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AP Wordlist 1

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198814308altruisticunselfishly concerned for the welfare of others, generous
198814309ambivalentundecided, having contrary feelings or attitudes; uncertain as to a course of action
198814310angularlean; sharp cornered; gaunt
198814311arrogantoverbearingly assuming; insolently proud, haughty, presumptuous
198814312aversionstrong disinclination, disliking, reluctance, loathing
198814313discernto differentiate between two or more things
198814314disdainintense dislike; to treat others with scorn or contempt; to reject as unworthy
198814315disparageto degrade, to speak of someone or something in a derogatory manner; belittle
198814316disparityinequality, the condition of being unequal in age, rank, or degree
198814317embellishto decorate, to adorn, to garnish
198814318engenderto cause, to produce, to create
198814319innocuousharmless, producing no injury
198814320insipidboring and stupid, inane
198814321lamentto mourn or to express sorrow
198814322laudto praise, to extol or revere
198814323obscurevague; difficult to see, ambiguous
198814324ostentatiousshowy, pompous, pretentious
198814325prodigalwasteful, a person given to extravagance
198814326repudiateto reject, to disown, to disavow
198814327reticencereluctance to speak, restraint in speech
198814328revereto honor, to regard with respect
198814329serenecalm, placid, tranquil
198814330subtlenot obvious
198814331superfluousbeyond what is needed or required
198814332taciturnquiet, not verbose, reserved

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