select few
80140270exacerbateto aggravate, to irritate, to vex
80140271extolto praise, to glorify
80140272fastidiousreflecting a meticulous or demanding attitude, critical to an extreme
80140273furtivesecret in an underhanded way, stealthy
80140274gregarioussociable and outgoing
80140275hypocriteone who is insincere or deceitful
80140276innateexisting from birth, inborn
80140277lethargicsluggish, languid
80140278melancholydepression of spirits
80140279opaquenot allowing the passage of light,not transparent; hard to understand
80140280prolificabundantly fruitful,marked by great productivity
80140281reproveto scold or to rebuke for a misdeed usually with kindly intent
80140282symmetrybalanced proportions
80140283tranquilpeaceful, calm
80140284venerateto honor, to revere

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