6957925751 | credulity | a tendency to be too ready to believe that something is real or true. | 0 | |
6957925752 | conviction | the act or process of finding a person guilty | 1 | |
6957928260 | doctrine | a belief or set of beliefs held and taught by a church, political party, or other group | 2 | |
6957928261 | dogmatic | inclined to lay down principles as incontrovertibly true | 3 | |
6957929526 | fanaticism | the quality of being fanatical (obsessively concerned with something) | 4 | |
6957929527 | fervor | intense and passionate feeling | 5 | |
6957929528 | heresy | belief or opinion contrary to orthodox religious (especially Christian) doctrine | 6 | |
6957929529 | piety | the quality of being religious or reverent | 7 | |
6957930633 | reverent | feeling or showing deep and solemn respect | 8 | |
6957932199 | skeptic | person inclined to question or doubt all accepted opinions | 9 | |
6957932200 | venerate | regard with great respect; revere | 10 | |
6957933579 | zealot | someone passionately devoted to a cause | 11 | |
6957933580 | capricious | given to sudden and unaccountable changes of mood or behavior | 12 | |
6957933581 | immutable | unchangeable | 13 | |
6957935176 | incorrigible | not able to be corrected; beyond control | 14 | |
6957935177 | static (adj) | Lacking movement, action, or change | 15 | |
6957936208 | invert | turn upside down | 16 | |
6957936209 | turbulence | state of violent agitation | 17 | |
6957936210 | transient | (adj.) lasting only a short time, fleeting; (n.) one who stays only a short time | 18 | |
6957937548 | turmoil | disorder | 19 | |
6957937549 | vacillate | to waver; to sway indecisively | 20 | |
6957937550 | volatile | easily aroused or changeable; lively or explosive | 21 | |
6957938670 | whimsical | playfully quaint or fanciful, especially in an appealing and amusing way | 22 | |
6957940247 | contract | An agreement between two or more parties | 23 | |
6957940248 | nurture | To care for | 24 | |
6957940249 | prolific | producing a lot | 25 | |
6957941369 | robust | Strong and healthy | 26 | |
6957941370 | stagnant | Motionless | 27 | |
6957941425 | surpass | exceed; be greater than | 28 | |
6957942946 | susceptible | lacking protection from danger or resistance against attack | 29 | |
6957945788 | thrive | prosper; flourish | 30 | |
6957948177 | vigor | strength, energy, or determination | 31 | |
6957948178 | acknowledge | recognize; admit | 32 | |
6957949122 | anecdote | short, usually funny account of an event | 33 | |
6957949123 | articulate | able to speak clearly and expressively | 34 | |
6957949124 | brevity | briefness | 35 | |
6957949125 | candor | honesty | 36 | |
6957950991 | concise | short and to the point | 37 | |
6957950992 | eloquence | fluent or persuasive speaking or writing | 38 | |
6957950993 | euphemism | An indirect, less offensive way of saying something that is considered unpleasant | 39 | |
6957953533 | garrulous | talkative | 40 | |
6957953534 | orator | speaker | 41 | |
6957953535 | ramble | wander aimlessly | 42 | |
6957954532 | recount | to tell in detail | 43 | |
6957954533 | reticence | the quality or state of being silent or uncommunicative | 44 | |
6957954534 | rhetorical | pertaining to effective communication; insincere in language | 45 | |
6957955738 | succinct | marked by the use of few words to convey much information or meaning | 46 | |
6957955739 | taciturn | quiet | 47 | |
6957955740 | terse | brief and to the point | 48 | |
6957955741 | verbose | wordy | 49 | |
6957956741 | vilify | To speak evil of | 50 | |
6957958214 | malicious | intending to do harm | 51 | |
6957958215 | adversary | an enemy, opponent | 52 | |
6957958295 | animosity | hatred | 53 | |
6957959143 | antagonism | hostility | 54 | |
6957959144 | enmity | hatred | 55 | |
6957959145 | rancor | A deep, long-held feeling of hatred or bitterness | 56 | |
6957960484 | predator | one that preys or destroys | 57 | |
6957960485 | discordant | lacking harmony or agreement | 58 | |
6957960486 | aversion | strong dislike | 59 | |
