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AP Vocabulary Words Flashcards

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6957925751credulitya tendency to be too ready to believe that something is real or true.0
6957925752convictionthe act or process of finding a person guilty1
6957928260doctrinea belief or set of beliefs held and taught by a church, political party, or other group2
6957928261dogmaticinclined to lay down principles as incontrovertibly true3
6957929526fanaticismthe quality of being fanatical (obsessively concerned with something)4
6957929527fervorintense and passionate feeling5
6957929528heresybelief or opinion contrary to orthodox religious (especially Christian) doctrine6
6957929529pietythe quality of being religious or reverent7
6957930633reverentfeeling or showing deep and solemn respect8
6957932199skepticperson inclined to question or doubt all accepted opinions9
6957932200venerateregard with great respect; revere10
6957933579zealotsomeone passionately devoted to a cause11
6957933580capriciousgiven to sudden and unaccountable changes of mood or behavior12
6957935176incorrigiblenot able to be corrected; beyond control14
6957935177static (adj)Lacking movement, action, or change15
6957936208invertturn upside down16
6957936209turbulencestate of violent agitation17
6957936210transient(adj.) lasting only a short time, fleeting; (n.) one who stays only a short time18
6957937549vacillateto waver; to sway indecisively20
6957937550volatileeasily aroused or changeable; lively or explosive21
6957938670whimsicalplayfully quaint or fanciful, especially in an appealing and amusing way22
6957940247contractAn agreement between two or more parties23
6957940248nurtureTo care for24
6957940249prolificproducing a lot25
6957941369robustStrong and healthy26
6957941425surpassexceed; be greater than28
6957942946susceptiblelacking protection from danger or resistance against attack29
6957945788thriveprosper; flourish30
6957948177vigorstrength, energy, or determination31
6957948178acknowledgerecognize; admit32
6957949122anecdoteshort, usually funny account of an event33
6957949123articulateable to speak clearly and expressively34
6957950991conciseshort and to the point37
6957950992eloquencefluent or persuasive speaking or writing38
6957950993euphemismAn indirect, less offensive way of saying something that is considered unpleasant39
6957953535ramblewander aimlessly42
6957954532recountto tell in detail43
6957954533reticencethe quality or state of being silent or uncommunicative44
6957954534rhetoricalpertaining to effective communication; insincere in language45
6957955738succinctmarked by the use of few words to convey much information or meaning46
6957955740tersebrief and to the point48
6957956741vilifyTo speak evil of50
6957958214maliciousintending to do harm51
6957958215adversaryan enemy, opponent52
6957959145rancorA deep, long-held feeling of hatred or bitterness56
6957960484predatorone that preys or destroys57
6957960485discordantlacking harmony or agreement58
6957960486aversionstrong dislike59
6957960487repelto push away60
6957961843refuteTo disprove61
6957961844discount (v)to dismiss as of little importance;62
6957962698rebuttalA counterargument, especially in debate63
6957962699substantiateprovide evidence to support or prove the truth of64
6957962700dissentTo disagree65
6957963503concedeto admit66
6957964450concurto agree67
6957964451bolstersupport; prop up68
6957964452contend(v.) to fight, struggle; to compete; to argue69
6957966627delineateto describe accurately70
6957969388contentiouscausing or likely to cause an argument; controversial71
6957969390digressionstraying from main point73
6957970959subordinateperson under the authority or control of another74
6957970960hierarchyA group organized by rank75
6957970961authoritarianhaving complete control; dictatorial76
6957972170autonomousindependent, self-contained77
6957972171servilesubmissive; slavish78
6957972172provincialnarrow-minded; unsophisticated79
6957973699predecessorone who came before80
6957973700ascendancycontrolling influence; domination81
6957973701lofty(adj.) very high; noble82
6957974548sycophantA person who flatters; a yes-man83
6957974549enhanceimprove; make better or clearer84
6957974550inciteto arouse to action85
6957975885inundateto overwhelm; to cover with water86
6957977199exacerbateto make worse87
6957977200saturateto soak thoroughly88
6957978350instigate(v.) to urge on; to stir up, provoke, start, incite89
6957978351inducepersuade; bring about90
6957978352sustainto undergo, experience, or suffer (injury, loss, etc.); endure without giving way or yielding.91
