14987288875 | cant -n- | monotonous talk filled with platitudes; hypocritically pious language | 0 | |
14715363498 | Colloquial(col-o-kwee-ul) -adj- | conversational, used in informal speech; idiomatic | 1 | |
14715363499 | colloquialism -n- | slang | 2 | |
14715363500 | corroborate -v- corroboration-n corroborative-adj | to support w/ evidence; to strengthen, confirm, or substantiate (in terms of an argument or testimony) | 3 | |
14715363501 | tryst(trist) -n- | a secret meeting of lovers; a rendezvous | 4 | |
14715363502 | laconic -adj- | unwilling or unlikely to talk or communicate; silent ; brief in speech, using very few words | 5 | |
14715363503 | extol -v- | to praise highly ; to exalt or admire | 6 | |
14715363504 | faction -n- | a group, or part of a large group, united on one issue | 7 | |
14715363505 | abdicate -v- abdication -n | to relinquish (a high office, power or responsibility) formally, as in a king stepping down; to resign | 8 | |
14715363506 | imp -n- impish -adj | a mischievous child; a small demon | 9 | |
14715363507 | absolve -v- absolution -n | to pronounce clear of guilt or blame; to relieve of a requirement/obligation; to pardon or remit (a sin) | 10 | |
14715363508 | nepotism -n- | showing a bias or partiality to friends/family, esp. in regards to politicians granting jobs, contracts, or favors | 11 | |
14715363509 | tony -adj- | marked by an elegant or exclusive manner or quality fashionable, trendy, aristocratic | 12 | |
14715363510 | impugn (im-Pune) -v- | to attack as false or questionable; to challenge in argument (as in a person's testimony or reputation) | 13 | |
14725470034 | coy -adj- coyness -n | affectedly and usually flirtatiously shy or modest; shy, but in an insincere or feigned way; annoyingly unwilling to make a commitment | 14 | |
14725489478 | simpering -adj- | smiling in a silly, self-conscious, and often coy manner | 15 | |
14725500080 | evince -v- | to show, demonstrate, or reveal clearly; to manifest (she evinced her distaste by grimacing) | 16 | |
14736566355 | ruminate (roo-min-ate) -v- rumination -n | to turn a matter over and over in the mind; to muse upon; to ponder or reflect | 17 | |
14736578740 | replenish -v- replenishment -n | to refill or resupply | 18 | |
14736589690 | immutable -adj- | something that is unchangeable; permanent | 19 | |
14736598394 | juxtapose -v- juxtaposition -n | to place side by side, esp. for comparison or contrast; to put adjacent to | 20 | |
14747672418 | nonplus -v- nonplussed -adj | to put at a loss as to what to think, say, or do; to bewilder, perplex, confuse or befuddle | 21 | |
14747679030 | evanescent (ee-van-ess-ent) -adj- evanescence -n | vanishing or likely to disappear like vapor; fleeting, transitory, momentary | 22 | |
14747696235 | reprove -v- | to voice or convey disapproval of; to rebuke; to find fault with | 23 | |
14747703393 | reproof -n- | a rebuke or reprimand | 24 | |
14801010059 | stratagem -n- | a trick or deceptive scheme; a ruse, wile or ploy | 25 | |
14801028912 | herald -v- -n- | v- to proclaim or announce formally; to hail or greet; to signal; n- a messenger or courier; one who delivers important news or gives a sign or indication of something to come; a harbinger | 26 | |
14801071591 | gamin (gam-in) -n- | an often homeless boy who roams about the streets | 27 | |
14801079801 | gamine (ga-mean) -n- | a slim girl w/ an impish charm; a waif; a street urchin | 28 | |
14801090707 | antithesis -n- | direct contrast; opposition; exact opposite; converse; reverse | 29 | |
14801107532 | antithetical -adj- | of, relating to, or marked by antithesis; in direct contrast to; being in diametrical opposition followed by "to" | 30 | |
14827801568 | brook -v- -n- | v- to tolerate or put up with something; to allow (used in the negative) n- a creek | 31 | |