6957960487 | repel | to push away | 60 | |
6957961843 | refute | To disprove | 61 | |
6957961844 | discount (v) | to dismiss as of little importance; | 62 | |
6957962698 | rebuttal | A counterargument, especially in debate | 63 | |
6957962699 | substantiate | provide evidence to support or prove the truth of | 64 | |
6957962700 | dissent | To disagree | 65 | |
6957963503 | concede | to admit | 66 | |
6957964450 | concur | to agree | 67 | |
6957964451 | bolster | support; prop up | 68 | |
6957964452 | contend | (v.) to fight, struggle; to compete; to argue | 69 | |
6957966627 | delineate | to describe accurately | 70 | |
6957969388 | contentious | causing or likely to cause an argument; controversial | 71 | |
6957969389 | disputatious | argumentative | 72 | |
6957969390 | digression | straying from main point | 73 | |
6957970959 | subordinate | person under the authority or control of another | 74 | |
6957970960 | hierarchy | A group organized by rank | 75 | |
6957970961 | authoritarian | having complete control; dictatorial | 76 | |
6957972170 | autonomous | independent, self-contained | 77 | |
6957972171 | servile | submissive; slavish | 78 | |
6957972172 | provincial | narrow-minded; unsophisticated | 79 | |
6957973699 | predecessor | one who came before | 80 | |
6957973700 | ascendancy | controlling influence; domination | 81 | |
6957973701 | lofty | (adj.) very high; noble | 82 | |
6957974548 | sycophant | A person who flatters; a yes-man | 83 | |
6957974549 | enhance | improve; make better or clearer | 84 | |
6957974550 | incite | to arouse to action | 85 | |
6957975885 | inundate | to overwhelm; to cover with water | 86 | |
6957977199 | exacerbate | to make worse | 87 | |
6957977200 | saturate | to soak thoroughly | 88 | |
6957978350 | instigate | (v.) to urge on; to stir up, provoke, start, incite | 89 | |
6957978351 | induce | persuade; bring about | 90 | |
6957978352 | sustain | to undergo, experience, or suffer (injury, loss, etc.); endure without giving way or yielding. | 91 | |
6957979270 | perpetuate | to make permanent or long lasting | 92 | |
6957979271 | facilitate | to make easier; to assist | 93 | |
6957979970 | acclaim | praise | 94 | |
6957981757 | adulation | extreme praise | 95 | |
6957981758 | laud | praise | 96 | |
6957981759 | commemorate | honor the memory of | 97 | |
6957983266 | extol | to praise extravagantly | 98 | |
6957983267 | exalt | to glorify, to praise, to raise in rank | 99 | |
6957983268 | endorse | to support | 100 | |
6957985066 | affirmation | positive statement | 101 | |
6957985824 | advocate | to recommend; to speak in favor of | 102 | |
6957985825 | emulate | follow an example | 103 | |
6957987097 | consensus | general agreement | 104 | |
6957989334 | cajole | coax | 105 | |
6957989335 | eulogy | speech in praise of someone | 106 | |
6957990450 | gratify | to please | 107 | |
6957995777 | curtail | to cut short; cut off a part of; abridge; reduce; diminish | 108 | |
6957995778 | subside | to grow less in scope or intensity especially gradually | 109 | |
6957995779 | constraint | limitation or restriction | 110 | |
6957997463 | restraint | moderation or self-control; controlling force; restriction | 111 | |
6957999977 | preclude | (v.) to make impossible, prevent, shut out | 112 | |
6957999978 | temper (v) | to soften or tone down | 113 | |
6958000056 | hamper (v) | to hold back; hinder; impede | 114 | |
6958000210 | impair | to weaken; to cause to become worse | 115 | |
6958001237 | impede | to slow the progress of | 116 | |
6958001238 | diffuse | to spread out | 117 | |
6958001339 | abridge | to make shorter | 118 | |
6958006426 | superficial | being at, on, or near the surface | 119 | |
6958006427 | superfluous | being more than is sufficient or required; excessive | 120 | |
6958008129 | unwarranted | unjustified | 121 | |
6958008130 | redundant | repetitive | 122 | |
6958010889 | extraneous | irrelevant | 123 | |
6958010890 | embellish | to decorate, to make beautiful with ornamentation | 124 | |
