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AP Vocab Lesson Six Flashcards

Terms : Hide Images
4744895016sectariannarrowly confined to a particular group0
4744895270peregrinationtravel by walking1
4744895858accoutrementan accessory item of dress or equipment2
4744896332contriveto plan cleverly; to devise3
4744896581hubrisoverbearing pride; arrogance4
4744896872platitudean obvious remark; a cliche5
4744897219venerateto respect or revere6
4744897220sculliona servant for menial tasks7
4744897588quotidianeveryday; commonplace8
4744897984prognosticateto predict9
4744898535antediluvianextremely old; antiquated10
4744898941stringentrestrictive; imposing demanding standards11
4744899304haughtycondescendingly proud; arrogant12
4744899883sanctimoniousshowing false piety or righteousness13
4744900278imbroglioa difficult and embarrassing situation14

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