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AP Vocabulary Terms List 11

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73246070Implementto carry out, to provide with the means of carrying out.
73246071Prudentcareful, having foresight, sensible, planning ahead.
73246072Depravityextreme wickedness, viciousness, or corruption.
73246073Visionarya dreamer, someone with impractical ideas about the future, someone who is very idealistic.
73246074Innateinborn, inherent, naturally a part of.
73246075Judicioussensible; wise; having, using, or showing good judgment.
73246076Unconscionableunscrupulous, not controlled by conscience
73246077Corollarya natural consequence, something that follows, a logical extension.
73246078Laconicconcise, using few words.
73246079Mentora special counselor or teacher, a more experienced person who helps and/or sponsors a less experienced person.
73246080Ambiguoushaving more than one meaning, or open to several interpretations, and therefore confusing, not clearly defined.
73246081Exaltto glorify or praise highly, to honor or elevate.
73246082Figurativenot literal; based on figures of speech; metaphorical.
73246083maudlinoverly sentimental, sentimental in a weak and silly way.
73246084husbandryfarming and agriculture.
73246085Exactingdemanding of perfection, difficult, requiring great skill or precision, hard to please.
73246086Philanthropyrefers to charity, to a love of mankind expressed through good deeds and helpfulness.
73246087Tentativeuncertain or experimental.
73246088Peripateticwandering, moving about, travelling from place to place, nomadic.
73246089Lugubriousoverly sad, sorrowful, exaggeratedly mournful, melancholy.
73246090Proprietaryownership, especially of property.
73246091Mitigateto make less severe, make more bearable.
73246092Sordidfilthy or dirty.
73246093Sensorypertaining the senses or sensation.
73246094Euphemisma gentler way of saying something.
73246095Polemica controversial argument.
73246096Indolentlazy, disliking of work, idle.
73246097Ignominydeep disgrace, public shame or the loss of one's good name.
73246098Advocateto support, to speak or write in favor of, to recommend.
73246099Latentto support, to speak or write in favor of, to recommend.
73246100Chaffrefers to that which is worthless.
73246101overtopen to view, not hidden, apparent.
73246102impeccableflawless, precise, perfectly executed.
73246103Anachronismsomething that is out of place in time, often referring to a throwback to an earlier time.
73246104Cosmopolitaninternational, belonging to all parts of the world, comfortable anyplace, not limited to just one place, and, therefore, when referring to a person, sophisticated.
73246105Reprisala retaliation, an injury done in return for an injury, especially a military action taken in retaliation.
73246106Innocuousharmless, not hurtful or injurious.
73246107Precursora forerunner; an early stage, which gives rise to a more important stage.
73246108Garruloustalkative, often about insignificant things; chatty, using too many words.
73246109Mellifluoussweetly or smoothly flowing; melodic; sweetened, as if with honey.
73246110Balmrefers to something that heals.
73246111Lollto lounge around, to recline or lean in a lazy manner.
73246112magnanimousforgiving and generous, having a noble spirit, being free from pettiness.
73246113Protagonista leading character in a play, story, or movie; a champion, or hero.
73246114Rebutto refute, to disprove, to argue against, to contradict with evidence.
73246115Deleteriousharmful, injurious.
73246116Sacrilegedisrespect of the sacred, an intentional insult or injury to that which is sacred.
73246117Inaugurateto formally begin, especially to install into office with a ceremony.
73246119Mercurialmeans changeable, especially with regard to mood, fickle.

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