6958010891 | opulence | wealth | 125 | |
6958012114 | ostentatious | showy, displaying wealth | 126 | |
6958012115 | frivolous | not having any serious purpose or value | 127 | |
6958013802 | gratuitous | Unnecessary or unwanted | 128 | |
6958013803 | lavish (adj) | sumptuously rich, elaborate, or luxurious | 129 | |
6958015294 | prodigal | wasteful; lavish | 130 | |
6958015295 | glutton | someone who eats too much | 131 | |
6958015296 | squander | to waste | 132 | |
6958016456 | trite | commonplace; overused, stale | 133 | |
6958016681 | abstemious | self denying; refraining from indulging | 134 | |
6958018646 | ascetic | one who practices self-denial | 135 | |
6958018647 | scrupulous | exact, careful, attending thoroughly to details; having high moral standards, principled | 136 | |
6958019783 | discerning | mentally quick and observant; having insight | 137 | |
6958022620 | discriminating | able to see differences; prejudiced | 138 | |
6958023533 | exhaustive | complete and thorough | 139 | |
6958023534 | explicit | definite, clearly stated | 140 | |
6958023618 | fastidious | hard to please; fussy | 141 | |
6958025045 | criterion | a principle or standard by which something may be judged or decided | 142 | |
6958025083 | comprehensive | of large scope; covering or involving much; inclusive | 143 | |
6958026674 | inclusive | including a great deal, or encompassing everything concerned; comprehensive | 144 | |
6958026733 | abstruse | difficult to understand; obscure | 145 | |
6958029273 | cryptic | having a meaning that is mysterious or obscure | 146 | |
6958029437 | ambiguous | open for interpretation (unclear or inexact) | 147 | |
6958030688 | dubious | doubtful | 148 | |
6958030689 | oblivion | the state of being completely forgotten or unknown | 149 | |
6958030690 | elusive | difficult to catch or to hold; hard to explain or understand | 150 | |
6958032072 | ambivalence | the state of having contradictory or conflicting emotional attitudes | 151 | |
6958032073 | confound | to cause one to become confused | 152 | |
6958033769 | equivocal | ambiguous | 153 | |
6958033770 | enigma | a puzzle; a mystery | 154 | |
6958035837 | opaque | impossible to see through; preventing the passage of light | 155 | |
6958035838 | obscure (v) | to conceal by confusing; to make dark, dim, indistinct | 156 | |
6958036826 | depravity | corruption; wickedness | 157 | |
6958036827 | reprehensible | deserving censure or condemnation | 158 | |
6958036828 | profane | relating or devoted to that which is not sacred or biblical | 159 | |
6958038163 | notoriety | the state of being known for some unfavorable act or quality; fame | 160 | |
6958038164 | detrimental | harmful | 161 | |
6958038300 | ominous | unfavorable, threatening, of bad omen | 162 | |
6958041394 | marred | damaged | 163 | |
6958041395 | flagrant | noticeably bad or offensive | 164 | |
6958041396 | impudence | rudeness or boldness | 165 | |
6958043324 | erroneous | incorrect | 166 | |
6958043325 | somber | dark, gloomy; depressed or melancholy in spirit | 167 | |
6958043459 | elated | in high spirits, jubilant; extremely pleased | 168 | |
6958044764 | remorse | regret | 169 | |
6958044765 | morose | gloomy | 170 | |
6958044833 | apprehension | anxiety or fear that something bad or unpleasant will happen | 171 | |
6958046624 | aloof | (adj.) withdrawn, standing apart from others (usually as a matter of choice) | 172 | |
6958046625 | exhilarating | exciting | 173 | |
6958047773 | exuberance | joyful enthusiasm | 174 | |
6958047774 | despondent | 175 | ||
6958049467 | affable | friendly | 176 | |
6958049565 | arrogance | pride; haughtiness | 177 | |
6958053722 | submissive | to give in or to be weak | 178 | |
6958053723 | braggart | someone who boasts | 179 | |
6958057302 | gregarious | sociable | 180 | |
6958057303 | gullible | easily deceived | 181 | |
6958059828 | haughtiness | arrogance; pride | 182 | |
6958059829 | hypocritical | insincere | 183 | |
