9227021177 | Output | Displaying information on the monitor | 0 | |
9227021178 | Compile | Check a program for errors | 1 | |
9227021180 | System.out.print(" ") | A command that outputs its parameter to the monitor. | 2 | |
9227021181 | Debugging | Finding and fixing errors in a program | 3 | |
9227021182 | String | A java class that displays characters. | 4 | |
9227021183 | System.out.println(" ") | A command that outputs its parameter to the monitor followed by a new line. | 5 | |
9227021184 | Escape Characters | Special characters in a string that display unique string characters. | 6 | |
9227021185 | \" | Prints a " | 7 | |
9227021186 | \\ | Prints a \ | 8 | |
9227021187 | \t | Prints a tab | 9 | |
9227021188 | \n | Prints a new line | 10 | |
9227021189 | \' | Prints a ' | 11 | |
9227021190 | // | Creates a comment in program | 12 | |
9227021191 | Comment | A line in a program that will not be executed as code. | 13 | |
9227021192 | Input | Pulling user information into the computer. | 14 | |
9227021194 | Declare | To create a variable in memory | 15 | |
9227021195 | int | A primitive data type that holds a whole number | 16 | |
9227021196 | double | A primitive data type that holds a decimal number | 17 | |
9227021197 | char | A primitive data type that holds a single character | 18 | |
9227021198 | Concatenation | Adding Strings together | 19 | |
9227021200 | casting | Changing one data type into another | 20 | |
9227021201 | x++ | Adds one to x | 21 | |
9227021202 | x-- | Subtracts one from x | 22 | |
9227021203 | x+= | Adds a number to x | 23 | |
9227021204 | x-= | Subtracts a number from x | 24 | |
9227021205 | x*= | Multiplies a number to x | 25 | |
9227021206 | x/= | Divides x by a number | 26 | |
9227021207 | Roundoff Error | An error that occurs when doing math with decimals in Java | 27 | |
9227021208 | Math.random() | A method that returns a random value between 0 and .9999999964 | 28 | |
9227021209 | Math.abs() | A method that returns the absolute value of the parameter | 29 | |
9227021210 | Math.pow(x,y) | A method that returns x to the y power | 30 | |
9227021211 | Math.sqrt() | A method that returns the square root of the parameters | 31 | |
9227021212 | Persnickety | An entirely too complicated word the Dovi said just to sound smart. | 32 | |
9227021214 | Two dimensional arrays | When you need to store a table of data - creates an array of arrays. Array with both rows and columns. | 33 | |
9227021215 | Row - major | Means that the row comes first. | 34 | |
9227021217 | Run | The computer follows the directions | 35 | |
9227021218 | Command | Direction that tells a computer what to do | 36 | |
9227021222 | Variable | A name for a spot in the computer's memory. This value can change while the program runs. | 37 | |
9227021224 | The Scanner class | This class adds input to your Java programs | 38 | |
9227021230 | Modular division | Gives the remainder when dividing two numbers | 39 | |
9227021233 | Grouping | If you want your if to do more than one thing | 40 | |
9227021235 | Boolean Operators | AND && Both must be true OR || One or both must be true NOT ! Takes the opposite | 41 | |
9227021238 | Loop | Repeating code. | 42 | |
9227021239 | While loop | A loop of code until an initial boolean is false. | 43 | |
9227021240 | Scope | The block of code where a variable is declared. A local variable cannot be accessed outside the block of code in which it is declared. | 44 | |
9227021241 | Tracing the loop | This means writing down what the loop does. | 45 | |
9227021242 | Primitive Data | Holds only one piece of data at a time. The variable holds the actual value. Example: int and double | 46 | |
9227021243 | Class Data | Holds more than one piece of data at a time and can hold data of different types. Has built in methods (tools). | 47 | |
9227021244 | Garbage Collection | Java goes through and "cleans up" any unattached values in memory. | 48 | |
9227021247 | Object | In Java, this is a variable of a class type. It can hold lots of data and has methods. It is different than a primitive type. | 49 | |
9227021249 | The new command | This is a Java command. It creates a new reference - this is when Java stores the memory address in the variable. | 50 | |
9227021250 | Element | The box of the array. Each box holds a value. All values are the same data type. | 51 | |
9227021251 | Index | The address of the elements. Starts at 0 and ends at (length -1). | 52 | |
9227021252 | Initialize | Stores known values in an array. | 53 | |