14827810421 | winsome -adj- | charming or winning, often in a childlike or naive way; sweetly engaging, pleasant, endearing (said of a woman) | 32 | |
14827824234 | pedantic -adj- | characterized by a narrow, often ostentatious concern for book learning and formal rules; academic, bookish, scholastic | 33 | |
14861112413 | pique (peek) -v- -n- | v- to cause to feel resentment or indignation; to rile, to provoke or arouse (interest or curiosity) n- a state of vexation caused by a perceived slight or indignity; a feeling of wounded pride | 34 | |
14861166181 | onus -n- | burden, blame, obligation; an undesirable duty or responsibility | 35 | |
14861184575 | onerous -adj- | burdensome, oppressive, troublesome; in law, involving obligations that exceed advantages | 36 | |
14861206962 | penury (pen-yoo-ree) -n- | extreme poverty, a state of destitution or neediness | 37 | |
14861217361 | penurious -adj- | unwilling to spend money; stingy; yielding little; barren | 38 | |
14879084056 | scotch -v- | to put an end to; to stop or finish; to terminate or discontinue | 39 | |
14879100682 | comport -v- | (tr.) to conduct or behave oneself in a particular manner (intr.) to agree, correspond, or harmonize with (a foreign policy that comports with principles of democracy) | 40 | |
14879133131 | comportment -n- | bearing, behavior, deportment | 41 | |
14879140071 | aphorism -n- | a wise saying; a maxim or adage | 42 | |
14896911962 | invoke -v- invocation-n | to call on (a higher power) for assistance, support, or inspiration; to appeal to or cite in support or justification; to call for earnestly, to summon with incantations, to conjure | 43 | |
14896993373 | tonic -n- | a refreshing drink; an invigorating, refreshing, or restorative agent or influence; a stimulant or boost (her honesty is a tonic in the political arena) | 44 | |
14897038530 | oust (owst) -v- | to eject, banish or expel; to exile or eject; to force out | 45 | |
14897058063 | vice -n- | an evil, degrading, or immoral practice or habit; wicked or evil conduct or habits' corruption; a slight personal failing or defect; a foible prefix- one who acts in the place of another; deputy | 46 | |
14896972333 | saccharine -adj- | excessively sweet; sugary; cloyingly sweet in attitude, tone, or character | 47 | |
14896970565 | incise -v- | to cut into, as with a sharp instrument; to engrave (designs) into | 48 | |
14896969677 | incisive -adj- | penetrating, clear, and sharp, as in operation or expression; keen and forceful in regards to thought, expression or intellect; trenchant (as in an incisive mind or incisive comments) | 49 | |
14967645599 | odious (o-dee-us) -adj- | arousing or meriting strong dislike, aversion, or intense displeasure; hateful, evil, vile, detestable, loathsome | 50 | |
14987254587 | hoax -n- | an act intended to trick or deceive; something that has established or accepted by fraudulent means | 51 | |
14987318427 | recant -v- | to make a formal refraction or disavowal of (a statement or belief to which one has previously committed oneself) | 52 | |
14987353223 | recuse -v- | to disqualify or seek to disqualify from participation in a decision on grounds such as prejudice or personal involvement t | 53 | |
15028453409 | stave off -v- | to keep or hold off; to repel | 54 | |
15028473652 | unilateral -adj- | on one side alone; one-sided; independent | 55 | |
15028488143 | benediction -n- | a blessing; an invocation of divine blessing, usually at the end of church services | 56 | |
15043869608 | depravity -n- depraved -adj | moral corruption; immorality; wickedness; degradation | 57 | |
15043880862 | novel -adj- novelty -n | new, original, fresh, different, unique, inventive, creative, imaginative | 58 | |
15043894406 | feckless -adj- | feeble or ineffective; useless; worthless; careless or irresponsible; flakey | 59 | |
15085379892 | maudlin (mawd-lin) -adj- | overly sentimental; mushy; weepy; overemotional | 60 | |