6958060142 | presumptuous | too forward or bold; overstepping proper bounds | 184 | |
6958061136 | pretentious | showy | 185 | |
6958061137 | obstinate | stubborn | 186 | |
6958061138 | integrity | honesty | 187 | |
6958062217 | exemplary | outstanding, an example to others | 188 | |
6958062218 | impeccable | flawless | 189 | |
6958063375 | diligence | hard working | 190 | |
6958063376 | exemplify | to serve as a good example | 191 | |
6958063377 | innocuous | harmless | 192 | |
6958064458 | cordial | warm and friendly | 193 | |
6958064459 | decorum | proper behavior; good manners | 194 | |
6958064460 | deference | respect | 195 | |
6958065970 | conciliatory | overcoming distrust or hostility | 196 | |
6958065971 | composure | control over expression and action | 197 | |
6958065972 | ephemeral | lasting a short time | 198 | |
6958067353 | sporadic | occurring irregularly | 199 | |
6958067354 | sluggish | (adj.) lazy; slow-moving; not active, dull | 200 | |
6958067355 | peripheral | (adj) relating to or making up an outer boundary or region; not of primary importance | 201 | |
6958068642 | pervasive | spreading out all over | 202 | |
6958068643 | proximity | nearness | 203 | |
6958068644 | detached | Impartial, disinterested; unconcerned, distant, aloof | 204 | |
6958069676 | cursory | hasty, not thorough | 205 | |
6958069677 | prevalent | widespread; generally accepted | 206 | |
6958072443 | insularity | narrow-mindedness; isolation | 207 | |
6958072444 | reprove | to find fault with, scold, rebuke | 208 | |
6958073171 | sanction (v) | give official permission or approval for (an action) | 209 | |
6958073172 | censure | To criticize harshly | 210 | |
6958073173 | censorious | critical | 211 | |
6958074264 | reprimand | to scold; find fault with; a rebuke | 212 | |
6958074265 | disparage | to belittle | 213 | |
6958078659 | denounce | To condemn openly | 214 | |
6958078660 | deride | to ridicule, laugh at with contempt | 215 | |
6958078661 | dismiss | put away from consideration; reject | 216 | |
6958079937 | deprecate | (v.) to express mild disapproval; to belittle | 217 | |
6958079938 | deplore | feel or express strong disapproval of (something) | 218 | |
6958079939 | condone | accept and allow (behavior that is considered morally wrong or offensive) to continue | 219 | |
6958080299 | disdain | the feeling that someone or something is unworthy of one's consideration or respect; contempt | 220 | |
6958080300 | lament | a passionate expression of grief or sorrow | 221 | |
6958080531 | degradation | the condition or process of degrading or being degraded | 222 | |
6958316586 | diminution | a reduction in the size, extent, or importance of something | 223 | |
6958316587 | scanty | small or insufficient in quantity or amount | 224 | |
6958316653 | reserve (n) | a place set aside for special use, in particular | 225 | |
6958318173 | frugality | the quality of being economical with money or food; thriftiness | 226 | |
6958318174 | proliferation | rapid increase in numbers | 227 | |
6958318175 | profusion | an abundance or large quantity of something | 228 | |
6958319610 | inconsequential | not important or significant | 229 | |
6958320839 | conflagration | an extensive fire that destroys a great deal of land or property | 230 | |
6958320840 | compile | produce (something, especially a list, report, or book) by assembling information collected from other sources | 231 | |
6958322212 | accessible | able to be reached or entered | 232 | |
6958322213 | feasible | likely; probable | 233 | |
6958323329 | quandary | a difficult situation; a practical dilemma | 234 | |
6958324453 | astute | having or showing an ability to accurately assess situations or people and turn this to one's advantage | 235 | |
6958324454 | ingenious | clever, original, and inventive | 236 | |
6958324455 | erudite | having or showing great knowledge or learning | 237 | |
6958325638 | qualified | officially recognized as being trained to perform a particular job; certified | 238 | |