9227021253 | Initializer Lists | Automatically sets the values in an array. | 54 | |
9227021254 | The for header | The first line of a for loop. | 55 | |
9227021257 | Insertion | Means putting a value into the middle of an array | 56 | |
9227021258 | Deletion | Means removing a value from the middle of an array | 57 | |
9227021259 | Inheritance | Defines relationship between objects that share characteristics - the process where one class acquires the properties (methods and fields) of another. | 58 | |
9227021260 | Extends | The keyword used to inherit the properties of a class. It links the child class to its parent. | 59 | |
9227021261 | Super | This calls methods/constructors from the parent class. If the parent class does not have the method, Java looks at the next parent class up the ladder. At the top, ALL classes inherit from Object. | 60 | |
9227021263 | Interface | The ultimate to-do list - defines common features of behavior that could be used by any class or program that uses those behaviors. Contains the methods, no instance variables or code, and all methods are public abstract methods. | 61 | |
9227021264 | Sub Class | Class that extends from and inherits code from a super class. Has access to both the state and behavior. | 62 | |
9227021265 | Super Class | Class that contains the code with both state and behavior that can be extended by its subclasses. | 63 | |
9227021266 | Method overriding | Methods from the superclass that are overridden by the subclass. | 64 | |
9227021267 | List interface | A way for objects to be stored using standard behavior (behaviors: add, remove, etc.) | 65 | |
9227021268 | Wrapper classes | Wraps a primitive in a class type. There is one for each of the primitive types. | 66 | |
9227021269 | Is-A relationship | This refers to inheritance or implementation. Expressed using keyword "extends". | 67 | |
9227021270 | Has-A relationship | This is an instance of one class that has a reference to an instance of another class or another instance of same class. | 68 | |
9227021271 | Searching | Find an element in an array. | 69 | |
9227021272 | Sorting | Order the elements in an array. | 70 | |
9227021273 | Linear search | A search that starts at beginning of the set, asks if this the correct value, moves to the next value in the set, and repeats. | 71 | |
9227021274 | Selection sort | A sort that finds the smallest value in the array, swaps it with the current position, and then moves the current position over one. | 72 | |
9227021275 | Insert sort | A sort we move through the array and insert each element in the correct position in the array. | 73 | |
9227021276 | Binary search | A search that finds the middle of the set, checks if this is the value, and then moves based on a value that is too high or too low. | 74 | |
9227021278 | Repetition - Recursive | Method calls itself | 75 | |
9227021279 | Merge sort | A sort that divides the array into smaller and smaller pieces, then merges them in order. This sort is often written recursively. | 76 | |
9227021280 | ArrayList | A collection of objects. | 77 | |
9227021282 | for-each loop | A loop that moves through a collection of objects. | 78 | |
9227021285 | Variables of a Class Object | The state (condition) of the object. | 79 | |
9227021286 | Methods of a Class Object | Behavior (actions) of the object. | 80 | |
9227021287 | Class | A template for an object. | 81 | |
9227021288 | Instantiation | Creates an object in memory and gives it a name. | 82 | |
9227021289 | Constructor | A special method that is called when an object is instantiated. | 83 | |
9227021290 | Public | Means it can be used by a program outside this file. | 84 | |
9227021291 | Private | Means it can only be used by this class. | 85 | |
9227021292 | Get Method | An accessor method that allows a user to retrieve a value. | 86 | |
9228210065 | Set Method | A mutator method that allows a user to change a value in a class. | 87 | |
9227021293 | Method overloading | Creating multiple methods with the same name but different signatures. | 88 | |
9227021294 | Signature | The number, order, and type of parameters. | 89 | |
9227021295 | Static | A modifier that is added to a method or a variable. It means only one copy exists for all objects of that class - all objects share this variable or method. | 90 | |
9227021296 | Constant | A value that cannot change. The variable name is usually typed in all uppercase letters. | 91 | |