15085398780 | vilify -v- | to make vicious and defamatory statements about; to malign ; to defame, libel , or slander: to blacken the character of | 61 | |
15085435238 | vile -adj- | loathsome, disgusting; objectionable and offensive; miserably poor and degrading; wretched (a vile existence) | 62 | |
15085473199 | table -v- | to remove from consideration to shelf, defer or postponekkkkk | 63 | |
15105961281 | paucity (paw-city) -n- | smallness of number; fewness; scarcity; dearth; want | 64 | |
15105978617 | jaunt(jawnt)-n- | a short, pleasurable trip; a brief excursion | 65 | |
15106001332 | jaunty -adj- | having a buoyant or self-confident air; brisk, crisp | 66 | |
15128182136 | fluke -n- | a chance event; a coincidence; a stroke of luck not likely to reoccur any of various flatfishes, esp. a flounder | 67 | |
15128217947 | infamy -n- | an evil reputation borne of a criminal act; a reputation for evil deeds; notoriety | 68 | |
15128231628 | deft -adj- deftness -n | quick and skillful; sure and light of touch; adroit; nimble; dexterous; adept, agile (deft strokes, a deft turn of phrase) | 69 | |
15128278909 | ire -n- | anger; wrath; fury; bile; indignationt | 70 | |
15147929470 | sycophant -n- sycophantic -adj | a person who seeks favor by flattering people of wealth or influence; a today | 71 | |
15147950061 | verve -n- | energy and enthusiasm in the expression of ideas, esp. in artistic performance or composition; vitality, liveliness | 72 | |
15147977069 | miasma (my-az-ma) -n- | a noxious atmosphere or influence an unhealthy, vaporous atmosphere or emanation | 73 | |
15223947869 | acclimate-v- | to accustom or become accustomed to a new environment or situation; to adapt, assimilate, adjust | 74 | |
15223985519 | reprobate -n- | a morally unprincipled person; one who is predestined to damnation; a degenerate or miscreant | 75 | |
15224023338 | cohort-n- | a group or band of people, usually working together toward a goal or in support of each other; a comparison or associate | 76 | |
15244648486 | panache (pa-nash)-n- | the quality of doing something with a sense of style that calls attention to itself; dash, verve, flamboyance, a bunch of feathers or a plume, esp. on a helmet | 77 | |
15244690820 | soporific -adj- -n- | inducing or tending to induce sleep; drowsy; sleepy n- a drug or other substance that induces sleep; a hypnotic | 78 | |
15244747899 | commensurate -adj- | of the same size, extent, or duration as another; proportionate (salary commensurate with performance) usu. followed by "to" or "with" | 79 | |
15264176788 | vociferous -adj- | making, given to, or marked by noisy and vehement outcry conspicuously and offensively loud; strident, clamorous | 80 | |
15264225516 | mores (more-says) -n- | the accepted traditional customs and usages of a particular social group; moral attitudes; manners | 81 | |
15264245713 | plummet -v- | to fall straight down; to plunge; to decline suddenly and steeply | 82 | |
15321417977 | gossamer -n- | a soft, sheer gauzy fabric; something delicate, light, or flimsy, a fine film of cobwebs often seen floating in the air | 83 | |
15321462511 | affiliate -v- | to adopt or accept as a member, subordinate, or branch to associate (oneself) as a member, subordinate, or employee | 84 | |
15321519657 | affiliation -n- | a personal connection or association | 85 | |
15321541335 | incendiary -adj- | causing or capable of causing fire; of or involving arson inflammatory (often used metaphorically) | 86 | |
15342267931 | mottle -v- | to mark with spots or blotches of different shades or colors | 87 | |
15342277569 | mottled -adj- | spotted; speckled | 88 | |
15342284706 | subterfuge -n- | a deceptive stratagem or device; a ploy or ruse | 89 | |
15279782614 | ¥† | 90 |
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