6957979270perpetuateto make permanent or long lasting92
6957979271facilitateto make easier; to assist93
6957981757adulationextreme praise95
6957981759commemoratehonor the memory of97
6957983266extolto praise extravagantly98
6957983267exaltto glorify, to praise, to raise in rank99
6957983268endorseto support100
6957985066affirmationpositive statement101
6957985824advocateto recommend; to speak in favor of102
6957985825emulatefollow an example103
6957987097consensusgeneral agreement104
6957989335eulogyspeech in praise of someone106
6957990450gratifyto please107
6957995777curtailto cut short; cut off a part of; abridge; reduce; diminish108
6957995778subsideto grow less in scope or intensity especially gradually109
6957995779constraintlimitation or restriction110
6957997463restraintmoderation or self-control; controlling force; restriction111
6957999977preclude(v.) to make impossible, prevent, shut out112
6957999978temper (v)to soften or tone down113
6958000056hamper (v)to hold back; hinder; impede114
6958000210impairto weaken; to cause to become worse115
6958001237impedeto slow the progress of116
6958001238diffuseto spread out117
6958001339abridgeto make shorter118
6958006426superficialbeing at, on, or near the surface119
6958006427superfluousbeing more than is sufficient or required; excessive120
6958010890embellishto decorate, to make beautiful with ornamentation124
6958012114ostentatiousshowy, displaying wealth126
6958012115frivolousnot having any serious purpose or value127
6958013802gratuitousUnnecessary or unwanted128
6958013803lavish (adj)sumptuously rich, elaborate, or luxurious129
6958015294prodigalwasteful; lavish130
6958015295gluttonsomeone who eats too much131
6958015296squanderto waste132
6958016456tritecommonplace; overused, stale133
6958016681abstemiousself denying; refraining from indulging134
6958018646asceticone who practices self-denial135
6958018647scrupulousexact, careful, attending thoroughly to details; having high moral standards, principled136
6958019783discerningmentally quick and observant; having insight137
6958022620discriminatingable to see differences; prejudiced138
6958023533exhaustivecomplete and thorough139
6958023534explicitdefinite, clearly stated140
6958023618fastidioushard to please; fussy141
6958025045criteriona principle or standard by which something may be judged or decided142
6958025083comprehensiveof large scope; covering or involving much; inclusive143
6958026674inclusiveincluding a great deal, or encompassing everything concerned; comprehensive144
6958026733abstrusedifficult to understand; obscure145
6958029273cryptichaving a meaning that is mysterious or obscure146
6958029437ambiguousopen for interpretation (unclear or inexact)147
6958030689oblivionthe state of being completely forgotten or unknown149
6958030690elusivedifficult to catch or to hold; hard to explain or understand150
6958032072ambivalencethe state of having contradictory or conflicting emotional attitudes151
6958032073confoundto cause one to become confused152
6958033770enigmaa puzzle; a mystery154
6958035837opaqueimpossible to see through; preventing the passage of light155
6958035838obscure (v)to conceal by confusing; to make dark, dim, indistinct156
6958036826depravitycorruption; wickedness157
6958036827reprehensibledeserving censure or condemnation158
6958036828profanerelating or devoted to that which is not sacred or biblical159
6958038163notorietythe state of being known for some unfavorable act or quality; fame160
6958038300ominousunfavorable, threatening, of bad omen162
6958041395flagrantnoticeably bad or offensive164
6958041396impudencerudeness or boldness165
6958043325somberdark, gloomy; depressed or melancholy in spirit167
6958043459elatedin high spirits, jubilant; extremely pleased168
6958044833apprehensionanxiety or fear that something bad or unpleasant will happen171
6958046624aloof(adj.) withdrawn, standing apart from others (usually as a matter of choice)172
6958047773exuberancejoyful enthusiasm174
6958049565arrogancepride; haughtiness177
6958053722submissiveto give in or to be weak178
6958053723braggartsomeone who boasts179
6958057303gullibleeasily deceived181
6958059828haughtinessarrogance; pride182
6958060142presumptuoustoo forward or bold; overstepping proper bounds184
6958062217exemplaryoutstanding, an example to others188
6958063375diligencehard working190
6958063376exemplifyto serve as a good example191
6958064458cordialwarm and friendly193
6958064459decorumproper behavior; good manners194
6958065970conciliatoryovercoming distrust or hostility196
6958065971composurecontrol over expression and action197
6958065972ephemerallasting a short time198
