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AP Vocabulary Flashcards

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317540769ArbitraryRandom in an unreasonable or unfair way; undetermined2
317540770CoalescedTo grow together; to unite3
317540771CommonsensicalHave good sense or judgment4
317540772ConscientiousGuided by one's own sense of right and wrong; diligent5
317540773ConcordanceIn agreement with; harmony6
317540774ConsolidationThe unification of something7
317540775ContemporaryFrom the same time period8
317540777ConstruedTo explain meaning; interpret10
317540778CrudeSomething not refined - still in its basic natural state11
317540779DenoteTo be a sign of; to indicate12
317540780DespoticAutocratic; tyrannical one person rule13
317540781DeterminismA doctrine that all facts and events exemplify natural law14
317540782DichotomyDivision into two parts15
317540783DiscreteSeparate; distinct16
317540784Discernperceive; figure out; identify17
317540785ExemptFree from obligation18
317540786HeuristicServing to indicate or point out; stimulating further investigation19
317540787InsidiousAppealing, but harmful20
317540788ImpedimentAn obstacle (something that hinders progress)21
317540789IntrinsicBelonging to; coming from22
317540790IsthmusStrip of land connecting two larger strips23
317540791JuxtapositionTo be close together or side by side24
317540792LanguorLack of strength or energy25
317540793MethodologicalUsing an organized system or method26
317540794MisapprehensionsNot understanding or being able to relate to something27
317540795MisconceptionWhen something is taken the wrong way28
317540796MonotonousBoring; repetitive29
317540797MyopiaNear-sighted, suggesting a limited view of an issue30
317540798ObsoleteNo longer used31
317540799ParadigmA model32
317540800PedagogicalPertaining to teaching33
317540801PerniciousCausing harm; hurtful34
317540802PerpetuateTo cause to continue or be remembered35
317540803PhenomenaAmazing occurrence36
317540804PigeonHoling-to-force into a certain category37
317540805PositingTo assume the existence of38
317540806ProminentVery noticeable39
317540807ProponentSomeone who supports an idea or theory40
317540808PrimacyThe fact of being primary or important41
317540809RigorSeverity; harsh ship42
317540810SubsumeTo bring under another43
317540811SuccinctlyShort and clearly44
317540812SunderedBroken apart; separated45
317540813StupefactionTo make groggy or dull46
317540814TenuouslyVery weak or slight47
317540816UbiquityThe ability to be everywhere at once49

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