Profe Shupperd Edinburgh
309678277 | aeropuerto | airport | |
309678278 | tren | train | |
309678279 | agencia de viajes | travel agency | |
309678280 | viaje | trip | |
309678281 | asiento | seat | |
309678282 | volar | to fly | |
309678283 | conducir, manejar | to drive | |
309678284 | autopista, carretera | highway | |
309678285 | parar | to stop | |
309678286 | avión | airplane | |
309678287 | tomar el autobús | to take the bus | |
309678288 | auxiliar de vuelo | flight attendant | |
309678289 | tomar el metro | to take the metro | |
309678290 | barco | ship | |
309678291 | ir en autobús | to go by bus | |
309678292 | bicicleta | bicycle | |
309678293 | a pie | on foot | |
309678294 | billete, boleto | ticket | |
309678295 | coche, carro | car | |
309678296 | automóvil | automobile | |
309678297 | equipaje | luggage | |
309678298 | estación | station | |
309678299 | horario | schedule | |
309678300 | itinerario | itinerary | |
309678301 | maleta | suitcase | |
309678302 | mapa | map | |
309678303 | motocicleta | motorcycle | |
309678304 | parada | bus stop | |
309678305 | pasajero | passenger | |
309678306 | pasaporte | passport | |
309678307 | puente | bridge | |
309678308 | semáforo | traffic light | |
309678309 | señal de tráfico | traffic signal | |
309678310 | tranvía | streetcar | |
309678311 | aduana | customs | |
309678312 | andén | Railroad station platform | |
309678313 | aterrizar | to land | |
309678314 | baúl | trunk | |
309678315 | camarote | ship cabin | |
309678316 | camino, senda | road, path | |
309678317 | camión | truck | |
309678318 | despegar | to take off | |
309678319 | ferrocarril | railway, railroad | |
309678320 | guía | guide book, guide | |
309678321 | helicóptero | helicopter | |
309678322 | llegada | arrival | |
309678323 | muelle | dock | |
309678324 | pensión, posada | inn | |
309678325 | pista | runway | |
309678326 | puerto | port, harbor | |
309678327 | sala de espera | waiting room | |
309678328 | salida | departure, exit | |
309678329 | tarjeta de embarque | boarding pass | |
309678330 | trineo | sleigh | |
309678331 | tripulación | crew | |
309678332 | vuelo | flight |