6958067353sporadicoccurring irregularly199
6958067354sluggish(adj.) lazy; slow-moving; not active, dull200
6958067355peripheral(adj) relating to or making up an outer boundary or region; not of primary importance201
6958068642pervasivespreading out all over202
6958068644detachedImpartial, disinterested; unconcerned, distant, aloof204
6958069676cursoryhasty, not thorough205
6958069677prevalentwidespread; generally accepted206
6958072443insularitynarrow-mindedness; isolation207
6958072444reproveto find fault with, scold, rebuke208
6958073171sanction (v)give official permission or approval for (an action)209
6958073172censureTo criticize harshly210
6958074264reprimandto scold; find fault with; a rebuke212
6958074265disparageto belittle213
6958078659denounceTo condemn openly214
6958078660derideto ridicule, laugh at with contempt215
6958078661dismissput away from consideration; reject216
6958079937deprecate(v.) to express mild disapproval; to belittle217
6958079938deplorefeel or express strong disapproval of (something)218
6958079939condoneaccept and allow (behavior that is considered morally wrong or offensive) to continue219
6958080299disdainthe feeling that someone or something is unworthy of one's consideration or respect; contempt220
6958080300lamenta passionate expression of grief or sorrow221
6958080531degradationthe condition or process of degrading or being degraded222
6958316586diminutiona reduction in the size, extent, or importance of something223
6958316587scantysmall or insufficient in quantity or amount224
6958316653reserve (n)a place set aside for special use, in particular225
6958318173frugalitythe quality of being economical with money or food; thriftiness226
6958318174proliferationrapid increase in numbers227
6958318175profusionan abundance or large quantity of something228
6958319610inconsequentialnot important or significant229
6958320839conflagrationan extensive fire that destroys a great deal of land or property230
6958320840compileproduce (something, especially a list, report, or book) by assembling information collected from other sources231
6958322212accessibleable to be reached or entered232
6958322213feasiblelikely; probable233
6958323329quandarya difficult situation; a practical dilemma234
6958324453astutehaving or showing an ability to accurately assess situations or people and turn this to one's advantage235
6958324454ingeniousclever, original, and inventive236
6958324455eruditehaving or showing great knowledge or learning237
6958325638qualifiedofficially recognized as being trained to perform a particular job; certified238
6958326676precocious(of behavior or ability) indicative of early development; (of a child) having developed certain abilities or proclivities at an earlier age than usual239
6958329219virtuosoa person highly skilled in music or another artistic pursuit240
6958329220guilesly or cunning intelligence241
6958329292incisiveintelligently analytical and clear-thinking242
6958331348esotericintended for or likely to be understood by only a small number of people243
6958331349divergenttending to be different or develop in different directions244
6958332233eclecticderiving ideas, style, or taste from a broad and diverse range of sources245
6958332234phenomenasomething that is impressive or extraordinary246
6958332235noveltythe quality of being new, original, or unusual247
6958332377innovationa new method, idea, product, etc.248
6958333675idiosyncrasymode of behavior or way of thought peculiar to an individual249
6958333676adversitydifficulties; misfortune250
6958333677rigoran act or instance of strictness, severity, or cruelty; strict precision- exactness251
6958333784intrepidresolutely fearless; dauntless252
6958335169hardyrobust; capable of enduring difficult conditions253
6958336491resolve (n)firm determination to do something254
6958336492resolutionthe action of solving a problem, dispute, or contentious matter255
6958338119pacifista person who believes that war and violence are unjustifiable257
6958338120seclusionhe state of being private and away from other people258
6958338121placatemake (someone) less angry or hostile259
6958340026nonchalant(of a person or manner) feeling or appearing casually calm and relaxed; not displaying anxiety, interest, or enthusiasm.260
6958340027reclusea person who lives a solitary life and tends to avoid other people261
6958341434alleviatemake (suffering, deficiency, or a problem) less severe262
6958341600antidotea medicine or other remedy for counteracting the effects of poison, disease, etc.263
6958342658intervenecome between so as to prevent or alter a result or course of events264