9227021297 | Static methods | A method that belongs to the Class not to an object created. You do not need to create an object to use them. | 92 | |
9227021298 | Void Methods | A section of code belonging to a class that is given a name, has parameters, and does not return a value. | 93 | |
9227021299 | A parameter | The local variable in a method header that holds the data sent in. | 94 | |
9227021300 | Argument | The data sent to a method that must match the parameter data type it is getting sent to. | 95 | |
9227021301 | Primitive Types as Parameters | When a method copies the value and stores it in the local parameter. Any changes made are lost when control returns to the calling function. | 96 | |
9227021302 | Class Types as Parameters | When a method copies the reference to the memory address and stores it in the local parameter. Since the reference points to the original spot in memory all changes are saved. | 97 | |
9227021303 | The return command | Sends a value back to the calling method. | 98 | |
9227021304 | Return Methods | Methods that send back any type of primitive or class data. | 99 | |
9227021305 | Overloaded methods | When a program has more than one method with the same name. | 100 | |
9227021306 | Signature | Number and types of parameters | 101 | |
9227021307 | Recursion | A method that repeats by calling itself. | 102 | |
9227021308 | The stack | This is the location in memory where the interrupted method calls are stored. Once the base case is hit the program moves through this and carries out all the commands. | 103 | |
9227021309 | Primitive Data | Holds only one piece of data at a time. The variable holds the actual value. Example: int and double | 104 | |
9227021311 | Garbage Collection | Java goes through and "cleans up" any unattached values in memory. | 105 | |
9227021312 | Overloaded | This means the method has multiple uses depending on the type or number of parameters used. | 106 | |
9227021313 | Methods | Code that is given a name and parameters that belong to a class. (Spells) | 107 | |
9227021314 | Object | A variable of a class type. It can hold lots of data and has methods. It is different than a primitive type. | 108 | |
9227021316 | New | A Java command that creates a new reference - this is when Java stores the memory address in the variable. | 109 | |
9227021319 | Initialize (array) | Stores known values in an array. | 110 | |
9227021321 | The For header | The first line of a For loop. | 111 | |
9227021322 | Algorithms | A process that has an order, has clear instructions, has operations that can be done by a computer, produces a result, and stops in a finite amount of time | 112 | |
9227021340 | If Statement | A command that allows computers to make a decision in a program | 113 | |
9227021341 | == | What we use inside of an IF statement to test if something is equal. | 114 | |
9227021342 | > | What we use inside of an IF statement to test if something is greater than. | 115 | |
9227021343 | >= | What we use inside of an IF statement to test if something is greater than or equal to. | 116 | |
9227021344 | < | What we use inside of an IF statement to test if something is less than. | 117 | |
9227021345 | <= | What we use inside of an IF statement to test if something is less than or equal to. | 118 | |
9227021346 | != | What we use inside of an IF statement to test if something is not equal to. | 119 | |
9227021347 | scope | When variables exist only inside of the {} of a command | 120 | |
9227021348 | while loop | A command that repeats a section of code until a Boolean condition is false. | 121 | |
9227021349 | DeMorgan's Law | Allows you to factor into Boolean conditions | 122 | |
9227021350 | Short Circuit Evaluation | A built in feature of Java that stops evaluation if the first Boolean condition is true in an || and if the first Boolean condition is false in an && | 123 | |
9227021351 | Tracing Code | The act of computing a code manually | 124 | |
9227021352 | Truth Tables | A representation of all possible Boolean outcomes. | 125 | |
9227021353 | || | Or | 126 | |
9227021354 | && | And | 127 | |
9227021356 | Boolean | A condition that is either true or false | 128 | |
9227021357 | Boolean Variable | A primitive data type that only holds two values, either true or false. | 129 | |
9227021359 | Else | A command that occurs when an If statement is false. | 130 | |
9227021360 | else if | A command that tests a new Boolean condition when the first if statement is false. | 131 |
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