6958326676 | precocious | (of behavior or ability) indicative of early development; (of a child) having developed certain abilities or proclivities at an earlier age than usual | 239 | |
6958329219 | virtuoso | a person highly skilled in music or another artistic pursuit | 240 | |
6958329220 | guile | sly or cunning intelligence | 241 | |
6958329292 | incisive | intelligently analytical and clear-thinking | 242 | |
6958331348 | esoteric | intended for or likely to be understood by only a small number of people | 243 | |
6958331349 | divergent | tending to be different or develop in different directions | 244 | |
6958332233 | eclectic | deriving ideas, style, or taste from a broad and diverse range of sources | 245 | |
6958332234 | phenomena | something that is impressive or extraordinary | 246 | |
6958332235 | novelty | the quality of being new, original, or unusual | 247 | |
6958332377 | innovation | a new method, idea, product, etc. | 248 | |
6958333675 | idiosyncrasy | mode of behavior or way of thought peculiar to an individual | 249 | |
6958333676 | adversity | difficulties; misfortune | 250 | |
6958333677 | rigor | an act or instance of strictness, severity, or cruelty; strict precision- exactness | 251 | |
6958333784 | intrepid | resolutely fearless; dauntless | 252 | |
6958335169 | hardy | robust; capable of enduring difficult conditions | 253 | |
6958336491 | resolve (n) | firm determination to do something | 254 | |
6958336492 | resolution | the action of solving a problem, dispute, or contentious matter | 255 | |
6958336744 | tranquility | calm | 256 | |
6958338119 | pacifist | a person who believes that war and violence are unjustifiable | 257 | |
6958338120 | seclusion | he state of being private and away from other people | 258 | |
6958338121 | placate | make (someone) less angry or hostile | 259 | |
6958340026 | nonchalant | (of a person or manner) feeling or appearing casually calm and relaxed; not displaying anxiety, interest, or enthusiasm. | 260 | |
6958340027 | recluse | a person who lives a solitary life and tends to avoid other people | 261 | |
6958341434 | alleviate | make (suffering, deficiency, or a problem) less severe | 262 | |
6958341600 | antidote | a medicine or other remedy for counteracting the effects of poison, disease, etc. | 263 | |
6958342658 | intervene | come between so as to prevent or alter a result or course of events | 264 | |
6958342659 | rectify | put (something) right; correct. | 265 | |
6958344243 | listless | (of a person or their manner) lacking energy or enthusiasm | 266 | |
6958344544 | apathy | lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern | 267 | |
6958345079 | indifferent | neither good nor bad; mediocre | 268 | |
6958345463 | insipid | lacking vigor or interest | 269 | |
6958345625 | mundane | lacking interest or excitement; dull | 270 | |
6958347483 | complacency | a feeling of smug or uncritical satisfaction with oneself or one's achievements | 271 | |
6958350244 | disinclination | a reluctance or lack of enthusiasm | 272 | |
6958350245 | inert | lacking the ability or strength to move | 273 | |
6958351294 | expedite | make (an action or process) happen sooner or be accomplished more quickly | 274 | |
6958352623 | lethargic | sluggish and apathetic | 275 | |
6958354875 | linger | to remain or stay on in a place longer than is usual or expected, as if from reluctance to leave | 276 | |
6958354876 | ponderous | slow and clumsy because of great weight; dull and labored | 277 | |
6958356130 | profound | having or showing great knowledge or insight | 278 | |
6958356131 | calculated | (of an action) done with full awareness of the likely consequences | 279 | |
6958356132 | prudent | acting with or showing care and thought for the future | 280 | |
6958357341 | methodical | done according to a systematic or established form of procedure | 281 | |
6958357342 | meticulous | showing great attention to detail; very careful and precise | 282 | |
6958358668 | pragmatic | dealing with things sensibly and realistically in a way that is based on practical rather than theoretical considerations | 283 | |