6958342659rectifyput (something) right; correct.265
6958344243listless(of a person or their manner) lacking energy or enthusiasm266
6958344544apathylack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern267
6958345079indifferentneither good nor bad; mediocre268
6958345463insipidlacking vigor or interest269
6958345625mundanelacking interest or excitement; dull270
6958347483complacencya feeling of smug or uncritical satisfaction with oneself or one's achievements271
6958350244disinclinationa reluctance or lack of enthusiasm272
6958350245inertlacking the ability or strength to move273
6958351294expeditemake (an action or process) happen sooner or be accomplished more quickly274
6958352623lethargicsluggish and apathetic275
6958354875lingerto remain or stay on in a place longer than is usual or expected, as if from reluctance to leave276
6958354876ponderousslow and clumsy because of great weight; dull and labored277
6958356130profoundhaving or showing great knowledge or insight278
6958356131calculated(of an action) done with full awareness of the likely consequences279
6958356132prudentacting with or showing care and thought for the future280
6958357341methodicaldone according to a systematic or established form of procedure281
6958357342meticulousshowing great attention to detail; very careful and precise282
6958358668pragmaticdealing with things sensibly and realistically in a way that is based on practical rather than theoretical considerations283
6958358669scrutinizeexamine or inspect closely and thoroughly284
6958362936opportunisticexploiting chances offered by immediate circumstances285
6958365169materialisma tendency to consider material possessions and physical comfort as more important than spiritual values286
6958367044philanthropista person who seeks to promote the welfare of others, especially by the generous donation of money to good causes287
6958367045miserlyrelating to or characteristic of a miser(a person who lives in wretched circumstances in order to save and hoard money)288
6958367354benevolentdesiring to help others; charitable289
6958369529altruisticshowing a disinterested and selfless concern for the well-being of others; unselfish290
7012076517illusorydeceptive; false; misleading291
7012079474hypotheticalbased on an assumption or guess292
7012079475abstractexisting in thought or as an idea but not having a physical or concrete existence.293
7012079531implausibleunlikely; unbelievable294
7012082640fallaciousfalse; misleading295
7012082641disparityinequality; difference296
7012082642incongruousout of place297
7012084003relegateto place in a lower position; to assign, refer, turn over; to banish298
7012084004homogeneousof the same kind299
7012085021uniformitysameness; a state in which everything is exactly the same300
7012085022analogouscomparable to; like301
7012086589discrepancydifference between302
7012087807aspireseek to attain; long for304
7012087808deviseto think out, plan, figure out, invent, create305
7012087809artisana worker skilled in a craft306
7012089818executeput into effect; carry out307
7012094380extricateTo free from difficulty308
7012094381implement (v)put (a decision, plan, agreement, etc.) into effect309
7012095832document (v)record the details of something; to furnish with references, citations, etc., in support of statements made310
7012095833appeaseto make calm, soothe; to relieve, satisfy; to yield to311
7012095834compliancethe tendency to agree to do things requested by others312
7012095879resignedaccepting one's fate; unresisting; patiently submissive313
7012097323indiscriminatechoosing at random without careful selection314
7012098018tentativenot certain316
7012098019arbitrarydetermined by chance or impulse317
7012100357antiquatedobsolete, out of fashion, no longer usable318
7012100358archaicancient; old-fashioned319
7012100359inherentfirmly established by nature or habit320
7012101400innateinborn; natural321
7012101401derivativedeveloped or obtained from another source322
7012101402mitigateto soften; to lessen; to make less severe323
7012102845indictto accuse324
7012102846exonerateto clear of blame325
7012102847deterrentsomething that discourages or hinders326
7012104072ratifyto approve327
7012104292corroborateto confirm328
7012105791vindicateto clear from blame or suspicion329
7012105792repudiateto disown, reject, or deny the validity of330
7012110104renounceTo give up or resign something331
7012110105negateto cancel out; nullify332
7012110107discloseto reveal334
7012112744disseminateto scatter or spread widely335
7012112745disperseto scatter, spread far and wide336

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