6958358669 | scrutinize | examine or inspect closely and thoroughly | 284 | |
6958362936 | opportunistic | exploiting chances offered by immediate circumstances | 285 | |
6958365169 | materialism | a tendency to consider material possessions and physical comfort as more important than spiritual values | 286 | |
6958367044 | philanthropist | a person who seeks to promote the welfare of others, especially by the generous donation of money to good causes | 287 | |
6958367045 | miserly | relating to or characteristic of a miser(a person who lives in wretched circumstances in order to save and hoard money) | 288 | |
6958367354 | benevolent | desiring to help others; charitable | 289 | |
6958369529 | altruistic | showing a disinterested and selfless concern for the well-being of others; unselfish | 290 | |
7012076517 | illusory | deceptive; false; misleading | 291 | |
7012079474 | hypothetical | based on an assumption or guess | 292 | |
7012079475 | abstract | existing in thought or as an idea but not having a physical or concrete existence. | 293 | |
7012079531 | implausible | unlikely; unbelievable | 294 | |
7012082640 | fallacious | false; misleading | 295 | |
7012082641 | disparity | inequality; difference | 296 | |
7012082642 | incongruous | out of place | 297 | |
7012084003 | relegate | to place in a lower position; to assign, refer, turn over; to banish | 298 | |
7012084004 | homogeneous | of the same kind | 299 | |
7012085021 | uniformity | sameness; a state in which everything is exactly the same | 300 | |
7012085022 | analogous | comparable to; like | 301 | |
7012086589 | discrepancy | difference between | 302 | |
7012086590 | gravity | seriousness | 303 | |
7012087807 | aspire | seek to attain; long for | 304 | |
7012087808 | devise | to think out, plan, figure out, invent, create | 305 | |
7012087809 | artisan | a worker skilled in a craft | 306 | |
7012089818 | execute | put into effect; carry out | 307 | |
7012094380 | extricate | To free from difficulty | 308 | |
7012094381 | implement (v) | put (a decision, plan, agreement, etc.) into effect | 309 | |
7012095832 | document (v) | record the details of something; to furnish with references, citations, etc., in support of statements made | 310 | |
7012095833 | appease | to make calm, soothe; to relieve, satisfy; to yield to | 311 | |
7012095834 | compliance | the tendency to agree to do things requested by others | 312 | |
7012095879 | resigned | accepting one's fate; unresisting; patiently submissive | 313 | |
7012097323 | indiscriminate | choosing at random without careful selection | 314 | |
7012097324 | inadvertent | unintentional | 315 | |
7012098018 | tentative | not certain | 316 | |
7012098019 | arbitrary | determined by chance or impulse | 317 | |
7012100357 | antiquated | obsolete, out of fashion, no longer usable | 318 | |
7012100358 | archaic | ancient; old-fashioned | 319 | |
7012100359 | inherent | firmly established by nature or habit | 320 | |
7012101400 | innate | inborn; natural | 321 | |
7012101401 | derivative | developed or obtained from another source | 322 | |
7012101402 | mitigate | to soften; to lessen; to make less severe | 323 | |
7012102845 | indict | to accuse | 324 | |
7012102846 | exonerate | to clear of blame | 325 | |
7012102847 | deterrent | something that discourages or hinders | 326 | |
7012104072 | ratify | to approve | 327 | |
7012104292 | corroborate | to confirm | 328 | |
7012105791 | vindicate | to clear from blame or suspicion | 329 | |
7012105792 | repudiate | to disown, reject, or deny the validity of | 330 | |
7012110104 | renounce | To give up or resign something | 331 | |
7012110105 | negate | to cancel out; nullify | 332 | |
7012110106 | retract | withdraw | 333 | |
7012110107 | disclose | to reveal | 334 | |
7012112744 | disseminate | to scatter or spread widely | 335 | |
7012112745 | disperse | to scatter, spread far and wide | 336 |
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